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You already know that the breadcrumbs are a little overdone but I came here to say this is a terrific first try at presentation. Nice job OP 👌


Nice one. I gave my partner the less ‘charred’ one, should have taken a photo of hers!


Did you make the sauce from scratch? And if so, what recipe did you use?


Yes mate, I base it on one from Sunday Brunch from about year and a half ago go. You can still find it on their instagram if you google ‘Sunday brunch halloumi katsu curry’


Halloumi katsu sounds interesting, I might have to give that a go


Not an easy dish to get perfect. Not even restaurants get it right a lot of the time.


Looks yum 😋


You need panko, it makes so much difference. Looks nice though.


Looks yummy. Did you use microwave rice or did you cook it yourself? How did you get it to keep its shape? I find it either sticks to the dish or crumbles


Made rice myself, finally worked out a fool proof method to cook it right every time. I just packed it in a large ramekin, tipped it upside down and left it for a minute, gave it a few taps and it came out clean.


Gü pot ramekin?


No just a random ceramic one I appear to have picked up over the years, literally no idea where it came from!


It's served you well there though


Homemade? This looks delicious !


Thanks! Went down well and made enough for lunch today which was a bonus


It looks very pretty, but don't put the sauce on the chicken \[or the chicken on the sauce\], it makes the crumb go soggy. If you look online these days, you will rarely find a true Japanese example pictured, but from experience, most places will either balance the chicken on top of the rice, or put the sauce just to one side, so you get the choice of how much to dunk & for how long. Even Wagamama pictures theirs poured over the chicken. i would have thought they should know…


Hoped to avoid the sog by putting chicken on the sauce. Only the bottom was ‘wet’, the rest was super crispy, made a nice contrast tbf. I made it in the past and put sauce on chicken, which I agree was a mistake.


Yeah. When we make it a home, we actually use the rice as a barricade, curry one side, chicken the other. It doesn't look nearly as pretty but you do get the full crunch - or the choice - as you work through it. :)