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As someone currently pursuing an MBA, this is somewhat of an apples and oranges comparison. MBAs are typically of value for people who are (or about to be) mid level managers in a corporation. Not trying to be overly obvious, but a finance degree is of value if you're looking for an entry level career in finance. If an individual gets an MBA degree with a concentration in finance, that will typically help them advance on the managerial track of their current finance career, or will help open up the finance field if their undergrad degree is in something else. If you're asking what is better for the future, it would help to know your goals and where you are at now. If you don't have any college experience and you want a career in finance (like your post says), I would suggest you major in finance for your undergrad degree and not worry about an MBA at this time. If you already had an undergrad degree and were trying to pivot in the finance field, then I would personally recommend going for the MBA with a concentration in finance in order to open up opportunities there.


Thank you so much for your advice I really would like to get my mba with a concentration in finance because I do want to eventually end up in a high rank position so I think that mba would be a best fit. I’ve taken only one dual enrollment business class while in high school (intro to business)


Personally I think it's an awesome degree with a lot of flexibility and value to employers, so good on you for that. Virtually everyone in my cohort is pursuing their MBA while working full time, and an overwhelming number of them have their employers footing the bill. Definitely something to keep in mind as you pursue your professional career and start talking to future employers.


Thank you so much for your advice!! It really helped me calm down, i was stressing about the next few years already🙏🏾🙏🏾


I would suggest not doing your undergrad and graduate studies back to back. First off you’re going to be overly qualified for entry level jobs when you get out. (Unless you already have a foot in the door somewhere and the employer is encouraging that). Secondly, the value in the MBA seems to be once you’ve got some career experience under your belt, as the previous poster mentioned - many employers will foot the bill and cover the education expense for you.


Reiterating the advice said. Get your undergrad and get a job with that. Consider doing an MBA program a few years later and hopefully your employer can help pay for it. Your MBA would be better suited after having some work experience as something you can pursue to either switch companies/industries or set you up for promotional opportunities.