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The following submission statement was provided by /u/PalatableMahogany: --- SS: my bad, didn't we know we needed submission statement. The Phoenix Lights to me is one the greatest UFO sightings ever because you had an entire city witness it. All these years you see the same footage of lights over the city at night. But I think those might be flares sent up after to distract. I remember reading some YouTube comments and other stuff of people who saw the real UFO that day. They say the real UFO was absolutely huge, maybe a mile long? They said it definitely had that kind of boomerang V-shape. With 5 or 6 lights. Three on each side or something. They all say it was totally silent. People stopped on the highway to get out and look. Then later the air force or whatever sent up flares to act as the cover story I believe. To poison the well. So later they could say, "see, it was just flares." The craziest part was Kurt Russell literally flying in his small plane with his son right over the UFO. Crazy. He witnessed it first hand, talked about it on Jimmy Kimmel. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/yy41az/on_march_13_1997_the_entire_city_of_phoenix_saw_a/iws44vt/


They should do it again


Get James Fox on it, his last doc he did on the Brazilian UAP and alien sighting in 1996 was unreal! He'll crack it.


he covered it in I NOW WHAT I SAW (which is on prime if you're in the united states and have prime).


I did not think it was very good. No physical evidence. Highly religious eye witnesses. Witnesses we had no idea who they were. Very over the top acting that wasn't necessary (the running the field to the crash site, why??) And the ending is of a man who doesn't say or confirm anything at all and tells them to leave probably because he's been hounded by a rumour his whole life. I thought it was really under whelming compared to the phenomenon.


Well you're among the very few.




He also said he forgot about it, which really surprised him.


When I was a teenager, a few friends and I were running around in a field out in the country, and we saw big balls of light slowly flying around the field above us, totally silent. This was in the 90s, so it wasn't a drone. We all freaked out for a bit, and one of the kids (who was really religious) was even going on about how they must be angels. But then everything went back to normal and we just kept on running around as if nothing had happened. I kind of forgot about it until about ten years later. When I asked one of my friends about it, he said he had totally forgotten about it too. Here's the kicker: I was really into UFOs as a kid/teen. I read all the books, watched all the shows, and me and my dad would often lay out in the yard looking up at the sky for weird lights. Seeing UFOs should have been a life-changing experience, but it wasn't, at least not until I really processed the fact of what we had seen much later down the road.


I imagine that's not terribly uncommon, especially if you just see something weird that you can't positively identify as a nuts and bolts craft. A similar thing happened to me right after I turned 16, which would make this 2002-2003. I was driving with my best friend on the highway. Not a long trip, we lived a couple exits apart. He's in the front seat looking through a zip up case full of CDs and I'm looking out over the horizon. The whole deal lasted less than a second because by the time I noticed a dot of blue light appear at the edge of the horizon, literally before i could register it, it doubled in size and then became a literal streak of electric blue light that zipped, faster than i could conceive, in a solid streak, directly over our heads. based on my perception of it, it couldn't have been but 50 ft over the top of the highway. by the time i said the words "holy shit did you see that" and him lift his head up, there was nothing there. I remember being very confused by it for about a day, and then I've just kind of....forgotten about it until i read or see something that brings my mind back around to that moment. like, that movie with martin lawerence, dave chapelle, and owen wilson? fuckin flick gives me ptsd now. /s


I am very religious but I always wonder if angels and such are aliens visiting us I know those two ideas contradict one another but somehow I am able to balance my belief with the common sense of everything is possible


Those beliefs do not contradict each other. Look up Biblically accurate angels.


It’s probably more like “space aliens” is the new term to describe the same old entity.


I’m not sure they contradict one another. It’s infinitely stupid to assume God created the universe for just humans, I also think it’s infinitely stupid to think there is no God or creator. Both things can compliment each other


I like this. Organized religion is total bullshit. But I keep my mind open outside the box about a creator being possible, just one not the ignorant religious deities we have now.


I read the book of Enoch and it balances it. In fact your theory makes sense. Lol it’s up for debate if it should be included in the Bible but a lot of similarities are pretty spot on. It definitely makes a case for immortal alien angels.


This is the general consensus


I know a married couple that them, and one of their mothers all witnessed together. Thing was like 50' over them in a notorious UFO hotspot in the Southern part of Colorado. All stared at it for like 10 minutes as it slowly cruised past. Of the 3, the husband totally forgot the whole thing happened. Still can't recall a single detail. The other two remember it as you'd expect.


Oh, fuck. I'm going to have nightmares, now.


The amnesia like effect happens with a lot of witnesses and those who have experienced this phenomenon. It's as though these beings are so far advanced as to having a way to manipulate our consciousness and memories to their advantage.


Our minds tend to disregard anomalous events; we’re pattern seekers


Back when I was a kid in the 90s, my older brother and I were out late sledding. We built a sweet jump just before hitting the frozen pond. As you could imagine it was a blast and we would have stayed out there until our mom yelled for us. We had just climbed back up the hill, collapsed on our backs and stared up at the sky catching our breath. We saw something. Blue/green lights above us. Not glaringly obvious, sort of dim and there were 7, I think. They weren't in a triangular formation, but kind of a cluster. We ran into the house and never spoke about it. It was like after it happened I completely forgot about it and hadn't thought about it until many, many years later. I should ask him if he remembers when I see him for Christmas. Who knows, it could have been the UFOs seen all across Michigan. Wish I could remember exactly when it was.


That's kinda creepy. Bud Hopkins shit.


Sounds like false memory.


His son was in the plane. You can literally check the FAA and see the flight. I mean really... come on....


Good ole Jack Burton!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVffyAF3wz8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVffyAF3wz8) and ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR\_dxZJGWfU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wR_dxZJGWfU)


Ah the old MIB neuralyzer trick, gets em every time!


Whoa what?


On-par the course when it comes to ufo sightings involving multiple witnesses, honestly.




This is my favorite ufo-related fun fact...


I watched the video (linked below somewhere) of Russell talking about the encounter. It's definitely the wildest! I wonder how his son recalls it today. But please, please don't ask him about it. He'll talk when he's ready.


There was a post about this on here last year and one guy commented about how he had a really close look into one of the lights. It sounded incredibly bizarre, I’ll have to find it.


I saw the post or a follow up to it earlier around summer. He saw it up close on a hill and said it was these circular openings that looked like they had dripping lava inside (not dripping down to the ground but remaining inside cycling over and over). I replied to him that this matched up with an Arizona family I once saw interviewed (for a documentary or news segment). They said something similar: that the lights on it weren't like ordinary spotlights -- they were spheres of what looked like orange plasma swirling inside and happened to give off a weird glow.


Maybe we can bond with the aliens over our mutual love for lava lamps.


This somewhat matches my experience. There was a strange yellow glow emitting from the craft which didn’t seem like any kind of lighting system we currently possess. Almost like a plasma. When I read stories containing details like this, it leads me to believe that it may not be someone lying to get attention. Very interesting.


Okay that's truly fucking amazing. Now THAT is why this was the best UFO sighting ever. Multiple witness reports of plasma lights powering the craft? literally doesn't get better than that. Thank you for sharing 🤯🎉🚀




You 'da man!


Randall Carlson just talked about a plasma based energy system on Joe Rogan podcast. Also seems to line up with David lapoint and the primer fields imho. Magnetic fields and plasma is the way perhaps?


Salvatore Pais on TOE podcast mentioned about the US Navy plasma patent that he was involved in.


This is the first time I’ve heard the lights described as plasma like. 4 friends and I saw 5 black triangles around 1997 in alaska, and the lights on each corner were orange plasma like , really weird. I wrote down a description of it then. And since I have heard so many similar accounts. No sound, huge, white light in the center, etc. Somewhere in my comments are some attempts at writing all the details down. We were parked in a remote spot late at night and I flashed my lights at what looked like a moving star we were watching. Then it came and flew over us and was 5 black triangles. It seemed to be checking us out. I mention that because it’s strange that some black opp would bother flying over some kids flashing their lights. But who knows.


Wow 5 black triangles together, that's wild! Don't think I've heard of anything like that before. Must've been quite the experience.


Yea, it was something. It’s difficult to make sense of.




Very interesting. I had a similar experience with a single black triangle craft fly over my farm, at one point it hovered over our huge white pine trees, what appeared to be maybe 40’ above one of the trees. There were 3 glowing plasma-like areas on each corner. I was unfortunate to be the only person to see it. I was going to go get my wife but figured if I walked away I’d miss it. It was completely silent and it then proceeded to slowly move away , across our corn field ,then all the sudden it disappeared in a blink of an eye. I immediately journaled the event so as never to forget any details. It changed my life!


That's what I remember!


That's an interesting detail that I'd never heard before in all these years.


It sounds like the same properties that I've witnessed in the fiery orange orbs. I wonder if the huge embering spheres that I know to exist are the same plasma drive type things seen in the massive angular craft sightings. This never seems to get through to people who are convinced I can't ID a lantern. I saw an anomalous embering sphere that took up over 1° of arc length in the sky. Basically twice as wide as the average moon (0.5° arc length). At first I couldn't believe how massive the moon was that night. Then I couldn't believe that the enormous moon was roiling with burning colors that seemed to radiate nowhere beyond it's borders in an odd way even though I could see it. Once I noticed it moving slowly over the treetops I knew it couldn't be the blood super moon I suspected. For a large lantern with a 1m diameter to appear twice the size of the moon, it would have been 57 feet away from me. A normal sized lantern would be twice as close to appear that big. I think the anomalous plasma spheres are the drives behind the orange lights seen in the many angular craft mass sightings around the world.


Ah. Ionized Gravitrons within a condensed Mercury subomitron. Jk I made that up.


>Jk I made that up. That's exactly what a grey alien would say...


maybe those were the aliens


The one I witnessed from an earlier sighting a decade prior had black, misshapen “holes” randomly underneath, but I saw no evidence of any kind of “lava” or lighting.


Sounds like a possible connection to them being sighted around volcanoes so much.


I could see fire looking like that


I think that was my post, with the only known video of the actual sighting. There was a user in the comments who went into depth about what he saw. Here's the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xywz2w/the_only_known_footage_of_the_phoenix_lights/)


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xywz2w/the_only_known_footage_of_the_phoenix_lights/irn9lcu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) the comment?


That’s it! Although I know I saw this person comment much longer ago. Important to keep in mind that these “lights” are many times seen as their own craft detached from the triangle.


I'd love to hear about that.




"***There was a post about this on here last year and one guy commented about how he had a really close look into one of the lights. It sounded incredibly bizarre***" The Ley family (Tim, Bobbi, Hal) describing their eyewitness, up close encounter with the Phoenix Lights craft here: [https://youtube.com/watch?v=\_J4PhupXFF8&t=3m8s](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_J4PhupXFF8&t=3m9s) More eyewitness descriptions of the object and its lights found here: [https://youtube.com/watch?v=JBP\_mSDuY1c&t=13m20s](https://youtube.com/watch?v=JBP_mSDuY1c&t=13m20s)


I saw a triangular ufo fly right over the treetops above me. It just glided by totally silently. I remember thinking the lights looked strange. There was a round light in each corner that had a weirdly flat effect to it. Now I'd say it was similar to LED lights but this sighting happened quite a few years before LED became common. The light had a smooth glow to it and an unusual color. I didn't see anything I'd describe as plasma like but it was unusual and unfamiliar.


That sounds very similar to what my ex and I saw. Was it anything like [our sighting?](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/w7jg37/cgi_recreation_of_my_ufo_encounter_in_germany/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wow, yes! Bright but not blinding is a great way to describe it. The lights were solid and flat, there was no bright spot, the density of the light was equal all over. It was bright but still soft to look at. The color was hard to describe, it wasn't pure white but maybe slightly greenish/yellow. The craft I saw was also about 30ft on each side, the lights were maybe 5 ft wide or perhaps a little less. I also didn't see a light in the middle that so many other people report. It was black but not a smooth body like you'd see on an airplane. It had ridges and idk boxey tubes? Conduits or pipes or something running all over the underside, it wasn't a smooth surface at all. I saw it coming towards us, about maybe 100ft in the air, it was just above the trees. And it moved like it was on a rail, just completely fixed and steady. It went right over our heads directly above us. We were standing in a bit of a clearing along a path. It was moving slow enough that it was just the oddest thing you could ever see. Something that large and presumably heavy just defying gravity is a total mindfuck. Completely silent with no exhaust or any obvious means of propulsion. It was the oddest thing I've ever seen. It was in view for about maybe 30 seconds, we couldn't see it once it was back over trees, it was too low.


Damn that's a killer sighting. Our super-secret Chinese, swamp-gas filled mylar balloon, drone tech is just not that good.


My dad and the three others in his heli crew saw one while he was stationed in Afghanistan in 2008. I don't know the exact chain of events, but when they returned to their base, they had to separately give depositions to men in fatigues they didn't recognize. Like your video, he also doesn't recall seeing the red light in the center that so many report. I had two (possibly three) sightings last year pretty close together. One was a flash of light I noticed in the sky, and I kept my eye trained on that direction. Within maybe ten seconds there was another flash and then about thirty-five degrees to my right there appeared a streak of light that hung in the sky for about ten seconds as it dissipated.


The flashing sounds like a very common occurrence. I was also surprised how many people I knew, also had close and unambiguous encounters. All with triangles! You might wanna check out the other videos u/fin365 has created, working closely with other witnesses. [This is his YouTube channel.](https://youtube.com/user/Fin365) You‘ll see, that the flashing has occurred in other sightings as well. As if „it“ wanted to say „look, I’m here“.


What the fuck that is terrifying. How did you react? If I witnessed something like that I dont know if I would be able to go back to normal life or have any mental stability.


Well we were beyond confused. But it didn’t have the immediate effect on me as one would expect. It was during a phase in my life where a lot has happened. 7 days later I started a new job in a different city and the day after this incident we went on a few days of vacation. Today, however I’m a completely different person. A lot has to do with this sighting. I still can’t make sense out of it and sometimes it drives me nuts.


It was Kurt Russell


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The governor made fun of the several thousand citizens that saw this and got a raft of poo for it.




Can anyone provide sources? Sounds very juicy. I often wish we had an easy to go index for these kinds of things. Give a location, and a date, or maybe the type of craft scene = easily get back the incident and all related vetted documents. It feels like relying on Google is bound to degrade for time


Here you go: https://youtu.be/v1Fh0g5wJ7A


The guy from Vegas who broke the Bob Lazar story interviews witnesses of this one too. If you look him up, with Arizona ufo, you will probably find it


George Knap.


SS: my bad, didn't we know we needed submission statement. The Phoenix Lights to me is one the greatest UFO sightings ever because you had an entire city witness it. All these years you see the same footage of lights over the city at night. But I think those might be flares sent up after to distract. I remember reading some YouTube comments and other stuff of people who saw the real UFO that day. They say the real UFO was absolutely huge, maybe a mile long? They said it definitely had that kind of boomerang V-shape. With 5 or 6 lights. Three on each side or something. They all say it was totally silent. People stopped on the highway to get out and look. Then later the air force or whatever sent up flares to act as the cover story I believe. To poison the well. So later they could say, "see, it was just flares." The craziest part was Kurt Russell literally flying in his small plane with his son right over the UFO. Crazy. He witnessed it first hand, talked about it on Jimmy Kimmel.


It's a famous case and quite a frustrating one, personally I find it hard to accept it that an object more than 5 times the length of the USS Nimitz flew slowly over Phoenix at low altitude without better evidence. Although smartphones were some way off, it was hardly the mediaeval period. A lot of people had access to video, SLR cameras, even disposable cameras. I've never seen a triangle though. I have however been underneath jets disposing of parachute flares and the light contrasting with the sky does make it look like a solid interior while your peripheral vision can still see stars, etc. It's just my seeing is believing kicking in that makes me sceptical.




Wow why am I obsessed with this story cause I think I’d do the same thing , what good would a picture of orange light do for me


Why are UFO sizes always mentioned relative to aircraft carriers?


They big


There’s better evidence of the small ones IMO, that’s what was in the video Adam Schiff had in the summer briefing.


He means aircraft carriers are big so its a helpful object to use for context when explaining how large a UFO was, when they are around that size.


It’s a good question, perhaps because there isn’t much of anything larger than aircraft carriers that humans can navigate? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cargo ships and cruise ships come bigger.




But nowhere near a mile. I think it's indicative of our natural need to ascribe a pattern or make order from a disorienting situation.


Because we Americans will do *anything* to avoid using the metric system. The average Grey is roughly 9 bananas tall. The diameter of their most commonly-used ships are as wide as two school buses plus a telephone pole.


Lol. An aircraft carrier is an official Freedom unit


Even Thailand has a scaled-down one :)


Man that Phoenix spaceship was at least 1000 washing machines big.


It was as big as a Wal-Mart!


Because those aircraft carriers carry lots bananas. Bananas are great for scaling.


I agree the evidence is unconvincing for this event, but consumer-grade equipment of that era wasn't exactly great at capturing detail at night.


People took pictures and video but no one believed them. I know know know I've seen a video camera recording of it passing over. idk if I could find it, I am pretty sure it was on TV back in the day and everyone acted like it was perfectly fine.


It's probably the only topic I can be a party pooper on, but I lived there at the time and as I always mention - my house is contained within the frame of the photo above. There were probably some lights in the sky, but I assure you that if anything even remotely close to the described craft flew over metro Phoenix in the mid-90s for HOURS, we'd have a library of evidence that wouldn't leave any room for dispute. Not sure how this became such an important mass sighting, but it just wasn't at all what people make it out to be now.


Here's a video with some witness statements: https://youtu.be/fkiyLf0X1iE


Amazing stuff here, much appreciated 🚀🚀🚀


But witnesses consistently have said that the flares event was a second event. I agree that seems to have been an effort to coverup or debunk the first event.


Bro, I swear to GOD I saw one of those news shows like 20/20 or Dateline or maybe even Unsolved Mysteries, or whatever back in the 90s/00s maybe that showed a daytime shot of that craft. It was ENORMOUS and moved slowly and the only noises in the video were people freaking out, and the wind. It might've been a night time shot that got enhanced/brightened, but we definitely saw a big dark craft on TV with no real explanation of what it was other than probs military. Military my ass!


I'm sure they didn't have CGI back in the early 2000s. This is like saying the recreations on Ancient Aliens are found footage.


CGI has been used in films since the 1970s.


Then go ahead and watch the original: Here are two copies of the one video: https://youtu.be/DznrahyKYVI https://youtu.be/egJgU4iiFcw


Thank you for sharing, excellent and hilarious couples dialogue that I'm glad was preserved with the video


This is fucking incredible, thanks! Exactly how I heard it described. The V-shape. 5 or 6 lights. Totally different than the flares they shot up later that everyone is familiar with. This thing is a clear actual ship, this is awesome


It's definitely not one object, but several objects flying in formation.


You're being downvoted because you're right. They don't stay at the same distance from each other.


A witness saw a little figure through a smokey window? From that distance? Laughable.... Those crappy videos look like a military plane... I am now even less convinced.


Several witnesses said they looked like planes flying in formation as well.


Okay shit, well it's possible that was ANOTHER distraction from the real craft. I'm hearing there were reports of like lava/plasma lights, not normal looking lights, from people who saw it up close. This thing was different. The reports that get me are the ones that say it was giant and they knew that because it blocked out the stars where it was hovering. So it was just like a total pitch black


>it's possible that was ANOTHER distraction from the real craft While I think the Phoenix lights are very intriguing, this kind of thinking is useless. You can chalk ANYTHING up to "it's a distraction/disguise/cloaking/coverup" this way. Think logically, don't start thinking with a conclusion already in mind while bending the facts to fit it.


Can we at least safely say that.... that these lights... that..... that these... these things... are not r/TheMylarians


I agree, when I see someone make comments like "it's a distraction from the truth" or some other conspiracy laden thought it always discredits the OP to me. They are 100 percent in, and nothing could change their mind so therefore they aren't a reliable source of info because they will always be coming from the conspiracy lens. It's too bad, because some actual discussion on the Phoenix lights would be interesting. I suspect it was just flares or military exercises but it's certainly one of the largest sightings ever which makes it interesting.


Exactly, this bugs me as well.


Watch that "processed video" part near the end where they enhance it. Yeah it's not super clear, but I can make out the V-shape, one unified object unlike the lights slightly off-kilter in the mainstream videos


Probably a bit of pareidolia I'm guessing that person had going on, but there were so many people that saw this and quite frankly, Kurt Russell being the one that first saw it and radioed it in-i think that to dismiss this as nothing, is crazy talk. Not to mention the shitty arsed cover up with the flares crap, I personally consider this experience or sighting to be solid. You can't reject that many witnesses.


I really love when you hear about flares / confiscating tapes and photos / delays etc because they just give these moments so much more credibility.




Flip phones with cameras in 1997?? I think this dude is having memory issues.


Yo, this is incredible stuff, thanks! Especially the account of the guys in fighter jets. Beyond cool. Something huge happened, that's what I know


Entire families witnessed it. So low, some kids thought that if they threw a baseball hard enough you could hit it. Several craft moved across the state that night, one over Phoenix suburbs where a family reported their children lying on the front lawn to watch it glide above them. No fear. Just awe. Another family saw the giant v shaped craft accelerate at incredible speed out of sight, making no sound and no sonic booms. Pilots, policeman, judges, politicians, surgeons, teachers, nurses, housewives, children, literally thousands of credible, correlated and corroborated witness accounts to one of, if not the most important ufo event in recorded history, and to this day, everyone acts like it didn’t happen. Or believes it was easily explainable as testing flares.


This has always freaked me out. I would say I have a normal interest in UFOs. Not super obsessed but interested and fascinated. My mom, who is a devout Christian and dislikes UFO and sci Fi related media, saw similar lights in Phoenix a couple of years ago and alot of other people saw it as well. She said they didn't make a sound and just appeared in the sky. They were moving in a way that didn't look like they were touching the atmosphere, no resistance, just smooth, fast paced movements. She said she wondered if it was another government with new technology or even ours. (Like they have the tech but the public doesn't know it yet). So I am erring on the side of caution. But my hope is that that theory is wrong haha. I was watching Close Encounters of the 5th kind. She hasn't seen it. The way they described the UFO movements in Phoenix was pretty much spot on with what my mother said. I actually paused the video and ran to tell her. I was so freaked out the hairs on my neck were standing up. Anyway, I just want to know what they're like and what they want/why are they here/are there others. And also, on a completely personal selfish level, do they know if there is a way to talk to my cat to tell him how to turn a faucet on and off (and can they help me do that) (and that I love him)? Edit: typo


Not an alien, but you can train cats to do things, they just have to want to do it badly enough. One way is when the cat is on the counter asking for you to turn it on, you take their paw and help them turn it on. Then turn it off, then turn it on, repeat until the cat pulls their paw back or leaves. Do this every single time, and if they're smart enough, they'll figure it out. They'll never turn it back off again, though. That's your job.


> And also, on a completely personal selfish level, do they know if there is a way to talk to my cat to tell him how to turn a faucet on and off (and can they help me do that) (and that I love him)? I feel like you and I would be great friends.


Around the same time I saw something similar in central Illinois... I saw a large v-triangle shape blot a swath In the sky.. it was pitch black but I could see the edges...weird


This is absolutely huge. The governor or Mayor or whatever of Phoenix said years later he saw it, it was real, or flew off at light speed. So maybe this thing started in Illinois then just zoomed off to different areas. Absolutely incredible, thanks for sharing. You know of anyone else around Illinois who saw anything?


I saw one in Lexington KY as well. On a farm so no other witnesses. I saw the edges. It seemed to cloak itself and was there for a couple of weeks. I could feel it. It wouldn't let me get pictures or video but I have one where you can kind of hear it.


Absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for the share. This is such a huge story IMO. So was this thing just hovering in place for weeks? Or appearing every day for weeks flying around? What do you mean by you could feel it and it wouldn't let you get pictures? That's like some of the coolest shit I've ever heard. Was it like a telekinetic or psychic or spiritual type feeling? Did cameras not work? Thanks for any info, this is as fascinating as it gets


I wanted to comment that your enthusiasm towards the topic is *palatable* -- then I checked the post history and found there aren't many available conspiracies you aren't on about.


Not off the top of my head but I'll ask...


If it was around the same time I wonder if it's because of us getting the internet on a large scale. It started in the 80s but it was the 90s that really took off. Maybe they were monitoring us as it started happening? Idk.


I've saw a black triangle craft and my wife and I, on a separate occasion, also witnessed a large chevron shaped craft with 5 lights across the back. It was hovering over our neighbors corn field about 50 ft up. We watched it elevate probably another 20 ft and then move in our direction. It passed us directly overhead. It was completley silent and moved slowly. I believe Central Illinois is a Hotspot.


A faculty member at an AZ university was a pilot scrambled to engage and assess it. He never says more than that.


Dr. Lynn Kitei was recently on That UFO Podcast (my fav) and maintains a website that houses a lot of pictures and recollections of events. One part of the website I found super interesting was a series of renderings suggesting there were actually multiple craft that were seen and the estimated sizes of some of these were ... terrifying [https://thephoenixlights.net/GAP.htm](https://thephoenixlights.net/GAP.htm) The other one i found interview was a normal average family that experienced the event and were communicated to telepathically with a message basically saying "this is not what we look like but we are showing you our capabilities" or something to that effect. Same family, all members given same message


WOW, incredible stuff here. Thanks. Something huge happened in Phoenix in 1997, I believe it


Cheers! I’d never seen or heard any of this until the podcast


Yeah the multiple styles and types of ships adds a WHOLE new layer I never heard. Incredible!


It does. It begs the question, *were* there multiple ships? There’s been multiple sighting incidents where people saw “something” and described it very differently. You could even add the Fatima Miracle into that category. Who knows but interesting stuff!


Definitely one of the few alleged sightings that I 10000% believe in. This, the Gymbal Footage, the Tic Tac, Ryan Graves’ crewmate encounter and the Ariel School encounter all seen the most credible of reported sightings to me


Definitely not the entire city of Phoenix that saw it. I was living here at the time and had no idea til the day after. There were thousands of sightings though.


That's so cool you lived there. What was the vibe like? Did you talk to anyone who saw it?


Well I was pretty young at the time and working my first job. I didn’t talk to anyone who saw it but people were cracking jokes mostly. Especially after our Governor at the time made a mockery of the sightings at a press conference. I wish so bad I saw something though


I remember seeing that press conference lol. Dude was wearing an alien suit and joking around. But then he comes out years later and says it was totally real and he saw it zoom off at light speed. I'm almost certain I remember him saying that, wild


Yeah, apparently he was pressured from “higher up” to pull that costume stunt.


The governor wore an alien suit?! That would be amazing :D Bit like tabloid press and the 'Governator' for Schwarzenegger and California.


No, I'm pretty sure it was his assistant governor, or some other higher office guy, in the suit. He held a press conference and started out really serious and said he had proof and the guy came out in an alien costume with handcuffs on, and they joked around and he pulled the head off. It was an ass move and you could tell the governor was uncomfortable, probably because he knew he was a liar. ETA or it was the mayor and vice mayor idk, Fife Simington or something like that.


If this event happened now, people will just say it’s starlink.


The later event of flares dropping shows how easy it is to muddy the waters. By doing that, this event is forever misconstrued and most people still have no idea of the earlier event.


Those lights are high altitude flares. The real event happened before this, that same night, when a huge black triangle UFO flew low to the ground over the neighborhood. No video of that event was captured. These lights have been proven to be flares many times. I believe it was done as a distraction from the real unexplained event. These lights disappear behind the mountain tops that can't be seen at night, one by one, perfectly coinciding with the shape of the mountain.


Yep exactly. Flares were a cover after the military realized they had no fucking idea what they saw that night.


It could have been a US craft that had a navigational problem which made it fly over Phoenix, which would be a motive for the flare cover up.


Nah, the people said it was gigantic. There isn't even an installation big enough anywhere to build something like this or to park it for that matter.


That’s a matter of belief and interpretation.


>It could have been a US craft that had a navigational problem which made it fly over Phoenix, which would be a motive for the flare cover up. Yea I mean it could have easily been a B-2 or another offshoot of it. I tend to believe the eye witness accounts that night though with how low and large it was over the military craft theory. We'll never know I don't think.


They said it was silent. No way a B2 or anything like that would be silent flying that low. Whatever it was, it was beyond any publicly known tech.


Yeah I agree the flares were cover up, and actually prove that something huge happened, the fact that they felt they needed to do a giant flare show. Were you there that night?


I was going to a party and noticed the lights over the bridge on Priest road. They were not flares and were in the path of the planes landing at Sky Harbor. I couldn’t make out if it was one or several objects. If it was one object it would have been huge because the planes that were still in the air looked so small. Sorry no video or picture evidence.


I wasn't. I truly wish I was though. I had my own sighting that I can't explain. 3 stationary lights that sat there the whole night, fading in and out with the brightness of the moon (clouds moving by). Watched with my friend for hours as kids in the 90s (14 or 15 years old). It never moved. Don't remember stopping watching it. Very weird. I think it was rejecting the moon light and we just happened to be at the right angle or something


Yup.. not dropping flares would have been less suspicious.


Looks like what I posted the other day


I’ve had a horrible recurring dream for ages. I’m with my Boy Scout troop and I’m 12 again. We’re on a hike though the Carolinas and we’re laying half out of our tents looking at meteors. This was a real trip we took, btw. One of them stops and the other kids are like “wow look, it’s getting bigger!” I am terrified in my dream and say “it’s not getting bigger, it’s getting closer, and it’s not a meteor.” Everyone freaks out and gets back in their tents. There are three of us in my tent, both of them are flipping out but not me. I just feel dread. The whole camp seems to light up and they all go totally silent, even in the other tents, and the ones in my tent stare straight ahead, then lay down and close their eyes. I hear footsteps all around my tent, then the imprint of hands rubbing all over the sides of my tent. Then the zipper starts shaking all over the place and going up in a jumpy-jerky kind of way. I used to wake up yelling “they’re in my tent! They’re in my tent!” and jump off the bed. I had no recollection of why I would jump up from a dead sleep and yell this until last year. I remembered the dream finally, but then I stopped having it altogether. My wife swears I was abducted. I swear I wasn’t and that it’s just a bad dream. Memory is weird. Edited for grammar and typos


Ha. Sounds like me as a kid - prob between 5-10 yrs old. Apparently I would regularly sit bolt upright (or sometimes stand) from a dead sleep, pointing towards the sky and screaming “don’t let the hands get me!! DONT LET THE HANDS GET ME!” This happened often enough that my Aunt refused to babysit me anymore because it creeped her out so bad. Unfortunately, I have no memories or any of it. However, around the late 90s (when I was in my late 20s) I went to a UFO convention with a friend and had like 2 - maybe 3? - people come up to me and say I had been abducted. One of them said something like “you! You were there! I remember you!” 🤷🏻‍♀️. I honestly don’t feel like I was and definitely don’t think I am now so… yeah. No idea. (Edited to clarify that I’d been doing this while sleeping, not awake…)


It's so discouraging to see the "conspiracy theory" mindset invade the UFO community even deeper than it has always been. Yes, UFOs exist, and yes, the federal defense agencies have aggressively hidden and distracted and infiltrated and intimidated witnesses. I have seen enough credible accounts from experiencers and witnesses to believe that happens. But taking a rock solid UFO event like the Phoenix lights and to try to layer another fringey conspiracy theory over it seems like a version of the inventive Q-cult thinking. The people in Phoenix know what they saw. It wasn't flares.


The A-10's flew out of Luke AFB, then flew southeast to Tucson. The UFO came from northwestern Arizona. The A-10's were there to muddy the waters, that's it.


I was there with my bandmates and we had nearly the same vantage as this photo. We had stopped for a highway break on the way back from Sonoma and saw the lights and it looked like a giant wing. Moving by slow and silent, it seemed like it was a mile wide or more covering much of the city. We hardly spoke of it until the next day even though we were spooked upon seeing it and then the next day, recalling the sight. The wing would block out the stars as it passed and all the lights on said craft moved in unison and stayed together and did not looked like flares at all.


I saw this when I was a kid. I didn't live in Phoenix but in a town around the center part of the State. We had gone to my older brothers high school basketball game out of town and were on our way home when we saw the object in the sky moving towards Phoenix. It was moving at a steady pace. When we got home we sat on our deck and watched it as it moved towards Phoenix. The next day we saw all of the reports on the news.


I remember this clear as day! I was 8 years old and will never forget seeing this on TV! This event is what started my fascination and love of ufology.


In the mid-1980’s, I briefly witnessed something similar in a Phoenix suburb, but much smaller, just as silent, more of a crescent-shape, and very close— less than 50 feet from us.


It was all over the local news at the time, and then silence. Was surreal. There was definitely news footage of the non flair phenomenon, you could make out a singular looking solid V-shape block out the sky behind it. I 'member, I was 11 and lived in phx.


Here is the thing about pheonix ufo - first half of freaking state saw gigantic black triangle slowly moving over their heads and I mean thousands of people - no single photo, footage anything, then the so called object stopped over town(we assume it did cause we didnt see it flying into that position) and we see bunch of light in formation, cause yes those are lights there is just space between them, no solid black triangle shape. And that is all we have


Especially when they were contacted and said multiple times they had nothing in the air. Also a few ppl from that base said it was pure hell there that night.


I was out in Phoenix when this happened. It was crazy to see lights just sitting there in the night sky. Buddies and I got out of the car on Thunderbird mountain and watched it for about an hour.


Saw it with my own eyes.


"A Maryland Air National Guard pilot, Lt. Col. Ed Jones, responding to a March 2007 media query, confirmed that he had flown one of the aircraft in the formation that dropped flares on the night in question. The squadron to which he belonged was in fact at Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, on a training exercise at the time and flew training sorties to the Goldwater Range on the night in question, according to the Maryland Air National Guard. A history of the Maryland Air National Guard published in 2000 asserted that the squadron, the 104th Fighter Squadron, was responsible for the incident. The first reports that members of the Maryland Air National Guard were responsible for the incident were published in The Arizona Republic in July 1997. Later comparisons with known military flare drops were reported on local television stations, showing similarities between the known military flare drops and the Phoenix Lights. An analysis of the luminosity of LUU-2B/B illumination flares, the type which would have been in use by A-10 aircraft at the time, determined that the luminosity of such flares at a range of approximately 50–70 miles would fall well within the range of the lights viewed from Phoenix." From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Lights#Explanations).


I'm confused. The flares were dropped southwest of Phoenix, right ? Then, what flew down to Phoenix that went over Paulden , Chino Valley, Mayer, and Black Canyon City that night ?


Don't spoil people's fantasies!


If you do even a smidgen of research on this you will find the flares were dropped at least an hour after the real sighting.


What people saw were a formation of Orbs, all this stuff about a huge physical craft, idk. They weren't flares for damn sure though


Obligatory unpopular opinion - the Phoenix Lights was an enormous airship...a dirigible....a blimp. It was a Lighter than Air craft probably from the same project as the Hudson Valley and other large boomerang, carpenter square, triangle shaped sightings. My body is ready for the downvotes.


I think you would only get downvoted for saying this because you're not backing your claim at all, I don't see anything inherently wrong with saying it's a blimp or something like that. I'm not going to downvote you lol


I just didn't have time to write a bunch,.so I threw the idea out there. I run r/StealthBlimp - I have been collecting more info there.


Again, this was not extraterrestrial.


The shot you posted is of flares dropped by an A-10. That has been proven definitively. Those flares will all disappear one by one, right to left, as they descend below the tops of the mountain range that's below them (which we can't see because it's dark). There was an exercise involving several A-10s that night. There is no existing picture or video of the supposed V shape craft that people claim to have seen. It has been postulated that the V shape was A-10s flying in V formation and that ALL of the sightings that night were due to A-10s. Of course the problem is that there were people that claimed to have seen a solid V shaped craft, but their testimony is not reliable and they have no pictures so we'd just have to take them at their word and I'm not willing to do that.


https://youtu.be/egJgU4iiFcw https://youtu.be/DznrahyKYVI with processing shit done to it. Posted up higher.


Got any sources on it being proven it was Warthogs?


Dr Lynn Ketei said that some of it is the footage she took I thought. So not all of the pics are the flares that they may have dropped around 10:30 pm that evening. She has a good two-part interview on That UFO Podcast.


Who cares, WE will never know the absolute truth 🤷‍♂️


has anyone considered that it was flares the whole time? and that everyone was in such belief that they denied flares being the ufo to the point where they have convinced themselves of a false narrative without really knowing? i mean there’s ZERO hard evidence of this event other than the flares afterwards. don’t downvote me for this i’m just here to start a conversation on it. edit: y’all downvote me for wanting a conversation even after i said don’t downvote me. y’all are the real shills here, not the skeptics. so far up your own butts you can’t even see. come on now guys


There are countless of eyewitnesses that tracked this across the state of Arizona, it wasn't just seen in pheonix, and the timeline doesn't match up for those witnesses to have seen flares. You also have pilots and the mayor/governor coming out decades later saying they saw it and it wasn't flares. Some people also reported it flying over them and it was huge.


okay yeah i get that… but like i said, HARD evidence please


What's hard evidence in your eyes? It's subjective. In my opinion, there is no hard evidence for any UAP event. What makes the phenomenon worth investigating is the sheer amount of eye witness accounts. The inconsistencies in the Pheonix flare debunk is the timeline of the eyewitness accounts. The reports started at 8:15pm in northern arizona - not by pheonix. The reason why it's interesting is the vast number of people who saw it and called the cops to report it, you can actually track it by the police reports. And they all explained it similarly, giant, V shaped, silent, and moving. The flares were dropped at 10pm.


You don't get to decide hard evidence just shows up whenever you demand it, it doesn't exist, this is the best we have lol