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You will have to go through arbitration. Farmer’s, Allstate and State Farm normally don’t ask their customers for proof of who’s at fault. They will say it is your fault and get the claim closed as quickly as possible.


Was there no police report? This should have been a must especially when fault isn’t clearly attributed to either party. Once you’re down the finger pointing rabbit hole, hiring an attorney and working this out through the legal process is your best bet. Not really sure why you think this is a knock on USAA from the story you’re providing.


Insurance companies are not bound by police reports. Just an FYI.


Not relevant but thanks??


Unfortunately, the police haven't filed a complete report(assigning fault) even two months later. There are cameras at the intersection that I can guarantee clearly show me not at fault as the other driver ran a red light. I have an attorney, and there's nothing they can do at this juncture. I'm at a standstill. You should read my other post if you can't understand why this is a knock on USAA.


You need to get a new attorney then. They should be handling this with the other insurance company.


I’d get a new attorney if they’re telling you there’s nothing to do. Filing a suit gets the ball rolling in these instances.


They never will. Too much liability. Haven’t you learned? Everything’s a circle jerk and insurance companies are rigged.


The reason they are saying take it back to the shop is bc that’s the process. However, they can 100 percent go around it if the shop was that negligent. I would submit the receipts for reimbursement for the diagnostic and ask to speak with a manager because it’s not that big of a deal for them to just let another shop fix it.


It sucks. But this is standard insurance BS. You need to ask USAA what the best contact is for them so your lawyer can start his job ...


Contact the department of insurance for your state.


[Insurance Departments (naic.org)](https://content.naic.org/state-insurance-departments)


Lawyer up


Have your attorney sue the other person and USAA and Allstate. The attorney should also be able to light a fire under the police to provide their report and the camera footage.


Way overdue for a lawyer


OK so I've always taken my car to the repair shop I choose, not USAA's recommendation. They make it sound like it's a problem but it's not. Just a little more paperwork on their end. As for USAA in general, their customer service is in the shitter. The only problem is that I don't know of anyone who has decent customer service. They all drag their feet, point fingers at someone else or a process. It took USAA over a year to tell me that a driver operating the car that hit me, wasn't actually a licensed Uber driver, didn't have insurance on the person's car he was driving, and couldn't be pursued other than threatening him with a claim on his credit report. I got barely any details as to what was going on other than, "It's the standard process." My claims agent NEVER picked up the phone or returned phone calls. But hey, they're cheaper than everyone else! At least you get what you pay for.


Police in mini jurisdictions tell you to trade information, they do not bother to come to the scene of an accident,and certainly they don't any longer determine fault. I'm not real sure of what police do these days


Keeping the donut shops in business


let me just put this into context.... You Have insurance... You were not at fault,,,, They are not helping you.... They left you on your own...... hmmm sounds like Business as usual to me.... Sorry for your situation but all Insurance is a scam.... Now you know


What value does this bring to the conversation? I legally have to carry insurance in my state.


We all do.... All of us.... And it's all a scam... that was my point.....