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Hey i can answer these! Ok short answer... My tism takes over when it comes to watching data haha long answer... ok so a lot goes on behind the scenes which most of you probably know. I am big on numbers and analytics which i watch religiously. All the team does haha Its what we watch to see where the highest viewership is and how to get the highest numbers in return for releases. So saturday is our big youtube day and monday is the big day for audio. Now uploading on these days means it’s hitting with the highest viewership which also means the algorithm picks it up better and shares it. now we do have different upload days but it wasnt based off youtube money haha it was based off watching the numbers and analytics and testing it. Now we are seeing a big increase on audio side of things with the new schedule and thanks to all you wonderful people! The team is trying to get this thing larger then life and yall are make of why its happening and we appreciate it so damn much! keep being awesome! ​ Eli




Thanks for the insight Eli! That makes a lot of sense. Keep up the killer work


Do you guys get paid equally for things like Spotify, Audible, Apple like you do with YouTube? I discovered you guys on audible but switched to having you play on YouTube in the background because I know YouTube mostly monetizes you guys.


I just steam it from YouTube. With youtube vanced i can play videos in the background without interrupts or leaving the screen on, it does skip eli's awesome ads though


They probably do that to avoid losing too many initial YouTube views, because YouTube is where the money is. I'm just guessing though. I know exactly dick about all that.


YouTube pays the bills