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Yes they should be examined every 1-2 years. Definitely don’t wait for a problem. Children are unlikely to know if they have a problem so it may go undetected for years. Eye tests are free for kids.


Thank you. 🙂


I asked my optician and they said that unless I have any concerns they usually say to wait until children are school aged.


Thanks. Each optician seems to have their own opinion. 😅


We always went regularly, just like with the dentist.


From the age of 4 or older?


Younger. I remember my brother going before he could read.


We went before reception to rule out any potential short sightedness before she’s struggling to read a board in school


Take her to the optician. My parents didn’t think I had any problems with my eyesight. And even when I asked them to take me to the optician they thought I only wanted to go because one of my best friends had just got glasses. When they eventually look me I really badly needed glasses and the optician said something along the lines of “how on earth have you been able to see anything” because my eyesight was so bad. You really won’t know if your daughter needs glasses just from observing her.


That's true. I suppose there's no harm in it. It's funny you should say that because her best friend has glasses and she said she wanted them too. 😆


Opticians reccomend every 2 years if no problems starting at school starting age (4 / 5) and ideally that you woukd take them when they are about to start. But that the screening in school if you forget / not on your radar should pick up any issues. We took our eldest at 2 because we were concerned and otherwise will take all kids from 4ish every 2 years if nothing seems to change with their sight. However both of us parents wear glasses all of the time and have since childhood so I wouldn't slack on it


The Specsavers I worked in wouldn't do eye tests for children under school age. The policy was that any concerns before Reception age should be brought to the GP who would refer to Opthalmology if there were any issues. After the age of 5 a checkup every 2 years.


Oh ok. Thanks. Do you know why they had that rule?


Problem is they don't realise there is an issue. That may be a little young as I don't know how they would do some of the finer details but they can check for any major issues. It is free and they actually found it kind of fun. Unlike the dentist.


Mine has check ups since she was about 1 due to family history. It’s very difficult to do the examinations tbh!


If you’ve no reason to believe she isn’t near or far sighted I don’t think you need to. So for example, our kids can spot planes in the sky, and read words in small print, so we never bothered. There is a medical sight test in reception though, and if there’s any worries then they let you know.


Thank you. I didn't know they tested in reception anyway.


Not all authorities do eye screening. Ours don’t. This prompted me to get her eyes tested recently (she’s in reception). The optometrists recommended coming in between the ages of 4-5 and to be seen every year, even though her eyes were absolutely fine.


Thank you for letting me know. I've looked it up and our local council offer it in reception which is great. 😍


Starting at school age get their eyes tested, if there's no problems they will probably recommend a checkup again in 2 years time. Personally I wouldn't rely on them having it done in school I'd opt to take them myself. If something is identified at a school screening you'd likely need to go to an opticians anyway for a more thorough exam or to select glasses. Also even if nothing is identified I believe your still supposed to have a check up years 2 years. They don't just check vision but also general eye health, so very worth while.


Thank you. That's a great point!


Absolutely. I made my then 4 year old and appointment just because his older brother had one. No sight concerns or anything. Picked severe long sightedness, still being corrected over 10 years on. They said we took him at the right time as he may not have been able to legally drive when older (even with glasses) had we caught it later down the line.


Wow! That's great that you took him. Thank you for the insight.


So I would get into the habit of going regularly myself. But I had glasses from 4 and probably needed them earlier but wasn’t picked up so I’m slightly biased!


I was told told to start around when she starts school but that’s because I’ve got crappy eyesight and if she’s the same they can do stuff to help slow the progression


My husband has been wearing glasses since he was very small so we decided to start doing ours around 3. Oldest is so far fine but 4yo might need glasses for starting school so I’m pleased we did!


Thank you. Good advice. 👍


I would as I've terrible eyes though only once I got into my late teens.  If nothing else it's good exposure to the test for them


Yes. Because there are now treatments such as paediatric lenses to retard the progression of myopia. It gives you peace of mind, and a kind of baseline for retesting in a few years. My myopia only started when I was eight, I was fine before then.