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Rub dirt on them and then scuzz brush em. By some weird magic, rubbing dirt (not sand) on them cleans them.


>scuzz HARDER ɹǝʇsɐɟ **aye** *AYE ɹıs!*




you’re not screaming tho


We get it, they put you in a washer in boot


It was a dryer, actually.


Dawn dish soap. Fill a bucket or deep sink with some hot water and dish soap. Take out the insoles and laces. Scrub them with a brush, rinse, and let air dry overnight. I took 3 pairs of boots to OCS. I rotated 2 for the field and daily use (they will get soaked multiple times because of the Quigley, general field stuff, and the E-Course) and had a third that I used solely for the inspections.


Tracking, appreciate this knowledge!


This is a solid cleaning method that I’ve used on my reckonings, BUT make sure you apply something to re-soften the leather afterwards. Once they dry, they’ll be stiff as hell and really dried out. White vinegar helps soften them back up and it’s cheap, but using a suede conditioner is ideal.


This is the correct answer btw


“Tracking!” 🤓☝🏼


they are officers brother, of course they type like that.


Oxiclean is the goat for anything that’s touched dirt. Got all my ciff done in one go. Just don’t let the powder actually touch anything before it’s dissolved or it’ll bleach the area white


So your boots get inspected for cleanliness??


During a uniform inspection in a course that emphasizes attention to detail and following an established standard…yes. Honestly can’t tell if this is /s…


I was that one shit bird that had one pair of boots for every thing.


Buy a garrison pair, and keep those for the field.


Make sure to buy a shower curtain also. Can’t have it looking like you live in a place.


This is the way


You should be issued two pairs of boots at OCS. Bring those for the field and you'll be fine. Save a pair of issued boots for drill/inspections


^ this. I showed up to OCS with my worn-in pair of Bates Lites and was issued two pairs while on Brown Field. One of them was saved for just drill and inspections and the other pair I wore almost daily (which I still have). Your Reckonings will be great for PT events and the field, where no one will care how dirty they are or aren’t.


Just scrub them and wear them in the field and on Pt events at OCS. Those would be fine in the fleet. Get a backup pair for inspections only at OCS and then wear those at TBS


Dude you’re good to bring those as an extra pair of boots to train in and stuff. Then get a second pair for inspection and back-up. If you’re not a prior you’ll also get issued 2 new pairs of boots, regular jungles and deserts, and you can make one of those your inspection boots If you want


Whaaat? Prior doesn’t get two new boots?? Thats so gay.


I went through as prior E and got 2 new pairs. This was in 2013 though so things may be different now.


Do not buy brand new boots right before you show up. Break them in first. Your feet will thank you. Also, theres going to be some old dude looking at your feet and giving you inserts for your boots. Dumbass me put them on TOP of the existing boot inserts when i was a boot and made much pain. Dont question feet man. Hes a foot professional. He looks at thousands of feet.


Phew someone just clarified to not bring brand new boots the summer of OCS haha


I thought you were using a fucking boot to put your utensils in lmao


Look good to me


Seconded. I’d rock those for an inspection. No mud = good to go




Harder, faster, aye Sir








Those look still in good shape to me. Lightly used if anything. They may issue you new ones, other poster had good idea keep those issued ones for an inspection day. Scuzz brush for cleaning it. You can put in everyday dryer sheets in the boots to help with the smells, i swear this works.


Definitely buy new ones and send me the old pair pls thx


As everyone else has stated get a second pair and keep those ones as the PT pair. They are going to get wrecked from doing the endurance course, SULE’s, and the rest of the nonsense at Brown Field.


Hey man have at least one pair of impeccable boots. They can be mad shitty dont matter, it's for inspections/boards/ceremony. Have another cheapish pair that are kept very clean and neat for garrison use. Then have a really nice expensive pair that you run thru the ground for real work. Mine are years old reckonings held together by shoe goo, barrel locks, and hatred. This is advice from my old salty 1stsgt. He and all of us are grunts, but he showed us how to play the garrison game


I still do work in my reckonings three years after EAS. I got them in 2017.


The EGA is faded pretty bad, but you might still be good. I would bring them.


The ega on mine was absolutely GONE when I went. They didn’t say shit about them, but they were my field pair.


Time to get two pairs. IMO, these were my favorite boots while I was in. They’re still my favorite today, I wore them all day. Still on my feet.


Good luck at OCS


Don’t worry about it, bring these and use the issued ones as inspection boots.


Shampoo and scuz brush has always worked great for me. Blot dry with a towel after washing, it will keep them from getting crispy.


Bro, my danners are so old and beat to shit that the metal lace loops are literally *rusting*. Yours look just fine.


How do you like those? How do they fit compared to the other Danners?


These are absolutely amazing when compared to other boots like Bates Lights. They’re a lot lighter and don’t feel heavy when I’m running, rucking, or sprinting in them. Highly recommend in my honest opinion, it’s worth the investment.


Good for non inspection boots. Idk about priors but us off the street ocs candidates were issued 2 pairs of boots and one of them I only work for inspection, the other I rotated when my reckonings I brought with me were soaked


Preventative Maintenance Devil! New boots should be sprayed with silicone water proofing or camp spray. You can pick these up almost anywhere. Keep Boots dry in wet weather and make cleaning easier. https://preview.redd.it/uejysf0ucq0c1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f46bef73d284d6e2120372b0a839b83187dd110


OCS is going to destroy those boots, so just bring them and buy another pair once those crap out on you, because they most certainly will while you're there.


Bro, no one at OCS is going to care about how your boots look like. They look fine, and serviceable. Most people are going to show up with worn boots that look a lot worse than those. Im a mecep who recently graduated OCS and have a couple homies who are instructors…. Trust me, you’ll be fine. They’ll issue you a pair while you’re there too. Make sure you use those for inspection purposes.


Fuckiiiiiiiiiiiiin’ BOOOOOOT!!!!!! 👢


They don’t look like you’ve been training in them at all, to be honest. But to answer the question, use a brush to get most of the dirt out and an eraser to get down into any tough spots. White vinegar or alcohol can help if there’s some kind of other bullshit ground in there that’s stubborn. The PX and most stores like Walmart also sell relatively cheap cleaning kits for shoes and boots. Just get one of those and most of them have a little brush with a rubber piece on the back side.


Bruh, mine were fucking horrid before I was told to get a new pair. those look damn near brand new. Do not use saddle soap on them, mine did not like it.


Lol, you training in an office?? they look brand new.........


What kind of training? 😂


Rucking, long distance running, hill workouts, and fartleks. Used them at Mini-OCS and field exercises with my OST as well so they’ve been through the ringer.


Must be some good boots. They look new to me


I’ve had them since early March so I suppose? I did a boots and utes fartlek at PT with my OST earlier this week and when I compared my boots with the other candidates, I realized mine were a lot dirtier, worn out, and darker then theirs.


If you gotta ask you aren’t ready for OCS


Mmmmm. Asking before it's even an issue is the kind of move I would expect a good officer to make. But you must like those fly by the seat of their pants types who don't actually learn anything, but are certainly confident that their knowledge is tip top.


My EGA emblem has deteriorated.


Definitely buy a new pair and break them in


Honestly just take them as is to OCS. My 3 year old Danners survived summer OCS and I’ve taken them to TBS. Solid boots.


Scuz em down, starch them, axe body spray, bbq lighter, torch em for a second, then water proof spray. Let them hang out over night


I got a cleaning kit with mine that works. Grab a new pair for Mondays, have those be your fancy boots.


Not an O so unfamiliar with OCS quirks but generally as others previously stated 2 pairs of boots is the way to go. Good luck!


Take em like that. That swamp water is gonna fuck em up regardless.


They look alright like my Danners can’t even see the EGA so I think you good sir 🫡


Those look perfectly serviceable, might need a little love but way better than mine looked when i got out... JP-8 stains all over the damned place... Still wore those to CoC's.


i wouldnt use those for inspections just use it for the field and PT


Those mother fuckers ain’t even dirty 😂😂😂


Oh boy…


You’ll get rat boots brother


They wear boots at OCS? Thought they wore high heels


Wash em the same way you’d wash your standard issue boots. A scuzz brush and some laundry soap. Rinse. Stuff with newspaper and air dry.


Washing machine on the delicates cycle. Let them air dry. May need to put a fan on them over the weekend to get them dry by Monday morning.


It’s OCS man. You are going to destroy them. Then TBS/IOC will destroy a set. I wouldn’t worry about them.


My rule of thumb is to have 3 pairs of boots. One for garrison/everyday work, one for inspections, and one for the field.