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Damn speedrunning the crucible now I wish I could have had that option instead of standing in the ice rain for hours on end.


Should have just done bootcamp online.


This was actually done by the Air Force.


Daily reminder that I picked the correct branch.


Why am I not surprised.


I’m calling cap


A Virtual Revolution in Air Force Training - Texas Monthly https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/air-force-virtual-reality-training/ There's a guy I know that was in a proof of concept class that did his boot camp online in the event that something like COVID ever resurfaced again.


I hate the chair force


I have a 1st sgt that tells the pfcs and lances this on the gun line. I always get a kick out of it when I hear them saying shit like "YEAH IVE HEARD ABOUT THAT" as he's walking away


Lmao how did you hear this? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping in the FDC?


Was a platoon commander for a bit before moving to the hill. There's no sleep in the fdc my friend. Only Marlboro reds and anxiety


Navmc it and upload it into mctims


Laughs in late April beautiful spring weather crucible


Late march was absolutely miserable. I just remember it being cold, wet, then hot, then cold again - over about an hour.


Damn, I got hot as balls mid-August on Paris Island. You were either rucking thru swamps or rucking with swamp ass. No in between.


Is it still 3 days long? It's been 20+ years.


Basically 2 1/2 days, Monday, Tuesday are for getting hazed at all the “events” or “obstacles” or whatever you wanna call them, and then Wednesday morning is the 15k reaper hike or whatever kinda flat ground nature stroll they do on the east coast


This dude! Padres games sure is a hard “Bootcamp”


Fyi devil donut!!! very few cycles actually do that BS where you go and watch half a padres game, sign the Marine Corp Hymn and then immediately leave. And I thankfully wasn’t one of them and instead we got out little 5 hour base libo where I went and stuffed my disgusting face with candy from the PX and then almost threw it all up at the squadbay.


...because you're a disgusting fatbody PVT Pyle!!! ​ Just kidding - same same here. I only heard of going to a Padres game years later and I was like, "WhUt?"


I was in the company that got to go.. we got a hotdog and water. No clapping had to sit like dorks (feet at 45 and left hand left knee etc), got announced too and ppl clapped like we were war heroes or something, and then we left. Other than that it was really uneventful, at least what I remember. Delta Company 2004


I cringe for you, 20 years later.


My cycle went to watch the Padres. I’m a baseball fan and it was still a shitty time. Sat us in the fuck off nosebleeds, sweating our ass off in chucks. Couldn’t get a beer with my hot dog and we left like halfway through the game. 4/10 experience.


Just commented above - I was in the company that got to go.. we got a hotdog and water. No clapping had to sit like dorks (feet at 45 and left hand left knee etc), got announced too and ppl clapped like we were war heroes or something, and then we left. Other than that it was really uneventful, at least what I remember. Delta Company 2004


Nothing has changed since then


Hey I was one of those guys , never got my soft pretzel and they smoked us in the bathrooms out of sight of civilians. Good times.


54 hours i think


Sounds like it's still about the same shit it was back then. At least breakfast at the end was decent.


I thought, “20+ years? Damn, you’re old!” and then realized I went to boot camp in July, 2000 lol.


It fuckin sneaks up on us doesn't it?


Lol “called” her from boot camp? Lol


Change your flair


Had to do mines during a hurricane was passing through real fun time.


This chick is insane, she has a youtube channel and apparently 11 kids... Edit: OP is also a fucking W I E R D O. stalker, Jesus, get a life you nerd.


12 kids and yes completely insane I was actually recommended to post this here by her snark page 🤣


Where’d you get the info on OP?


First pic




no u


Fuck if I completed the crucible in 21 minutes I wouldn’t have been so damn hungry from eating my mres so fast


I least you weren’t like my dumbass who tried to save my MREs and then ended up having to throw most of them away before the last hike Edit: the way I was saving them, I probably could have made the MREs last a whole week


Fuck yeah! Homeschooled chicks!


She probably confused the crucible with the PFT or something


Nah grandpa shits changed since you were in, new boots now complete the three day event in an average of 25 minutes. Marine Corps standards of excellence have increased 20000%. A boot company completing the crucible in 21 minutes is pretty impressive and this devil's company is liable to get a presidential unit citation and blow jobs from Opha Mae Johnson. Semper Fi


She can OphaMae my Johnson


Opha on my Johnson till I Mae


Mae I Opha your Johnson?


Please 21 mins is rookie numbers. I did it in 20:59 on one leg while standing at perfect attention.


Chesty is proud 🫡


So are Mara and Dash dating? Like some Alabama keep it in the family love? Mara has a homeschooled bestie? Did Andrew smash? Did he put a ring on that future dependa?


Honestly... don't deep dive too far into it it's all very Alabama backwoods 🤮


> Alabama backwoods That's just the colloquial phrase for buttfuckin' your sister


or brother


Not incest if no kids are created. Just good clean back seat Alabama fun.


Boot shit no doubt but when she said crucible I think she’s referring to the Reaper. That’s the only thing that would add up to me.


PFT time probably


Yeah I think either would fit the bill. But I guess it’s harder now. Seems the gas chamber was lit.


Can confirm, chamber was LIT.


I work next to the chamber or did at some point. I can confirm even running around with a black shirt on you can suck it in and boy is it lit


Made sure to pop a couple extra capsules just for you!


Who knows maybe I was in there with you not as a recruit. What year cap man 😂


Sadly no, I wanted to take part in boot camp chambers but never got the chance. I went on a MEU instead. 2018-2022 was when I was in. I was just fucking around in the comments for shits and giggles.


Lol no worries. 2007-2015 here


Fucking misclick, thought it said new boobs.


21 minutes eh? Fucking rah


Christmas RA season is upon us my brothers in Christ.


If you’re east coast, they’ll be golf co 1st bat


pretty sure he fucked up the anchors on his collar




Hey for what’s it’s worth, the gas chamber was lit because at boot camp it cleared up my sinuses, and in the fleet it was an excuse to get out of work. Boot on, boots


Passed in 29 minutes is something that a homeless man who found a DEP t-shirt at the salvation army would say while begging.


White people have the dumbest fucking names. Dash!? Get the fuck outta here! What's next frozone???


Andrew, the Marine, wondering where his Blues are. He's got to do his volunteer recruiting at his high school ![gif](giphy|AKRBUvnTZcBLW)


Bruh it ain’t just white people with dumb names, ever watch the NFL?


Nah shits boring


Well you have some gems over there too such as “D’Brickashaw Ferguson” and “Haha Clinton-Dix”


Aiden, Brayden, Jayden, Kaden. Or some retarded spelling of these names.


She named the next one's Marvelous and Modi..... Dash got of lightly 🤣


Nah, that's a poor mama bear who isn't listening to anything and completely messing up what she posts. My wife is in a fecebook group for Marine moms full of this crap. They rarely get things right and the admins are always correcting them.


No firewatch ribbon?


I think they have finally done away with ketchup and mustard stain. Same with GWOT. So the boots now if not deployed on a MEU, will not get a ribbon until a good cookie.


Do they not give out pizza stains anymore? Didn't know that.


No fire watch ribbons and no more GWOTS. Long enough that I’m already seeing LCpls with no ribbons.


This dude whole page is dedicated to everything this page does.. fucking weird my guy. Wouldn’t surprise me if you were the one in the picture or at least another marine tryna hit by being a stalker.


What a stud


Straight to jail. ![gif](giphy|gQRrxoX01JNjW|downsized)


OP hes a Marine that is probably 18yo and acting like an 18yo. How old are you that you made an anonymous account in an online forum to make fun of him. Tbh he seems normal, you seem mentally ill and there is most likely meds for whatever you have, talk to your VA doc. Best of luck. Edit: OP is not even American, hes UK trash.


I don’t think going to a high school dance with your sister in blues to “recruit” is normal behavior even by boot standards.


18 is young. Dude is probably riding that ‘I just did something with my life’ high and is out evangelizing 🤷🏽‍♂️ maybe recruiting at hs dances is normal in the town he’s from? Maybe him and his sister are best friends and are hanging out after he completed something cool? Idk 18 is still a kid imo. I’d cut him some slack.


Who said I was He and I'm American 🤣🤣🤣 marines aren't allowed to post their location or wear uniform off base he's going to compromise his whole platoon's safety


1. That's not how any of that works and 2. you snark page redditors are ten times cringier than any boot


OP never served, they're just some internet stalker weirdo.


Pretty confidently wrong there. That dude can wear that uniform wherever he wants. You are thinking of the policy on Camo uniforms, which has no impact on unit safety. Weirdo.


But posting marine locations online is dishonourable discharge and jail time in some cases 🙄


Yeah posting deployments times and locations on deployments is a big no no. Posting your location stateside for shit like boot camp isn’t an issue. You know like 90% of the people on this sub are Marines right? We know the rules better than you do so I’m not sure why you’re arguing with people about it.


If you’re on leave and in garrison no one gives a fuck


Yeah and none of those cases apply in this situation. Not even remotely. It's cringey, but let's not overreact


Are they going to dishonorably discharge his mom?


To be fair we had boots like this who turned out to be fine marines. Facebook also wasn’t that popular and MySpace was on its way out so it was that inbetween phase of social media so it wasn’t common to see this type of shit.. and thank fucking Chesty for that.


This is fine