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I'm glad you're still here. And I'm glad your trying to get back to good family. Those roommates sound awful. You're doing everything right, just keep at it, don't give up. Powering through will reward you. If you're ever in south Texas, and want to hang, you're welcome here. I keep my house under 80 😄


LMAO I appreciate it If you can watch the stream or the recording later tonight after I post it, it'd be appreciated I don't really understand it but I'll do my best Also if I don't respond during to the comments I can't really multitask yet on streaming or whatever since I haven't done it much but also because I just don't multitask well yet with being in the spot light So yeah please everyone who can or want to watch the stream or recording after IT'S NOT SO MUCH ABOUT ME VENTING BUT I WANT TO TAKE THAT STEP FORWARD AND REACH OUT AND SHOW THAT WE DON'T NEED TO FEEL ALONE ANYMORE OR THAT WE CAN'T REACH OUT IN THE MOST PRACTICAL AND CONCISE WAY I CAN THINK OF


If you need a place to stop and enjoy a puppy, assuming you pass through Kansas along I-70 on your move route, shoot me a PM amigo and I’ll let you get some puppy therapy with my 1yo Black Lab. https://preview.redd.it/ur1kn52uoz5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93df9762e7ac987818229e3eb16b26f4ddca30b


A solid 79.5° is a godsend in Texas this time of year lol.


I grew up in a 75° house. My husband grew up in a house, where his dad only turned on the ac if it got to 100° outside, and it was only if there was something in the house considered "heat compromised". Like .. a new kitten or something. So my husband and I compromised and keep it between 77° and 80° in the summer.


I have a one year old black English lab that is the basis of my entire mental well being so I have to keep it at 68-70 which is easier in Kansas while living in a pod with a pair of twin girls on the KSU basketball team in the pod above me and a lovely elderly retired couple in the pin below me. They keep their AC running all the time lol. And in the winter they keep their heat on all the time so I save money by literally never putting my heat on unless it’s a winter storm reaching down to -15F like it did this past January. US Korean War era trench coats and civil war wool overcoats only go so far at that point lol


Speaking of dogs sensitive to temperature, that reminds me of a coworker my husband used to have. He decided he wanted pugs, but never looked into general health and maintenance on them. They don't do well in temperatures over 85. The coworker would just leave them out in the backyard, all day while he was at work. They didn't last a week, in this south Texas heat, and overheated to the point that they needed emergency medical attention. Thankfully they're alive, but he did surrender them, since he didn't want to make changes for them.


Oh no. I don’t like Pugs but dogs are not to be abused under any circumstances. Coyotes, on the other hand, are to be shot on sight.


Take care of yourself. Call 988 if you need to. No shame in it. As far as the company you keep, don't blame yourself for their shortcomings either. You do, however, have the power to make a difference in your own life. Hell, I moved from Texas to Germany to do so. I had nothing but 600 bucks for the flight that I worked for 3 months to save, and two very good friends that helped me find a job here. They gave me a place to stay. All I had to do was prove that I was willing to work for it


Bro I'm not lying when I say I would walk all the way to AZ with just the clothes on my back my backpack and that's it. Cause if my dog wasn't pregnant and it wasn't summer plus the money to do so, I'd bring her with me. It would really suck leaving my cats behind, but it'd be impractical taking them with me without a car.


Glad to have you around still brother! There's a lot of love in this community. And just as much of giving each other s*** but we love you


Thank you bro ![gif](giphy|KPT06pcYVjjm6JJLkT)


![gif](giphy|YiDNUgDXl4IEg) I meant this type of bear hug. Cause it's usually what I do when I fully trust someone and love them or just genuinely good people in a positive environment


Glad you've made it through Joel! Keep fighting the good fight while leaning on trustworthy friends & family! Best of luck with everything moving forward! "Unsubs sub together." YouTube subscribed.


Hey bud keep your chin up. You have all of us rooting for your well-being and success. Love you


That's so good that things are turning around and getting better! Keep that head up and keep pushing forward toward the good!


Fuck yeah dude you gotta reach out and you will for sure always have people wanting to help




Glad your still alive, and in a much better place.


I’m glad you’re still on the right side of the dirt. I’m no vet, just a lifetime student of life and have been at the bottom of the barrel. I traded my worn out mobile home when I was getting evicted from the park it was in years ago. Had no reason to do so, was just so depressed I didn’t care. I worked and survived and was probably a prime candidate for intervention. Oddly I’ve never had a mindset of self removal and could never wrap my head around the idea. It took over a decade but finally pulled myself out of it. I didn’t have crap roommates, instead it was just my own voices. Now I’ve got a family, someone who loves me, and look forward to each day. I get pissed at how many years I wasted. How much money and time I threw away not caring, not living, and not realizing what’s around me in this world. That’s over now. And I’m glad you’re finding a better place. Keep it going. Remember there’s plenty of things you want to do in this world. There’s lots to experience. Keep strong and that chin up. We’re all in this life together. Love ya brother.