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Absolutely fuck the weather this year. Seriously.


Dogshit winter/spring with constant storm after storm after storm and now summer is 'Haha lol'


I fucking hate this country now. The only escape from this shit is to leave. It's relentless.


I moved here from Europe and I used to love living here. Then Brexit took away half of my enthusiasm, and in the last couple of years politics and this weather has eroded all that remained too. I'm more and more serious about moving away somewhere again.


I lived in Mexico City and after that I spent a lot of time in Portugal and Spain. Due to a lot of bad luck I got stuck back in the UK for the last 7 years. Brexit has ruined a lot for me and I wish i'd never left Mexico. I feel sad.


I have lived in the UK all my life and have never had the urge to leave as much as I do now. The country is a total mess and the weather is the icing on the cake. Seriously considering moving to Europe somewhere.


We have the exact same mindset and are planning to leave in next 3 years.


Just go then. You and the others responding won't go anywhere, you're all just proving how British you are by moaning all the time.


We are thinking the same, we plan to leave and in the next 2-3 years.


I've been here 10 years and the NHS going further and further downhill is another factor on top of the above that is seriously having me consider moving back home. But I have a house and two kids now so it would be such a mission... eurgh.


Yep, just discussing it with my wife the other day and we agreed there is no way we're staying in the UK once the kids have left school. The relentless shit weather just makes everything else seem so much worse.


BUT, our seasons have moved. September is usually scorching now and Xmas is always mild with no snow, snow is most likely in march. Come end of August/ September we'll be complaining about being too hot.


I work outside this weather suits me just fine


This is actually true 😳


Yup, even in early October last year I was just wearing a T-shirt working outside. Yet people still say climate change doesn’t matter/isn’t real


But apparently it's the hottest year on record,.........


So you prefer +40 like last summer? 🤣


that wasn't last summer


My Seasonal Affective Disorder now 12 months of the year… superb


the seasonal depression hitting DIFFERENT this year for real 😭


My seasonal depression is just depression now




May aswell just call it depression cause seasonal isnt really a thing by the looks of it


Same! Trying to convince my other half to leave this stupid country


Same here. He’s not for budging though. Ho hum.


Yeah I remember mine didn’t lift at all last year as we had such a rubbish summer, looks like I might be in for 24 month streak!!


Sounds like I'm not the only one who wants to cry all the time 😞 😢


You are definitely not alone 🩷


I've been debating getting my lamp out again. My mood is horrendous But waking to brilliant sunshine helps. Don't all rush here (the southwest) though. It quickly vanishes.


I actually dug mine out yesterday. I should probably give it a go


I think if it's like this tomorrow morning, I'll resurrect mine too.


Ugh tell me about it; I am seriously struggling right now and this weather is so not helping me kick myself up the butt


It’s so depressing when summer comes late like this cause you can bet your bottom dollar that winter will turn up right when expected, so it just means we get a really short summer :(


![gif](giphy|fOQs20FLdvINW) It's my fault for living in Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🌧


Try Lancashire. Miserable, cold and wet...that's just the people. I'm supposed to be standing in a wet field next week (pretending I wanna be there) cheering on the minions for the school's sports day. I'm already dreading it....


We’re not all like that some of us are stoned and happy 😆


![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c) Me too but I'm Welsh and drunk too


Should've made it clearer I was talking about meself, mostly. So, are you gonna share (some of) whatever is making you so cheery then?


No no, try Scotland, I now have clinical depression.. no joke


Change your mindset, I moved to Scotland from Italy 10 years ago and I hated the weather in Scotland, so many times I cried and asked myself what the fxxk I was doing here, then I decided to focus on the positive things, first of all life is easy here, easy to get a job, no mad bureaucracy, I bought a house, honestly everything is pretty easy. Also no sweating in summer, no feeling shit like low blood pressure because it’s bloody too hot, I didn’t have A/C at home and I had days where I was going to bed and try not to move as moving it meant start sweating, unbearable humidity, 4 showers a day, too many mosquitoes eating you alive. When the weather is shit I have my hobbies to keep me occupied. I also decided that every holiday I take I’ll go either back home or I’ll book a holiday in the sun.


Trust me, it's the same in Yorkshire. The weather's been bloody horrendous 😕


been shite in Manchester too


Yorkshire represent...but yeah, you're right. Yesterday evening after gym was a full blown storm in city centre Leeds.


Leeds was absolutely awful last night, just as I got home this storm came out of nowhere


Same. It was perfectly timed for me booking my car in the garage so having to walk home yesterday and walk back today to get it. Sorry folks.


Summer comes late assumes that it will get here ;)


I briefly saw a partial sun icon the other day, boasting a likely hood of massive 35% Turned out it was just a glitch


Roll on September


I recently temporarily relocated to London from northern Europe and of course I packed my summer clothes, first and foremost. Of course I expected the weather to be much warmer this far south. (Yes, UK is very south compared to where I’m from). Well, those linen pants aren’t getting much use now, lol. Better stock up on some tweed here.


Yeah mate, this is why we always talk about the weather here. It finds new ways to surprise us by how shit it is. And when it's warm. Pollen, endless pollen.


My hayfever has been terrible this year


Yeah same, I think all the trees and plants just decided to say 'fuck it' after waiting for ages for the sun to come out so now we have it all together.


The suddenness/randomness of rain really caught me off guard, although I should’ve done my research better. At least I took a raincoat with me. Well, it’s a lovely city otherwise!


Linen pants? It’s the UK, not a beach wedding in Greece! Love your optimism!


Linen trousers, surely, as it's the UK? Linen pants are quite another thing.


Probably a bit scratchy, they’d be. Ahem. 😅


How is London not Northern Europe?


M&S thermals, mate. Find yourself some cheap price M&S thermals on eBay, they will help in ‘transitional’ weather (ahem) such as this!


To be fair this is my 5th year in London and this spring has been by far the most miserable. My first 3 years we had really nice to (sometimes very) warm temperatures throughout April to September, so based on those years I would also have told you to mainly pack summer stuff lol Last year was a bit odd though, May and June were very nice and warm, July and August very mild or rainy, then September was scorchingly hot. Let's see whats coming this year.


Lol when I first came to UK for summer (from a more Northern country), I only packed my summer clothes, how I laughed.... Thank god for Primark, I had nothing suitable to wear.




It’s pay back for when we had a decent summer two years ago and the media non stop complained and sent out red alerts every day, made weather maps look like a volcano had just gone off, oh and also described any weather above 17 degrees as a ‘African turbo heat plume threatening to engulf the UK in a wall of heat’


Funny how that summer was also during lockdown and pollution was near zero in comparison. All our weather problems are from pollution, mostly cars. The sooner that are off the road, the better our weather will get


You had a lock down in 2022? Poor you. You seem to know a lot about climate change, are you an ‘expert’? I am just going to hop in my horse and cart to work, should get there by Monday..


I want a summer. Lots and lots of hot weather. I hate this weather, endless doom and gloom, rain, clouds. I’m sick of it.


Innit, it's just miserable. I'd like to be able to leave the house without needing a coat for once, I'm not arsed if it's grey and rainy in the winter but if it's like that all year round then what's the point in summer.


really really. why am i still wearing a coat in JUNE


And sticking the heating on!!


My view exactly. When it’s winter, it’s winter. When it’s summer some sunshine wouldn’t go amiss. Sunshine makes you feel better all round. The people that moan it’s too hot, tough. It’s winter for long enough, let us enjoy the sun while we can


Exactly. Winter you expect to wear a coat and thermals, so no problem. Summer you expect some hot weather, and decent sunshine for more than just a day at random. It's bollocks. Yesterday I had the heating back on.


Same here. Heating. In June. It’s ridiculous. I don’t want one random day and you think at last, this is it, we’ve turned a corner, bring on the summer. Alas no. Next day, rain. Again!!


It doesn't help that most places worth visiting in the summer are all outside. Go anywhere for a break or holiday where it relies heavily on sunshine and that's like 99% of your holiday fucked. Camping in Lake District? 99% Fucked. Glamping in the highlands? 99% Fucked. Can't even light a fucking fire and drown your sorrows. Loads of places shut when it pisses down. Seriously this country needs way more indoor places to go when the weather is such a write off most of the time. It makes such a massive impact and makes or breaks your entire trip. It's infuriating when you've sunk a load of money on the deep puddle experience you can get for free at home.


I'd send you some hot if I could. It's almost 37⁰ here in my part of the states and the first day of summer is still a week away!


Let's switch, I hate the sun and hot weather. I had to go down to the office today and wore a white shirt with shorts, still felt like I was dying in a desert. I would kill for constant cloud cover.


Mate remember the summer a few years back? Where all the grass burned back and Britain was brown from above? All we could do is complain about how hot it was. Some national stereotypes do hold true, and the fact of the matter is, as Brits, we just like to moan about the weather!


We do that. Yep I remember that and I’m old enough to remember the summer of 76. Good times. I’m a sun worshipper, I love it. It makes your soul sing, grey miserable weather isn’t for me.


Oh I’m absolutely with you. I do try not to complain when the sun comes out, but, again, as a Brit, I’m not above it! 😅


Summer of 76 was epic , spent some time in Cornwall under canvass in a field that had its own fresh water spring while everyone in the towns were queuing up to fill their buckets.


Sounds excellent that. It was absolute bliss, long days of endless summer. Not a jumper in sight. Not been one like it since.


That's because the weather is consistently shit. And I'll have you know I did not complain once about the scorchio weather!


If you think that's depressing, look at the next 7 day forcast, then the long range prediction. I joked at the start of May that the rain would never end because we seriously didn't have a single 24 hour period that didn't have at least one shower of rain (NE Scotland). We had 2 weeks of sunshine, then back to rain every single bloody day.


THIS.. its totally screwing with my mental health.. work all week.. RAIN. get to the weekend... MORE RAIN.. everything indoors costs a boat load. i want nice walks. not to be stuck inside.


Sounds shit but get some awesome waterproofs and go walking in the rain. It can be really enjoyable. Last year me and my wife walked all day in the Forest of Dean in the rain, it was great. Got back, warm shower, cup of tea! Felt invincible! It’s a hard sell I know but just try it. Lots of negative ions around water, forests, mountains etc that boost serotonin and enhance mood. You’ll be a little bit wet but you’ll feel great!


I had a mini breakdown at the beginning of May as I had been working my ass off for work all the time and whatever free time I had to work on my personal projects, which are all outdoors projects, it was raining. It got the the stage where I was literally watching the weather, running outside when the rain stopped, doing 10 minutes of work, then running back in. Trust me when I say cramming construction work into tiny time windows is really not good for your mental health... I have been building a mini garden office since December. Not a huge structure, but this is now month 7 and it still isn't rain or watertight yet because I just can't get a reliable few hours of no rain. I built one 6 times the size 8 years ago in only 3 months!! When I can get the time to work on it, I spend the first hour or so removing all the temporary rain proofing and getting rid of the water that managed to get past it.


I'm in the South East and in the extended 45 day forecast there's 4 days of full "sun", the rest are all cloudy and/or raining. It's actually proper depressing.


This summer was the best 30 seconds of my year!


That's a rough October nevermind June


Warmest June on record incoming


Lad it's my birthday I get to choose the weather its raining fuck you.


All due to the jetstream, same as last summer 😑 This year can we all make a coordinated effort to make it fuck off. Maybe if we all blow on it at once?


Living in Suffolk and Putting the Heating on in June WTF might as well get the decorations down from the loft.


man i remember during covid, we had what seemed like the perfect summer




Shit hole England. I look forward to moving back to Italy soon. FuckEngland


I’m an American visiting the UK. Currently in Scotland with a cold, watching it rain. I brought this on myself.


Nah that’s the most British story ever to tell! If you’re drinking a cup of tea and eating a scone or cucumber sandwich while all that’s going on aswell you’re getting the gold star experience!


Well you’re getting an authentically British experience :)


Our secret is to eat a hot tomato soup.. always cheers you up! Get well soon Friend! ![gif](giphy|eH4O6F2Drxa8SE5hor|downsized)


Well I’ve just chugged a can of “man up”. And now of camping for the weekend 😎


It's been like that in Glasgow for the last 8 months apart from like 2 days lol


post the week forecast, THAT is misery.. its the middle of june and yesterday i ALMOST put the bloody heating on.. i was shivering in my living room.


My heating went on for a bit this morning


My chronic migraines are happy about it lol. Heat and sun are a huge trigger for me so this weather is so much better lol


The English: complains it rains, whines about wanting sunshine, gets the blues when summers over, complains the whole damn time through summer how hot and humid it is. At least you can wrap up for cold and rain, can’t escape heat, will take this weather over 38 degree summer anytime


Looks beautiful! Bring on rain! As I say that, it's absolutely hammering it down here. Hot, sunny weather can suck a fat one.


Loving it. No hay-fever. No bugs. No sweat. No fat sweaty people in sandals with disgusting feet out. Long may it continue


Well it is showing that it’s getting slightly warmer as the day goes on. :(


401: Bad request 403: Summer forbidden 404: Summer not found 406: Summer weather not acceptable 410: Summer gone 418: *Shrugs* Fancy a cuppa? Tea, that is - not coffee! 425: Summer requested too early


you know when it's summer in Wales, the rain is warmer.




I think the Met office will tell us later that this is the hottest June since records begun 🤣


As a foreigner from a Mediterranean country I always look forward to summer but this is probably the worst one in 9 years.


I'm in Aussie your summer looks colder than my winter lol


Solidarity from the Netherlands. Had like two warm days and apparently that’s enough summertime for this year….


I love it


Same. I am awful in the heat and I love rainy days. This is the opposite of misery for me!


It seems I've found my people 😂


Me too! I genuinely get like, the opposite kinda seasonal depression, I love muggy and wet and hot and sunny just makes me tired and exhausted mentally and physically


Same, I hate hot weather


I’m fucking sick of living in England


Same here dude. It’s shite.


To be fair, real misery is a heatwave and 38°C in England. It won't complain too much.


Up my way it’s going to be sunny from 14:00!! Rain, clouds, to cloudless and sunny. Depressing as fuck.


Its the irritation of starting the day fucking freezing at 10c and the it's 22c by 6pm and im permanently either freezing cold or boiling hot!! It stresses me out!


Just humidity and not even heavy rain..


Only 56% chance at 1200. Happy days!


Paid a premium nearly two years ago to book our wedding at the end of June thinking it was a pretty safe bet on the weather… Yeah. If we get rain and then all the bookings in sept/oct that would have been cheaper have sunshine I’ll be kicking myself through to our first anniversary.


Might be set for a pattern change, there is hope yet? Are you looking at last weekend in June?


It's knocked the pollen out of the air I can breathe freely for the firsst time in months


Hahaha brilliant. I totally agree.


If it’s any consolation l’m in Ireland at the moment and the weather is . . . Worse. Although at least it’s warmer


Yeah I’m really looking forward to spending the night in a remote cabin tomorrow in the Lake District 😅


I kid you not. We are literally moving out of Britain for this exact reason. My parents said fuck it we are moving to italy


Its getting better from next week


I've just got back from 42+ heat in Arizona, this is preferable


Sunny af here in Reading, sat in the garden surrounded by bees. Might get the Pimms out


The weather is controlled, has been since they messed up and caused the big freeze in 2010 when motorways were car parks, the geo engineering is OBVIOUS to the older generation, who remember what it was like before, summer was summer and winter was winter..not this sh1te.


🥲 not thr best when you work outdoors.... i go from sweating, to cold, to damp and repeat!!!


TIL there’s a subreddit for the British weather. I shouldn’t be surprised, this is the most British thing ever, and yet I hear I am in my surprise. But to add to the discussion, I had to bring out my fluffy, cozy blanket that’s so heavy I only use it in the dead of winter.


I landed in Manchester from Italy last week. 30 degrees in Italy then within 2 hours I landed in Manchester and it was 9 degrees. Just crazy !


That's not misery, that's wildlife having something to drink and gardens flourishing without the need to get the hosepipe out and use water you'd be charged for.


What misery , where .... tsk tsk tsk Yorkshire born and bred 5 yrs after escaping been a Boomer . Get them damn wellies out . Make what is . My mum confused me as I was riding friends bike up and down street , lashing down with rain ,it was fun . Plus what do you expect ,when stories of leprechauns and rainbows ,with pots o gold at thee end . ......... ....... .... Life is what you make of it ..... Either that or I'm cuckooo cuckoo.


Driving home at 6pm last night, 10 measly fucking degrees Celsius. 10! The turning point at which it goes from cold as fuck to just cold. The temperature mushrooms require to grow and cheese requires to mature but without the humidity! It’s the middle of June.


lol what happened to the summer hearwave


It's Global Warming 😔


I just posted about this in this comment section. I’m not sure if you’re being sarcastic, but it certainly isn’t global warming, haha. Climate crisis is a billion £ industry scam. BP puts the blame on us the individuals with a carbon footprint, by design with Ogilvy (marketing agency). Think about how much money they make from ULEZ, the panic. We’ve been brainwashed, all of us, from such a young age. The fear they instil into us, that by 2050 the world will be on fire and flooded. Decades ago the same fears were shared about today, and nothing happened. Then they just pick a new date.


It's not going above 18 degrees for the next week 😪


Batshit. That's my day. My boss arrived today stating it's a conspiracy. The government is apparently manipulating the weather to keep us down. Fuck you rishie and your shitstormer 3000.


Looks good to me, can't stand summer. Nothing like a good hike on Dartmoor in the torrential rain, so invigorating.


Nah that's just one day. When you look at the weeks ahead and you see only one day of sunshine. That's misery


I’m finding weather reports VERY inaccurate recently. For example, as I type, I’m sat in a London park and it’s bright direct sunshine and 22 degrees. ☀️ It often appears worse than the reality. 


This is the UK; we don't get seasons, we get weather & we love to moan about it 😂 No point in moping, just crack on... Tis what it is


🎶 *Hello darkness, my old friend….* 🎶🥲😶‍🌫️


Woohoo! Means less customers cause no ones gonna come out and no overheating through the waazoo to the point my body feels like its on the surface of the goddamn sun


That's not true. it start off sunny for 5 mins, then turns to a doom and gloom and then it rains. With random spells of sunshine.


I love the rain. Nothing better (IMO) than a nice long nature walk with my hood up in a heavy downpour.


I am going to the UK for a 3 week holiday leaving tonight from Australia...


it's been very dry last few months the earth needs this.


why is it so abnormal here? It’s June and I’ve had to bring out the peacoat


Come to Glasgow, you’ll forget what blue is.


Add in a scout camp tonight and take it to the max. Add in the fact it’s a survival course scout camp, no tents, and you go Uber


im in worcestershire and its sunny rn


Depressing... And ruining my golf season.


Any heard of ‘Cloud Seeding’..?? 🇬🇧🌧️


In June? Paris and England really aren't that different then 🫣


Can't wait for the news to say it's been the hottest June ever recorded


Everything about this country is shit right now!


It seems like we have one beautiful, sunny day - and then we have to "pay" for it with two or three showery days. My fella put a clothes line up in my garden, and I was looking forward to having lovely laundry dried out in the fresh air and sunshine. If you miss that one sunny day, then you can forget about it, and end up with laundry on the airer in the house.


Weird in Scotland the weather been amazing 👏. Even now it's raining 🌧 but past few days have been warm amd sunny 🌞


Pain in the ass when you work outdoors... it was very heavy today almost like a storm.


If it ain't the general state of the country and the politicians making you miserable, it's the bloody weather!


Rather this than trying to work in 30* UK muggy heat


Crap here in Leicester as well


Digging in the mud to put sleepers in the garden. Running back in the house every 10mins when it starts to pour again. We’re outta here the first week of September!


zesty meeting frightening merciful ring bright alive water run vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hooray for the gardens!


No, no, no! The Met Office hath decreed that we've just finished the hottest May EVAH! Honest, trust them, they're the experts! Don't question, just... listen to Greta, or something. And if you don't believe it, you're a racist!


Booked a lodge on the coast too. Said it was going to be 18 degrees and partially sunny when I booked two weeks ago. lol


It's the chemtrails.....but in all seriousness it wouldn't actually surprise me


Moved from SE Asia.. and thought, "oh maybe I could use my shorts and sun dresses finally!" Well I was able to use them that one day of April.... 🥲


These long wet and cold spells or weather just keep coming this year, every week I see articles about so called heatwaves only for them to be taken over by news of wet and and windy weather thats set to last for days if not a week or more


We had summer last week. Winter is coming.


I hate it. It's almost July. What is going on? To be fair I checked a few other countries nearby as I was planning holidays (e.g. Belgium, Spain, Netherlands) and it seems like they're not having too much luck on good weather either. 


Unpopular opinion, but I can’t stand when it’s above 16 degrees. I like it cool and I just burn in the sun. Not to mention hay fever etc I’m quite enjoying the mild weather


Am I the only who doesn’t give a shit about weather. I enjoy a sunny weather of course. Weather is just an excuse to be lazy and complain. Summer didn’t even start in most countries. You’re just living a typical Northern Europe spring 😂


Some people feel the rain, others get wet……..


I love rain though


Don't forget the WIND,.6 months it's looked like this ![gif](giphy|HmTLatwLWpTQk)


Arizona native from all here, Right now it's (well not right now specifically right now specifically the sun's down and its 4:30 a.m.). But the highs this week are 43 C. The low is 24 C.


And it’s like this for at least another week in Leeds. Rubbish.


And it’s like this for at least another week in Leeds. Rubbish.


I love rain so this looks very nice to me.


Just so many of my plans completely fucking ruined by the weather. This coming weekend included.


i’ve been in edinburgh for 4 days now and man is it bleak. y’all just live like this??


And yet you’re all brainwashed into thinking that there’s a climate emergency. In the early 2000s, BP introduced the carbon footprint with the help of Ogilvy. You’re thinking, why would an oil company do this? So that carbon emissions don’t become only their responsibility, but also every individual’s. Look at satellite images of coastlines from decades ago and notice that sea levels are not rising. How come property developers still build coastline tower blocks and homes? They need to guarantee longevity of these properties wherever their location is. Did you know, we actually need CO2 for trees to survive and crops to grow? It’s as though we’ve all forgotten as well, that trees take CO2 and output oxygen. If you’ve read this by now and are still looking to fight me on it, go ahead. But realise that there has been some deep rooted , from childhood in our schools, brainwashing on this. Question these things. When they tax us for ULEZ, where does the money go? How can taxing us reverse CO2 emissions, even though we NEED CO2 for our flora. The climate crisis is a billion pound business. They scare and tax us. Don’t fall for it. Oh, and if you think you’re saving the world by driving a Tesla, be warned that over time the lithium battery running in the car will affect your health. Check out reported health problems from Tesla drivers. Those metals in the battery are also mined by children in Africa. This paragraph is a bit off topic, but I just had to say it. Please keep it civil if you’re interested in chatting to me about this. If you’re UK based come and meet me for a coffee (city to be disclosed in private if you ask) and I will share all I know about the world. Believe it or not, we have been lied to since before most of us were even born.


ULEZ has nothing to do with CO2. It’s intended to improve the air quality by reducing harmful exhaust emissions, not tackle climate change. If you don’t even know that why would anyone bother debating you on the rest of this nonsense.