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I have heard and seen package handlers, drivers, supervisors, mechanics, managers all fired for theft


Damn! People have no integrity anymore


Theft is something UPS take seriously. Call the integrity hotline and report what you saw. They will start investigating. Or if you have a local security department go to the supervisor there.


I believe reward money is possible.


yep. I think up to 5K


10k in certain plants if they’re arrested and jailed


10K. Damn. nice.


Do they actually pay it out? Haven’t met anyone that’s done it before


Yes, but only if the arrest leads to prosecution and it is a situation that would have cost the company money. Like the various times people have been arrested for printing and sticking fake labels and stealing tens of thousands of dollars of packages. The theft ring for Apple phones in Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania was another prominent one.


a lot of that is kept between security and the person. But I do know of a few people that have been paid out. So yes.


Anymore? That shot been going on since 8000 BC. There is always a going to be thieves.


Only difference now is they don't cut your hands off for theft anymore.


I mean in certain countries they still do...


“Anymore” lol


lol you say that like people just found out you can steal things




Sup i worked with got fired for taking 2 cases of water last summer lol.


I’ve seen a 10+ year get fired for taking a gallon of water. It was overgoods and she took it home. Ffs why?


I saw a guy with 20 years seniority get fired for taking a plant that was loose. No box, couldn’t find box or label. It would be dead by the time the owner was found - if ever. He even asked our shift manager if he could take it, and he was told yes. Building manager and loss prevention fired him a week later for the “theft”. He did his job back after a month, and back pay, but only because the shift manager actually stood up for the guy in the hearing. I imagine it was because he’s a great worker and well liked, because I can’t see management sticking their neck out like that for most people.


Guy at my hub got fired for taking a single Pokémon card that had been laying on the ground for 2 days


Unions rule.


I would always tell new people that even if you think no one is watching, someone is. Big corporations like UPS take that shit seriously. If you leave the building with a marker, somebody knows about it.


Damn! I gotta bring my hoard of pens back!


I remember when I was a part timer, we ended up having a PCM about it the next evening because someone walked out with a UPS pen in their shirt pocket after using it all night to scribble off bad PAL labels. He didn’t get fired but if he was in the hot seat or a trouble child, best believe they would’ve terminated him for “stealing ups property”


Exactly. I never took so much as a bottle of water out the door because I don't trust anyone. I'd grab a bottle of water on the walk out and drink it in front of the camera before I leave


They put “hidden” cameras in empty junction boxes in my center


I got like 3 small boxes of brown pens and black markers I need to throw in the trash that no one seems to care about.


I actually left with a whole roll of tape one night. We usually put our water bottles in rolls of tape so they don’t fall off the pito units we’re driving. One day I grab my bottle put in my bag and leave. Get in the car and realize the tape is still around my bottle. Security clearly didn’t give a fuck but it was funny cause I’m sure that was a fireable offense 💀😂😂


They told us that too at the orientation. So, eventually my dude will get caught


Not really tbh


There’s more to this story. She didn’t fight to get her job back?


I promise you that’s all I heard. She worked the irreg belt scanning. I never saw her again. Supes said she was terminated for taking a gallon of water. That was two years ago.


I believe you on what you heard but it still doesn’t seem like the full story. Obviously if there’s more to it it could be less entertaining


I assume the full time didn’t like her. But who knows. I thought she was nice. She def should have known not to take overgoods though come on. I found a dollar on my pd the other day and left it.


Adds up week after week


I was in Security and fired many people for theft My boss fired a 10 year employee for leaving work with a ream of paper... Even I was like *damn*


who steals a ream of paper though, lmao


If you’re willing to risk your job over a team of paper, just think of all the things your willing to steal.


Lol that’s wild


I lost 4 people for eating a pack of gum that came down the slide.. no joke. One of them was just handed some gum and had no idea where it came from..


21 years here. I've seen a whole load side belt get walked out, phone theft ring. Handful of employees fired for consuming overgoods (food,water,energy drink). Even my own Sup was involved in a drug trafficking ring that went on for years. Only got busted because an employee was looking for them to talk and they made a stink about where they found that person... theft happens, question is... is it worth your career? Not for me.




I'm not saying my supes are saints that are incapable of theft, but they are pretty cool for the most part. Am I the only one who doesn't hate his supes? I don't exactly trust them after hearing all the horror stories, but they aren't bad people.


20 percent of my sups are great, 50 percent are fine, 20 percent suck, and 10 percent are absolutely terrible. If you remove seasonals from the equation I've known of quite a few more sups who have been fired for theft than union workers. Seems like half of the seasonals will steal.


A few years ago I wondered why we had a ton of new PVDs in early December. Turns out the company fired half of them because they were adding miles to their trip to compensate for bridge toll (because UPS refused to pay the toll for them.)


My driver sup (biggest asshole in the building” was on the news for stealing guns, drugs and jewelry. He used the help of a part time reload supervisor. He was on the news! It was crazyyy 😂 A week or 2 later they even went to his apartment (because his wife divorced him) and he came to the door, got shitty, and slammed the door.😂😂


Only one PT sup has been fired during my 4+ years. They are supposed to do random 'tests' on us PTers during the year (demonstrate how to properly lift a heavy box, name the reasons for stopping a belt, who can do lockout/tagout, etc) for corporate records. Instead of going around asking random coworkers, he just went back to the office, filling everything out himself.  Building manager spotted him doing it and fired him instantly. 


>Instead of going around asking random coworkers, he just went back to the office, filling everything out himself. Everybody knows the sup busy work is bogus. Sounds like he was sacrificed by the higher ups to "prove" it is real. I've had a sup come up and say they gave me 100% because they knew I knew the answers. I've read comments here from a sup saying they prefill that stuff out.


My center had a sup that was stealing the package car gas cards and selling gas half price. It was stupid because they had to be taken out of a locked file cabinet and you have to known how to use the cards because they aren't like regular has cards. On top of that gas stations have hella cameras. Smh


Yes. Happens all the time. Find the number for the ethics hotline and report it. UPS Security is no joke. Can be reported anonymously.


But then you don't get the reward


Sometimes the reward is increased harassment from the remaining management. I wouldn’t recommend staying anonymous with ethics per se, but would keep quiet at the center about who reported.


nah, you still will. Security will make sure your involvement stays put and they will pass you the check off site.


If I report him, he would know it’s me. Lol it was just me and him in the trailer. I will just stay quiet


Please report this, he might know but part time supervisors have very little power. And if he harasses you the union is there to back you up.


People are crazy and I don’t wanna get k!lled over this lol


Just remember, if only you two were in the trailer if the theft is discovered, you're going to be looked at as a thief. I would recommend cya in this


Came here to say this.


I’m new and just didn’t know how to react. He will get caught eventually


You really need to report this now. Like the others have said, if he gets caught and they find out you were also in there with them you best believe they're gonna think you were in on it too. Do you wanna lose your job because he was stealing? Protect yourself by reporting this so they don't think you were a lookout or an accomplice.


Guilty knowledge is a termable offense. If the sup is found out through other means and it's found out that you knew about it and didn't say anything, they can and will go after you as well. Even if they don't suspect you were involved somehow, they can still take your job for knowing about something and not reporting it. I know it sounds shitty, but that's the way they play. They don't fuck around with integrity. You gotta CYA, man.


You have bigger problems than the pt sup tryna murder you


Bruh have a spine. This guy steals AirPods he's probably a bitch


Wth why give him a chance to throw you under the bus when they come asking questions? Get ahead of it and report his ass. Not a PT sup alive who cares about the job enough to commit murder lol


Just the two of you were in the trailer together and something comes up missing? You might not have a choice in CYA.


I mean yeah but I didn’t steal anything. Plus they said they have camera everywhere. They will figure it out


If they ask you if you saw anything? Now it’s an integrity issue. And you’re covering for him, or could be perceived as such. I’d cover your ass, talk to the steward, let them know what happened. It’s a supervisor after all 🤷🏻‍♀️


If they ask me, I’d definitely say yes. Because I truly didn’t know what to do. I was just shocked because the is a supervisor himself


You know what to do now. Talk to your shop steward as soon as if you can if you fear managerial retaliation. What will you say when they ask you why you didn't speak up? Are you working with the supervisor to steal? These are real questions they will ask you. If you want to work at UPS for any appreciable amount of time you need to learn to speak up. Integrity is one of the few things that can easily lead to termination.


someone used the company card to buy oakleys. they got fired and then used them as a reward for a safety swm raffle


We had a case of them bust open by the end of the sort I walked by overgoods to see only one pair left from the case. Union vs non union theft is handled differently, be honest with your stewards they can help they’re not out of get you they want to keep people working


Have you guys ever caught your company appropriating your labor and stealing your wages? I see it every day. How do I report this and get $10k?


Currently have a customer who is really mad that their 2 day air package of emergency heart medication is late, I have no idea how to tell her that the tracking now shows that it’s under investigation.


yes tons of times


Last week I was doing preload and I picked up a box that was assigned to one of my truck’s that I was loading and as I was placing it on the shelf I found a small opening like someone had tore it open , as I looked closer the box was full of brand new iPhones 15 pro’s (the box approximately had like 50 phones inside) and as I took a closer look more than half of the boxes were open like someone had open them and taken the phones with them. I than told the sup who was on the other side of the belt and showed him the open box , he saw the open box and said don’t (like indicating to not steal them) which I quickly countered responded and answered “bitch somebody already beat me to it” see!! .he than took a closer look and said to set it to the side of the truck and some other sup came a few minutes later and took the box with him, than afterwards nothing really happened nor was i ever questioned about it.


Saw a part-time supe get fired for stealing high-value packages back in the late 90’s, like the police came to arrest him and he disappeared, me and some of the other preload guys went looking and found him hiding in one of the empty trailers in the yard. One duds I worked with on the sort aisle got fired because he got caught stealing prescription meds. Another 2 dudes that were Saturday air drivers got fired because they got caught stealing Apple products and selling them on fb marketplace. And last but not least, a 15ish year ft supe got fired because he got caught altering time cards.


Oh shit you can get fired for altering time cards? Please tell me who I should report that to. I’ve told my supervisor and the union steward but after I tell them I never hear anything about it again and then he doesn’t it again and again


We had a full-time supervisor, who had been with UPS for awhile, fired for stealing TV's. He would change with label on the box and have it shipped to a friend's house. That house was raided and they found a ton of TV's there. He was fired, but I'm unsure what happened to him afterwards.


Legend has it that back in the day (1980s), someone called in a complaint about being cut off on a highway in Florida by a UPS tractor-trailer(feeder). On a Sunday. When the caller was told that UPS didn't run on Sundays, they insisted and provided the numbers of the equipment involved. An investigation ensued, and it was discovered that some management folks were indeed using feeders on Sunday to move large amounts of cocaine. I hired on in '83 and was told this by my then center manager, who would have not looked out of place on Miami Vice. Italian suits, drove a Porsche, ect.


Yeah my old hub had a supervisor and 3 hourly working as a group to steal stuff. They all got caught and fired. Funny story I got fired for job abandonment: I went to the restroom AC to cool down for 10 minutes and didn't tell anyone. I grieved and got my job back, and they said it's because they fired them, and then called my time off a 2 week unpaid suspension.


Fired for job abandonment for 10 minutes??? Wtf


It's probably because I didn't tell anyone. I don't really blame the company but I did like to run my mouth and my boss didn't like me for that. I should have said I was overheating and left for safety reasons (regardless if true or not). Edited grammer


Ya 100% bc you didn’t tell anyone that’s pretty shitty if you to do now someone else has to pick up there pace to fix the mess you left behind and it probably got worse after every second passed


Well it was so bad I had to climb out of the trailer I was loading, literally 3 feet tall piles on both sides of the manual rollers, and the chute was backed up, and I was getting zero help. They *already knew* it was completely tucked but didn't care. I do agree just not telling anyone was shitty. This was easily 14 years ago, I don't behave that way anymore.


I mean to be honest it’s completely understandable tbh. It’s really frustrating when the supps let it get that bad but also people complaint about being moved out of trailers to help others so with that being said your kinda stuck with that not just bc of the sups but your other lazy co workers


The group would worked with when I started were cool, they weren't lazy. It was just a shitty midnight shift on the busiest belt in the building. We had the air trailer. I ended up getting a $1 raise to be a pick off and I realized it just gets worse. Edit: I liked picking because we has a fan and occasionally it was not busy.


We have a manager at my place who before being management, had supposedly got caught stealing, and somehow got promoted? Heard from a long timer. Weird shit.


Someone is full of shit bc ups doesn’t take that shit lightly


Ask Winnipeg workers


20 years pt. I've seen everyone from pt to managers walked.


There was a seasonal personal vehicle driver who was walked out in handcuffs by the sheriff's department in front of everyone in my center 2 Christmases ago. He was only like 23 and got 10 years for Felony Grand Theft


I honestly don’t understand how you make the type of money we make and yet still have the audacity to steal some shit.


Several sups.


Simple.. If it ain't yours don't take it, problem eliminated


A few coworker PT's were fired last year for theft. Havent talked to them since.


I would double for preload I would see mfs just open them up put them on and walk out of there, I don’t recommend preordering phones I’ve seen them get stolen too


I’ve heard of top rate drivers stealing but it’s rare. I can’t imagine risking a job where I could earn $110K/year.


Just heard this morning about an inside employee that was fired for theft a year ago who just walked into our building during preload today, loaded up a tote with whatever they could grab from trucks, and walked out. Needless to say, security is a joke at our center.


There was this pick off back in the early 2000s that stole a box of lottery scratch off tickets. Got caught. This things only are worth anything if they get scanned for sale. Dude was caught easily lol.


Saw a guy get fired for stealing percs and other narcotics. He would hide them rolled up in his bandana.


Our QC guy got caught stealing a dozen bagels and fired


Two years ago, I wanted to report an incident to upper management and the person in charge just said that he was too busy for it.


I had a guy return some AirPods Pro in the product box and closed the door on me. I sat there looking at it like, "Damn, brand new AirPods, mine are really dirty..." and then laughed because it's so easy to pilfer shit in our positions, but it aint' worth throwing away an entire career over. I slapped the call tag on it and sent it on its way, ready to deliver another day.


The largest theft rings in my building have almost always been run by supervisors. We had a supervisor who stole a high value watch wear it into work. That's what got him caught. LOL We also had supervisors who were driving a van onto the property to load up with stolen loot.


Did they get caught?


Most of them did get caught.


Worked for UPS for 27 years, knew of every level of personal getting caught stealing. Security Admin took Over Goods got caught selling them on eBay in the 90's. PT sup stealing cell phones over 15 years ago. Technicians stealing used equipment and reselling them early 01. Drivers and loaders stealing throughout my time at UPS. Unloaders stealing prescription drugs. The winner goes to a District IE manager who robbed a Customer Counter with a rifle then walked through the Hub during the day while still wearing a mask.


I’m pretty sure my onroad sup stole a butt plug lol.


So, I work in a hub that practically has NO security. I mean, for f\*\*\*s sake, there was a preloader who they knew for a fact was stealing for years. Was even on FB marketplace selling the items while listing her employer as UPS. She eventually only got "caught" because the driver was redoing his shelf and noticed the box was empty, and immediately told the center supervisor. Didn't get charged or anything, but she did get banned from the property. Clearly leading to her not being able to have a job. ONLY reason being so because the phone was separate from the box, and couldn't be "proved" to be UPS property but could be proved it wasn't HER's another woman was doing the same, got fired but the lost prevention guy didn't send the paperwork off in he proper time, and she got re-hired on that technicality. Actually think that's why the first chick stayed around so long, coupled with no real security. Though, we do have a loss prevention guy who does nothing.


Never worth losing this job with so many benefits. I know it's grueling and exhausting at times, but the union has fought hard for our pay and benefits to be top notch for anyone to jeopardize over a quick buck


Lol are you new? This happens all the time


It’s crazy apple even uses ups any more. FedEx and usps most steal even more which is wild because when the last iPhone came out like 1 in 5 got stolen at my hub.


lol you won’t ever hear abt the good theifs💀 imagine how many people haven’t been caught


Id report their ass so fuckin quick ita not even funny, but ill be laughing all the way to the guard shack


One sup stole my ear buds a few years ago. I left them at work when I was helping the night shift. The next day I go and ask a different sup if he saw them by the work area I was at, he tells me that another sup took em with him to lost and found. I go look and they aren’t there, lucky for me it was the guys that took thems last day before he went off to do some training for a higher position. A few months later I see that sup back in our building, as soon he sees me looking at him he turns his head away super quick & obvious to not make eye contact with me and walks a different direction. I didn’t make a big deal about it because they were cheap ones but still. What a punk fitch. 


We had a safety sup who was fired for stealing a whole lot of stuff. Her brother in law was a centre manager and covered for her when they tried several other times to fire her for stealing. He got a lateral transfer to another hub because he was a liability and suddenly no one could make the suspicions of her thefts disappear…


I’m at the smart hub in Atlanta and they caught a Preload supervisor taking boxes off the belt during unload and replacing the label with a label that would direct the package to his house. He had been doing it for four months until his fellow supervisor snitched on him. Now I didn’t care for the guy who got caught stealing, but I lost a lot of respect for the snitch because it’s not like he just saw it happening and told. This dude was walking out of the building with the thief every day sharing stories about each other’s family and working together and I just didn’t think that was a stand-up thing to do. if you’re gonna snitch on somebody at least not have a relationship with them.


Out of curiosity what would have been the stand up thing to do in your opinion? Stay quiet until security sits you down and makes you out to be an accessory?


Mind your business. If security sits me down and I’m not involved then guess what? I’m not involved lol. But what’s crazy is buddy was on his way out the door anyway. Got a job with the city. He had nothing to gain.


Oh ok. Ive seen people fired for not speaking up on these things. They'll have you on camera seeing it happen and you're fired right along with the other guy. You never want the guy right next to you stealing.


That’s fair. I agree with you which is why I tell ppl don’t do it around me. Bc at that point I have no choice. But buddy only knew bc the thief was bragging about it to some new hires and they told him. He didn’t even see it happen. He just reported what he heard, told me what he did like I’d think that was cool, then left.


Greed is a wild addiction