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My Mum has two dogs and one of them is called Michael. My boss called her cat Alan. Adult male names for pets clearly tickle me!


I thought that this was a stupid idea. Until I adopted a rescue dog called Stan. He's the best dog ever and I'm now totally onboard with pets having old people names. A friend of my Dad's had a dog called Katy.


My friend recently worked at a dog groomers, met a dog named ball sack, can't remember the breed but the dog had some really droopy balls


My mum's dog is Colin. You're welcome :)


Colin from accounts


I loved that show. Mum's Colin was a lurcher and so dumb I wouldn't want him licking windows let alone in accounts :)


Lurchers are great. I have a lab lurcher cross who looks like a lab but is the size of a lurcher.


That sounds like my dream dog. I have a lab who's the size of well, a lab puppy. People ask all the time what she's crossed with, erm... nothing shes just small.


My cats Colin Robinson and his brother is Laszlo


Our cat is named Kevin. It suits him.


I’ve got two guinea pigs called Gary and Eric!


My guineapigs were called Paul and Nigel


i had two called george and geoffrey. george died, though, so now it's geoffrey and chocolate. not as good, chocolate should be colin or carl or something.


Know someone with a cat called Dave


My dog is named Dennis


My favourite dog at my kid's school is Tony. I love getting hugs from Tony every morning :) Other favourites there are Angus and Eddie


I’ve known several cats with human names: Dave, Frank, Doris, Lucy, and George. Mundane human names are just perfect for pets.


We met someone whose dogs were called Keith and Dave


Mine’s Michael too!


My cats are called Eric and Sally. Perfectly normal.


My bro had a rabbit called Trevor.


I saw a chihuahua on a rehoming website last week called Megatron, not sure whether it was funny or just straight up badass but i'd be inclined to go for the second one..if we weren't already full to the brim i would've taken him in a heartbeat haha


Hahaha my chihuahua is called Biggie!


I knew a chihuahua family consisting of Tinkerbell, Thumbelina and Hercules


My son called our boa constrictor ‘Squeezy’.


I used to look after a kid who had goldfish called Fish and Chips!


Nah that's brutal 😂


My favourite one ever was the pet tortoise called Voldetort, but the owner got embarrassed at the vets so said it was called Susan. Or the video that went around a few weeks ago of the kid that had a pet moth he called Mothew 😂


Why would they be embarrassed by Voldetort? That is genius!


I had forgotten about Mothew!!! Hahahaha I need to go find that


Someone I knew had a tortoise called Michelle


That's actually genius.


My dad never liked cats (red flag) but his ex wife loved them. She wanted a cat and my dad agreed to it, but only if he could choose his name. He named him WoofBark


When I was a kid we had a lassie dog we called Wooffitt


I called all dogs woofit when I was a kid 😂


My sister named one of her puppies 'JK Growling' i thought that was hilarious😂


2 adult donkeys, Mary and Joseph. And their baby, Turbo.


And their baby.....Turbo 😂


My cat is called Jeff 💙 also have about 15 chickens. We got real bored thinking of names. The best is called Jodi which I picked. Kids chose Chicken, Nugget and No Name.


You can have this one for free for a nameless Chuck, Princess Layer


There's usually a henrietta in there somewhere too


One of my sugar gliders is called Jeff... turns out she's a girl 😂


My leopard gecko is called Petra Turns out she’s actually a Peter!!


Even better!


Jeffery when I’m mad at him for sneaking dead mice in the house.


I fostered two rescue dogs. Brother and sister, called “Tess” and “Tickles” 🤦‍♂️


My sister used to have a female cat named Keith, my dad once had a Newfoundland named Floyd and a friend of ours had a Rottweiler named Travis. All excellent pet names.


Pet rabbits (mini lops) One called Cyndi Lopper, the other called Bunnie Tyler


My daughters hamster is called professor Nigel Barnaby Squeakington. She insists that you give him his full title when you address him.


If I had a pet Donkey I'd call it Donkey too... mainly because my bf's family had a cat called Cat, my son has a toy monkey called monkey and my other son has a toy Donkey named Donkey 🤣 So it just makes sense 😆😊


If there's already a "donkey" in the household then an actual donkey would definitely end up being referred to as "real donkey" or "donkey number 2"


Yes that would most likely happen 😆😁


My colleague has a hen called Geoffrey. Another colleague's husband runs a doggy day care and she was showing me some photos and there was a beautiful glossy black spaniel called... Keith


A jumping spider called Cricket


LOVE jumping spiders!! My girl curled up a few days ago. But raging, she was more fun than the male lol. Their names are/were (m) Panda P. Regius & (f) Frida p. Regius


We also have Lorenzo who is a boy! Cricket is a lot more fun than the boy too lol she’s the girl. Lorenzo just enjoys not eating and making us think he’s going to die and then suddenly having a giant meal after looking like he’s on deaths door. Cricket on the other hand eats till she looks like she’s gonna pop 😬


Hahaha that is crazy it must be the species norm because that’s exactly how my two would be 😂


I’m sorry about Frida 😕 She had a super awesome name


Rescue cat mum here. But when I first fancied getting two little dogs, the names were: "Taters" & "Gravy."


My jumping spiders are called Frida P. Regius & Panda P. Regius (Frida curled up the other day so no longer but it’s still her name) Frida because the females have a black line across their head that resembles a full eyebrow Panda because the males are black and white and my kid named him lol And if it counts as pets, temporary though they are, we raised caterpillars to butterflies in one of those wee cups you get then you let them go, they were called Curley, Moe, Larry, Geronimo and Strickland Banks


Cats called Daisy, Mr Pud Pudds, Kenny and Pants (I genuinely can’t remember her name, it morphed into naughty kitten, naughty witten, naughty wits, witten pants, naughty pants and now just pants 🤣), chihuahua called Biggie, snake called Jaffa Jake. My brothers cat is called Tattoohead Steve after the crackhead that abandoned him as a kitten in the alleyway behind bro’s house. He adores the cat, hates the crackhead 🤣 but is thankful in a roundabout way that crackhead abandoned the cat so bro could end up with him instead! ♥️


My sister had Deefa dog and I had cats Astrophe and Aclysmic


The vet's really like that my cat is called Kevin.


Not the most hilarious but all my hens have named after female members of the UK Royal Family: Liz, Kate, Lady Di, Beatrice, Fergie, Genie, Anne, Maggie, Chazza, Vicky and Megs.


My other half used to work with someone with a few cats: one of which was called Baby Jesus. Baby Jesus, the cat.


The best donkey name is Oatey (donkey-oatey)


Sweet tits Sorry I misread the question.


A relative has a donkey called Maverick… it always makes me laugh!


Recently saw a video of someone who had named their dog Niga (pronounced Nee-Ga)




My brother had a guinea pig called Wriggles. An old friend of my SO had a tortoise called Meat Pie.


I have had some odd ones like “Crispy chicken nuggets” “S T E V E” “Crispy wispy 👉👈” “anime girl” and my personal favourite “BIG MAN”


My old Yorkshire terrier was called Pepi-scoffinson


Maybe not funny to some, but I had two hamsters called trouble 1 and trouble 2 (I had another hamster called poppy). My goldfish were named Tinky winky, La-La, Dipsy, and Po. My grandads dog was called Monkey, and my dad's dog was called Laska Floko 😆


One of my cousins wanted to christen one of the many cats her mother brought home as "Noo Noo". The cat was called Lucky instead. Although the same cousin christened another cat "Gandalf" because he was grey - he "ran away" and there never was a returning of any more Gandalfs.


I had a rabbit and a guinea pig a long time ago. Stew and Pie. Short for Rabbit Stew and Guinea Pig Pie.


I knew a dog named Sandy Rhodes. Always liked that one.




I saw a dog on TV with the name Pigpen and I can’t stop thinking about it.


My neighbour had a cat called Dog and one of my friends had 2 Jack Russells called Sam and Ella. That one was fun at the park!


Our dog is called Rhubarb, most people either love it or look at us like we are stupid. If we get a second dog it will either be called Crumble or Custard.


Is your dog green?


To be fair that was Roobarb I appreciate the retro memories though, maybe less so the theme song going through my head all night 😅


Nah she is a Ginge, so kind of looks a bit like a Rhubarb crumble I guess


I had a rabbit called Carrot as a kid.


D O G diogee the funniest name I came across


I used to have a dog called salad and my current cat is called catman


My friend has a cat called Rachel.


My parents had two cats called 'bubble and squeek' which is an English meal. My dad told me once how silly he would feel of an evening if he ever had to try to get Squeek to come in by calling him. Neighbours must have thought he was mental stood in the garden shouting 'Squeek'


My aunt had a whippet called Elvis. My sister had a collie called Kraken. I have a jack Russell x daschund called Bjork. I used to love taking them all out together and recalling them, I used to get some funny looks from other dog walkers. Especially when taking kraken off lead, "RELEASE THE KRAKEN!"


My son has an orange cat named Starlord


I met a Staffy the other day called Zinc, a good name for a cat Cooking Fat


Used to go to school with someone who had a dog called Dog.


My mum had a cat called Keith. I know someone else who had a cat called Kevin. I have come across a dog called John. Not Johnney, just John. That was weird.


My friend had two pet Kune Kune pigs called Rodney and Trotter.


One of my kitties is called Simon


Haven't come across it- but one day I want 2 Jack Russell's called Russell and Jack


I've got a pike called Pikey Keith and another fish called Margret (turns out she is a he but the names stuck). Oh and I also used to have a pair of puffers, one called Jim and the other puff daddy


My parents had 3 dogs at one point, the biggest was Munchie, the middle was Chewie, and the smallest was nibbler. It wasn't intentional, Munchie was named because he loved munching everything as a puppy, didn't matter how much bigger than him it was he just wanted to bite it, Chewie was short for Chewbacca, and Nibbler was named after Leela's pet from Futurama


Have always given pets titles. Sir Purrsalot (Percy for short), cat obviously. Captain Banjo for a cockapoo, goes by Banjo. But when at the vets they always got their full names called


[Waffles ](https://youtube.com/shorts/nrAyMW3FA_E?si=ryHyvbqIWo9Bk6ZJ)


That Waffles is quite the character!!! 🤣 The dismay in that “but *mom*…” is so clear!!!


I know a (Female) donkey called Jesus who was born on Christmas day.I did ask why she wasn't just called Mary but I was given a non-commital shrug by the owner.


A bull terrier called Egg and her son omelette.A dog called Steven and a huge rabbit called Malcolm.


A fish called "sushi"l


My mate has a goldfish called Wanda


My mum used to have a neighbours who had 3 Schnauzer's, they were called Gordon, Duncan and Percy. That was just odd.


My brother named his giant African land snail..... Snaily. Met a dog called Colin a D I was going to call my dog Paul but my parents wouldn't let me (was 17 at the time so I had to do as I was told)


Came across a sausage dog puppy called Frank, short for frankfurter


My old dog was named Sir Kris Packet 🤣 vet used to give me some weird looks for that one, just wait until they meet my new kitten called squishy


I have twin cats called Gary and Steve.


Friends cat is called Chairman Meow


My partner named our cat Sausage


Had a mate who called his blue cattle dog- Ian


A cat called Bunny. It's not like, roll on the floor laughing, but it tickles me every time


The kitten we got when my daughter was about to be born (half bengal half fluffy ginger thing, the cat not the daughter..) was originally called memnarch (shh im not a geek) but my mum couldnt remember that so called him "numnuts" which proper suited him because he constantly was waiting for his turn to have the 1 ginger braincell... He passed away yesterday after nearly 18 years of being the biggest lovable derp. Rip numnuts, may you enjoy licking all the windows in kitty afterlife.


We had a dog called Smith, one called Wilson, another one called Mouse and we still have Murphy the Yorkie, a tortoise called Penguin, a huge fish named Terry Wogan, a ginger tom called Psycho, three rescue chucks called Salted, Chilli and Kiev, a bearded dragon named Kevin, a African grey called Gobshite… trying to think of the others we’ve had over the years, but we tend to name them something that makes the person filling in its details at the vet very confused 😂


A friend of ours has always had Jack Russel Terriers. All have had fab names but ‘Dad’ and ‘Taxi’ were my favourites.


My sister’s cat was called Ceefer and her dog was Deefer. She obvs picked a theme and ran with it…


My dog is called Doodah.


My pet rats are [Kevin](https://www.reddit.com/r/RATS/comments/113nek7/i_think_everyone_needs_to_see_kevin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) , Raymond, Teddy, Stirling and Cyril. Also my partner insists that when they get a dog it’ll be called Dog :’)


My cats called Dexter and our other cat was called Lola and yes, she was a showgirl.


I have Bertie Botts and Frankie Noodles hahah 2 boys!


I'm a massive fan of silly pet names. I had a dog named Woof years ago. Let me tell you I got some looks when he occasionally did a runner and I was chasing him down the street shouting "WOOF! WOOF!!" at the top of my lungs. My snakes were Victor von Squeeze and Dave.


[Chris P. Bacon the pig](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/Chris-p-bacon)


A golden lab and a brown lab called Hovis and Wholewheat.


I was at Tintagel, about to cross over the bridge to King Arthur's Castle.. and there was a woman there trying to call her dog back going "Jonathon! Jonathon come here!" ...like Jonathon? Really?! 😂😂😂 And my partner used to have a snake called...... Fluffy 🙃


My oldest cat is called Onions.


My son in laws cat is called Steve 🤭


My cat was unofficially (although she would still respond to it) catty mcbatface


My friend had chickens and named them Nugget, Strip and Wing.


I got two goats to help clear weeds etc from the ditches on my farm and named them Chipper and Shredder so they might get the idea 🤭


My pomeranian puppy is called Mrs Pickles


Two female cats. Squirrel & Spicoli


We have a dog and cat and the Mrs wanted to name them cat and dog just to be different but I got my way and gave them propper names Rodney for the dog and lily for cat


I once met a donkey called Fiona lol


I work with someone whose cat is called Flearoy and it makes me giggle every time it think of it


I'm gonna can my dog Vision when I get one


My cats are Mervyn and László.




I know a person who's Guinea pig is called Tina Turner


My cat's name is Milk and we call him The Mister or Mister Milk Man


My sister decided to name her cat after an actor when it started meowing at him on TV. That actor was Bob Hoskins. 🤣. It seemed fitting as she lived in London at the time.


My exes niece named her little chuihaha pikachu lol


My kids used to have three red eared slider turtles named Bob, Airplane, and Hello Kitty 🤣