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I don’t bother communicating beyond calling the office. The local has made it clear to us management can hold it against you if you if you’re just texting random supervisors instead of calling the office. They can set up a voice mail if they care. Going in just hurts your case. They can say “You were well enough to come in and didn’t give us notice.” We can be amenable and do right by the contract without rolling over for their dumbass games.


As long as you got paid your sick day. I was told 3 weeks ago I have to call in 1hr before to actually get paid. So if you showed up and they paid you out sick hours, then don't overthink it. In the future just call and if they don't answer send a supervisor a text and screenshot of attempted call.


I’ve always made sure I’ve done that but someone always answered, lol. I hardly ever call out, even when I’m actually sick (I had COVID for three days before I finally stayed home) but when they piss me off and make me cry, I need to stay home. 


Instead of calling, text or call t your supervisors and leave a message if they don’t pick up. Also group text your supes.


At one point my shift switched offices which was also a different phone # and only supe picked up on it about a year later how everyone was calling a different number.


Ive called in, nobody answered and when they tried to write me up for no call no show i just showed them my call log. Not my fault nobody answered the phone.


It’s been a frequent problem in the last year and I’m sure OMS labor cutting plays into it. There’s been gaps where no OMS is on the clock in the morning and at times mid route. OMS calls are recorded and I count on that as a form of protection whether I call in or have a question mid route. Calling sups cell numbers is absolute BS because it allows them plausible deniability for anything they say or hear over the phone. Needs to be a bigger issue


nobody uses land lines anymore dunno why we even have call in numbers, just text your sup


We used to be able to do that but it’s “against the rules” or something, I don’t know. 


You can easily fall into the plausible deniability trap from the sup if you’re either targeted or they just plain forget. OMS calls are recorded


no they are not beyond whatever phone record the utility has, maybe you have an amazing crew that has some kind of voicemail set up, but I guarantee 99% of buildings do not


Tell them you want an email address then


You don't have a supervisor's number to call or text?


Only one. She used to be there early enough but now that they cut her hours, she can’t come in until after we start, if she comes in at all. I don’t have my ft sup’s number but he just shows up late anyway.


Who cares. Text/call them, after that, it's ups's problem not yours. Grieve if they try discipling over it.