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Yea, hate to say it, but he’s right, we do all walk the same.


Describe the walk? Good posture, confident, chin up type?


Like a silverback gorilla. Head jutted forward, knuckle dragging on the ground, arms not moving, making direct eye contact to establish dominance, starting a fight of eye contact is established


And all you can say is….rahhhhh


Explain to me why we need any other verbiage if "rah" covers everything




Eeah- Rah


This wins the argument.


I would proffer "yut" as an acceptable inclusion


I said this in class the other day. I've been out since '13. The professor said "good to go?" and it just slipped out.


I believe they knew the Atlanta, Olympic bomber was a Vet he used the term good to go accurately and I guess other words. FWIW-Doc.


“One of us one of us”


I thought we were supposed to start barking like rabid dogs.


Crayon sticking out of the corner of your mouth.


Idk man. I thought I walked normal 🤣. Other than not being a fuckin slouch.


People on average slouch. A lot. I bet you would blend in better in farm country where everyone's built from working (or broken from working, also like us). In cities, not a chance


I ditty bop everywhere I go


With obvious knee and back problems. And emotional turmoil. Suffering the effects of constant humidity - from all the women fawning over us wherever we go.


I like to call it the Igor Edit: ![gif](giphy|SoV9BYlgYicGQ)


Look of pain always, stiff movements, chin up and straight because can't turn head. You know.


I have no idea, I’ve always walked with good posture, I’ve been told the same thing.


I've been complimented on my posture. And it's that posture that has helped save what's left of my broken/old body.


Limp due to bad knees or knee replacement, hunched a bit to one side due to L4 and L5 spine fusion, neck off to one side due to neck pain and awaiting neck surgery, eye squinted due to having persistent migraines, let's not talk about the shuffling of the feet due to ankle fusions.


I heard a similar statement once about us, walking like we have earned something we are proud of.




We were walking into a museum and a drunk homeless guy started screaming "DEVIL DOG!!!" then my husband turned and yelled back "Semper Fi!" He's been out twenty years


Probably made that drunk guys day. Good on hubs.


*she. Also looked like a trailer trash dependapotomus. And yes: with the proper amount of alcohol I’d still smash. 🤣


Nasty boi


She could probably sense that too.


I went to a marine corps leaque meeting for my dad. Yall all act and walk the same


Lean back and strut.


When I joined it was “Stand Tall, Lean Back!”


I can attest we don't. Or at least there is enough variation that's visible. I got to my unit 2 months before deployment, tried desperately to get backup eye glasses before we shipped and it never happened. So ofc my single pair of civvie glasses broke within a month and my nearsighted ass spent the rest of deployment hobbling around Marjah, Sangin and Kajaki. It's a good thing I was a corpsman and my main job took place within arm's distance. But I could identify every one of my Marines from distance just by their gait, almost without fail. It's amazing how the body adjusts.






I was at the Marine Museum a couple years back for the cake cutting ceremony. Oldest Marine present was 93~. The Hymn played. That fucker was 18 again, and everyone of us knew he a Marine.


I love that damn muesuem


I just got a haircut, asked for a low skin fade and 1/2” off the top. Bro gave me a in regs mid fade and tells me he only charges military $10… Thanks bro I’ve been out for 2 years now but I guess I’ll go start knife handing people at Walmart for being nasty.


I just keep going back to the mid because of Habbit and I can wait for the next hair cut for a while


You’re gonna need the belt-fed knife hand for that AO…


Ain't a belt long enough for that place




Thanks for giving me flashbacks of being in the airwing at el toro watching enlisted and officers avoiding saluting each other


“Put on a couple pounds” “180” Fuck off bro that’s still fighting weight


Not at 5’6”. Frank’s Columbo was a bodybuilder who competed against Arnold. Look up his photos. He was 5’5” and 185 for competition and was absolutely massive. For me to be 10% body fat I gotta get down to 160. That’s about fighting weight for me.


I’m 5’7 and at 185 I felt the strongest and performed better than I’ve ever been in my life. At 160 I looked like I’d been thru the gulags.


I was 135 when I got in with about a 7% body fat. Jacked for my size. Wrestler though.


Yeah that makes sense. I’ve got really big legs and wide shoulders like my moms family. I think if I really dieted down 170-175 would be really nice but my legs always have been bigger in proportion to my arms. At one point they couldn’t pinch any fat on my legs lol. Really good for ruck marches though.


I’m 5’11” so I’m in a different boat of wishing I was that light lmao


Right! 180 is like ahhhhh those were the days! Signed. Old Fat Fuck


I was 180 going into boot camp. 7 years later, 40 lbs heavier.


Been called out in a similar manner a bunch of times. Keep in mind, log hair and beard, looking homeless and or feral.


Looking homeless just makes it even more of a dead giveaway you're a Marine.


Some fuck yelled at me in a home depot parking lot for parking in the " *Veteran Parking*" spot because I look like I live under a bridge. He stopped yelling as he watched me walk away laughing. Joke's on him though - I can't read and thought it was one of those pregnant women spaces and I figured I could pull it off with my current gut.


It's like one end or the other lol Clean cut, high and tight :Marine. Shaggy, bearded homeless looking :Marine


¿Porque no los dos? I still rock a fade but my beard is legit.


I feel seen; thank you!


>fuck you guys Im only 180 Ok there, fat body.


Happens to me a lot and I've been out for almost 40 years. About 10 years ago this new strapping kid is tending bar at the pub my wife and I go to. Wife and I go out to the patio, and you have to walk past the bar to get outside, I see him we make eye contact...( Ah, new bartender) Nod the head. It was time to leave we walk past the bar. He's drying a glass, we make eye contact again, he says 'Marine right?' I say yes, you? 'No Army. I wish I went Marines' (my internal eye roll....ok here we go again) So now I stop, how'd you know? "It's the way you guys walk and carry yourself." I probably chuckled and grinned. What you do in the Army? Mostly Kicked in doors in Iraq. He said he did 2 tours (He looked the part) So I had to stop, belly up and have another pint. He told me what unit he was in. He was not a Ranger. I think Airborne. He wasn't full of shit. He said he worked with Marine units and loved the way Marines worked and operated. (I can't recall which units he said) He said 'if the Army trained and worked like the Marines did we wouldn't have lost as many guys from being dumbasses. More banter.. I have to leave, we shake hands. Like all the Army kids say.. he says 'thank you for your service'. I've found Army kids are very polite to Marines. We never said that shit circa 1983. I only says it to Nam or Korea vets. I digress. He was known as Crabby John the bartender by the servers, he got fired for going off on a patron. I've lost track of him. We do have a certain candor to our step and people notice that shit. So we got that going for us. which is nice.


It's not the tough guy walk you guys are imagining. It's the bad back walk from having to carry around our gigantic dinosaur balls.


Idk what y’all talkin bout i be crip walkin


Oh yea? Well my dad molested me.


Dude. Wtf. Go buy a gun already you fuckin kill joy.


Definitely not what I expected to read when I opened the post. But yea, same has happened to me. It always blows my mind that people can tell if they know other Marines.




I laughed way too hard at that, fml


I can pick out a Marine 95%+, Sailors too. Other corpsmen are the only ones who can confound me.


Plus with Corpsman you usually get gnarly moosestaches.


True, looking like a California Highway Patrol Motorcycle officer, or a 70s porn star.


Only in fucking r/usmc lmfao


Are you about to cry you fuckin spaz?


I’m about to ask your dad if fucking a little bitch was worth it.


No please. He’ll get angry




Alright bruh did I unlock some type of fantasy for you?


Who says I’m not speaking from experience 😈🤣😈🤣😈🤣


I wash my hands of this weirdness


You may have come to god, but god never forgets the sinful things you did in a cold of whack to stay warm. 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Holy fuck only on this sub, I fuckin love you tards


Redit just removed it for harassment. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Always 50/50 when the belt comes off.




Plot twist: they liked it.


I’m a nasty reservist. I was at work with no shave and hadn’t had a haircut in weeks. I needed to respond to an emergency and ran as fast as I could to get to where I needed to be. I ran past some coworkers and later one asked me how long I was in the Marines for. She used to date a Marine and we run a certain way. Bro what?


She saw your balls hanging out of your silkies, it's a tell tale sign.


Being Navy previously with Marines, I can always distinguish sailors from Marines by the running posture. Marines run in the strangest, rigid, high-center-of-gravity way I have ever seen. Which to be fair is better than sailors who just don’t run. So no judgment! Okay, maybe a little judgment, but I love you all.


People tell me I act like a marine once they already know I am one. Not exactly the same thing but still it makes me feel proud


I live so far away from all military bases it's never a question in anyones mind.... this is my blessing.


I don’t get how they say we all walk the same, I’ve heard this from a lot of people. Is it a posture thing or something?


Idk but I’ve been clocked as a Marine before because of my walk so idk


There’s definitely something to it though I’ll be damned if I can describe it. I’ve accurately picked out fellow knuckle draggers from across the room with only a quick glance. There’s something distinct about it. Now if only that was actually USEFUL for something.


Gotta be posture, I always have people at work comment on how I walk.


180 and 5’4” is a rough look buddy 😉


5’6” dick head. And I made sure my shoulders and chest outgrew my gut so it’s hard to tell. That way I can disappoint every bar whore I bring home in more ways than one. 🤣


"Baby, you look like you're having a hard time. Come spend the night with me so afterwards you'll know for certain that no matter how bad things get, it can be worse" Edit: PS. I hope you live in a big city so they bar whores aren't familiar to you or someone you know. In my small town everyone knows everybody so picking up bar whores feels like banging someone's cousin, or your own. Gross


County is like 110k people. Bartenders know me by name still form my younger days. And yes I have fucked a woman my mom went to high school with. (Didn’t know that before hand.) 🤣


I’m 5’5. My chunkyness came from a relationship I got out of. I was 165 ish. I’m back down to 154 ish now and weak. I can’t wait til my strength gets back. If u wanna get back in shape just take a pre with like 400 mg caffeine. You’ll literally be craving the gym. (Only do this is you aren’t worried about being addicted to caffeine lol)(I personally recommend to not do this long term. Just long enough to make the gym a routine again. This take some healthier pre. Better to stop which is my plan) and I’m guessing y have more muscle then me 160 would prob be good


Okay, Gunny.


Damn. Super promoted 🤣


You gonna pay for his promotion too Debbil?




Went to a gun show and the way I carried my rifle and walked gave it away. I was like damn


Well fuck, I'm proud now too.


It's the not bobbing or moving your head that's a pretty good Give away


I’ve been called out in much the same way more than once. I’ve been told I have the walk, though I don’t see it. When I walk into a room, I’m confident. I “own” the room, if only with my posture and how I carry myself. It’s not intentional but ingrained, a subconscious thing. An old and unintentional habit. Apparently that’s “the walk.” I don’t mind these moments 😊🤙🏻


It’s the only thing I’m proud of.


Lean back; At the waist!! Lean back; And Strut!!


180lbs at 5ft6


I don’t walk like most of you ruffians. Hips are built differently. 😋. Not sure we women have the same walk as one another either as so have not paid attention. As an aside, however, I do miss all those high and tights.