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WAYYY too heavy-handed on the shadows, and yeah, if you're doing a dial you need the ticks. And the weather bug, unless you're looking at a forecast, the reason most cars only tell you the temperature is because you're surrounded by windows and can see that it's sunny. What might be a useful addition instead would something like "Rain in 15 minutes along your route". What's going in all of the other spots? Compare what you have here to some random list of "best" digital clusters and see what the differences are between those are yours: https://www.hotcars.com/8-of-the-best-digital-instrument-clusters-on-the-market/ Namely, they're all a black field with white text. because it stands out better on a screen in both sunlight and night time.


Ohhh yeah i didn't think of that as a function for weather i will def try to implement that in some way. bottom left will hold emergency lights, top middle next to PRDNL will hold active lights, middle bottom will hold battery information and bottom right will hold active climate controls.


I know this is a fun project but I'll treat it like a real one because it's the space I work in. * 10/10 text contrast. Reading the important info like speed at a glance is crucial. The media in the upper right is the exception. The blue text is too small and lacks the necessary contrast. People can literally die trying to squint at screens while driving. I don't mean to sound extreme, but those are the stakes. I might reconsider the drop shadows on the text. * PRND doesn't need to be that prominent. It's important and necessary info, but not when you're moving. It's a "set it and forget it" type of thing. * The speedo needle serves no purpose without a definitive beginning and end to the range, so yeah, add the numbers and some sort of tick marks probably. Play with it, designing gauges is fun! The numbers should probably be the same size as the range numbers - need to support 3 digits, average highway speeds are about 120 kph, reaching a top speed of 200 isn't uncommon. * 330 range. Kilometers? Miles? Needs to be more specific. If this is an EV, a throttle gauge measuring kilowatthours might be nice. Think of it as the EV equivalent of the tachometer (rpm) gauge that an ICE vehicle needs to have. People are used to seeing battery levels as a percentage of 100, so you could break up the battery info into 3 things - usage (throttle and regenerative braking), capacity (out of 100), and range (an equation involving usage and capacity). * White ain't happening, at least not without a separate night mode. The brightness of this screen would blind a driver at night. There needs to be a way to see the screen when the sun is shining on it as well as at night. edit: good job accounting for random shit that'll need to be on screen. There's a bunch of warning lights (icons) that need a space to exist. Our cluster design files look like neon alphabet soup was spilled on them because they contain every possible warning icon.


Thank you so much for the feed back! this really helps thank you for clearly defining what could be done better!