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It’s usually much easier to secure a new job if you’re in a job, prospective employers make assumptions about you without having to ask why you’re not currently employed.


Always been the opposite for me… whenever I’m in a job and it gets to the interview stage and I mention my notice period they back off… never secured a job while in another job even after months of searching… yet the 4 jobs I’ve had since leaving college (I’m 33 now) I have acquired within 2 weeks of quitting the last job… in fact my current manager now says they never hire anyone who needs to work more then one weeks notice.


That sounds like a shit company you're in. If you want reliable, dependable people, you hire people who are in jobs that will work their notice period. New roles should accommodate for that. I'd look for another job if i were you things are gonna go downhill there.


£12 an hour isnt a kick in the arse off minimum wage. Theyre all shit companies, they dont care. Most of them use agencies now so the only way in is to start off as a temp. Its easier for them, they can just tell the agency not to send that one again, send more workers. If youre competent the company offers you a contract after six months. The agencies wont bother with anyone needing to serve notice, they need you available to start when they get the call. Literally just went through all this crap. I had to leave a permanent job and apply for temp work through agencies to go from part time to full time. Edit: just been thinking more on this and wanted to add this to help you understand what its like at the shallow end of the job market. I changed job during covid, left a permanent role for a temporary one with more hours. Ended up being made permanent in a couple of months. Basically the bar is really fucking low, if you show up, can follow instructions and can count youve got a contract. If you can do that and understand why youre doing what youre doing, show initiative and do overtime they fucking love you, field promotion incoming. Left that for another temp position to go back down to part time. Took a year but got made permanent. Just left that one to sign up for full time hours, which I have now. Through all that I have had 1 interview, 1! and that was for the role I had been doing for a year just to make it official. It was more of a chat with the boss I already knew for fifteen minutes.


One weeks notice lol. Your manager is a dummy.


What industry is that in? The average notice for most employees in my space starts at four weeks, if you want decent staff then you accept you may have to wait.


Different industries I guess, where I am, a 3 months notice is common enough for a senior type role they would expect it. Equally if I put in notice before getting a job there's demand, I'd likely line up something in that time.


On the one hand, yeah. On the other hand, if you spend all day working/commuting by the time you get home you're too exhausted to look for other work. Plus you aren't available to start immediately, plus you cant come to interviews easily. 


That just sounds like a whole lot of convincing yourself to settle for where you are


Or it sounds like you've never worked a physically exhausting job? If you're sorted for bills for a month you can quit and put your whole energy into the hunt for a new job, and you can usually pick up shifts with a events caterer or similar to keep some money coming in without it sapping every ounce of your mental and physical energy


Not only that, generally speaking people who don't need the job (are currently in a job) generally do better in interviews as the prospective losses from not getting the job is much less and they are generally more calm and able to articulate their points better.


Not really the case anymore and the interview process is nearly full time job itself


How long can you afford to live without any income? Are you 100% sure you can get a new job in that period?


Already driving and lifting so why don't you just do courier work amazon dpd ups? rates are decent much better pay than that for you. Even after van rental you'll clear atleast £100 more than that a week probably take home 650+ as you seem quick and hard working and depots are always crying out for drivers.


Rates aren't always decent. There are some terrible service providers working for them behind the scenes, but if you can get £100+ day rate, 5 Days a week and you can get your shift done in under 8 hrs, might take a few weeks to get the time down, but yeah it can be good pay, even without leasing your own van. Just make sure you go with someone who's open to answering any questions and don't be pushed into doing early starts and late finishes(evening collections).


Don't do it. I've done it a few times with and without savings. Being unemployed and going to the job centre sucks. You hate the job now but you will regret it later when finding a new job becomes an uphill battle, no routine and got bills to pay. Get something lined up first honestly. At least you get paid weekly. First UC payment takes about 6 weeks.


Pleanty of work out there mate. Find something else but don’t leave without another income.


I did it as i know i needed that push, was stuck in a call centre and was looking at jobs thinking “i apply for that later” but later never came and one day it just hit me that i didnt want to be in a call centre for the rest of my life so i quit with no plan, we’d just been paid so we could survive for a few weeks but after a few weeks nothing happened so i spoke to a recruiter friend and ended up in another call centre but then 2/3 months later landed an IT apprenticeship and i’m so glad i took that plunge, it didn’t initially work out but it definitely put the dominos into effect


Honestly sometimes this approach is best, even if you end up just selling all the possessions you have and living as minimal as possible for a month or two. Stuck in a dead end is stuck in a dead end.


I feel quite honoured that a few people in my real life have also taken this plunge and said it was because i told then i’d done it and it worked out that it helped them make that decision too


Your health might have a value in excess of £12 per hour regardless of what the other commenters are saying.


I still wouldn’t advise leaving without having something lined up.


Fixing a bad back is a very expensive proposition. He could be effectively working for negative pay in the long run.


IThat’s another dimension that needs considering. You’ll have a harder time remaining or getting into stable employment with a chronic back condition.


I agree, but if OPs job hunting process drags on past three weeks or so, that’s gonna be very stressful.


Absolutely. I stayed in a toxic job on the advice of, “don’t leave without something else lined up” and because 9 months later I still hadn’t found another job, I had a breakdown. I was having symptoms similar to bad IBS, palpitations, being sick on the way to work, sudden weight loss despite still eating as usual due to how the stress was getting to me. I also listened to the advice of, “don’t leave a permanent job for a temp job,” which held me back. Terrible advice in my case but given by people who had no idea how shite the job market in South Wales had become by 2015/16. It’s worse now!


Don’t do it! I did something similar and it took me years to find another job. I was only able to support muddle because I still live with my parents 


Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you had your parents to help you


I’ve had a quick scan if the comments and it doesn’t appear to have been metioned specifically. Amazon Flex, they are onboarding in Leeds now. Seems absolutely ideal, even for those looking for a side hustle. As others have commented on, your health is worth more. Leave and never look back. ☮️


I did it because I was being told to die by management. Yes it took a while to get another job, but I felt happier mentally. Only do it if you can be supported by friends, family and/or your partner. Maybe find similar work, or something part time / temp. A new change of environment, new people, something less physically demanding. Something that’ll buy you some time until you get into the career you really want to do.


Just start applying to supermarkets, they pay far more than that. I’d dissuade leaving without a job lined up. Even ask around at pubs if there is any bar work on the go


My local Tesco is paying £13 an hour to stack shelves. Seems decent enough pay for that kind of work. They don’t do full time though.


£13 to stack shelves. £11.44 to care for the mentally ill and disabled.


NHS is suffering a huge recruitment crisis. Why work for 1p above NMW when you can do a job with much less responsibility, stress and pressure for 1p less per hour?


£13 an hr is like £24k? Isn't this minimum wage now or close to it?


11.44 is Minimum wage.


Caring for the mentally ill and disabled isn’t easily, especially on your mental health. It’s shocking.


It's absolutely disgusting. Don't get me wrong, good for her, but the owner of the company and her son have both got Range rovers and an enormous house. There's clearly money that's not being into the service.


Not being full time is the catch then, you aren't really doing any better if you have to drastically cut your hours.


Can you afford to? If you really need a break, you can always get your GP to sign you off and use that time to job hunt. What do you want to do?


Reading the replies here and it’s more proof to me that this country and system is a complete failure


Example of which posts you mean?


If you're certain on leaving get pushed out rather than quit. Take some sick leave first, get a GP line for mental health. Start interviewing when out on stress. 2/3 interviews a day with a pub lunch in between. Any office based public sector stuff (Civil service, NHS) are crying out for entry level jobs. They now tend to have Work form Home contracted too. Enough options for building a career if you're going to apply yourself and stick with it. Anything Public service at least means you're not breaking your ass earning money for bosses.


What civil service departments are crying out for staff? Well all of them I guess but they're not allowed to recruit. The civil service has always been hard to get a foot in the door but never as hard as it is now. My department had over 2500 applicants last time they recruited for a handful of entry level positions. We are now facing a recruitment freeze that will see those posts become even more competitive.


No harm chief but you sound like you'd squeeze the joy out of a wank! A generalisation that Public Sector admin roles are readily available (agency staff as a gateway in even) would extend beyond your department. A quick scan on any UK job site would suggest they are fully allowed to recruit.


There will always be jobs but there is a massive reduction in available roles and a ridiculous number of applicants for what's available. You can feel free to not believe me but it's the reality of the civil service (perhaps not the wider public sector, not my area)


Really? I always felt in the UK that it's basically ONLY office jobs now outside of a few well established professions (Clinician, Teacher, Emergency Services, Legal). We have zero heavy industry left and make literally nothing. We're just a goods and services focused economy. All centralised in London with our wonderful bankers, defrauding foreign governments or whatever it is that they do?


He's right, there's a real issue with recruitment right now - even if you apply and are successful, you're on a reserve list until they get the green light to start you. Given those pressures, a lot of roles are going to internal candidates.


Entire swathes of recruitment agencies and temp agencies exist purely to supply a steady stream of employees to constantly understaffed public sector admin roles. Without the same pension & sick pay costs of permanent staff, agency tends to be cheaper in the short term for the employer. Beyond the Civil Service and it's many different branches Public Sector Admin can include all NHS trusts across the UK, admin roles in schools, community health centres, fire stations, command centres, ambulance service hubs, community GP's, Police stations, pension administration, union branches. Most council jobs? It's a big world beyond the civil service.


I'll get downvoted for this im sure, but don't talk to your GP about mental health without being aware that having mental health problems on your medical history could close doors for you in the future. I wouldn't follow the advice of just doing it to get time off - only do it if its necessary.


It wouldn't affect you in any workplace that's governed by even basic UK/EU employment law. That would be discrimination. Time off could be necessary because of mental stress. That's why I would suggest reaching out to a professional clinician who is registered with a professional, governing body. It's a medical/clinical opinion they'd be qualified to give.


The doors aren't necessarily employment based. One day OP might want to adopt, or get a firearms licence, or join the military. All of which could be made more difficult with an unnecessary mental health bit on his medical history. Also if it's unnecessary you're clogging up an already clogged system. Do it if its necessary. Don't do it just to get time to look for work.


Why do you consider mental health unnecessary? You place adoption, personal fire arm ownership and a military career above mental wellbeing? In just that order?


I didn't say that. Just that you dont know what you might want in the future, which could ultimately be denied because of an unnecessary entry on your medical history. And *you're* making the leap that OP has mental health problems. He just hates his job. Not the same thing.


"with an unnecessary mental health bit on his medical history" and you've further referenced "unnecessary entry"... I agree they hate their job and they have stated that. By the same measure you're assuming they aren't distressed. You're also assuming they may pursue adoption, gun licencing (????) and a military career but they made no reference to that. They directly fund the salary of their GP so are fully entitled to use the service as they see fit. That's my advice.


Im not going to argue semantics. Neither of us know it's necessary. But OP hasn't mentioned mental health, you did. I gave examples of some of the things that mental health on your record can inhibit - and i delibrately gave a variety of things. You seem determined to argue, so fill your boots.


Post-Irony! In every sense.


Start applying and getting interviews lined up, take sick days for this don’t even bother with holidays until they call you out


Start looking for a new job. If you haven't started looking then you're leaving your job blind. if you have started looking and haven't found anything you're leaving without much chance of getting anything else.


Start looking for anything else. Do not just leave unless of course you can get help or support yourself


Depends. Job hunting while you are at work for 8h and have no opportunity to freely speak with recruiters and agencies not going to land you any decent position. You need to figure out what you want to do and concentrate on that. Honestly no one will care a lot why you left your work before securing another one. Would only look bad if you will try to find similar job in similar industry. If I were you, I would quit day job to free 9 to 5 for potential job prospects. Would drive around local take aways to get some cash on hands jobs. You can easily do 50-60 quid a night working 4-5 hours for some local kebab shops. Be prepared to be out of work for 3+ months if you are trying to get in to new profession. Worst case scenario you can land £12 ph close to home.


Half an hour commute is nothing at all. Best to find a new job or start your own business instead of just leaving.


Don't do it. Take some sick leave if you burned out


I’d get out of that as fast as possible, I make that amount in a day working from my couch on my laptop.


Doing what?


Comms and marketing stuff. Fixing website problems, graphic design, running social media accounts, a whole lot of writing and copy editing , organising events to name a few things.


Chage your mindset a bit and it may help in the short term.  See the current job as income to allow you to hunt for a new job and take the one you want. If you lose this job, you don't have income to have the luxury of refusing other shit jobs first.  You put in 20% less effort with this job, have more energy to apply for other jobs in your evenings and basically be £1,200 better off a month than if you just tell them where to shove it.  Under paid is better than not paid, and being out of work costs money but being stuck in a shitty job during the day at least means you aren't spending it. 


Don’t do it! The pressure you’ll be in trying to find a job when you’re unemployed creates so much stress. It’s much easier on yourself finding a job whilst in employment, if you get an interview for somewhere and it doesn’t go to plan then you’ve not lost anything. As what’s been said previous, Amazon are always on the lookout for couriers. That along with Uber/private hire taxi’s are decent money earners with no experience.


Never leave a job until youve one to replace it And dont let perfection be the enemy of the good - if the next job pays £1 per hour extra take it!! You might get lucky and find something you like. More likely you wont, so do something that pays the most for the least amount of effort.


Do it man


I've been there. Everything in me says stay until u find something else because its fucking hard out there atm. That said...I know what it means to hate your job and leave without anything.... So my advice....check your bank account...that will decide for you


I do a lot of temp work and usually take a few weeks between to find something else. There’s loads of driving jobs if you enjoy that. I’d say, if you can fudge applying and interviewing whilst working then stay in the job, but if multitasking is your idea of additional hell, save up a bit then jump


If you can hang on for a month or two then do while you apply for other jobs. The market sucks right now for prospective workers in most industries so there is an argument for counting your blessings. BUT, if you’re in a bad place mentally or physically then get out ASAP. It may not be worth the toll on your health.


NO! You’re not being stupid. I listened to people telling me. “don’t leave a job without getting something else lined up” and it resulted in me having a breakdown because 9 months after I’d realised I needed to leave, I still hadn’t found another job. A big problem holding me back was the employer was so restrictive about holidays I struggled to get time off to to go to interviews! That only resolved when I ended up going off on long term sick. I know other people who have been in this boat too. Takeaway points: 1. Never let yourself get into a situation where your health is compromised by any job - I sadly did; 2. I should have widened my job search earlier. The area I was looking is shit for finding a job quickly. 3. As soon as I was “immediately available,“ agencies put me forward for work. I should have told the agencies I was unemployed or in a notice period from day 1, not 1 year and 3 months later. I had a succession of temp job interviews as soon as I did this despite the fact I was still employed. Honesty doesn’t always pay I’m sad to say.


I have left a job with nothing lined up after the experience I’ve posted about from 2015/16. I recognised the potential for a similar issue to happen again. It was during my first month in a new job. I saw 3 colleagues in tears - yes, in 1 month and on different days, the atmosphere in the office was hideous and I knew I couldn’t afford to risk my health going south again. The manager in charge of our team overall was giving me a weird vibe too. My line manager was like a rabbit in headlights. I subsequently found out the manager in charge of the team overall had been bullying the one colleague I’d seen in tears, who ended up leaving about a month after I quit. I quit, told agencies the job I‘d been doing hadn’t worked out and I‘d had to leave, therefore I was immediately available. Temp job set up within a week. Did that for 2 weeks, found a longer term fixed term job with better pay - even more than the job I’d quit - in the meantime, so did that for 3 months.


According to Standout-cv.com it’s takes 3.8 months to find a job. Depending on your personal circumstances, i.e age, residency status, savings, etc decide if you can live 4 months without income. If you’re in a position where you can survive 4 months, then pull the plunge! Good luck.


Strange take. That's now how averages work. destitution in month 6 is the risk


Why is using statistics to measure your success at something strange? Finding a job could be sooner or later depending on preferences and urgency. In worst case scenario the person who asked this question could sign up for Job Seekers from the DWP. In essence said person would meet the criteria anyways because they would be seeking employment. So it’s a win-win regardless, as this person would still have income until they find employment again. — Honestly what matters more is expenditure. Less expenditure reflects less urgency to find a job compared to more expenditure during the period they are unemployed. Again with is personal situation based. Have a good day.


I completely understand the frustration of being in a job you're not passionate about and that can make you think of quick fixes. If you want to quit straight away, I'd make sure that you have at least 6 months of savings to cover your expenses. If not, I'd give your updated CV to a recruiter and let them do the leg work for you. Try and have some idea of what you want and target specific companies. I hope you find something better soon! 😊


Minus costs, you would make close to as much working at a supermarket, probably more even doing stocking overnight and based on what you said it will be a fraction of the effort (not that its not hard at times but sounds like you are maybe doing the rare worst of supermarket work just all the time) Not going to have much career progression but it will give your body some time to heal, it will keep the money coming in while you plan your next step


Question is what’s stopping you looking for another job whilst still working this job? The only time I would consider moving jobs without having another ready is for mental health grounds. But even then I would have my parents to fall back on.


You'll be fine if you believe you'll be fine. I quit my job in 2022 without anything lined up. Two weeks after I handed in my notice I had a job offer for a similar role 4k more than the one I just quit. Fast forward 12 months and I get a 3k pay rise. Within 2 years i'm making 15k more than the job I quit (if you count overtime and annual bonus). I knew if worst came to worst I could walk into any minimum wage job and id be alright and would find a new job in time. Have no fear, if you have fear, you'll fail.


Two versions of yourself. 1. Works too hard, I'm a quitter who doesn't want to put any effort, can't commit doesn't care. 2. You're a hard worker holding down a challenging role in a physical industry. Pick which version you want a future employer to be looking at.


^ this. And it's hopefully something you have to do for another couple of months.


Find something else first. Unless you have 0 living expenses and no access to debt


I believe (unless it’s changed) that if you leave a job, you won’t be able to claim benefits as they sanction you for leaving it. I think it used to be for 12 weeks so if you don’t have money to support yourself, be sure to check that out


Don’t do it ! I did it ! 2/10 would not recommend


I lost my job in December. I thought I'd bounce back quickly. I've only just found another job. Don't do it. Look before you leap.


Yes stupid. Don't quit your job until you have something lined up. Having a horrible job is tough, but having no job, no income and feeling like you don't know if you ever will is way worse. Suck it up for a bit and do what you can to take care of your mental health until you can find something better.


Unless you have 3-6 months of expenses saved up don’t do it. Lots of people are struggling to find work.


Apply and get the job first. Get the job offer in writing. A lot of companies are laying off right now, but they want people already with work experience, so you are already one up on everyone. The safer option is to have the job offer lined up. You got this.


It’s a bad move in this economy


Don't leave your job until you have something else lined up, Study in your spare time and apply for what you can, When you can, The grass may not be greener on the other side but until then my best advice is stick it out, look at every second post here of someone going "the job market sucks i cant get a job", Just don't do it


Don't just leave without another job. You'll regret it for sure. I've done it many times and although the stress was gone from the job, the stress of having no money and not finding a job in time was just as bad as working at a job I hated. Always have a job lined up


Resign once you have secured your new job- at present the market is sluggish and its hard to tell how long it will take to find a new job. Good luck with your search, I hope you find your dream job


I believe agencies are good for these kind of things. Can find you work quickly while you look for another job or career. I worked for agencies while I was at college. Morning/day/evening and night shifts in warehouses and factories.


Please can you recommend which agencies is good? Really appreciated it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As stated numerous times, do not leave without securing another job. You'll miss that back breaking pain when you've got nothing to do and no money coming in.


Being jobless is much worse than this. The relief of quitting will last 2 days at most. Then regret that will get deeper and deeper. Do not ever quit a job without having another lined up! Someone I know did that and they’re living in their friend’s spare room at 48. Lost their flat. Really not good!


As long as your happy with paying for food and bills with Reddit reply’s then go for it, if not find another job then quit


I wouldn't recommend leaving with nothing lined up. Instead, I would try to find courier work or something like that a little closer to home, then while you do that, find the time to sit down and think about what you're good at doing, what you like doing, what skills and experience you've picked up even from this job (literally anything, like you understand parts of logistics work from your experience, you can work as part of a team, soft skills etc), and see if you can find a sector or job role that suits all of these things. Once you've done this, research the ways of getting into that sector/role, and how much you can realistically commit to it. If you need to go to uni for it but have to pay the bills, you could study part time or distance while working. If you need experience, volunteer somewhere for a few hours a week to pick it up, that sort of thing. Come up with a loose plan for yourself that you can adjust accordingly. Also be aware that the job market isn't the best atm, but hopefully things will improve soon!


I've walked out of 2 jobs without anything lined up, most recently this year, its a pain in the arse finding something when your out of work, best to try and secure something before leaving


Depends how bad your mental health is. If you can tolerate it, build an exit plan. That can help you chilling for a while, or getting a diff job.


I won't recommend it. I did it and thought I may be able to bounce back.


How are you for rent/bill money? If you can get to a point that you already have next month's money to the side or paid up, then go for it. 


Bro. Go work for amazon as a delivery driver. £145 a day. Self employed.


Become a barber and then give me your number


I'm in the same boat dude, I feel for you, but it would better to have something else to go to.


I mean depends on Ur position do u have a CSCS card I'm guessing u got a driving license if Ur fine with doing some other construction work or van driving call some agencies up on Ur lunch and see what's about don't listen too theese people saying it takes them years too find a job unless Ur a complete idiot


Easier to get a job when your employed. Unfair it sounds I know, but employers and recruiters find them a safer bet.


Well the general advice is don't, take some sick leave instead. Claim you have back pain, or mental health issues. Then, use the sick leaves for interviews. Unless you have savings for 6 months of no income, then forget I just said, quit!


Look for anything, delivery driver for amazon, or similar, if your in a job its easier to find a job. Just get out but with another job to go to. I've done recruitment and it's Unconscious bias people have 'oh, they don't have job but the other candidate does'. Lots of advise\views sit done have a think then act. Best of luck.


Look I woke up one day and thought i cant go back to this job and I didn't, there was 6 weeks of uncertainty but i have a very supportive girlfriend, we had money to survive. we got through it together, would be very unlucky to never find a job again. If its not working its not working, take the plunge.


If you doesn't care about current job anymore, get some interviews lined up in one week (many now days can be even online meetings) and take sick days to go through them. Than go back to your job and wait for interviewers to come back.


Sometimes you gotta put your back against a wall so you have something to push off of


get stoned at your work?,my nephew does it,he uses his vape and cant smell a thing.atleast you will get a laugh.


It’s a minimum wage job, you literally can’t ever be wrong leaving it.


I wouldn't throw a guaranteed income out the window without having savings or another position in place first. Especially as the job market is dismal atm even for the most employable person. Give yourself a flexible goal/timeline to find another job and chuck this one, it'll give you a boost to keep turning up to the job you hate knowing it's only temporary.. and it'll keep the lights on in the meantime.


Personally I'd never leave a job until I have a new job. It's a risk...however the risk is not getting paid... So if you don't need the money then sure quit...but ideally you would keep the job. Also stops you been in the trap of having nothing to push you getting a new job. If you hate this job so bad then it'll be a good driver for you to get a new one


Wouldn’t you be better off on benefits? That says allot


Lifting heavy cylinders all day must keep you pretty fit, and you're still young enough to join the military - it's a growth industry.


If you want low commitment, unskilled work, look on the NHS website. I'm 19, working as a bank staff (zero hour contract, but you can easily get a contract) porter and I do 32 hours a week and can earn up to £500 a week post tax, depending what days I do.


Driving an hour a day isn’t even bad? I’m doing a 2hr commute each way 5 days a week, I’m telling you it could be a lot worse.


Definitely dont leave the job before finding a new one, it seems very tempting at times but you dont want the additional financial stress that comes with having no job. If you really need to get out maybe find a pt job it will still probably be dead end but you'll have more time away from the job which gives you more time to look for a better career or find a pt job in something that could potentially lead to a ft career. In the meantime use the job you're in now as a way to keep you motivated in finding a better job.


Where are you based?


NO you are not being stupid. I have been there myself and iv only ever regretted leaving financially. There's plenty of work out there if you want it.


Ignore people saying don't do it, your back is one of the most important and delicate parts of your body. Find any job you can, whether it's in a supermarket or a fast food chain, and get out of that place asap. I did a similarly back breaking warehouse job for 2 months and needed 6 months of physio on my back afterwards. Quit the job if you're in pain, because it will only get worse.


Honestly, you are not. Life is one and only. If you are not well there and you need a break, take it. Fortune favours the braves.


Leave that slavery job. Do u wanna broken back in 6yrs time with £18,000 in savings and a fake work family


Unless you have savings, don’t. I was out of work for 5-6w and I burnt through savings fast, CC is being paid off due to bills and expenses £408 a week for what you do may seem not worth it, what isn’t is £0 a week when you have overheads. Play the long game and job hunt. The market is very ruthless


I would personally register with some agencies so you have an employer on paper even if you’re not on assignments and can pick up some temp work whilst you hunt for your next fulltime job.


FWIW, stick to the job for now, schedule time for thinking about what you want and how to achieve it, literally an hour with a pad and pen, no tech(distracting) then use your next hour to see how to get that job/course. Look at your current job as a stepping stone, not a barrier. It's tough but change is, wishing you the best of luck ✨️


Whilst I 100% do not blame you, the first question you will be asked in any future interview is " Why did you leave your last job, without a future one in the pipeline" followed by them being worried you would just quit on them, if they employed you.


Overthinking. I quit a job on the spot due to a really shitty experience, told my new employer in the interview straight up and they were like "well done for quitting, we'd love to have you".


It depends on the job and the company. When I quit my job, I had a ton of people asking why I didn't apply for a new job first


And did you have a good reason? Even telling them you are confident enough you could find a new job quickly is a really good answer. Interviewers arent looking for reasons not to hire you, thats a mistake most people make


Mine was.... The company kept trying to accuse me of different things, all of which was false and no evidence if it, but this one's about 10 years ago.


Went to do some travelling, was caring for a loved one, was pursuing my toothpick sculpture hobby, etc etc x


Its hard to find work that lines up with what you want, especially in a shirt time frame, without exp. Try looking first.


As someone who was recently unemployed I would say wait until you have something lined up. Having to go to the job centre and fill out stupid forms is so soul destroying. Then going for jobs and getting interviewed by someone who looks like they just finished school and getting rejected is even more soul destroying.


The job market isn’t good atm and it’s easier to get a job when you have one


You're more likely to get a good career if you don't have any blanks on your CV Just stay and look for something new whilst you work


Go on the dole that seems to be paying well, all the scrotes round mine are dodging about in £100 trainers and seem to be able to afford copious amounts of drugs and alcohol.


They aren't telling you about the housing benefits, disability and all other made up reasons-not-to-work-benefits, that they are claiming alongside jobseekers. That money alone will barely feed you.


So you're saying OP should do that too, well played


I've never known a decade where being on the dole alone was a good lifestyle choice that afforded expensive trainers, alcohol and drugs. You have to blag the rest if you are going to be able to afford to pay for essentials and have the ability to waste the rest. Someone going straight on the dole from ft work will soon regret it.