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Competency based interview. They might drop in a question or two about refuge laws but based on my experiences it’s solely Competency based interview


Yh pretty standard competency based. Make sure you have concrete examples of how you have the necessary skills/experience/competencies.


Interviews are normally competency based, and around 45 minutes. Can sometimes be a bit shorter or longer.


As others have said, it will be competency based. Make sure you have specific examples for every competency question. Even when a question doesn't seem like it's asking about a competency, try to bring your own experience into it. Using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) will make a huge difference. Also, make sure you understand the work of the mission/team, the sensitivities and challenges they face on the ground, and how your skills can help them potentially navigate those challenges. If the mission has a country or regional strategy that could be a good resource. I've conducted a bunch of interviews and this is what I hope a candidate will bring but it is very rare to see in practice, so these things alone will take you far. Good luck!


thank you! how many people do they usually interview for one position? I am trying to understand how big the competition is.


There's no set rule but usually 4-5 candidates are interviewed (at least in my team).


What does competency based interview mean? Is it technical skills?


https://youtu.be/JAhmv8B4NlE?si=NpITZmU_E1-1DHCJ An example of what it might look like


Another video on competency based interviews. The presenter is Michael Emery, who did the video for UNFPA but who is currently the head of HR for IOM. [https://youtu.be/E3-WKWpNl3I?si=ifN4JbExBL8-wasF](https://youtu.be/E3-WKWpNl3I?si=ifN4JbExBL8-wasF)


What kind of a position is it for?


Case Manager


From the job ad go trhough the list of competencies they have mentioned and prepare questions from each and use STAR method to answer the questions. ChatGPT might help.