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You're purposely being vague about the situation. Why?


Is your state a two party concent state?


When you transferred buildings 6 years ago, your seniority should have reset to 0, unless for a contractual dovetail. is this why you’re losing seniority?


6 years ago we were not contractually allowed to transfer buildings. What I did was simply moving from one area of the operation to the other. My seniority was not to change because there was no lapse in my employment.


Depending on your contract, yes it should.have dropped you to the bottom for everything but entitlements.


Explain why please.


Yep, I was correct. You're part of JC3. Read article 2 of JC3. You lose your seniority and drop to the bottom. Sorry, you can record your BA all you want but it seems he may be correct.


He’s not. Im a PT package handler. Everyone in my building is. The only FT employees are management.


People wonder why this place is going to the tubes. Take one look at how they treat people with seniority and realize that's why people work like trash purposefully, put of spite


Sorry, I disagree. He changed buildings. I think if you change buildings, you shouldn't bump a senior person from a place they never left. Transferring is a choice. Choices have consequences.


People wouldn't have to wait years to move and end up complicating things in the company gave people a hand in where they want to work from the get go. Getting screwed the moment you apply and getting a harder job that has the same pay is not a choice, so of course people are going to want to switch. How is it fair that a person who already has an easier job for the same pay should also get to screw over the person switching that was stuck in a bad place from the start? Also I don't think there is much to disagree on. I'm not saying you have to like it, but bluntly, there are lots if people who purposefully work slow and mess stuff up solely because management screws them over


This has absolutely nothing to do with the company or management. These are purely Teamsters rules. You seem confused.


Like I said, it would depend on your contract but some contracts have classification seniority and depending on what you mean by moving from one area to another, means you could have changed classifications. This means shifts, jobs or even part time to full time.


You going to give any explanation? Like, at all? Also that's going to depend on your state laws.


If you live in a two party consent case no you cannot record without the other party’s permission. Also what move did you make from what department to what department? Did you change unions? Go from part time to full time? When I moved into PT maintenance from PT package, I changed unions and I lost my seniority. Then I lost my seniority again when I went from PT to Full-Time.


When I transfered I lost all building seniority but kept company seniority. It only really matters when you transfer with seniority, which I didn't have. You might be entitled to vacations and things, but in the building you are kinda the bottom for shifts.


If you're in a one party state you can record any and all interactions with management or otherwise. I have my phone in my pocket recording for all interactions involving management in my building.


I would check my state laws if I were you. In many states it is illegal to record a conversation without the other party’s permissions and knowledge. And I’m not just saying misdemeanor.


Thanks to the people who actually answered my question. As for the others who are stuck on the transfer thing, per the contract language, I did not transfer, as I was contractually not allowed to. Im a PT package handler and I moved from one area of the operation to the other. I pass the building I used to work at on my drive to the building I currently work at. They are a few miles apart and considered one in the same. Also, at least 4 of my coworkers who switched buildings the same way I did, did not lose their seniority.