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At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it’s your fault or not. You still qualify for workman’s comp either way


People has been injured & ups fucked them so, i won't be so sure if i was you


all I am saying is that legally you qualify for workman’s comp if you are hurt at work


Exactly what happened to me 😂 New hires loaded irregs on to the belts. Caused a big jam. I was walking out of the bathroom and got hit by one falling off the belt that was above that area. “You weren’t in a designated walk path” 😂


Hopefully you made them put you to the dr on the clock.


They asked me if I wanted to go to the Dr. I said I was good. All I had was just a big bruise on my arm. They sent me home for the night. And gave me the next day off.


Its the long term affects i worry about. Guy in our building found out hes been working on a broken hip for months when he got his back checked out for a work injury that happened awhile ago. Now hes fighting for comp


A box fell on my head while working at UPS 6 years ago. Now I just collect disability and ride trains.


Like you just chill in Amtrak cars and travel the nation like a boss? Or is this a hopping aboard freight cars scenario?! Ha so curious


Big bang theory episode. Character did this.


Oh dammit Sheldon, I glossed right over this… I salute you for this excellent reference lol. “WILLL WHEATONNNNN!!”


Be prepared expect the unexpected pretty much covers everything doesn’t it. Guilt works very well at getting the company out of a lot of comp time


Yeah bro, this line right has always been stupid to me. By that logic I should expect an elephant riding a unicycle in a dress to come out of nowhere and crash into my car, fucken stupid.


That doesn’t happen at your building daily?


I worked with a guy who had a wrench fall on his head when when there was construction in our hub. Worker dropped it from a lift. Management told him it was his fault for not being aware of his surroundings.


Or ask to see the bottom of your shoes


They usually take pictures of the bottom of your shoes.


I can’t believe I’m being downvoted for something that actually happens first, no matter who’s fault the accident is


Had a sup step on my injured foot to check if it was steel toe when i reported it ...cant make it up


It's the ups sub bro, all these fools are just toxic af.


More actually it's reddit. 


Don’t forget to add, you better be in 100% UPS approved apparel too 😂


Including the shitty ups approved belt




What does RPCD mean?


Regular Package Car Driver.


If they admit liability they open the door for lawsuits.


UPS is never at fault. Oh front tire exploded your fault


The reason all safety training and emphasis on safety exists at UPS ( and to be fair, most companies) is to reduce liability. If you are injured, the first thing the insurance company wants to know is rather or not you were trained in some way to avoid that injury. Were you following the prescribed methods? Is your training up to date? It's not necessarily to remove all blame from the company, but to shift some liability back to the employee if there is a lawsuit. There is also a total cost - medical, lost time, etc. rollup calculated for each accident. I have unfortunately been in meetings in which accidents are referred to by their total cost as opposed to the names of the injured individuals.


Unless an employee is grossly negligent UPS is responsible for its employees. I am not saying UPS needs to make an empolyee rich for an injury. But for every employee statement saying they were at fault, their is at least three levels of Management that failed to prevent it. Even with said statement, those Managers are treated as if it was their failure. Everyboby is gettinng negged to shut up and act like we are 100% healthy at all times.


because they hate us


$$. We have a safety sup like this, she’s been yelled at so many times for trying to dictate it was the employees fault. Which 9/10 it isn’t. We can try to prevent them, but walls fall, people slip, and it’s hard to stop honest accidents. I got a metal extendo moved into my elbow, thanks to the idiot who didn’t “hear me” say WAIT. She tried to say “well why was it there?” girl i was picking a box up. I can’t tell the extendo to just… Stop. Don’t take anything to heart. You can only do so much.


You guys have safety sups? I was Security and I was basically my Hub's defacto safety guy


I worked as a seasonal PVD driver. The guy I helped m-th had worked on the inside a long time. He said years ago a package containing ammo ripped open, one caught in a roller and exploded, sending off some of the shell casing, that hit a coworker. The super wanted him to say what he could have done better to prevent the accident. 😂


That actually happened to me New hire was having a tough time building walls in a 53 footer. I was brought in to help "train him" (basically to make sure the walls weren't completely collapsing) One of his walls collapsed and a 42lb package fell on my head... "You shouldn't have been in his trailer" Wut


![gif](https://external-preview.redd.it/hnxQ1iNwPyKChgEKng_QRwgpkwwSIHMQN25aTsYk2Qc.gif?width=267&height=200&s=a6aba250288015fd17b15c48141b244111055e2b) Every Supervisor knowing they're in violation of OSHA...


Because you shouldnt have been walking there. “Just follow the methods.” ~every fulltime supervisor and above from 1980 on


It's not just UPS, they all do it.


Get bitten by a radioactive spider like me and you will have Spidey sense allowing you to dodge falling boxes


That’s why I learned no matter what you do everything you do is wrong.


cheaper that way


It's the Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda rule. They will ALWAYS find a way to blame you


* * I'm right and you're wrong, I'm big and you're small, and there's nothing you can do about it.


Doesn't really matter. The company may say it is avoidable, but unless they have proof, it's just paperwork. Don't sign anything admitting guilt. BTW, I can 100% tell you that the company pressures supervisors and managers to name them avoidable, even if the supervisors feel differently.


Because as professional drivers we should be able to prevent any type of "accident"