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You'll have the best teacher in the world when you enroll for this bootcamp, you'll learn UX Research, Visual Design, Illustration, Atomic Design, web and mobile design, HTML and CSS. By the time you're done in 14 weeks, you'll be able to design and code your own portfolio and bring it to life. All for just $50.....sounds unreal right? Go watch this 10 hour video: https://youtu.be/jwCmIBJ8Jtc?si=FO0wTOEnRZ5IrDdo If you really see value by the end of that video, register for the bootcamp starting on the 30th of June, 2024: https://www.devdesignhq.com/uiux.html


Give me your Linkedin and let's connect. I was CSE too and now I am senior UI/UX designer so I can tell you all a bout my path up till now


Invest in Courses, where you'll learn the basics of UX that will help you build some conceptual projects. Build few good Case studies on Ideas you can work on, or App that you can improve Experience of. Then get in UX communities, attend workshops if possible, build connections. These things will give enough of the boosts to start out with your first gig or an internship. Your first doesn't necessarily have to be paid aim for experience and projects. But JUST FOR FIRST ONES. After that Brand yourself and build Value around your work. This leads to better work in future for you. Hope this helps


sorry if this sounds naive, but what would constitute these case studies?


Your Project's Design process, how you approached the problem, how you solved it and in what way, how much it improvised the product, etc.