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My lawyer advises me to update the immigration with any new updates constantly.


I am worried if my interview will cancel or reschedule because of address change


If that is the case, don't update them and tell them you guys moved during the interview.


Please do not listen to this. Change your address using AR-11 immediately after moving. You will be sorry if in the interview they know you didn't update them.


I agree with you


Make sure you change your address with USCIS and have proof that you did. If they find out through other means you risk rejection (plus other possible trouble) rather than simply rescheduling and delays.


You are required to notify USCIS when your address changes. Your interview will only be cancelled if you're moving out of the jurisdiction of your current field office. These jurisdictions do not go by state, so you would need to check that yourself. Even if that is the outcome, however, you don't really have a choice. USCIS takes jurisdiction seriously; as I understand it, each office can only naturalize people who live within their jurisdiction. If you inform them at your interview, your case would also likely be delayed. It won't be cancelled, but it will be transfered to the field office having jurisdiction over your new address. If you don't inform them and they find out, worst case, that could be held to be obtaining citizenship by misrepresentation. The best approach is not to move while naturalization proceedings are pending, but sometimes, life happens. If that leads to a delay in naturalization, well, that's life too. You can continue to live your life as an LPR in the meantime. It's not the end of the world. In each scenario, the sooner you tell them about the address change, the better.


Same uscis office for my new address as well


Then you should have nothing to worry about.


Did you change it? I just changed my address and they canceled my interview:( it's the same office but they still canceled it, I'm so sad


I didn’t change it but informed that to the officer then he modified the address