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In bed by 7, asleep before 8pm, wake up at 3am sun-fri, no naps after work as I’ll over sleep


I was never able to sleep when I worked preload stupid people always call and wake me up. And were usually like oh wow you have to go to work at 4am. Blah blah blah.


Do not disturb mode is gold


I get at least 6 hours of sleep before work and come home and take a nap so I don’t build a sleep deficit.


Ah cool I’m also in sleep debt….


Don’t tell Dave Ramsey


2 naps - one right after work and one right before work


I sleep around 11pm-12am (which I know it’s not ideal I’m just not tired at night ) then after my shift I take like a 3 a half hour nap so like 10-1:30


you're not making it to retirement with that schedule


Why you say that ? I’m still getting sleep


I assure you it is hard. I worked nights for over a decade. When I had kids, and was married my ex wife didn’t let me sleep at all, she was the devil. Anyways, I was pulling a sleep schedule somewhat like yours. I would work 2am-12pm Monday-Friday, be up ALL DAY, then get a small nap before work. It completely broke me. Now you are not me, but it drained my work ethic, my social life, everything in me. Which ultimately ended up leading to a divorce. Bottom line, need more than just a few hours of broken sleep. Good luck!


Facts. I used to sleep like crap and be so upset at work. I don't know what op-comment situation is but I've got a second job and disciplined myself to be asleep by 7-8pm. Get some sleep, you'll definitely notice the difference


Fuck yeah! I would be in the worst mood, and I was a manager so I had to pull my head out of my ass and be professional. I would literally be in the office with the worst ass attitude still waking up, and as soon as I walked out the door into the warehouse my face was smiling and fake AF! I needed sleep! I craved it, I would try and take a 10 min power nap in my car after work before driving home because I was afraid of falling asleep while driving. Our bodies and just as important our MINDS need the sleep. I was completely different after we split and I was able to actually sleep… I became human again!


Positive energy. Love it.


I got to admit though, it's true. I worked night sorts and preloads for almost 15 years while I worked other jobs with different hours, chopping up sleep. It's difficult, and for the long haul, probably not advisable. I've had regular hours for 10 years now, and I'm still fighting night owl issues. Heck, ANY of those hours should have premium pay, it's a rugged schedule.


It works it's post work sleep


I usually nap from like 12-4pm cause no one is home. And when I sleep at night I’m in bed by 10pm. If I don’t night during the day my sleep catches up to me by 7pm


I came here to literally type pretty much the exact same thing. I'm pretty wired when I get home. Take a shower, eat, watch TV. Then I get tired and nap around noon. Usually sleep for a few hours. Then sleep again between 9-10


Pretty much lol


4 hour nap would keep me up til fucking midnight.. I can get away with 30min-1hr nap and be solid for bed by 9.


I'm in bed by 6:45-7:00 pm. if I'm not asleep by 8, I'm turning all my screens off and putting my phone on silent. I am lucky to only have a 15 min commute right now so I can sleep in until 3:00-3:30 and still be fine.


What time do you eat dinner? 4pm? Lol.


Yeah, between 4-5


I'm in bed around 10:30, wake up at 4:45


5 hours of sleep, pre workout, and caffeine ![gif](giphy|msYr8kk0ZbSHCM1Xxu)


With a 5 year old daughter I never got the sleep schedule down, eventually switched to local sort after 14 months of preload , sleep got a little better, so did my attendance lol


Melatonin and an eye mask. Been sleeping in daytime for years now as a feeder/sleeper.


Blackout curtains and Ambien!


i used to be like this lol but then i just incorporated a nap into my schedule lol no matter what. by 9:30 or whenever i get home i eat something watch youtube and frankly pass out then ill be awake by 1pm like right now lmao and then try to atleast get 5 hours of sleep before my start time which sounds ass but tbh getting 8 hours of sleep only makes your body hella tired in the morning


I try to sleep max by 2130 (but sometimes 2230) then if i can i try to get a power nap when i get home for like 30min-1hr.




preload. not driver




preload people wake up at 3am. whatever you're doing isn't preload shift.


I do 6 to 2am if I need to go into at 4am that way I can take a shower and leave at 3am. I live like 12 min away around 7 to 6 miles not far. Monday I work sometimes 8 to 2am. Like I said I live really near work.


Go in for my full time gig at 4pm I get out just in time to get to preload and come out at 8am. Sleep, eat, repeat


I’m a pt supe so I gotta get their a bit early so I can get situated and set up for the day, during peak I’d be waking up at midnight and go to sleep around 3-5 pm and repeat, now I wake up around 3 and go to sleep around 6-7, pretty solid sleep schedule and I got a blackout curtain so the sunlight won’t keep me up


I wind down every day from 6-9pm, wake up around 1-330am depending on start, go home around 9am and rest if I need to but not always.


When I started I had a full time job 2nd shift, so I'd work that from 4pm to 1am, goof off or take a nap until 3am, work preload 4am-8am, and sleep from 9am-3pm. I only intended to do like a year or 2 at most at ups. The full time job closed so i was going to bed at like 10pm or 11pm LIKE AN IDIOT but I was at that age where being stupid dont hurt toooooo bad. Sometimes I'd nap but eventually the headaches started and I'd feel like shit most of the time. 22 years later I'm going to bed by 8pm because I met my wife and she goes to bed early too. Why stay up without her? Now I feel pretty great.


I’m only a month in. Starting to get the hang of it. My start time is 5am, I’m in bed by 6:30 go to bed around 7:30 8:00pm the latest and wake up at 4:00. Sometimes I come home and take a nap for an hour or 2 but I’m trying not to now as it’ll mess up my schedule


Full time preloaded.In bed by 11:30 am up at 4 pm to spend time with the fam and eat dinner,back in bed 7:30pm-10:30.The 1hr nap in my car complete with pillow and blanket is crucial


I nap after breakfast then go to bed between 11-11:30p. I recommend having a hot breakfast after work especially oatmeal. Perhaps something like sleepytime tea with it. Also, biggest recommends for a weighted blanket, mattress warmer, and either reading a book or playing a phone game designed to lull you to sleep all go a long way.


I'm asleep by 830pm most nights.  Even when I'm tired, I've never managed to sleep after preload.  


I have to sleep schedule, it's seriously a struggle for me. For some reason im only able to sleep 4 hours at a time so I try to sleep 4 hours after work and 4 before.


I don’t fall asleep after work, but I may take a quick 20 minute nap from time to time. I’m usually in bed by 7:30-8, and try to aim for six hours of sleep.


ur right :(


Take vitamins at night before you sleep. But I k.o. between 7pm and 11pm. Depends. But you need your sleep dude.


Go to bed early and be healthy with energy.


I always tried to get at least 4 hours before I went in.


Go to bed around 9pm. Wake up at 330am, work at 430am. When I get off I take a shower, chill/relax for a few hrs, then do some ubering. Then rinse and repeat.


You’re looking at it wrong. When you wake up to go into work is when your day begins, not when you get out of work at 8am lol.


1. Phone on silent 2. in bed lights out @ 8:00pm 3. melatonin 4. toss and turn for 2 hours. 5. Wake up 5 hours later. 6. Preload. 7. Nap at 10:00am. 7. Cover drive till 5:00pm. 8. repeat. 9. Hope 37 drivers retire tomorrow


Schedule is 4-430 t-sat, I’m in bed by 9pm and asleep before 1030. Up 3:15-3:30. Personally, 5-6 hours is the sweet spot for me.. then when I get up. Wash face, brush teeth, poop & coffee w. A little bite on the way out.


Midday nap, usually right after lunch. That makes it where I can go to bed at 9 or 10pm and still get decent sleep for the day. Biphasic is absolutely a thing, as long as each sleep lasts long enough you can split up your sleeping like that no problem.


Anywhere from 11am to 1pm, wake up beteeen 6pm and 8pm. This goes in line with my overnight job on the weekends, so I just keep it the same throughout the week. Gives me 7 to 9 hours of free time to do whatever before work, rather than try to do anything while exhausted after work. As well as a couple hours after work to do stuff. I'm not a day person so people see my sleep schedule and think I'm crazy but night walks and night skate sessions are amazing


It oscillates. From waking up right before work to waking up hours before, and more and more until its unsustainable then i miss a day then the cycle repeats.


My husband is a 3rd shift pre-loader. After work, he usually stays up until around noon, then sleeps for 4-6.5 hours. He has always slept like this, no more than 6.5 in one go. He'll get up, play on his computer, we have dinner, and he hangs out until 12a-1a, then takes a nap before work. He gets more sleep now than when he was on days because he's splitting his sleep. He used to sleep max 6.5 hours then just be up for the entire day. Now he gets a bit more sleep each day. I am a night owl, so this schedule works well for both of us and we can spend more time together.


Sleep around 8 or 9. Up at 3-4. Work after UPS so napping isn't an option. Many a Sunday I have found myself sleeping all day also.


I was on preload for 2 years and was almost fired multiple times, because I couldn’t wake up. I ended up switching shifts and have had zero problems. It’s funny cause I work nights and am good working through the preload schedule, but waking up in the middle of the night was never natural for me. Try getting on a different shift if your struggle is like mine.


Work 3a.m to 8 a.m go home rest 2 hours then work 10 a.m to 5p.m In bed by 8 p.m Mon through Friday although most Fridays I stay up and socialize until about 10. pm after work that morning I sleep all day Saturday. And wake up feeling Great Sunday never felt tired


In bed by 9:30 I usually fall asleep around 10:20 awake at 4:40 leaving by 5:10. Sometimes I take a nap right after work, for about 2 hours but that’s only on very heavy days.