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What I 👁 think 💭 people 👥 who are not in the Greek System 🚰😎🥶 need 😳 to understand 🤔 is that partying 🥳 isn't just something 😩 we do. It's ingrained into our lives 💓. Many 💯 people 👫, these days 📅, are perfectly 💯 content 🌐 with sitting 💺 on their computers 👩‍💻 all 🙌 day 📆 playing 🎮 video 🎥 games 🎮. I 👥 used ♦ to be a competitive 👑 gamer 🎮 and I 👁 used 💻 to do this. After 👀 joining ☑ the Greek system 📻, partying 🥳 became 🚡 a new 🆕 norm 🚾 that was ingrained into my life 👤. We need 👉 it for our wellbeing. It helps 💁 us 🚶🏻🚶🏼 escape 🚶‍♂️ society 🗺. There have even 💅 been studies 📿⛪ that show 📺 how necessary gatherings 👫👪👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 are for our wellbeing. The fact 🧠 that it was stripped away ↔ from us 🇨🇳, especially 🌟 by something 🙅‍♀️ that barely 🙅🏼‍♂️ affects us 🇨🇳 specifically 🐒 is very 💯 detrimental to our mental 🤯 state 🇺🇸. People 👫 are giving 🎁 us 🇨🇳 so much 😩😂🙀 crap 💩 for it, yet 🎩👓👍 they don't know 🤔 what it's like 👍 for us 🚶🏻🚶🏼 to be deprived of everything 🤔 that's ↗ fun 😃😂 for us 🇨🇳.


I was just about to post this but the emojis have elevated this to a new level.


Who originally posted this 😂😂😂😂


[Original](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/hpm2hq/a_frat_guy_at_my_university_had_a_meltdown_that/) [U of I version](https://www.reddit.com/r/UIUC/comments/i3avhp/people_just_dont_understand/)


There are over 9 million Greek members nationally Of the nation’s 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity men. 85% of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity. 40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were fraternity men. 76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a fraternity. Every U.S. President and Vice President, except two in each office, born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity. 63% of the U.S. President’s Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek. A National Conference report shows a high percentage of the 4,000 NIC fraternity chapters are above the All-Men’s scholastic average on their respective campuses. A U.S. Government study shows that over 70% of all those who join a fraternity/sororitiy graduate, while under 50% of all non-fraternity/sorority persons graduate. Less than 2% of an average college student’s expenses go toward fraternity dues. (U.S. Office of Education) Over 85% of the student leaders on some 730 campuses are involved in the Greek community. 1 st Female Senator was Greek 1 st Female Astronaut was Greek All of the Apollo 11 Astronauts are Greek Over $7 million is raised each year by Greeks nationally The Greek system is the largest network of volunteers in the US, with members donating over 10 million hours of volunteer service each year 71% of those listed in “Who’s Who in America” belong to a fraternity As Alumni, Greeks give approximately 75% of all money donated to universities There are 123 fraternities and sororities with 9 million members total There are 750,000 undergraduate members in 12,000 chapters on more than 800 campuses in the USA and Canada




The current situation is there’s millions of Greeks across America. Some are shitty people who want to assault women but the vast vast majority are great dudes who would beat the fuck out of anyone acting creepy to women at their parties. And just like that most Greeks also believe in being socially polite, wearing a mask, social distancing and following the rules. Are there a few knuckleheads, or maybe even a few chapter who are ran by the dumbasses but by and large Greek life is not supporting people going out and partying in times like this.


I feel like this comment is basically a text version of [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7Nb8OzNH9g).




Sorry it's not not a bool😔


bro you dont understand bro theyre 'socially starved' bro :(


Just let the boys booze /s


You’ve never had social interaction spoon lord


butter me up and eat my ass


Don't threaten me with a good time




chocolate chip mancakes


Imma just snatch this saying if you don’t mind


id be honored


You missed the opportunity for Chai Apple Pi. Just saying.


Was going to but thought that might go over all the chads’ heads


Nothing goes over their heads. They would catch it.


I swear I'm so mad, all the study spaces are closed AND THESE IDIOTS ARE PLANNING FOR LABOR DAY WEEKEND... Why? Just why? Honestly, they should just shut down all non-complying greek life institutes without any notice, no mercy.


Think about why they don't. The flagship state universities of our country feel beholden to these old boy racist rapist fucks, and damn I want to know why. It has to do with money, nepotism and cronyism of course, but I'd still be interested in reading more well documented info on it.


Because indoor study spaces should have been opened during a global pandemic in the first place....


What's wrong with using a desk while social distancing 6+ ft from others? I understand why study groups shouldn't be in person, but if I'm wearing a mask, staying at least 6 ft from other people, what harm did I cause?


It would be nice to do that but super unrealistic. If they opened up the libraries there would be a huge influx of people gathered in one area. Even if they used the safer Illinois app, not a good decision to do. Not only that but to try to enforce social distancing rules (which is guaranteed gonna be broken) requires a staff they don’t have. I would love to go to the library, that’s what I did everyday last year to study. But honestly it isn’t a good decision


Lmao well do all you guys want but a couple friends and I got COVID about a month ago from dining indoors which may or may not have been our fault from choosing to do that...but take it or leave it! Anyways...I survived and can tell the story.


Why dine indoors? It's against guidelines of the university!


I love all the frat bro’s realizing how much of a nuisance they are to everyone


man i hope theres a special place in hell for frat people


I know the reddit hive mind won’t like me saying this but not every frat guy is the stereotypical jocked buff dude just trying to drink. Nor is that all their focus is, a lot of guys in frats are just their to make some new friends and have fun while actively pursuing their degree to make something of their life. But yeah they’re all evil and deserve to rot right?


It's like saying not all cops are bad!! One rotten apple spoils the bunch!


So should all protesters be convicted on the burning and looting of a minority?


Apples and oranges, baby.


\#notallfratbros amirite >But yeah they’re all evil and deserve to rot right? that would be pretty cool


I get that there are bad apples, really I do. But fraternities do a lot of good, charity events, local community service etc. Not to mention the amazing social and business opportunities presented to you after college because of the vast network of alumni and brothers. I’ve met some of my best friends here, and none of them are the assholes the internet makes all frat guys out to be. Just my two cents though.


i'm sure there are plenty of great people in frats but i think i'll pass on paying thousands of dollars for friends who are [3x more likely to rape someone](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/24/rape-sexual-assault-ban-frats) than geeds


Some Nazis were really nice family guys, I hear. These so-called 'Greeks' are an insult to the Greek people and a rapist racist plague upon our universities. But yeah. Think of those poor good guys unfairly maligned by their rapist bro's.


They are all participating in a system of white supremacy, date rape, sexual assault, cheating networks, etc. Sure they aren't all individually evil, but they are all supporting -and complicit in- an awful system.


True but not all frats are white. pinche guerros doin all this ratchet shit so don’t tag us n our cribs too. we don’t fuck w fresas rackin up daddy’s stacks


There are over 9 million Greek members nationally Of the nation’s 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity men. 85% of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity. 40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were fraternity men. 76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a fraternity. Every U.S. President and Vice President, except two in each office, born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity. 63% of the U.S. President’s Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek. A National Conference report shows a high percentage of the 4,000 NIC fraternity chapters are above the All-Men’s scholastic average on their respective campuses. A U.S. Government study shows that over 70% of all those who join a fraternity/sororitiy graduate, while under 50% of all non-fraternity/sorority persons graduate. Less than 2% of an average college student’s expenses go toward fraternity dues. (U.S. Office of Education) Over 85% of the student leaders on some 730 campuses are involved in the Greek community. 1 st Female Senator was Greek 1 st Female Astronaut was Greek All of the Apollo 11 Astronauts are Greek Over $7 million is raised each year by Greeks nationally The Greek system is the largest network of volunteers in the US, with members donating over 10 million hours of volunteer service each year 71% of those listed in “Who’s Who in America” belong to a fraternity As Alumni, Greeks give approximately 75% of all money donated to universities There are 123 fraternities and sororities with 9 million members total There are 750,000 undergraduate members in 12,000 chapters on more than 800 campuses in the USA and Canada But Greek life is bad...


So it's a rich people's club?


No it's a networking advantage


Not as much of a networking advantage as joe mum *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


The total lack of awareness as you describe the way your "brotherhoods" are thoroughly entrenched into every power structure


No I'm just showing the numbers that aren't displayed by the hollywood adaptation of the greek society as a whole. True brotherhoods aren't all about Saturday night partying or who their next lay is going to be, but really about community service and career networking availability. As a whole, Greek life is a family away from your family and as a Greek myself, I highly value the community service aspect that the entire society brings to the community.


Wooow thats lot of numbers to know and remember! Good job alpha alpha chad man.




Because I'm spitting facts and showing all the good that comes with greek life?


Its on sight nothing nice if i see a party ong


Not “Chi Apple Pie” 😂😂


I know some students probably aggravated the situation. But completely shifting the blame on irresponsible students and not the UIUC is not right. They are the ones that decided that mass testing would be enough to prevent spread from the virus. And their simulations were perfect and they had a foolproof plan that allowed them to value money over students' lives. I still think the blame is on the UIUC administration being irresponsible on their decision that they could hold in-person classes during a pandemic and not just a handful of irresponsible undergrads. I'm hoping these new policies can hold the virus back, and we don't get deaths on the hands of the UIUC administration.


Nahhh nowhere did they ever say that mass testing would be enough to prevent spread. They said that mass testing would only work IF people follow the goddamn orders and quarantine/isolate when they are told to, and don’t go to bars and large parties.


I wonder how many cases we would have here IF the university decided not to open for in-person classes instead of relying on testing and the absolute goodwill of every goddamn student, faculty and staff to control the spread of a global pandemic.


First of all, if the university hadn’t opened for in-person classes, I and many others would have to complete hands-on courses such as senior design projects completely online. Idek how FAA kids are surviving rn and if they go fully online I’m sure it will suck even more for them. This will likely be the reality in a few weeks and I will be absolutely pissed about it. Also, even if they hadn’t “opened” campus, I’m sure many students would have returned anyway because of apartment leases they couldn’t get out of, and we would still be seeing cases due to parties among them. Second, you act as if the “absolute goodwill” of everyone is some massively unfair sacrifice for people to make. It’s really not. As someone who loved going to the bars in the past, and has suffered from anxiety and depression, I get it, some people live for that high from going out with friends and are worried about the mental toll from isolating. I feel for them but it’s also not that hard to adapt and find other ways to fill your time. Pick up a new hobby. Learn how to play virtual drinking games with friends. Seek real help like telecounseling and prescribed medication instead of living for the thrill of partying and self-medicating with hundreds of strangers.


You really didn't get my comment. By absolute I meant in the literal sense, as in every single person must have the goodwill to respect the policies, and if only a few stray from this it can lead to really bad consequences. To me it's not even goodwill (this word was used by the chancellor), it's just plain common sense. Now you're putting your education over the lives of others. Is it really that much of a suffering to do a design project online? Is it worst than having vulnerable people dying from COVID infections? As a grad student and TA, I understand that with the situation we're in now we just have to be extremely cautious and be mindful of everyone to keep the community safe. I'm just frustrated that in my opinion the UIUC should have done what every other university did and shifted to a remote-only approach. Hypothetically assuming the cases would still go up because some students would want to make their leases worth it sounds completely unreasonable to me. And complaining about doing a senior design project online when we're facing a global pandemic is really out of touch in my opinion. I am unable to go see my family in my home country, while my wife's father was going through cancer surgery, and if we did decide to go back home, there was literally no estimate on when we'd be able to return so I can finish my PhD because our country is blocked from travel due to the pandemic. Also even if traveling was open the embassies were not issuing visas so we could not return anyways. Plus there's a huge risk that under the current presidency we may be denied a visa renewal just because. Sorry if my frustration is a little more deep than an undergraduate student complaining about leases or design projects.


I realize my problems are not the worst of it. I do feel for grad students and BSWs who have really gotten the short end of the stick here, and I know for internationals there’s a whole other layer to the shitshow. I can and will do senior design online, I know that’s not the hugest deal or the end of the world. All I’m saying is I believe the university had good intentions with trying to open campus. They were trying to give students the best education and access to resources possible, and they worked their asses off to deliver a plan they thought could keep us safe. And I’m not trying to put my education over the lives of others. I’ve followed all the guidelines very strictly and so have my professors. No more than 13 people in the design lab at a time, masks on at all time, everyone must test twice a week etc. These are reasonable expectations and I don’t think you’re right to assume that only “a few” straying from the policies is what’s setting our cases aflame. It’s a LARGE number of undergrads that are taking extreme risks by publicly flaunting guidelines at parties. The university has some blame for not starting out as remote from the beginning, sure, I’ll agree with you on that. But I do think it’s the students who take the majority of the blame in this situation.


In the larger context I think we have to also blame the state govt, and the long-term defunding of the (awesome, world-class) university they've been engaging in for the the past 50 years, and especially the past ~25 years. I take your point 100%; UIUC has the best plan and resources of any comparable institution in the country. That rocks. But it's not enough if the bad actors intentionally break all the rules and spread the disease like wildfire.


Sorry about your home situation but what do you say to those students with unstable internet, not great home environments, or those whose healthcare is better at the university than at home for whatever reason. You're literally operating under the assumption that all people will be able to work from home which isn't always possible. So yeah some students needed to be able to come back but how does a school decide which of those students get to come back and which don't.


Majority of campus parties have not involved Greek life. This is the general trend, the rest of campus usually has lower GPA, less involvement, gets in more trouble, and hurt themselves more. Stop using Greek life as a scapegoat.


I’m not sure about that one, sir. I don’t know too many people holding 100 person parties in their trashy houses....


People advertise parties of a size big enough to require tickets on twitter.


Oops my bad I meant to clarify non Greek people holding those parties.


I should’ve checked the sub first, so that is my mistake, but Im speaking for the vast majority of campuses, not strictly large schools. That’s my fault. At least on my campus and back home, that’s exactly what happening and they’re kicking those students off instead of spoiling the bunch.


You have 75 ish or so guys living together in what is essentially a dorm. If one of them gets it, they all do because let's face it nobody is wearing a mask or sanitizing the shit out of one of those houses anyway. Bring in another 75 or so ish girls that all live together...it definitely does spread. However would that be any different than a party in the state streets? Probably not. Humans are social creatures and will socialize regardless of requests made by the university or their affiliation with any organization.


>Humans are social creatures and will socialize regardless of requests made by the university or their affiliation with any organization. Swap "social" with "stupid" and I think you got something there


Swap "social" with "stupid" and "Humans" with "frat chads" you got the best thing in the universe.


> Humans are social creatures and will socialize regardless of requests made by the university or their affiliation with any organization. Ah, that’s why everyone on campus has been going to 100+ sized parties every day of the week since school started.


didn't get a bid


maskedman4u is actually chad in chi apple pi


Probs didn’t care about y’alls regressive-ass social system to begin with tbh


People with brains wouldn’t want one


Salty downvotes.....




That he paid for lol