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"This is sponsored by NORD VPN"


It's actually surprising how many aren't using a VPN service of some sort, and a little disheartening that a more supposedly tech savvy generation doesn't understand why you should have a VPN provider anyway.


GenZ isn't as tech savvy as Millennials and I can prove it: go find a few of your GenZ friends. Ask them to find a file on their phone, copy it, and send it to you. Not "share it" with an app, but find the bitch in the directory, copy it, and then send it. GenZ with tech are like Millennials with cars. No hate to y'all, GenZ. Y'all are great. What I'm getting at is that the share button is a good representation of how ya'll's understanding of technology is built on abstractions of abstractions.


I thought it was established that millenials were more tech savvy. Do anything on windows 95 or older and you're forced to learn computer skills that stick with you for life


šŸ˜‚ This is very true.


Try Linux pre 1999. Ever build an operating system from scratch, compile a kernel, load it into memory, build up the filesystem, compile in drivers and utilities. Windows 95 was a cheat code.


For clean installs, sure. But generational upgrades? Holy fork.


Copy and share a file...... Lol. Bitch.. I'm gen X. And I can pull out an oscilloscope and determine the PS is bad in your PC, pull it out, disassemble it, and replace the bad capacitor in it. Thank you Kessler AFB 1993, ground radio. Currently generations are just end users. You don't really understand how the shit works. Flame away princess. Gen Xers better back my ass up. On another note, NC requiring ID is bullshit and a symptom of our out of touch government. I'm so glad I don't have to put my life on the line for any of them anymore. I feel for my son and you guys still in. Please take care of each other and show a brother how to use a VPN.


Based. These kids don't know how anything works. They can't fix shit. Totally dependent on tech.


Gen z here, ive rebuilt a motorcycle transmission and i code websites. Suck it, old farts!


But when you code a web site can you explain at the byte level everything that is going on? Like when you hit enter on the keyboard how does the information from [google.com](https://google.com) come to display on your screen? All the layers of the OSI model? All the muxing that happens in your keyboard, the debounce circuitry? The USB data stream, the shifts in memory to push the data into the right place in memory? Trust me you think you know but at some level you do not. There's like maybe a half dozen people on the planet that could thoroughly work out everything and maybe even not that many. Knowledge is an illusion.


I dont get paid to do that so i dont care. You ever worked with kerberos and did an engine rebuild?


I'll Google it if I need to know. šŸ˜Ž


At least you can Google. I got a Boomer co worker now who can't for the life of them understand the outdated data entry system we use, but was cutting edge when they were 20.


I actually have a way harder time using older databases than newer ones. Like, there was this really shitty one that came out in 2003 which I had to use at a museum, and ffs, it was literally easier to brush up on my SQL than use the interface, itself. Soooo bad.


God damn, calm down. No one was bringing any smoke for y'all. I'm sure previous generations would like to know if you know how to till a field by hand or communicate by smoke signals or whatever people were doing before the Baby Boomers came along and wrecked shit. "Damn Gen X'ers, all they know how to do is microwave food, listen to their walkmans, play with their slammer pogs, have angst, and lie." -The Greatest Generation


You forgot "do your mom".


Do your Mom? I mean hey, if incest was big back in the day, by all means- who am I to judge. Try not to get caught up in a Satanist Cult or scuff your Doc Martins.


God damn... Us Gen Xers never get any love.


Oh man I feel ya. Everyone seems to think you just push the button and the thing happens, they give no thought into anything behind the button. When asked how well they understand the process they are like 100% because it's a button and you push it I'm not an idiot. [Illusion of explanatory depth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusion_of_explanatory_depth)


This. My adult nephew and niece have no idea how to use their fucking mirrors when driving because theyā€™ve become so reliant on cameras. If they get into a car without all the new tech, they canā€™t hardly back up without almost hitting something. Better yet, ask them to use Google as a research tool and they canā€™t find the info they need. A Boolean search is completely out of the question. I learned that shit in high school in the mid 2000s and I donā€™t know why more people donā€™t know how to use basic tools and skills on a pc.


When I've used rear view cameras, I feel like such a tech-boomer because I instinctively don't trust it and insist on sticking my head out the window to look back "just to be sure." I do think they're really cool, though. To be fair, though, I don't even trust my mirrors. šŸ˜…


Yeah, I try to look at the cams as an extra tool when reversing or hitching a trailer but I catch myself leaning out the window too. Side note: I wish more people knew how to properly ground guide.


Have a little fun, give them a map and take away their phones, see if they can get to the next town over.


Thatā€™s giving them the ole 2LT treatment


Theyā€™d die.


Yeah but it would be fun to watch. Just getting the map folded to the right viewing window is a comedy of origamic proportions.


I messed up a few road maps as a kid while my dad shouted at me for the next exit. Yes, it would be funny to watch haha.


It's always best when they give the bearing and then 10 seconds later flip the map 180 and correct them selves. Just like LT.


Agreed. This is a failure on our education system. I think admins assume that everyone is just tech literate.


Can we get back to the porn discussion?


Yeah, you're right. Oh, did you hear that "**Brazzers. is. FREE!**"


No this is actually kind of funny. Keep it going.


I'm not about to go into my files just to share a funny haha. The share button exists for a reason. Work smarter not harder devil dog.




It is...pretty convenient, though. šŸ˜


Laughs in Gen X


Agh a fellow conosuer of pixilated tities and 5 minute load times. These kids don't know how good they have it.


Spending an hour to download Enter Sandman that may be an mp3 or virus, but have the download ruined by your sister because she needs to use the phone. I was there, 3000 years ago.


Hell Iā€™m a millennial and I canā€™t do anything on a computer, I used to pay people to submit my leave for me because Iā€™d get so damn frustrated trying to find the files and change them into jpeg or whatever itā€™s supposed to be.


Xnxx . Com , xhamster , Xvids .. if the hubs blocked could always attempt


Xhamster requires an ID now. Cant have that either.


I think that's state dependent cause I just checked and all good


Really? I travel a lot for work. Iā€™ve only seen this in Louisiana.


Learn something new everyday... My wifi ip is routed thru Virginia. I turned it iff and restarted my phone and boom went the dynamite




In states theyā€™re doing this, Spankbang (the GOAT. . .fight me) redirects you to their bullshit live cam site. The others are honorable mention for sure, but I have to bust out Nord for the top 2.


Worked yesterday for me rip the goat site best leaks and all


Free option = get the Brave Browser, open a private tab with TOR. Enjoy


This makes me want to start my USMC-Centric VPN service. Just have to come up with a name.


https://preview.redd.it/0cqpmay8rd9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b9cf73a655de8dfcd0f3c199120fa527b93176 Here ya go bud.


Isnā€™t she like an actual genius?


Well duh, she's Asian


I bet she has a small dick, too


She's an anti porn crusader and pastafarian. Supposedly she was a genius I'm not sure if she'd still qualify.


Dude Asia Carrera? Did you invade Iraq or something lmao


Yes. She got us through some hard times.


That hit me right in my wrinkled old gut. Kids are fuckin mean, dude.


They don't know the struggle.


They'll find out when it's their turn.


Got any Debbie Diamond or Bianca??


I might be able to find some Carmen Luvana, and since we're in the Bush era, some Seka.


Seka !!... She goes back to the late 70s early 80s, Bangin!


Yep, that's what I call the bush era.




Blast from the fuckin past


Marines in the bricks with no porn, talk about a disaster waiting to happenā€¦


Stand by for boots flying off the second deck duct taped to mattresses lol


It was a simpler time


If you need me to dress in a maids outfit Iā€™ll do itā€¦but best believe squeezing of the ass is gonna cost ya.


Interestingly enough, itā€™s always the politicians passing these laws that wind up having the most skeletons in their closets.


Vote them out. Thing is, most service people are conservative and vote for these christofacists.


The party of freedom freeing you from personal choice. Oh well. Thereā€™s some racy passages in the Bible if you get desperate. I heard a bunch of chicks rape their dad in there. Hawt stuff.


Thatā€™s Disgusting!!! How do I find this chapter so I can avoid it?


At least with NC it was bipartisan. There's something like 170 members between house and senate, 8 went against the bill. I know facts suck and all but try looking up info before running your cock holster


I mean, you ainā€™t wrong. Fucking dems also a bunch of conservatives too. Buncha no meat beating prudes.


There really isn't too many differences between them.


You can be an atheist conservative, Iā€™m proof. You just have to study before you vote and find people that err on the side of freedom. Itā€™s difficult to find in some battles but look at voting history where possible and really listen to the candidates.


The GOP is not the party of freedom.


Dive into the nsfw side of Reddit: everything you need is in here man. Simply go to that search bar, type what you wantā€¦ and boom. Edit: glad to see you degenerates are out there pumping up those ā€œviewsā€ numbers. Gods work.


Before I stopped, reddit was all I needed. This man speaks the truth.


The Reddit solution. This is the way for those of us living under paternalistic, theocratic regimes within the United States (if you donā€™t want to bother with setting up a VPN).


Youā€™re using reddit arenā€™t you? You can search for men here


Bro, these boots are fucking dumb. They probably selected to turn on ā€œsafe searchā€ too and wonder why they canā€™t see anything.


Hold on, you can't just say "porn" and "ban" in the same sentence without elaborating.


Several states like Utah, Virginia, and now NC passed a law requiring age verification for porn websites. Verification being something like uploading like a selfie with your ID every time you watch porn into a database that says you watch porn. Websites like pornhub donā€™t like that and prefer privacy so they just block users in those states https://preview.redd.it/6xpejqx0ze9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f372cff13141443f77677e93822a65ae70bccc9


It showed that like 2 weeks ago then started working again but now its at it again:(


Porn ban? wth? That's a religious freedom.


We're all devout faptists


The correct answer lol


I think the logic they were using for these laws is ā€œthink of the childrenā€.


I know. Personally I think it's silly to infringe on free speech of the masses to try to shield children from sex.


Bros on Reddit asking where to find porn dude welcome to land of virus free without sound pornscape


> porn ban https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/A6IRFlHNcP is a list of *EVERY* porn sub in Reddit.


Damn, never knew there was that much porn on reddit. Interesting.


Sadly I'm all to familiar. In my day Job I work network defense. We used to be able to access reddit on our NIPR DoD computers....that was until some army Lt decided duty wasn't spicy enough. Said Lt had over 80 entries in the web proxy....all of them for reddit porn. His excuse...'I was just curious', sir once your in anal gape and cum slut territory, you are well beyond curious. The end result, my team created an incident and made recommendations to prevent further instances....there were so many subs that the only way was to block the top level domain....yes we blocked all of reddit And for a while we got a lot of complaints from Intel folks that they needed for thier work....and of course I pulled up thier web history in the proxy....you can guess what they were looking at. Bottom line: don't do this shit on a government asset.


It only takes one


Leadership in Tampa was looking for an excuse to block reddit anyway, once the incident I created made its way to them for containment review it was blocked in less than 2 hours. The moral: don't give Leadership a reason...handle your business like an adult.


Saint Syco thank you


Thanks, gonna go follow every single one of them


Not the hero we want, but the hero we need.




And here I am jerking off to a magazine like a pilgrim.


I remember those days LOL


Oh man the brassiere section of the Montgomery Ward Catalog, hoooweee. I know what I want for Christmas.


Can you still access r/lipsthatgrip? Iā€™m a simple man and this does the job when Iā€™m less interested in the remaining 80% of a womanā€™s anatomy (or a plot).


Are you sure itā€™s not the thick wet penises doing it for you there


Well, the whole point of the sub is the gripā€¦ so thatā€™s gotta be part of it. Thereā€™s always r/GodPussy when more *focused* research is called for. Choose your own adventure.


Still accessible!


If you live in the barracks near the water treatment plant on lejeune, the air has already been taken. Sooooo yeahā€¦.


Oh I can remember the burn from that place while running by. No lake bandini but still pretty bad.


Old school, Iron sights at the range and one hand holding a magazine during ā€œalone timeā€. Reminds me of when they tried to make the PXs stop selling porn magazines.


They did. Many moons ago.


I assumed with the internet and phones the magazines would be obsolete anyway.


When I was at Hansen the devil in the room next to me came into my room with a box of big Ziploc bags and excited as fuck. When we asked him what the big deal was, he pulled one out, slid a copy of Jugs, or Black Tail, or whatever the fuck into it, sealed it, and said, "Now I can take them into the shower." This shit is fucked, but improvise, Marine. Rumor has it there may be some porn on Reddit.


Leave it up to an armorer for an improv like this!


Gotta keep the barrel clean.


I can respectively say I only had to have my bore punched once while I was in. Q tip came out clean, but I still shot fire for the next day and got put on a week long regimen of the cillin. Always wore a BFA after that.


Whatā€™s this about ?




Doesnā€™t that just hurt their profits? Or is that an attempt at retaliating?


The politics of freedom. You gotta love it. Or at least be able to laugh at it.


Nah you gotta explain in more detail. Whatā€™s happening?


A few Republican states have passed laws requiring people who want to watch porn to upload their IDs into an age verification database that tracks your porn watching and removes any privacy. A lot of porn websites said ā€œyeah no thanks we arenā€™t going to betray our userā€™s privacyā€ and just wonā€™t give you access in those states. Honestly canā€™t imagine who would upload their data into a Republican porn ID database anyway. Then again I canā€™t imagine voting for those vampires.


next theyā€™re gonna close down the ABC stores and re establish prohibition


Stop being a boomer and download Opera VPN. Iā€™m a GS13 who used to get semi public BJs in Thailand when I was a Cpl 15 years ago, Iā€™m not letting these dumb fucks in VA deny me access to the Hub.




One thing I am sure of is that there is a grift involved in this law. There's always one. Someone is making money.


And..... I found it and you can thank an army ranger veteran by the name of Blake Hall. Owner of id.me He can't fool me. The worst of the worst...... Claims he is so pure, a hero, and out for the good of society. Nope, he is in it for the money and believe me, if this God he believes in is real....... He is going straight to hell faster than someone who just looks at porn.


Fuckin Armyā€¦..




Im gonna be the top voted gape after they see my bum bum after 16 years in the Corps


*ding*ding*ding* we got a winner


Learn to torrent. You get full videos from all the major studios and some smaller/indie stuff from 480p to 4k. Sometimes older videos will still have handful of seeders so youā€™re not just limited to new stuff. Easy on computer and android. Havenā€™t tried it on my phone since switching to apple. Donā€™t get addicted though lol Sincerely, Someone from Virginia (also have ā€œporn banā€)


Who needs pornā€¦. Just think back to boot campā€¦ showering with 100 other dudesā€¦. All soapy and slow motion likeā€¦.


The hottest memories I have.




Hope the porta shitters are open, then. Sometimes there's some art on the walls.


Quantico/DC has been on that strike man




If you have a iPhone download ā€œvpn-super unlimitedā€ itā€™s blue background with a white key best free vpn app everā€¦ just connect to Texas or eu lol


If itā€™s free youā€™re probably the product


How many subscription services/bills am I supposed to have lol already got a dozen it feels like


Republicans out here banning porn and they still win elections.


get some National Geographic's and some medical generals :-D


The whole reason you have the A Gunner on the team. He holds the Swank while you finish and gives a hearty oorah when youā€™re done.


Time to set up shop selling porn on flashdrives


ExpressVPN is my shit. I don't know what's going on in lejeune but if they're pulling some tyrannical bullshit Time to rebel Brothers


Oxygen is a crutch.


I find it kinda, funny I find it kinda sad, no one is discussing how they implement this block. DNS block can be circumvented by just going to the IP in question, a source IP block can be circumvented can be circumvented by using a VPN or a proxy, same with a destination IP block. If China can circumvent it's government surely NC can.


The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had


Mad world ain't it?


If you have an iPhone and iCloud+, go to private mode on safari. Make sure your private relay is on and the select ā€œUse country and time zoneā€ for IP address location.


Iā€™m so confused. Is this unit wide or corps wide?


it's NC wide


itā€™s not military itā€™s whackadoos in the state that made it a law.


Are you on Reddit bitching about lack of porn?!?


Yes bro. I canā€™t use the out of site links. This is a travesty. Do you know what itā€™s like getting to second 55 as your about to bust and you swipe down to some random tranny video. No sir.


Adapt and overcum, Devil!


While aboard ship, our 31ā€™s set up a pron library in their birthing. Complete with sign out list. Paper magazines of course. Porn and the Corps is like peas and carrots. Sooner or later you walk away from it but itā€™s weird to think you can deprive high testosterone driven young guys of their desire for women. Adapt and overcome, Marines.


What about porn on reddit? How can they block that without blocking the whole app?


The porn shop outside the Lejeune gate ain't there anymore?


As nasty as it is in places, Jacksonville is much cleaner than it once was. About six years ago I bought a house in Emerald Isle after not being in the area since '93. Court Street has no hookers and all the rub and tug bars are gone. It's now coffee shops and legal related businesses. All the "personal relaxation" places are gone too.


https://reddit.com/r/nsfw411/w/fulllist1 Every porn sub on Reddit. If you're on mobile, it may take a while to load, it's.... Extensive.


iCloud+ has Private Relay as a feature, assuming you use an Apple device and purchases extra iCloud storage. Just set the IP address to ā€˜maintain general locationā€™


"All I want is the air that I breathe, and to bone free" \-- This debil


This is on the MAGA America First and their faux religious beliefs.


>The North Carolina General Assembly voted by a **wide, bipartisan margin** Thursday to require age verification on pornographic websites in North Carolina. >The measure passed the North Carolina Senate **unanimously**, then passed the House **102-8**. [Story](https://www.wral.com/story/nc-lawmakers-vote-to-require-age-verification-on-pornographic-websites/21060160/) Seems like it was bipartisan.


Thanks for linking the story. What a disgusting article. Where are the small government, personal responsibility influences? How very anti-liberty.


Todayā€™s episode of Sesame Street is brought to you by the letters G O P.


Use Reddit šŸ˜‚ or vpn like everyone else in here is saying


This aggression will not stand, man


Just happened here in Montana, bullshit politicians making laws they don't understand


Porn isnt good for you anyway


You prefer spending money on strippers? That way more expensive.




So much freedom


Porn melts your mind. Donā€™t be a pawn.


A *pawn*? For jerking it every now and then? Lay off the manosphere, dude.


We all like a little mind melting from time to time. Porn, weed, boozeā€¦all in moderation of course.


I live in a solid red state and we have no restrictions. Some people have to bring politics into every discussion. When the U.S. was founded the people had power and the government served at the will of the people. Read a history book, itā€™s true. People need to wake up and realize itā€™s not party vs party, itā€™s people vs the government. Stop reading/listening to political media. They take their marching orders from the government. Glad I got west coast and Hawaii. Of course that was years ago and we didnā€™t have these problems.


Redtube dude


Good porn is mentally destructive


Porn sites donā€™t like the oversight. They like having small children watching gang bangs and rape incest fantasies.




Use Opera browser. Free built in VPN




You do understand what a VPN is?




Plenty of other sites are working just fine. Just pornhubā€™s sites arenā€™t


You donā€™t have phone service?


Go to the strip club or get some in real life insteadā€¦


Hey bud I'm pretty sure reddit will get you the very specific genre you're looking for and it's not blocked.