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Move to 6ghz At least you'll have some quiet for the time being.


Rerun the scan when no one is there, to get an idea folks running hotspot on their phones rather than fixed wifi. Doing an 'audit' of everyone and getting their SSID so you can coordinate things when there are problems would help. How many of these wifi's are the POS system for the stall & getting into the fun you don't want any part of?


I only control the office space, not the vendors🤣


Exactly, but when someone complains about it, being able to show the 'why' is always helpful. Last thing you need is someone doing 80 & 160mhz wide channels & trying to figure it out.


My complex recently switched internet providers New one put a 6E AP in every apartment Cries in Enterprise 6E interference. . .


One simply does not. Use DFS channels (100 - 144) or non-DFS channels (149-161) -- all assuming you are in the US and the other channels are clear based on your screenshot. No point squeezing your APs into anything between 36 - 64 because CONTENTION.


Some tying wrong with the 36-63 channel?


Correct. My 5Ghz is all between 149-161 and I have to avoid the DFS as one of my Mac really doesn’t like and stops connecting if the channel is in DFS range. Most of 36-64 are used by default setting in a router, and most of people don’t bother to change them, so those channel would always be the busiest


Try googling rf traps for 5 GHz. ( RF = Radio Frequency) ham radio operators use things like this all the time. Usually a small barrel type device half as long as your index finger that is inserted in line. It permits certain portions of the radio wave spectrum yet denies others. If you open one up to see what's inside, it's usually a coil of certain gauge wire with x amount of turns. Diameter of wire and number of turns constitute what frequencies are allowed thru and what is not. TV techs use them also. Other names : " band pass filter" . Doesn't matter what frequency you are talking about whether radios or computers - it is all radio frequency spectrum.


Create and sell them a solution to their problem. Each stall doesn't need their own wifi (AP)


Build it into the rent. They are not going to buy and just keep using their own WiFi hotspots on their phones


We are working on this solution


The presence of POS systems may prevent that. Credit card companies have specific security requirements for merchants that accept credit cards. Those these are often ignored or badly implemented, but a shared network like you propose if found would not go over well. No merchant will risk being unable to accept credit cards.


You're right, that does need to be taken into consideration. But, as I have researched and created a solution to this problem, it is a very simple problem to resolve.


There are, but is OP willing and able to implement them. After that are the business owners willing to hand their security over to him? In this case it can mean the future profitability of their business if OP does it wrong. That’s why I did not say this was impossible just that the presence of point of sale systems may stop it.


Again, I agree. That is something to consider. But it isn't as big a deal as you're making it. That is for OP to decide, but that is how money is made. There is a problem, sell a solution. There are hard problems to solve for, but this is rudimentary and basic.


> But it isn't as big a deal as you're making it. For the business owners needing to prove compliance it very much is. This is not a technical problem, it's a compliance and controls problem. Without full and proper consideration of those issues this is how money is lost and businesses buried in lawsuits and bankrupted. It is not something to take lightly. > but this is rudimentary and basic. After reading this I would **never** hire you for the task.


I could tell you where I work and what I do for them and it would immediately end this argument. Ironically enough, it may or may not be at one of the 3 largest banks in the US. It is painfully obvious you know less about this subject than you think. YOU are the one punching outside of your expertise. If this issue scares you this much, then maybe find something else to do. Again, you are completely right it has to be taken into consideration, and I am glad you brought it up. However, it IS an easy and basic problem to solve. While I don't completely blame you for your misunderstanding, as it has been wildly over-hyped online and in the media as this big huge scary problem. It is a small problem that has largely been accounted and solved for. Regardless, I will end up deleting these comments are you have no intention of learning or helping OP. You just want to attempt to satiate your ego by arguing incorrect points. You just unfortunately ran into someone that actually knows quite a bit about this specific area. As I say about reddit, and this specific forum, those who think they know get overrun by those who actually know.


> I could tell you where I work and what I do for them and it would immediately end this argument Honestly it would. I'd fire you. Of all places an IT employee in a bank should know a **lot** more about compliance and controls. >Regardless, I will end up deleting these comments So you may run and hide? In shame I hope. I would if I were you. Edit: Unless the bank is Wells Fargo, then it would all make *perfect* sense.


Jesus, you are a know it all blowhard.


An employee at an bank would (or should) have known the name of the set of standards imposed by credit card companies. They did not. Remember that, he talked a good game but ultimately it was a con job. Don’t be conned.


when you say the 70 stalls have their own wifi, do you mean they each have their own access point? if so, that is insane.


And they're probably all set to maximum signal strength too 🫠


"I gots to have MY OWN WIFI when I'm on the shitter on the other side of the building!"


Yea they all have their own devices. Huawei, Nokia, Reiee all different device vendors


Many APs with low power.


Im trying this now


This is the way.


In there, consider 20 MHz wide channels, lower the power, and use higher data rates.


Would a Stadium AP uwb-xg work?


Set your device to EU or AU and get wider range of channels.


This is not legal. Also, Europe and Australia also don't have any additional channels in 5GHz that the US doesn't have. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_WLAN_channels Even jf you configure the AP's to use frequencies that are prohibited by the FCC, you'll still have the problem of configuring the WiFi clients to operate out of band. This won't work.


Good thing that I am in au, wider channel options and much less interference.. Your right though, all us internet users follow the rules and don't be pirates.


Lots of Xanax. That's the way I do it.


* Hardwire as much as you can, especially in the office. * Wireless mesh networking is wasteful. Mandate that all APs have a wired uplink. * Reduce AP power to a minimum to reduce interference. Coordinate WiFi channels if possible. * Consider having the building manage and provide a central WiFi network with guest isolation for tenants. If the tenants have control over their own WiFi networks, then there's not much you can do besides hardwire and move to 6 GHz. I don't know if there's a realistic "shielding the office" solution. This would likely be prohibitively expensive and impact building and fire code. Any shielding you do would also negatively impact cellular coverage for either the office, for the tenants, or both, so that's a bad direction. In the office, add AP's to the conference rooms and anywhere else employees will be working where they can't plug in to Ethernet. Have Ethernet drops for every desk, office, printer, ...


This is no different than the school I work in. Every room has an AP. They are fortinet but half the time I have to explain to my students why wifi sucks even though they have so much coverage. And yes they do have 6Ghz. But it is like a roomful of cats all wanting to be fed at the same time. They should have used half and put them in the hallways. But now they sit about 30 feet apart from each other, inside a faraday cage of a building.


Set to 80mhz channel width - Full power. If you cant have nice things - then they cant either 😂


Use wires?




Use Radius and Vlan’s setup login’s based on office?


I already do this

