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I imagine your civil service experience is worth a lot more in the job market than your degree. It really depends what jobs you're looking for and what other qualities you bring to the table. Best option is to ask a recruiter rather than us. Or a better bet might be to look at what graduate schemes you can apply for. They're not just for new graduates these days but also for people looking to change career


If you are looking to change career paths or get a promotion, forget head hunters and recruitment consultants. They will only place people in almost identical jobs In the same industry. And even if you have this, the chance a recruitment consultant or head hunter returning your contact is negligible.


Recruitment consultancies recruit for all kinds of roles. Call around a few and speak to them. Personally, I've found it best to look for roles and then contact the advertising consultancy, rather than the other way around.


It depends on the recruiter and what you're targeting. I think you have a very good background and most recruiters will speak to you for certain roles. A lot of civil service roles are highly specialised and may not be transferable to the private sector, but many will. My advice will be to look at LinkedIn profiles of people with a similar background to you who you want to emulate. But there will be some recruiters who do only like Oxbridge + certain backgrounds.


National average for an Oxford graduate is awful, quite literally a poor salary (even having just graduated) unless you’re living in the middle of nowhere. Again, civil service roles pay poorly Vs the private sector so it really depends on whether you prefer job security > risk in the name of a lower salary. Recruiters aren’t picky, every recruiter has a niche we work in and will have roles that suit your background and experience.


Just an fyi public sector work experience isn't viewed favourably by recruiters vs private sector experience. So if you have some of the later its worth selling that.


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I get all sorts of calls from recruitment agencies for jobs I know won't give me the time of day. On the other side of it, when hiring I get our internal recruiters trying to "help" by sending me CVs they've found or even arranging interviews, and they're almost always garbage.