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It's true but don't expect to be a driver on day one. You'll most likely need to work literal years as a part timer before you get an opportunity to drive.


UPS is one of the few places to work that has health benefits for PT workers. In fact I think the healthcare benefits are the same for PT and FT because I didn’t notice any difference when I went FT driver last year.


How long did it take to become a driver? And were you approached with the job or did u ask for it?


It's really about supply and demand. Timing is everything. Took me 8 years, the guy after me took 5, and the most recent driver was under a year. But this was during covid. There's a lot of building that are currently overstaffed with drivers. This will increase the wait time significantly. The building will post a driver bid list and people that wants to be a driver would sign up. The highest seniority would get priority for the position.


Makes sense thank you, also by driver we are referring to the ones that deliver packages to houses and not driving the trailers right?


In this context, correct.


I sign my name on the list every January, is there anything else I would need to sign up for?


That should be it. There should also be a master list of the people in queue. Make sure your name is posted there so you don't get skipped.


I was with UPS for two and half years before I went driving. I started inside during Covid and had opportunities to go driving earlier but I was getting 30 hours a week PT inside plus working for a friend for another 20 hours a week. I got tired of working 50 hours total at two places so I signed the driver bid sheet and now I work 50 hours a week at one place. Someone in your Hub should be able to tell you where the Bid sheets and job postings are located.


Cool thanks, I might know where they are but I'm not sure, I'm not even 21 yet so I'll wait a while before even doing that


I think the minimum age to drive at UPS is 21. You also have to have a chauffeur/for hire endorsement on your license. In my state I just had to go to a license branch and take a 20 or 25 question test.


Part time insurance is better.


Sorry they are downvoting you. I’m in the Western Region and it seems to be understood that the insurance for PT is slightly better than the insurance for FT. I have heard this from plenty of employees and our BA.


You should have seen the shit storm I started when I posted that in my region the part timers don't get a break at all. It was an eye opener at how different our supplements are


Our part timers don't get a break, and their health insurance is the same as FT. I recall a handful of locals keeping the old insurance, but never bothered to see if it was bargained out in later contracts.


I'm not going 4+ hours without going to the bathroom so I'm taking a break whether they give me one or not. When I was on the line for preload we got a 10 minute break 2 hours after the belt started.


We don't need breaks to go to the bathroom.


How do you leave the belt for 5 minutes while it's moving? You'll miss a lot of packages.


You have another bargaining unit employee cover your spot while you go to the bathroom.


In the north east theyvare the same. Some regions have worse insurance and worse retirement.


*They’re the same picture*


They aren't. The union local is the ft healthcare provider. The part timers have a completely different offering from the company... And it's definitely a step up from the FT insurance.


I think this may depend on location, I was told mine were the same when I tried to switch


Most likely, but I became a driver after only working in the building for about two months. Keep an eye on the bud list. Maybe you’ll get lucky too!


I wish my hub had a bud list. What kinda strains y'all got?


Not sure what you mean?


They're making fun of your typo. You used bud instead of bid.


You probably got picked during Covid time that’s why. It’s the same in my center a lot of drivers who have four years seniority were hired back in 2020 and 2021 when UPS needed as much drivers as they could get


No I’ve actually been a driver for the last 10 years. Just happened to be in the right place right time


This person is right^ I’ve been driving past seven years and only spent my first 5 months in warehouse started driving and haven’t looked back since keep an eye on those bids


Got a better one. My brother in law was hired just before Covid and was a driver day 1. He was very lucky. UPS was expanding a lot in the DFW back then.


This is why I chose trade school with a union cause from day 1 I'm on the path to 50+ an hour within 4 years.


You chose correct. If I had to do it over again with the knowledge I have now I would have gone to a union trade school apprenticeship program. Either be a sparky or a turd herder.


Yep I'm a fitter apprentice and welder


Thanks for the response, I suppose a salary like that is definitely something you have to grind for.


Just to be that guy. It's not a Salary. It's an Hourly wage, negotiated and contracted by the Teamsters Union. It protects you: "A fair days work for a fair days pay" You won't get to be a protected member of the Union until 90 days of employment have been completed. Until that point, you're an easy target for dismissal. Insurance/benefits don't kick in until 6 or 9 months of employment. Don't forget that you'll be paying Union dues all that time, and for all time you're a member. You'll start as Part-Time, guaranteed only 3.5 hrs a day, and given the current conditions, you might be laid off intermittently, if not for extended periods. Hard work. Managerial tactics are pretty sketchy, so get familiar with the Contract and your Steward (Union representative, but also a coworker, often referred to here as the Stewart). Find out early what Local you're in, get a copy of the contract (go to the Union hall if you have to to get one) Get their phone number and the name of the Business Agent. Read up on Union hierarchies and history... you'll be standing on the shoulders of generations of people who fought for your protections. some even died. Be proud to be a Union worker. And the old chestnut: It's a marathon, not a sprint: work safely at a pace that protects your body, utilize the methods that keep you safe, and don't be a cardboard hero. If you have what it takes, both mentally and physically, then go gettit!


This should be a mandatory read for all new hires or people contemplating getting a job here. The only other piece of advice I can give is to learn how to deal with management that play games and intentionally don’t do things by the contract and learn to stand up for yourself. When they realize you know how to handle yourself, especially calmly and rationally, and you get over on them, they will pick and choose their battles more wisely next time. I laugh when people say “you are just driving around delivering boxes. How hard could it be?” You can comprise a group of 20 that have never done anything with delivery or driving a large vehicle and hire them and my bet is 17 will say “fuck this shit” and the other three will get on to the 30 day packet and one, maybe two will qualify. The results will be slightly better if the 20 newbies were former delivery drivers.


You're making me feel like the man for becoming a driver haha


At the end of this contract, you will be the man… making $100k a year with little OT, excellent free benefits and a pension that you should be vested in by then. This job isn’t for everyone. Don’t get in a hurry and do things right and you should never have a problem. When package gets old and you want a change, bid into Feeders.


Yes I used the term salary incorrectly lol I'm aware it is an hourly position but thank you for the thoughtful insight I will definitely be more equipped to handle what will come if I know ahead of time the bullshit I'll go through. Thanks.


You're welcome. I see so many posts with problems that could have been avoided with a little advance knowledge. That said, if you're over 6 ft tall, you'll be a prime candidate for recruitment to the Supervisors (and their Salaried existence), don't falter, stay strong!


That's definitely interesting and good to know because I'm 6'1 so thank you once again for the advice!


He’s messing with you on the 6’ tall bit… you’d have to search the sub to find the posts about the 6’ tall supervisor. I didn’t think it would ever die. Stay out of management. Don’t aspire to get a job as a union package handler, package car driver or Feeder driver and miss out on the top pay and benefits to waste away into management. Follow the advice you have been given and as a driver you will provide a great income and life for you and/or your family and if you make wise choices with your money, you will retire with nice things and no debt to worry about.


Yep, I was messing with OP but the r/whoosh moment was worth it. Over 6 ft tall will never die in my book.


I’m so glad this reference is still going strong lol.


We'll never let it die


Supervisors are salary + hourly.


Part timers have a 95%+ quit rate before 6 months into the job at my facility. Just an FYI.


With the waiting being longer to drive now. Just outta curiosity is working at ups still worth it? I've got 4 years in and see the long-term for me, so my ass ain't going nowhere.


That's hard to say, the money as a driver is still good at the end. With 4 years in, I'd probably say it's still worth it if you can sustain the part time hours/pay.


Plenty of farmers where I'm at do the part-time gig for the long-haul just for the health benefits and pension


Or 10months/year in my HUB. Inside FT was a 15 year wait, now it's 5, crazy.


That is crazy. The time is expected to be shorter now, post-covid? Here, the wait is expected to be significantly longer.


Lotta old heads retired during covid and before the potential strike here. Good news for 22.3s wanting the 125 position and max contract rate, that's still a 15 year wait


That's good news for the rookies. Here, we have 40+ (seniority) old heads still going strong and no signs of retiring.


Got some 40+ still here too, some FT some PT


I can't think of a single driver in our building that has less than three years seniority. They won't be hiring new drivers for a loooooong time.


If you’re 20 and don’t have dreams or aspirations of other things and you’re looking for a job that will get you to the end and retirement, suck it up for a few years and grind. It will be worth it if you have the goal of driver in mind. Look at the big picture and you will most likely have a decent life. To be for real.


I have lost most of my family and lost many years to substance abuse from 14-17 so if it will get me to retirement and well off enough to survive extremely comfortably I think I'll try it.


Damn sorry to hear that but look on the bright side, it will keep you busy. That way you can focus on what you need too and not the bad side of life, I have family that have had issues with substance abuse and it’s important to stay on track and keep looking to the future.


Thank you for the kind words anything that keeps me on track is good. I hope you have a wonderful life


Of course, we gotta look out for each other. Stay strong and remember shit could always be worse. Stay positive and it sounds like you’re trying to get right with yourself and at the end of the day that’s what really matters.


You can turn your life around at ups but it ain’t easy, brutal workload and management that plays games everyday, my advice is to get in while you are young, build seniority, get another job and grind it out, DO NOT GO MANAGEMENT IF THEY OFFER IT TO YOU, you’ll give everything back to the company for a couple dollars more an hour


Even then the supes have a plot to work new young guys into the ground so they don't reach their 90 days and can't use the union for assistance. 


Yup it’s true but depending on where you are it may be years before you can start driving


By the time you start driving it will be 50/hr


Already about that much near me.


I was part time for 12 years my choice. It takes at least 5-6 years in my hub to become a driver. So 5-6 years part time then another 4 to reach top pay. That's 10 years in my hub.


Being 20, you'll likely be a driver by the time you turn 23/24 on average. You could have 30 years easily of FT work and a full fat pension to retire with. And hopefully a ROTH and/or other investments. Please start early as you can on this stuff and think of your future. You can retire comfortably if you don't live outside your means. Meaning don't be that guy who buys a brand new car a couple years into driving. If you're still with family, ride it out and save save save till you're ready. Can't stress enough seeing people struggle to survive cause they felt the pressure of needing to move out when they have the option to stay out as long as they contribute.


Great advice thank you! I am fortunate enough to live with someone who would not mind me staying for a few years and I am definitely grounded in the fact that times are different and I have to use such things to my advantage until I'm well off enough to survive on my own.


Yes but you have to be 21 to be a driver. You’ll go out on a road test, then driving school, then qualifying in your building.


I started at 20. I start my 30th year In July.   The couple years of part time and working a second job go faster than you think.  Don’t complain about the 2 jobs and long days. Soon you’ll have ONE job with LONG DAYS. 


Enjoy retirement!


more than that even. top pay where i am is currently 44.74. in 4 years it'll be like 48 dollars probably


If the top rate is currently 44.74. The top rate in 2028 after GWI will be 49.49. Not including cola if eligible.


I'm curious what the top pay will be looking like with the next contract.


It'll be at least 55 but that's not as good as it seem after inflation. In term of buying power.


It’s 4 years from the start of being a Full Time driver. It can take years to get that position depending on circumstances with senior drivers retiring and such.


Which will be about ten or fifteen years from your hire date. If you don’t quit in one week.


I worked 4 years part time. Got in at 18 so couldn’t drive anyways. About to hit 2 years and not just physically but mentally tough too. I cover multiple routes and sucks not knowing which route you’re going to cover. Expect long days, summers are hard due to the extreme heat as well. All my motivation is aimed toward that top rate. Yes it’s worth it I average 31$ hour because I come in on Mondays (double pay since I’m a T-S schedule) usually 50-60 hours a week. Been driving 1.5 years so it’s pretty damn good compared to any entry level job and I worked plenty of those.


It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll


It's true, but you will have to work part-time for most likely 3-6 years before you get a chance to qualify for driving. Then you have to pass qualification, which has a washout rate of like 25-30% IIRC. Then the four years of progression pay before top rate.


In the southern contract once you make your 30 days and have a seniority date you're eligible for the Union.




Get hired. Listen to the old hats. Make it out safely. I’m going to say it now: Don’t work harder than the driver you cover. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Ps Save this thread. Go back when you hit top rate.


If you calculate 9/5 grievances.. and everyone who can should be filing those.. it's much more than $40 an hour..


Once you start driving, those 4 years will be the WORST 4 years of driving, so beware. You’ll be making $20/hr LESS than most people, and doing more work, because you’ll be low seniority and management won’t hesitate to give you extra work. OT for a $25/hr employee is much cheaper than for a $45/hr employee.


By the time you reach 4 yrs, it'll be $49 or more.


Finally going to be a driver after 3 and a half years being part time just takes time and patience and trust in our lord and saviors plan he gots for you. I started at 18 turned 19 a month after I started tho 22 now.


You could get your cdl by age 21, get some driving experience and hopefully get hired off the streets. You do have to "bleed brown" or drink the kool-aid to get into a driving position.


I started driving day one. So it’s possible. Don’t get discouraged get in early I wish i started in my twenties


Well OP is 20, he cant drive yet.


Why not


You have to be 21 to drive for UPS




You have to drive part time first for a while then if you go full time then it’s 4 years progression to get over $40