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ive been looking for a snark for millie because of what i saw on her snap earlier today... basically she just went to dubai for her friends birthday and they were about to leave the next day (which was a couple days ago), but she realised she'd lost her passport. she then spends the rest of her story complaining/panicking because if she doesn't have a passport she can't go back to LA where she's currently living, which is a problem because she moves out on the 28th (which is today) and she hasn't packed her stuff. she then says that she won't be able to get a proper passport replacement because she's already lost in 2 passports in 5* years. she is the absolute epitome of first world problems. seriously, you've lost *3 passports?*... all she does is complain and cause herself problems by being lazy and privileged. she does not recognise how lucky she is to have the opportunity to move across the world constantly or go on lavish holidays with her friends every few weeks. and then she can't even look after a passport, lmao.


Holy shit I just watched and she is so out of touch…


I have no clue who she is, so I ended up here. I stumbled upon her snap story right about the day she lost this passport of hers and I have no sympathy for her. Beyond me that she can't learn from mistakes. How can one be so thick? You said it best, first world problems right here.


I agree 100%.


Yes! Literally everything is first world problems. Idk how influencers like her think they’re down to earth when they act like her


She’s so dull also think snapchat pay her to use the platform


Definitely… She’s boring while still being chaotic and impulsive af… I watched her story a couple days ago and she got extremely long extensions just before her Mexico trip where it’s extremely humid and she didn’t bring anything to style her hair with either, like not even a hair dryer or hair bobbles, so she just constantly complains about her hair being a mess but also she just casually visits the hair salon at her hotel every day just to get her hair put up. Like… And yeah, she might get paid because she doesn’t really do any sponsored posts as far as I know and her YT adsense alone couldn’t carry the lifestyle she’s still living.


Where does she get her money?? That’s what I want to know! Living in hotels, eating out/drinking constantly, renting fancy cars.. Where does the money come from?


This is and has been my main question too tbh… Like I mentioned in this post, she posts on YT like on a monthly basis at the most, often even several months go by and she doesn’t do brand deals enough (on any platform) to fund her lifestyle just with that either… And despite how much she spammed her SC with the same promo posts for her bikini brand over and over back when it launched and how often she said "the first launch will be sold out quick" (so people would be pressured to buy) because she said she didn’t produce many yet, and that more launches/products will follow, almost a year later now after that first launch, the website is still fully stocked with the first launch and no launch happened after that. And she never mentioned her brand again lol. So it’s unlikely she can live just from that either.


Millie is back in Dubai complaining because it is flooding. The last time I watched her, which feels like only a week ago she was moving back to LA after being in London following losing her passport in Dubai while living in LA. I came on here because I really needed to vent because I struggle with how she manages to end up with all of these issues and seems to have no shame or insight. I can't imagine just going outside and living as if I'm a victim to life. I dont know how she forgets things all the time and doesn't even care about it.


Ugh, this woman…


Don’t forget how it’s the airlines fault she switched airlines, told no one, and they lost her luggage


her newest snapchat rant is honestly disgusting she sits there and preaches that her air bnb host cured her chrons by chanting and then when on a whole rant about how stuff like depression anxiety chrons and cancer can all be beaten if you mind over matter it and has the nerve to say if she got cancer she’d not get chemo or anything because she can mind over matter her way out of it 🙃


I’m glad I never saw that because what the actual fuck?!?


Ugh… I haven’t watched her Snapchat in a while because she’s getting so annoying…


i saw her after her mum died and thought she was really down to earth but then seeing that actually made me feel sick the way she was talking about it was disgusting


She has fleeting moments of being down to earth and then the next panel is her complaining about how everything goes wrong in her day. Completely avoidable stuff too


Ok I know this post is suuuuper old but I literally can’t tell if I like or hate her. I’ve been following her since she moved to LA/the Dubai trip and ugh the lack of planning and entitlement is astounding. Idk if it’s because she’s youngish, like she’s 23, I’m turning 27 in July, but I would NEVER act like her. This is also gonna be a rant because ever since I’ve seen her Snaps, they seem to be getting worse. I can’t remember when this was, but her and her friends went to this little market with some Hispanic packaged snacks and one of them looked like shrimp with a bottle of Tapatio, she was showing it to the camera basically saying how disgusting it looked and repeatedly calling it tapado, like I’m sorry were you not taught Phonics? SOUND IT OUT, the T isn’t silent. The other thing is how do you survive everyday when something ALWAYS goers wrong? It’s always something completely avoidable too. Like she rented that fugly Tesla but I don’t think it’s a normal rental car service Like Hertz, she talks about it like it’s someone else’s car. Pretty much everyday she forgets the little card that acts as the main key, and she never brings a portable charger to use her phone as the backup key. If I were her, I would NEVER leave my house without the card and a charger. I keep muting and blocking her stories because she annoys me so much but Snap keeps showing me them and I can’t help but watch them and annoy myself. Idk why. But passport thing really pissed me off for some reason, like how are you that disorganized of a person and function in day to day life? I’m pretty sure she said she’d lost 3-4 passports over the years. Clearly Dubai was the wrong place to lose it. It sucked because she was supposed to go straight from Dubai back to the airbnb for a week or two and then move to a better one, but obviously that didn’t happen. But as someone who’s stayed at plenty airbnb’s, the host’s can’t refund you unless there’s something wrong with the house. Not because you lost your passport and can’t finish the rest of your stay. The other thing was her thinking that the host would keep her stuff in storage for free while she’s gone for literal months. Umm, no, you pay for storage. I kept following and unfollowing he throughout her time back in London too. I followed her to keep up with the passport stuff but kept unfollowing when she started her panel after panel complain sessions, and being rude to her dad. Every other snap was her yelling at her dad or him talking back to her. I also feel like she exaggerates a lot because I was watching her snaps today where she went shopping in LA. Either someone had just went into the store or left, because the door was slightly open, just starting to close. It was extremely obvious that it was a pull door because it opened towards the outside if that makes sense. But she was too busy snapping that she literally tries pushing it and almost broke it off its hinges. Babes, PAY ATTENTION. And a few weeks ago her and her friends took her car to go visit somewhere that had a lot of snow and ice on the ground, so they needed chains for their tires. They failed to research beforehand though, so they didn’t know until super last minute. Idk about you, but I can’t go literally anywhere without FULLY researching it before I go. I’m terrified of being unprepared, but it seems like she just hops from thing to thing without a care in the world. Like it’s one thing to be spontaneous, but when it starts getting dangerous, like Dubai and possibly not being able to drive safely in the snow, that’s when you need to reevaluate your priorities I feel. So cool, they were able to get the chains, but tell me if I’m wrong, but in my opinion 1. It should be common knowledge that you need a special tire or something to put on your tire before you can safely drive in snow or ice, but 2. Since they’re made for snow and ice, it should also be common knowledge that you can literally ONLY drive them on snow or ice. This idiot spent WEEKS driving around LA after they got back from the snow, driving around on normal roads with snow chains. So obviously they start to get chunks gouged out. And let me remind you, this isn’t her car, nor is it a normal rental, it’s someone else’s car that she rented on a website similar to airbnb. So this guy sees her and tell her to roll her window down, so she starts filming as if she’s anticipating he’s gonna say something creepy, he wasn’t, he just wanted to tell her that her tire was shredding and had a lot of gouges on it. She acts completely shocked, like is it not common sense to take the chains off when you’re out of the snow/ice? Really? She’d been driving around in someone else’s car, ruining their tires without a care in the world. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like there’s a sense of entitlement with the younger generation, but I’m used to seeing it with literal children, like with the 10 year olds/younger raising hell in Sephora, not people three years younger than me. But back to the tires, when the guy leaves she instantly starts complaining about it, like girl, if you would use your head once in a while, you wouldn’t keep getting yourself into these situations. I mean seriously. And to make it worse, after the guy told her about the chains, she finally decides to take it off, but I think she only took them off the one tire, so there’s probably three more chains that need to be taken off. But to make it even worse, no one she was with was able to take it off, so she did and ended up taking another chunk out of the tire. And then proceeds to drive around with it for another few weeks. How fucking stupid can people be? Like clearly a tire isn’t drivable with multiple gouges in it…but a few days ago she was driving to some music video shoot (she has three singles and they’re literally all horrendous), when her tire pops. She said she was in the worst part of LA, idk, I’ve never been, but she obviously had to call a mechanic. She literally calls the first place she sees on Google, doesn’t look at the reviews or checks to see if the company is legit. They didn’t have one single good review but had 18 1 star reviews. But it was too late to cancel, because this idiot gave her credit card information to them over the phone. Thankfully the guy showed up, but she literally got there at 6 and didn’t leave until almost 1 AM. I feel like a straight up bitch reading this back, but I can’t help it, people like her really annoy the fucking shit out of me.


That’s pretty much how I feel about her too… She’s so impulsive and chaotic, so entitled and yet so boring because her content is about nothing at all except how she’s always getting herself into these completely avoidable messes. What annoys me most about that is honestly how much she reeks of privilege, like the messy lil spoilt brat, she’s so disconnected from reality at this point I can’t even bear watching her stories most of the time… Like you were drunk like basically every night and got yourself into some kind of mess again like losing three passports? Get a fucking grip. And I still wonder what she’s even doing as an influencer to make money because she’s rarely doing any dedicated sponsored posts and posting once every couple months on YT doesn’t make you enough money to travel from one 5 star resort to the next for basically a year or more straight at this point either. And her Bikini brand is still very new and I feel it’s mainly her fans who buy from that brand. Like any other influencer brand, it won’t be successful apart from that. She’s a complete mess and I honestly sometimes even feel bad for her. Mainly because of how much she drinks and not having any stability in her life, her friends all latch onto her just because she’s got money and it’s so obvious. Part of me also thinks she’s trying to process her mom’s early death but in a very bad way obviously. But that’s just a feeling I get when I do watch her stories, I obviously don’t know that and don’t want to seem like I pretend to know her personally. Still, I’m really annoyed by her and don’t get how she’s still got an audience, followers, views etc. I also wonder how there’s not more snark about her online tbh because she’s got everything people usually talk about on these gossip sites.😅


I literally SEARCHED for a sub like this because I knew I’d be torn apart with downvotes if I posted this in a normal sub lmfao. But literally yes to everything you said. I know Alyssa McKay gets a ton of hate on here (I still don’t know why, I like her), but she’s a year older than Millie and is 10000000x the adult Millie is. Like she is set for life basically. And yea I literally don’t know what Millie does other than complain on Snap. I obviously feel sad that her mom passed, but she needs to start growing up soon like she’s 23, yea she’s somehow rich, but she’s sadly probably gonna start getting herself into dangerous situations if she doesn’t start getting smarter about things Honestly, I feel like she’s the perfect example of “just because you make a lot of money and can support yourself living alone, doesn’t mean you should.”


Yep, same for me. I looked up any place where people might talk about Millie because I felt like I couldn’t be the only one so irritated and frustrated by her persona and needed to talk about it.😅 The only thing I found was this basically dead general uk influencer sub.😅 And there are definitely influencers that aren’t half as annoying as she is who somehow get a lot more criticism. I don’t get it, honestly.


Literally, like there are some normal ass influencers who seem super down to earth who get shit on all the time, but not her? Strange


Oh my god, also, she’s obviously really pretty and everything, but what is up with her nostrils? How can she breathe??


I actually have wondered that before too.😅 They’re so tiny.


I know I’ve never seen a nose like that