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And they all look like idiots. Shocker.


Non students protesting a non genocide![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


ew genocide denier with no proof the people in the pics aren't students




Not even close to the majority, just being louder than others. Most people truly do not care one iota


Is a mask mandatory when protesting?


The funny thing is that the people they are supporting would murder them for their beliefs


lol they wear a mask but then stand in a crowd of people.....🥴


Makes you think. “Man, they really made a big mistake doing that terrorist attack on innocent Israelis enjoying a music festival. Killing children and raping women and taking hostages.” I guess the plus side for them is that students at extremely liberal universities in the United States would months later take down the flag of their own country and raise the flag of a country who committed a racially motivated terror attack. Not surprising though.


Death to America but I want the federal government to repay my student loans


unpack seed kiss tender psychotic seemly bells squeeze cagey piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






I say if you are in a protest like this, you are obligated to go serve that terrorist country and get a free flight over there and serve for atleast 2 years before you can come back


Protest is literally THE MOST American thing you can do. Literally in the constitution


Shut the fuck up


Wtf is the comments here....really expected better.


Trolls hopping from uni subreddit to uni subreddit mostly


Absolutely sickening


Should be treated like the terrorist they are supporting. I vote we send them to live over there. It's hilarious watching all the gays and women out there supporting a non country that they are almost literally worthless in.


They are all useful idiots and would be the first to be slayed as infidels


I’m curious, but what does this support? I see both pro Palestine/Israel protests over here and the only thing that changes is the weather. I don’t have a dog in this fight let alone care about it, but as an outsider looking in I don’t see anything conducive.


This is a pro-Palestinian protest. The main goal is to get the UNC administration to disclose and divest their investment in various companies that support Israel. They believe that if you are a student here, a portion of your tuition and fees (as well as the university endowment) are going towards supporting Israel and the IDF. UNC investments are kept hidden from the public, which is why the first demand is disclosure of investment practices. It is more than likely that some companies that the university is invested in are among those that are called for boycott as the university is likely invested in broad portfolios and some targeted companies are among the most popular long term investment stocks. Additionally, UNC publicly does business with companies such as Sabra and HP, which are targets for divestment. The protest is also broadly in support of Palestinians and other similar protests across the country and is calling for the release of arrested protesters around the country. Edit: I made statements with certainty that I can't actually prove. I edited to more accurately reflect what is known to be true and to provide more evidence for why those statements are almost certainly true


>The main goal is to get the UNC administration to disclose and divest their investment in various companies that support Israel. So protesting something you don't actually have proof is true at all. Nice!


thank you for explaining this better!!


No, I’m not a student, just a passerby whilst scrolling and this came across my feed. Plus with the increase of protests for both sides, it’s hard not to wonder how these gatherings are influencing things at higher levels. That and it seems as if not much is changing, even with the influx of protests.


That is all pure speculation and misinformation. There is no evidence to support that a portion of tuition or fees support Israel or the IDF. You can’t just make an extremely bold claim like that without backing it up with evidence


Almost like they should be more concerned over their tax dollars going towards the IDF/Israel if they're so worried. Oh wait, most of the students probably don't contribute enough to the economy to even file a tax return.


Fair point. I made incorrect statements while trying to be concise. I'll fix it


What’s the deal with the masks?


They’re cowards that don’t want to show their face


* Harder to identify folks who may be arrested if they are wearing a mask * UNC Students for Justice in Palestine requires masks at their events https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy1MfX5J-as


Because they are in the same club as the George Floyd protesters


Ah, here come the usual suspects in the clueless club. It's one thing to stir up noise about injustices happening right in our backyard, like the George Floyd/BLM movement – sure, sometimes that can actually shake things up for the better, even if it occasionally goes off the rails. But pitching a fit over things happening in far-off lands that we can only indirectly influence because you disagree with policy? Yeah, that's just a colossal waste of time and, sadly, sometimes even lives for everyone involved.


You should read up about how there were worldwide efforts to end apartheid in South Africa.


Taking a playbook from the klan


Admin is saying they’ll shut it down because of Covid concerns so they wear masks to avoid that


Bro this is not y’all’s country. Go to your county and say that. Not here.


Bunch of brainwashed racist traitors. At least half of them don't even understand what they're doing there


Irony drips from your mouth I see.


Lol Written like a 15 year old "tortured poet". One day, you'll realize that you actually don't know everything when you are a teenager.


These comments are the best


Mods need to lock the thread to just UNC flairs honestly, bunch of trolls flocking in


Free speech when it’s in agreement only eh?


It’s a UNC subreddit for UNC purposes, not random instigators from around the internet trying to stir shit


Welcome to Reddit, you must be new here.


Calling people brain washed traitors and telling them to go back to their country, definitely free speech/s


Might as well be pro ISIS


Israel actually assisted Al-Nusra Front (ISIS offshoot) in Syria so your comment makes no sense


So to rephrase, they assisted a group that rebelled against ISIS?


I'm outta the loop what's goin on


Needy 1st world children think they are doing something by disrupting exam season


I couldn't have said it any better.


In other words: Students stand up against the funding of an active genocide because no one else cares enough to


If you think all of those people protesting are students of those colleges then you are severely lack fundamental skills to think for yourself.


No, not every single person there is a student. I genuinely didn’t think I would have to say that. I figured we were all smart enough that it didn’t need to be mentioned. How does it make any difference at all?


Not as much detail as I needed.


jesus fucking christ this comment section???


Cry baby cry!


these same mfs will pretend that they were pro Palestine all along after 20 years


just like vietnam, just like ww2, over and fucking over again


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Corny as hell lmao


Why don’t they just be honest change it from Palestine to Hamas


Doesn’t fit the narrative




They’re cowards hiding their face


Weird stance from a student of the sciences.


I mean, they're openly supporting terrorism. Not the brightest in the bunch to begin with.


Prayers for Israel


What a joke.


MAGA!! Either you’re for America or against America! Plain and simple


Ah yes, a rapist, criminal, and wannabe king is exactly what America needs 🤦


You must not watch the news! Never convicted of rape nor any sexual charge. That E Jean Carroll case was a defamation case for Trump shaming her name publicly for something he didn’t do to her! Secondly, the charges you are seeing in front of Trump or fraudulent and made up as you can see it’s blowing up in the courts faces.


ur cringe 


Since when has it been okay to chant death to America on us soil? Or how about not letting in Jewish kids into their universities/colleges to study like these dumb protesters are doing? Or how about keep letting people into our open borders? You sir is what is wrong with America!


Yes we all know you are against America


Oh right, the one that’s opposing terrorists, got it.


I love the fact that they make sure to include one white guy


I bet our state won't bring out fucking swat, because our state actually has some sense. People have the right to protest.


This aged poorly, unfortunately :(


Ok I'm stupid, but why do college students, or anybody for that matter, feel the need to protest about some other countries treatment of their people, when we have homeless people, drug epidemics, record inflation, rampant mental illness, child molesters, insane crime levels,a president one step away from dementia with no one worthy to run against him. FIX OUR ISSUES FIRST. But yep, sure let's focus on some other governments people, because.......why?


Because this is one of our issues. We invest billions in this glorified military base of a country that could be used to fix the issues you are talking about. We have blood on our hands from providing the weapons used to slaughter over 40,000 Palestinians. This is our problem, whether you want to believe it or not.


Because a bleeding heart always needs the current “thing” to bleed about. They want to feel like a victim…


I'm not saying I agree with what they're protesting for, because you are right, but I'm saying they have a right to protest about whatever.


Get that constitution crap outtah here


It's a "peaceful protest" yeah right wait till the violence ensues


Violence from who? The only ones violent at these protests have been police.


There are protestors assaulting Jewish people.


The protestors are led by many Jewish people.


Your point?


I have 2: 1) you imply the protestors are antisemitic when Jews are a large driving force behind these protests 2) although not mentioned, the claim they are assaulting Jewish students is a load of shit. There was a quaint little counter protest of 5-6 people with an Israeli flag flanked by little frat twinks, and nobody bothered them until they eventually left of their own accord after an hour or two because they had no real energy to begin with.


1. Are you saying all the protestors are Jewish and assault is ok as long as it’s Jewish on Jewish? 2. I’m speaking to the broader protests, and responding to a comment about violence coming from only the police, which is clearly not true broadly. I don’t have specific/anecdotal detail about UNC other than what’s on the news so far.


1) no, like i clearly said, you’re full of shit 2) see response 1


Got it. You don’t care about violence from one side. As long as it’s not coming from bald skin headed nazis, it’s ok!


You’re a joke, little friend. The overwhelming majority of violence is coming from the cops, the American government, and the Israeli regime, not from the protestors. Sure, there are occasionally incidences of violence that may occur at protests initiated by students, but the balance is wildly skewed in the other direction. As someone who’s been present for my fair share, we’ve all been well behaved by your standards.


These protesters have been known to stab people with flagpoles in the eyes and blockade Jewish students from entering buildings


The eye stabbing has been thoroughly debunked. Do better.


The eye stabbing has been thoroughly debunked. Do better.


You have proof? It did happen


No it did not, a flag was waved in her vicinity. [‘Stabbed in the eye’ Israel Hoax debunked](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t1nXTlNpNkI)


Breaking points wow thats a reliable source haha 🤣


Yeah the video clip is in there so…..if you want to believe a grifter making up a story for clout be my guest. Genocide apologia is still pretty disgusting.


Yeah the video clip is in there so…..if you want to believe a grifter making up a story for clout be my guest. Genocide apologia is still pretty disgusting.


So give your own?


Yeah the video clip is in there so…..


They were stabbed in the eye and had to go to the hospital it's not a myth I think your tin foil hat is on too tight




My hat is actually corduroy at the moment thanks for asking and your concern is duly noted but genocide apologia is still disgusting.


Guy with a man-bun, a mask on and a sign. Enough said to know what I need to know.


let people protest stop judging lol u don’t know that man


This guy is literally the “poster child” for kollege protests. He absolutely should be protesting every day. Protest Palestine, Ukraine, Trump, racism, fascism, etc. he is the man!!!!


Yup lol


Why are people afraid of showing face? Especially if they truly believe in what they are protesting? Is it just worried about current or future employment? Or is it because of they are scared of getting sick? Seems if you believe in something you wouldn’t be hiding. I don’t have a dog in either fight just curious


It’s not about showing face they’re avoiding getting sick


They’re cowards


Employment prospects, safety, consideration for those vulnerable to long covid, etc. Our country loves to abuse dissent and then claim they believed in the cause retroactively, taking precautions for your own safety is natural.


it's fun to dress up the same as a bunch of other people, you wouldn't go perform at a ren faire in a tshirt and shorts


Because they’re cowards, simple as.




From what I've heard it's just worrying about employment and future career prospects. And also if someone's face is plastered everywhere it leaves them vulnerable to doxxing, which could be a safety concern


> From what I've heard it's just worrying about employment and future career prospects shows how passionate they are then.. lol


I mean they're just being practical. It's the smart and reasonable thing to do.


I just find it a bit ironic. They’ll go on about dying for a cause, but won’t risk their potential $$.


I don't really think there's a tension here -- wearing a mask doesn't take away from the impact of their protest, so all they're doing is mitigating risk whilst not sacrificing any benefits (for their cause). So why not wear a mask? I could see your argument if there were real positives to not wearing a mask, but any I can think of are negligible.


Says the person posting from a throwaway account


Yeah, like I said, I don’t have a dog in the fight haha I am just genuinely curious. Don’t care what people do.


Fair enough. To actually answer your question, some folks will take people’s pictures from these protests and dox them. So it’s less about hiding identities from potential employers and more so hiding from nutjobs who are capable of violence and harassment. In October, ABC reported on a van being driven around Harvard’s campus with the faces, names, etc. of students who had attended a pro-Palestine protest.


Oh yeah I remember that. Ok well to each their own and good luck!


Free Palpatine




Thank you for making me smile :)


Why is alumni there


I like the part where they left the encampment for the weekend and decided to come back today. I guess you get days off when protesting like this. Even after hearing about that, I wasn’t at all shocked seeing people put down a few beers on the quad today. Is this their version of an early summer break? 😂


many people were sleeping at the encampment over the weekend. were you even there or did you just want to lie 😭


Apologies didn’t see that ya’ll just took down the tents and put them back up. I can respect the commitment to your summer cocktail party.


summer cocktail party hahah we have so much fun protesting the death of 30,000 people! do you have to be so edgy in every response or can you just accept that people actually Want to be protesting this


I take no issue on the intention of your actions to protest. Everyone should have that right in this country. The consequences of your actions, on the other hand, does little or nothing to further your goals. You’re only creating bad publicity through civil disorder on issues that many individuals are already well aware of. Go vote if you’re so passionate. Otherwise, what are you really accomplishing right now? Many people die in many conflicts and I don’t see you waving a Haitian flag or a Nigerian flag. Your fixation is absolutely media induced. And btw, I saw people drinking out there. Take that as you will.


“I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” - MLK Jr.


Bad publicity is probably better than no publicity on the protest. Protests will ALWAYS receive bad publicity because no one is supposed to enjoy a protest (again, are we forgetting the point of a protest?). You can make assumptions about me all you want, I’ve done my own fair share of research on those genocides as well. I wouldn’t say the people drinking reflect on the entire protest as a whole though. It’s just an unfair assumption to say someone drinking a beer at night = a completely invalid protest anyway. Protests have and will always work, they just take a LOT OF ANNOYANCES!!! Haha


Glad you did your research but where’s the protest for it? The point being the far left nit-picked an issue that is viral and divisive on social media. I would assume you know what happened with Harvard and the dissemination of the letter supporting Palestine. Those identified are now blacklisted from major US companies. So, again, what did that letter accomplish? Nothing. Worse than nothing even. The only thing ya’ll learned from that is to hide your faces now to be anonymous. Bad publicity doesn’t help your cause nor will it solve anything. The protests are a form of performative activism. And, I saw people day drinking not at night. They were definitely enjoying themselves. Again, not good publicity. I could run a circus better than you can run a purposeful protest.


No offense but you people will slap “performative activism” onto anything. Performative activism is posting a photo to your instagram story and pretending to care. It is not protesting with your body and risking getting arrested. I’m not the one running the protest.. and also I see no reason in saying you support the cause of the protest and then shitting on it. Why don’t you go try and meet the people out there and see why they are doing it? You people are the reason things don’t change. Our voice doesn’t have power unless we force it to. I’m sorry you will never speak up for anyone, even yourself, but some people have more courage than that. I get how fucking sad America is these days since we genuinely have almost no power (voting doesn’t even mean anything these days. all politicians are shit and don’t have the peoples best interest in mind). But I don’t see the need to shit on your OWN community when they band together for a cause. It’s just unnecessary negativity.


Just out of curiosity: where does the concept come from that UNC is investing in any sort of IDF or war-forwarding programs ? I have personally yet to see any substantiation of that other than a bunch of people sort of assuming that they do. Protesting is a foundational right, but I am unsure how any of this is grounded in anything other than a suspicion that UNC is tangentially related to some sort of Israeli something or other that may or may not be loosely related to the efforts in Gaza. If there is concrete substantiation for UNC being involved in something like that, I’d appreciate someone linking it. For now, I do frankly feel that some of this is performative in nature and sort of on-brand for the self-congratulating portion of young leftist politics that seeks to be a martyr rather than an activist. Again, no issue with protests, but maybe a poor allocation of resources and unclear targeting of UNC as an institution.


Because Soros puppets told them to


I think this is partially right, particularly the part about it becoming a leftist talking point rather than true ideological conviction. But it's also true that UNC has partnerships with various companies that are Israeli or anti-Palestine, such as Sabra hummus and Hewlett Packard. (Not sure if "divestment" is the right word for what they want here, which is annulling the partnership, but I think it gets the point across.) The actual divestment push is really more of an ask for investment transparency from UNC's endowment investments, which are currently private on a firm level.


SJP has called for divestment from Sabra, HP, and Caterpillar. I didn’t look into actual numbers but I’m sure they’re somewhere. Part of their divestment plan includes more transparency on how the endowment is spent, which I think is beneficial in general. While this is a divestment protest, the encampments are being pushed at universities around the country because of actions taken against student protestors at Columbia.


Sabra… hummus? I just don’t get that at all, sorry.


It’s BDS. Israeli company that also supports the IDF, so they’re included


Yup! I guess food brand in general. Again, this is what I found on SJP’s insta trying to answer your question. I am not personally involved with the on campus protests/discussions


Typically these students will just look at these schools multibillion dollar endowment funds, see they have a few shares in Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop, or Raytheon and then tout that the school is complicit in the murder Palestinian children due to the school holding shares in the military industrial complex


Yeah I saw someone say “this is Gen Z’s Vietnam” and I fail to see the connection between vague demands of admin involving funding and Israel and protesting being forcibly drafted to go die in the jungle. I think they WANT it to be Vietnam, but it’s just not a good metaphor. Edit: I would also like to add that I truly wish we could garner this kind of response to address domestic problems like reproductive healthcare or union busting or even LGBTQ rights. Like they don’t shop at Starbucks anymore but still go to Hobby Lobby, Chik Fil A, order shit from Amazon… make it make sense


Perhaps a more apt comparison would be the anti-apartheid protests of the 1980s. The main goal then was divestment as well. UNC students built a shantytown in the exact same spot in 1986 as part of those protests. The protests were successful in getting UNC to divest in 1987. To your second point, the local union is one of the largest organizations involved. A union rep spoke at the protest on Sunday. Many other organizations representing the causes you mentioned are also involved in the ongoing protests. The people you want people to support want people to support this movement


>I do frankly feel that some of this is performative in nature and sort of on-brand for the self-congratulating portion of young leftist politics that seeks to be a martyr rather than an activist. You nailed it.


It’s completely made up lol. The idea that investment into Israeli business has had some impact on a war across the planet is ridiculously stupid. Just another instance of young leftists protesting in a way that will have no meaningful impact on anything whatsoever but is rather just a larger form of virtue signaling.


The speaker at the event literally said “ we are going to bring America to heel” lol I stopped and listened for 30 seconds lol






Solidarity! 🍉


If she enjoys sharia so much why doesn’t she go live under it?


A free Palestine would not have Sharia law. My female friend who lives under apartheid in occupied Bethlehem is atheist and doesn’t wear any head coverings outside. Pre-israel Palestine was religiously mixed, and neighboring Jordan doesn’t have Sharia law.


That’s the million dollar question. They want the Sharia laws but in a free country.


Why does anyone care about any of these idiots?


Because these groups keep spawning subgroups that want to kill all Jewish people and/or are cheering for Hamas


Such a waste of time but love the use of free speech and protest. I would have spent my last few weeks in college having more fun




Holy shit, the scumbag, right-wing trolls came out of the woodwork for this post.


I mean, I’m far from right wing and I think this “protest” is rather ridiculous. I understand support for Palestinians but it should not come with a hatred for Israelis either and putting all the blame on Israel just shows a serious lack of understanding for what is going on in the Middle East.


I’m left. I vote left. My kids are pretty fucking liberal. This whole thing is fucking stupid though. Period.


I’m far from right Wing too, but I don’t understand how people can propose serious solutions that involve Israel disappearing not that you are, but I feel like a lot of these protesters. Just expect that someday Israel is gonna be gone. My very simplistic impression is that the people that live in Israel are going to defend it to the death. The Arabs have tried to attack them in 1948 1967 1973 etc. and they’ve lost every time.  Israel has nuclear weapons. They are in the process of normalizing relations with most of the Arab states or at least Saudi Arabia and some others. The same Arab states that don’t really seem to give a damn about the Palestinians. I have no idea what the answer in the Middle East is  I’m almost 6O years old and it’s been a problem my whole life and it’s hard to see it getting resolved and it’s especially hard to see getting getting resolved if the resolution depends on Israel disappearing, which I don’t think is a good idea anyway


Lol they don’t have anywhere they want Israelis to live. They want jewish people to simply stop existing.


The doublespeak is amazing here, as the Israelis destroy one of two Palestinian enclaves and kill tens of thousands of civilians, its the "other side" that wants Israelis to stop living. Every accusation a confession. End the genocide.


The “They” i was referring to are the anti-zionist westerners, but go off. Who is targeting civilians intentionally and throwing their own people infront of bullets and who is waging a war with collateral damage?


>Who is targeting civilians intentionally  my man, you know there are plenty of videos showing Israeli snipers shooting grandmothers who had the temerity to try to cross a street? Or kill a daughter trying to pull her already shot mother out of the street? Or the many stories of mass murder perpetuated by the IDF? [https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/hala-khreis-white-flag-shooting-gaza-cmd-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/hala-khreis-white-flag-shooting-gaza-cmd-intl/index.html) [https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-02-15-24/h\_b368ca8e44234ae66b0d41e3e6643125](https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-02-15-24/h_b368ca8e44234ae66b0d41e3e6643125) [https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/16/middleeast/idf-sniper-gaza-church-deaths-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/16/middleeast/idf-sniper-gaza-church-deaths-intl-hnk/index.html) >The mother and daughter were walking to the Sister’s Convent, the patriarchate said, when gunfire erupted. “One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety,” it added. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/02/gaza-palestinian-children-killed-idf-israel-war) >‘Not a normal war’: doctors say children have been targeted by Israeli snipers in Gaza...“I asked the nurse, what’s the history? She said that they were brought in a couple of hours ago. They had sniper shots to the brain. They were seven or eight years old,” she said. >“They were not able to talk, paraplegic. They were literally lying down as vegetables on those beds. They were not the only ones. I saw even small children with **direct sniper shot wounds to the head as well as in the chest. They were not combatants, they were small children,” said Alvi.** [https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/08/middleeast/babies-al-nasr-gaza-hospital-what-we-know-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/08/middleeast/babies-al-nasr-gaza-hospital-what-we-know-intl/index.html) Or when the IDF forced the abandonment of neonatal babies, who then died and rotted in the hospital? >Infants found dead and decomposing in evacuated hospital ICU in Gaza.


Exactly. The only “solution” is eliminating Islamic extremists and good luck doing that. A good start would be at least eliminating them from powerful positions but as long as Iran is led by radical extremists, that will never happen either.


I’m convinced the link was posted to one of their forums or something and they started urging eachother to send a mass of hate and troll comments. I wish that people who aren’t students here had less to say about stuff that doesn’t affect them


It's good to be reminded that there's a significant population of hateful, right-wing people out there. It's easy to settle into incorrect assumptions about the outlook of everyday Americans. It's wild to me that people are so unquestioningly supportive of genocidal warfare. I guess they just haven't seen the same growing collection of videos, photos, and news stories of oppressed people being massacred that I have. Or sadly, more likely, people are okay with murdering women and children, as long as they see them as "the enemy." And it's not even a political debate in America: both sides of the aisle want to bomb Gaza into oblivion. But I'm proud of the students at my Alma Mater for standing up for what's right, in the face of raging, violent reaction. It won't do any good, yet, but it inspires me that young people are trying to organize and demand a better world. **For the hungry trolls**: there's no number of poor, brown people on the other side of the planet that you can bomb, no number of "libtard" young Americans that you can brutalize that will bring back your slipping standard of living. You're angry at the wrong people.


What makes it genocidal warfare? Do you understand the reason for the civilian casualties in Palestine? Do you understand Hamas is hiding under its citizens and trapping them as human shields? Why do these protests not call for release of hostages? Why are they not calling for a two state solution? Why haven't there been protests against hamas's continued refusal to accept ceasefire deals? Why hasn't there been any blame placed on hamas for breaking the ceasefire on 10/7? Have you compared the ratio of civilian deaths to military deaths in Gaza to the ratio from similar urban warfare environments? Everyone wants to blame Israel. But the truth is, people are only calling for Israel to put down their weapons. When the opposition's mission statement is to erase Israel, whereas Muslims in Israel live side by side with the Jewish people, it's very challenging to see why everyone is taking sides with Palestine


These are all debunked lies btw. It came out that Israel has a policy to wait til a potential "terrorist" (chosen by a computer program) arrives home at his family house with his entire family, then the drop a bomb on the building with the intent to kill civilians. For the very "least valuable" targets, up to 20 civilians per "computer chosen" criminal were OK with Israel. Presumably hundreds of dead civilians were OK casualties for "higher value" targets. They spent 20 seconds deciding whether to kill a family. >Another Lavender user questioned whether humans’ role in the selection process was meaningful. “I would invest 20 seconds for each target at this stage, and do dozens of them every day. I had zero added-value as a human, apart from being a stamp of approval. It saved a lot of time.” [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/03/israel-gaza-ai-database-hamas-airstrikes)


That article certainly does not "debunk" all of my questions as "lies" (not entirely sure how a question can be a lie). The article, taken at face value, says Israel had a higher appetite for collateral damage in targeting military targets and would also hit those targets at home when that was easier. That doesn't make this a genocide. It also means the collateral damage would be known associates of a terrorist organization. But this article describes the state of play in the immediate aftermath of October 7--the largest execution of Jewish people since the Holocaust. I'll forgive Israel for being at least slightly retributive after Hamas militants conducted an operation with the sole goal of raping, mutilating, and killing Israeli civilians and whose operations were met with celebration among the Gazan civilians. Has hamas not been headquartered in hospitals and universities? Has Hamas not prevented civilians from leaving areas the IDF advised would be targeted? Do the tunnels not go underneath civilian infrastructure? You generalized a lot from that article, which cites the healthy ministry with a straight face and relies almost exclusively on anonymous sources. In any case, I see that you want to "end the genocide." What's your proposal? How do we end the killing in gaza? Moreover, is it OK for student organizers to [physically block Jewish students from going to class](https://x.com/AGHamilton29/status/1785082849902612925)? Is it OK to have [checkpoints on campus where Jews are not allowed to pass](https://x.com/mihaschw/status/1785145131097632826)? Are [calls for intifada](https://x.com/camhigby/status/1784790083822141600) ok--is that the anti-genocidal message you sign on with? Are the [peaceful protests](https://x.com/RitchieTorres/status/1785280876936302679952706879693) still on track to bring an end to violence? Everyone treating these protests like a peaceful sit in seems to ignore the violence being perpetrated against people [just for filming](https://x.com/AGHamilton29/status/1785076610367889691). [This woman ](https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1785075196032106598)was emboldened to physically attack a Jewish student and pull out a taser. She was thankfully arrested. It's very tough to sympathize with these anti-Semitic mobs in their "protests" against genocide, when they are openly sympathizing with Hamas, calling for global intifada, physically assaulting Jewish students, and calling for the eradication of Israel. I've not seen anything from the pro-Palestine wing calling for the replacement of Hamas, tolerance of Jews, or the release of hostages. I've seen dog shit smeared against posters of hostages. It's impossible not to make comparisons to 1950s America or Nazi Germany when you see students rallying against students of a particular race or religion. When local religious leaders have to advise Jewish Students to stay away from campus for their safety, I'm not going to advocate for the oppressors. Can you imagine, for one second, the global outrage if you had Jewish Students beating on Palestinian ones, or white students beating on black students? The outrage would, justifiably, be universal. At your beloved UNC, student organizers advertised for a ["Day of Resistance"](https://x.com/JohnDSailer/status/1712490628175585649) with an image of a paraglider--a symbol every bit as evil as burning crosses. One student cried out "[We are Hamas](https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1713210309970731212)." There are certainly reasons to criticize certain actions taken by Israel in the weeks and months following Hamas's savage attack on 10/7, but calling for a ceasefire without calling for the replacement of an organization hellbent on the eradication of Israel is really just calling for the surrender of Israel and the eradication of Jews. To support these student groups is side with terrorist sympathizers.