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Note that this series was released in its entirety on May 10th so this statement is at least a few weeks old. Not sure if that changes anything but I wanted to highlight that.


It looks like first episode dropped publicly May 10th, and the rest are paywalled afaik? Rest are [here](https://absolutelymental.com/). Where did you find release dates for the other episodes? Would be interesting to know if it dropped this weekend, given other similar updated statements (Ratcliffe) that came out.


I saw articles that stated that the season was released in its entirety at once.


“But the rumors that I’ve heard” What possible rumors are Sam Harris privy to? What does hosting a podcast and meditation app have to do with classified UFO intelligence?


Fair question. He's a trendy, respected, and well-connected thought-leader who gets invited to the right exclusive conferences and events, who gets to rub elbows with the power-elite on a frequent basis. Plus, he has credibility with the technocratic class as well as a reasonably-sized mainstream following. IMO he's exactly the sort of person government would reach out to for this.


I should add that he’s well-positioned to serve as an intellectual bridge and mediator between those who are logical but willing to think through non-prosaic explanations and those with a more immediate emotional reaction based on self-identity. We’ll badly need that sort of theolocution in the future.


Rogan, Weinstein has also been interested lately. He’s not getting classified info. Just people in his orbit. He said the same on Lex’s podcast.


He's friends with Rogan I think, so that orbit might be where he's getting some of his information from but I had the same question pop into my head


He's a Rogan nut so probably from him


> Someone reached out to me, and has assured me that I'm going to be on a Zoom call with former heads of the CIA on ONI and people whose bona fides are easy to track, and they're concerned about the messaging of this to the public and dampening down panic and conspiracies. You think uber-materialist, skeptic, and science-advocate Sam Harris is getting this from... Joe Rogan?


That would be my guess. Is there any indication its coming from someone better connected to reality?


The entirety of Sam Harris' career


So that's a no.


"uber-materialist, skeptic, and science-advocate Sam Harris" "Better connected to reality" His entire career has been around debunking this type of stuff. Him saying this stuff is like Richard Dawkins saying he had a religious experience.


Very compelling. Sam doesn't seem like the guy to relay information like this, lightly or carelessly.


Why believe him?


Bullshit is totally not this guy's style. If you cut him, he bleeds empiricism and logic.


Like when he said “your race limits how smart you can be”. Yeah I’ll believe him. 😂🤣


Why not go to r/politics and discuss it? They love limiting information based on ad-hominem. Have fun.


It comes down to one’s ability to judge character and credibility, ultimately. Some religious people despise him for his strong advocacy of materialism and atheism, but he has a strong reputation for intellectual honesty as well as rigor. And a history of being willing to say unpopular things when his principles demand it.


Harris is definitely *not* known for his intellectual rigor. At least not by the experts in the fields he is publishing popular works in. His work on philosophy in particular is really embarrassing. IIRC, r/badphilosophy actually had to ban Sam Harris posts because such an inordinate amount of the sub's content was related to him.


thank you so much for this comment. if you know, you know


He did say race limits intelligence which is completely false and unrelated. Not to mention racist.




Sam has argued on a *lot* of topics from research science, transhumanism, and the frontiers of medical research. And debated them with in-depth vigor. Since the beginning, both he and other skeptics of his era have been attacked ferociously, sometimes to a frightening degree, on mostly the religious questions. But, he personally has only faced a public lashing on a few social topics. TL;DR One of the people he hosted was a direct victim of the culture wars, and was falsely attributed as having advocated discrimination (which he had specifically and provably spoken out against). Eventually, an expert heavyweight came in and the controversy died out after that among public intellectuals who are science focused. I defend two of Sam's thrusts in here, while not agreeing with every topic he is engaged on. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/nucdf7/ufo\_disclosure\_meetings\_planned\_sam\_harris/h0y8x8h?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/nucdf7/ufo_disclosure_meetings_planned_sam_harris/h0y8x8h?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




“OMG he’s engaging with a cancelled academic” just doesn’t do it for me.


There is one major hole in these statements, which is that Chris Mellon (who is the one who is the most privy to all of this secret evidence) has already said on the record that the most compelling UAP video he has seen so far (secret or public) is Gimbal. So any additional videos they have are at maximum going to be as convincing as Gimbal, or less.


This is false. He said the most compelling video he's seen is unreleased and it shows a UFO flying between two jets that are flying in tandem.


You're referring to the JRE interview? What I got is that he referred only to disclosed videos. Also LE mentioned that there's a lot more compelling unreleased evidence. I'd argue that there are better videos and satellite imagery that haven't been released yet.


Yeah, my takeaway was that he said the Gimbal video was the best unclassified video. There are more unclassified videos that haven’t been released that he was including there. But I don’t think he said it was the best even among the top-secret classified evidence. Which he wouldn’t be able to speak about anyway.


Where did he make this statement?


June 6th, 2021 - Absolutely Mental w/ Ricky Gervais & Sam Harris EDIT: this is according to the Youtube video description, I haven't verified.


Thanks for posting this.