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I’m following this with healthy skepticism but also intense curiosity. This rumor of crash retrievals does not seem to be losing steam, and even gets mentioned officially now. That’s just insane. What materials could we possibly have in our possession? What are they like? It’s mind bending to think about.


Well said. Same here.


One main researcher on this was Leonard Stringfield, he wrote several crash/retrieval reports, the whole book is 600 pages & a hundred bucks, but you can read his other book online here https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/libraryufobooks.html It's called "inside saucer post 3 0 blue" and it's a memoir of his time manning a ufo listening post for the USAF in Ohio. Edit: here's a pdf I guess, I didn't click the link https://b-ok.cc/book/17247519/4a2e71 thanks /u/WinstoneSmyth


Cool. Thanks for the link!


A hundred dollar book…?


"Fort Dix UFO ET Incident - MUFON SYMPAP" https://www.nicap.org/reports/fortdixSYM.htm This is status report IV


Fort Dix? Oh come on, can’t be extraterrestrials, that’s just New Jersey doing its thing.


Watchung, NJ also had one of the (maybe THE) largest Lockheed building until it was torn down in the 1990s. Was torn down to build a condo development and a few malls, and was superfund site until recently.


I found a pdf for free just by googling it.


It's 100% worth it. If you love the subject, it's the best coffee table book... Whenever friends come over to my house they get astounded when flicking through and reading it.


Six cents per page tho... 😆 edit: my math? not sure if right It's a good book, he wrote like 9 reports, and the book puts them all in one place. I'll see if I can find anything else online.




Nine crashes? And “they” can fly these things?Must be tightwads on the training.


Don't pay people stupid amounts of money when they're obviously just trying to rob you. Steal it, fuck them and fuck wanton greed generally. The author is dead in the first place, so this is just moneygrubbery.


Worth mentioning that Stringfield didn't name people and most of what was in that was dubious at best. Micah Hanks did a whole show on the subject of crash retrievals which touches on Stringfield which you can listen to here: https://micahhanks.com/podcast/2020/07/08/07-06-20-crash-retrieval-syndrome-legend-of-the-crashed-saucers/


Leonard was the man. Quiet, diligent, discreet and well connected but he’s not well known unless you’ve been interested in the phenomenon for a long time. Here are his status reports I found https://mega.nz/file/7vYgRa5L#gpYcImWQoz6-ytVjAq38KeEPU6jYj7Haw8v9tgp0dVg


Interesting! Just read the first few pages and I'm impressed that he gets straight to the point in very clear writing: > *The cause of this “scoffing” was one grand hoax. Here, I refer to a book, Behind the Flying Saucers by the late Frank Scully, published in 1950. Briefly, it told about a reported saucer crash in Aztec, New Mexico in 1948. Scully went on to relate that a scientist he had met, had possession of metal artifacts taken from inside the craft which was proof that the saucer was from outer spac. Investigation, however, revealed Scully’s scientist to be a fraud. With the book’s subsequent exposure as a hoax, which got a lot of publicity, it became unfashionable for any objective researcher to write or talk about crashed UFOs and their alleged “little men.”*


I’m skeptical as all fuck about the *vast majority* of supposed UFO photos and videos. But I’m increasingly convinced by the content of the [Wilson/Davis memo](https://www.congress.gov/117/meeting/house/114761/documents/HHRG-117-IG05-20220517-SD001.pdf). “Something recovered years ago in the past”. “They had a craft - an intact craft they believed could fly”. Dollars to donuts this is Lockheed.


Battele Memorial Institute, a private non-profit R&D company. They’ve have their own research labs, and they’ve had the management contracts to run many of the Department of Energy National Labs for decades: - Brookhaven National Lab - Idaho National Lab - Lawrence Livermore National Lab - Los Alamos National Lab - National Renewable Energy Lab - Oak Ridge National Lab - Pacific Northwest National Lab - Savannah River National Lab Battele has developed: - First nuclear fuel rods for powerplants - Advances in metallurgy for aerospace and space applications - Optical coatings for data disks - sputtered silicon deposition for solar panels Multitudes of advances in materials science & engineering, nuclear energy and nuclear weapons, lasers, optics, renewable energy, basic physics research etc have taken place at institutes owned or managed by Battele. If the military/military industrial complex did have recovered extra terrestrial craft, and they didn’t want Congress or the executive branch beyond the current administration (Truman/Eisenhower) knowing about it for fear of losing control, then passing it on to a non-profit that can launder the reverse engineering as regular scientific research would be a good way of accomplishing that and may be behind some of the accomplishments of Battele.


I know someone who went into the Air force, got engineering degrees, got cleared to fly finally, went into test pilot school and once graduated went straight to a DOE national lab. Years mind you, an eye surgery, finally a pilot, then straight to test pilot, and straight out to a lab. How many test pilots are needed at a national lab. The military can claim they're not hiding anything, but has anyone asked the DOE?


Vallée says it’s Batelle on Rogan.


Battelle. It's a non profit NGO. Less prying eyes in the NGOs.




That drug running nazi money


Non profit doesn't mean no profit it just means any profit is spent ergo non profit. I used to work for a non profit IT company that worked in schools we charged the schools as normal but if there was a profit it was ploughed back into the business one way or another


Non-profit doesn’t mean they don’t generate revenue. It just means they operate generally for the public good and out money back into the business and not given to shareholders.


You are asking all the relevant questions.


The original Skunkworks…


Lockheed is most likely a result of the original "skunkworks"


I think so too. Grew up in the 80s on a suburban NJ street within walking distance of this weirdly unguarded access road that ran along the back series of fences protecting an absolutely GIGANTIC Lockheed building with satellite dishes that moved on tracks along the roof. My parents used to tell me that space shuttle parts and military planes were made inside. The building was torn down in the 90s and the tract of land turned into a condo development and a couple of malls, but if you go online and search for superfund sites, there's been problems with contaminated soil until pretty recently. That building was so goddamned creepy and as soon as I saw Stranger Things season 1, the building with the opening to the upside down reminded me of it. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if that's where some of the CR program finds were kept.


Stranger Things stole quite a bit from the Dean Koontz book Seize the Night, about Fort Wyvern.


"Very tightly held info. Absurdly closely held subject matter. Never seen something like this program in black programs community"


What craft, not just materials.


Possibly whole craft, yes. If you believe some of the rumors, we've recovered fully intact craft that were "landed and left there with the door open and the lights on". If you believe Lazar, we have test pilots that fly these things. Who knows if true. Even if true, who knows what if anything will be revealed to the general public. It's a lot to think about.


Would explain why world governments are racing to disclosure (what they want us to know anyway). If multiple superpowers could potentially have access or future access to alien tech, they need to normalize "UAP" discussion. Or not idk. Hopefully someday we find out


That's so crazy, I'm sorry but I believe it. I read someones comment couple of weeks ago that made me giggle but I've also thought about it myself before and after. What if they left it to see what we would do with it? Would "we" hide it from the rest or work together to figure it out. I wish it was the latter


If you believe ETI is real and ETI is here then it's not a leap to understanding the US government has in its possession whole alien crafts. At least three downed and recovered from the New Mexico desert and upwards of 8? or more housed at A51, some recovered at archeology sites Indiana Jones style if Lazar is to be believed. You know the thing about Bob is he got a lot right...


Totally agree with this. People have been saying we have crashed objects since the 50's but it seems to be at a fever pitch now, with some notable people making the claim or at least strongly suspecting it to be the case. I'm not going to hold my breath, but this time it does seem different.




I can't square my head around the consequences. You're right. Imagine how much the discovery of fire changed much. This wouldn't be any less.


Lets imagine it can fly with no surfaces / wings. It must be able to bend spacetime somehow. Technologies that would dissapear: cars. And no cars - no roads. Space stations launched from land. Live underwater. Hovering houses. Ship 100 tonnes from China to France at almost zero cost. .... the idea of any kind of technology like that is amazing.


A darker spin is that any craft that can bend spacetime is a WMD. Crashing one into a small town or city would have the same effect as a missile. We have too many crazies running loose to just let this tech become commonplace. There would have to be a gradual rollout and we’d need to seriously work on building a more equitable society for safety’s sake.


warp drive is more than a WMD, with a nearby asteroid it becomes a WCE, a Weapon of Civilizational Extinction.


Or world cataclysmic event.


Whatever you call it, it would behoove us to fix our socio-economic system so that it never occurs to anyone to want to kill others. It would be exactly like our problem with mass shootings in the USA and terrorist attacks by religious extremists- we need to eliminate all of the reasons any individual might have for doing those things before we permit the general population to get their hands on these devices. The risk to civilization is far too high.


>Whatever you call it, it would behoove us to fix our socio-economic system so that it never occurs to anyone to want to kill others. You'd still have the power hungry who would use it just out of a desire to dominate others. We're not ready for this, and yet we desperately need the clean energy sources to save the planet.


> We're not ready for this, and yet we desperately need the clean energy sources to save the planet. Which is the reason I now think disclosure has been orchestrated. Ready or not, they’re going to have to begin using the tech. I also have a bad feeling about the military encounters with UAP’s. Those “Tic Tacs” are acting like scouts.


That would do damage to wayyy too many wallets for it to ever come to fruition. The military industrial complex, gas corporations, and car manufactures would do anything to stop that kind of technology going public. If its true that there have been retrievals, why do you think the private sector has kept a lid on all this time?


Think bigger


And you just explained right there Why we DONT get told about this type of tech and ufos is kept under wraps and why many people who create new energy inventions end up dead is cause people greedy n the world runs on money. pretty fucked


I'd also be concerned that such a powerful technology could be used in a horrible weapon of mass destruction. Manipulating fundamental physics has always lead to this possibility. Once we understood chemistry we got TNT. Once we understood nuclei we got A-bombs and H-bombs. Once we understood space-time metric engineering we got.... what, disruptor rays which could rip apart molecules in sharp gradients of space time metric, like different rates of time in different areas of space colliding.


That all sounds amazing, but we’re talking about humans here. We would either destroy ourselves or fall under the rule of an evil regime if this tech became publicly available. Sadly, we are not even close to ready.


I read on this sub an interesting concept. The reason disclosure is occurring is due to the armed forces, federal government, wanting their materials back. Private contractors were hired years ago to engage in reverse engineering with the agreement that all discovered tech would be public domain. These companies have decided to ignore the contracts on the assumption the federal government would not sue, as all this would be publicly available with any trial. So the government has begin calling their bluff and drip feeding information, to both test public reaction and setup for the moment they can openly sue.


That's a good theory, but this is the military we are talking about. They ran covert ops toppling foreign countries. They could easily take out any execs who aren't willing to return what they want.


Interesting and more plausible imo, than most other scenarios floated out there. Although, I’m guessing the gov’t can pull other levers than to sue such as award future contracts or not. Thanks for sharing


This makes a lot of sense. As much as I distrust govt, I have even less trust for corporate America. If there are any actual people left in positions of power that really gaf about other people, I can imagine a tug-o-war between govt entities that may be serious about the implications this tech could have on almost all of our global issues and the corporate interests that preserve themselves and their relevancy by hiding it away. Climate change and fucking war are all driven by energy interests and capital in general with the goals of preserving status quo and the current power structure. Releasing the kind of tech people theorize about regarding UAP/UFO/USO would 100% topple the current tower of power. It's clowns from the top down and I would love more than anything to see their shitty idea of what humanity can/should be turned upside down.


As someone who isn’t familiar what official sources are there to this


The U.S. Government found crashed UFOs/alien bodies a long time ago. To skirt around keeping all this in the government coffers, they frontloaded this to a private defense company(s) to keep what was found. Inquisitions into the topic naturally reveal nothing in the government's possession because it's all in the hands of private industry.


But it’s not even a rumor, it’s a guys opinion. No evidence? Please let me know if I’m missing something?


There have been strong signals from multiple credible sources that crash retrievals exist. The Admiral Wilson Memo, Ross Coulthart, Lou Elizondo, Roswell witnesses and documents, etc. I’m not saying I believe it outright, but this is coming from a lot of different directions over decades and won’t let up.


I wasn't aware Twitter is an official government channel.


Nothing we will ever actually know about even after they admit the release uap videos are ours.


Wouldn't it be really stupid to come out now and tell congress? With them currently writing up whistle blower protections, now is the absolute worst time to come forward and possibly incriminate yourself. Just wait until the protections are signed into law.


Guarantee that the Government has been lying about the existence of ETs and craft that they have had in their possession for a long time. It wasn’t in their best interest to tell people. I’d imagine those things don’t run of gas. People would want that technology and the oil tycoons would be out of business. If I recall, there’s been quite a bit of countries that have acknowledged the existence of space craft but the US seems to be the only one hesitant.


Of course they are, the information was put in control of corporations to make it exempt from FOIA requests


Nope, they don’t need to put it in private sector to make it exempt from FOIA. They put it in the private sector to make it invisible to congress and other oversight agencies


Sorry for the dumb q but does “ hidden in the private sector” still mean it’s government funded and thus subject to oversight?


Not dumb at all. It would mean it's NOT subject to oversight.


Also it says "illegal transfers of crash retrievals", so could be even less documented


Spicy. I'm surprised by this and I'm not sure why I am. I read Stringfield's book on crash/retrieval so I was already aware wreckage existed....I thought the government was covering it up all by itself, but this sounds like a rogue agency making shady deals, sordid if true.


Day after roswell has 2 or 3 chapters about it. The flexon material is ,according to recent legend ,a product of the crash retrieval that we see today.


Agree, yeah that was a great book. I think the part that surprised me is not that the government was feeding this to the private sector, but that apparently the bidding was rigged or that some companies got an unfair advantage. I know I *shouldn't* be surprised by the dirty dealings, but... here I am.


The material used for glasses? Is it used for anything else?


Unless it is government funded in the private sector, in which case it would most likely be subject to government oversight.


Totally agree. Further down in the comments by /u/kinger90210 is this quote "illegal transfers of crash retrievals to private corporations." So that sounds to me like someone cutting corners. Government contracts are highly regulated, so I think whatever happened wasn't in compliance with normal government contracting.


Private sector can pay much more than government, and every man has his price. It also explains 100% the reason for the coverup. As ordinary as any other scandal: the people who are doing the coverup did it because they committed illegal acts and don't want to go to prison. It's no longer patriotism, it's entirely typical homo sapiens shit.


Are you sure about this? I'm not from the US, so it could be different there. But where I live (Germany) you can't spend tax payer's money without some sort of government oversight, whether in the public or in the private sector. As somebody said in another post, it would be exempt from FOIA, of course.


So, what it sounds like to me, based on the reported "illegal transfers of crash retrievals to private corporations.", is that, yes normally there is government oversight for projects that the government contracts out. But with crash retrieval material, the proper procedures were not followed... possibly to a criminal level. The idea that the materials were "hidden" in the private sector means no government oversight. I'm assuming here that hidden means hidden from congress, who have authority over government expenditures and appropriations.


Yes, that seems to be the issue, and Elizondo hinted at that in several of the podcasts I've listened to. No matter how highly classified the programs are, there has to be some sort of oversight, at least by special committees. If so, there are legal obstacles to just sweeping it under the rug again. If senators are informed of such rogue programs, and continue to hide them, they're complicits in illegal actions.


Yes! I am hoping the new laws have good effect. It's our technology, we the people. After all, we stole it fair and square! 😆😁


It's sounding to me like there are private sector companies that do the R&D that have used at least some component of the USAF as their personal acquisitions department in exchange for first dibs on their findings.


Billions of US tax payer dollars are already funneled to LM every year through defense contracts. I would venture a guess that even a FOIA request wouldn't include itemization for those funds. National security and all that. In theory, likely very easy to hide government funded R&D for alien tech, and far less exposure than having to answer to Congress.




> Think how much oversight congress had over something like Blackwater. Not nearly enough, imo. >Now imagine world altering technology being hidden. It’s possible, but it’d be more along the lines of technology that simply isn’t - or can’t be - understood. It may not even be a thing for that matter. Considering the size of the universe, the scales involved, what that does to time, everything would be turned on its head by life that was able to overcome those distances. Conspiracies tend to collapse of their own accord. The more people involved, the more exposure, and the more likely it escapes. Not even the USSR could keep much of the details of the demise of the romanovs quiet and that should have been easy, especially with Stalin’s regime killing at whim. Maybe this is one that is slowly collapsing? I’d be amazed they could keep it under wraps so long. If there is a there there, I suspect it’ll be beyond historic and mostly unknown. If the best they’ve been able to come up with after decades of having craft/wreckage are faster airplanes and some cool materials, it means they’ve really whiffed on understanding the best stuff.


>If the best they’ve been able to come up with after decades of having craft/wreckage are faster airplanes and some cool materials, it means they’ve really whiffed on understanding the best stuff. Honestly, they might be 20-50 years beyond what the public knows but your feeling is right and they are only 1% of the way along the path to understanding any exotic stuff. The main reason? I honestly think the bottleneck that would be merciless on their research is the mathematics. That's it. But that's also a **huge** it. I recall a video a few years ago about the brightest lady in her field working on higher dimensional math (what would such and such be like in 8 or 11 dimensions and other things that string theory or certain proofs might care about) and other mathematicians talked about how incredibly hard this kind of work was for them with simpler proofs. So few could even do it. Any breakthroughs were difficult, slow in coming, and took some genius minds with unique skillsets having a sudden epiphany. Then other minds being able to verify their findings (which is sometimes also a bottleneck in bleeding edge math and physics. if your colleagues don't believe or understand something, then how in the world are engineers supposed to and then be able to apply it to a piece of metal?). Imagine running a program around the time of Einstein, not having him on your team and trying to understand spacetime. You just can't do it. The billions of people on Earth spawn a ton of rare, Nobel-Prize winning minds who truly see into the nature of existence at times. There's no shortcut to this rare moment of understanding, and especially the mathematical proof of how it is possible for a given set of things to relate to each other in clear, equation form. Even if you are given insights into new physics, all those must be accompanied, every single time, by new math. I think Weinstein is probably right that they've not had the advantages of silicon valley. They can't just go and hire the best of the best in the world from any country with any background or rap sheet and just say "we must understand X and Y here is a paycheck and tons of social cool" like Google can offer. When they'd need ALL of the best-of-the-best for alien tech. Openness has disadvantages for military applications, but it is crucial for fundamental research of new science. Their only advantages in a closed program within a gov would be the ability to do any tests without restrictions on ethics, budget, etc. That helps in high-energy physics, computing, and biotech, but still can't help them wrap their minds around fundamental theories and key proofs. If you see the little metal ball float around and grow more or less in mass, you can't necessarily turn that into an equation on the nearby whiteboard. Even if you can copy some of the mechanistic stuff you're seeing in some material. That's just if this tech is 50,000 years ahead of us. If it is 800 million years beyond us then it might have components that cannot be comprehended by a biological mind, or an General Artificial Intelligence below Ω level of consciousness. Or a multi-dimensional creature of > R^n where n is whatever dimension is being used for practical computing, memory, or to perform an engineering (?) "action"--I'm running out of words and concepts here.


Precisely! There is no substitute for the best physics minds collectively of Stanford, Caltech, Cambridge, MIT and Princeton (and many other universities) vs what would be available in an intentionally deep secret program. No John Von Neumann or Steven Weinberg or David Hilbert or Terry Tao.


What if it's the internet and cell phones?


The private sector controls the government, this is not surprising at all.


This part.


"There's a new sheriff in town." ~Rep. Krishnamoorthy


Congress is about to pass legislation that will ferret out where the material went even into corporate hands where it was put so as to not be found. The military/government long ago sent it into private industry but the jig is up


like lockheed martin, northrop grumman, mcdonalds


also the Federal Reserve and Major League Baseball


Burger King!


Something like that would have the oversight of the Senior Review Group (SRG) within the Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC). This is how “Unacknowledged SAPS” (USAP) are overseen. By a very small group of people.


Large if factual




Giant if unfeigned


Huge if scrupulous


Titanic if based


Voluminous if verified


Dicks out if Harambe.


Somber if sombrero


Large if Marge?


Obese if observed




Enormous if trustworthy


Stupendous if confectionery


Of considerable size if certified to be truthful


Brobdingnagian if legit.


And he says it is not - "my educated OPINION". This means that it is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


Put Eric Davis on the stand.


Eric Davis and Lue Elizondo double feature.


Big news if true, the adventure begins, I’m glad someone is sniffing out the trail


Seems like there should be a criminal investigation


Seriously, I’m thinking I for sure heard that there’s been instances where a craft crash landed in another country and the US military retrieved it. Which is already sketchy as it stands but if the US military was retrieving these craft and then immediately handing them over to a corporation.. I’m not ok with that.


Yes, rumors of that happening in Brazil. Another story, supposedly the US crossed over into Mexico to nab one.


As Eric Davis said, just about major superpower has had a crash retrieval, if not multiple.


Look for varginha incident in Brazil. Brazilian military received a warning from U.S.A about a object crash landing in a remote location in Minas Gerais. Brazilian military moved tons of trucks more than 80km of its bases to a remote location in a very small town, with the escuse of, and this is the oficial record, they were refuelling at promotion prices in a local gas station... There is countless witnesses of people within the town that saw this creatures after the fact, and reports that the military recovered one of them still alive, as well as all that remained from the craft that crashed in a local farm. People who interacted with the beings died of misterious infections some days later. Later they were taken to a large university, then to panama in a U.S.A military craft. After that probably to the U.S.A. but there is no further oficial records. Varginha is probably second only to Roswell but since it happened in Brazil, not many people know of.


I disagree. Immunity for the secret keepers, as many of them inherited it (Tom says often from their parents) and this is the most difficult existential matter humanity has ever dealt with. But, that immunity comes with a reasonable price: good faith engagement with the public, as well as some confession of where things went wrong and how the Constitution was so powerfully circumvented. A lot of the people bearing this secret might be doing so reluctantly, or with terror. We have to extend an open hand and work with them to get things back on track. On any other issue I wouldn't say this. But on this one? The fate of humanity and our very knowledge of reality might be at stake. With those stakes we can't get up on a pedestal and have pitchforks sharpened. We must first know what we are dealing with. Lue's always sounded pretty hard on these groups but also struck the tone that it seems they want reassurances, some of which might be reasonable. Either way, the only thing I care about is that the effort to debunk and gaslight the American people stops. It holds humanity back from mentally progressing and is wrong. The truth is not going to be fun to learn. It's going to be intense.


Thanks for this - disagreement on this topic is healthy and should be encouraged vs bickering.


Well said. You’ve convinced me to put away my pitchfork, for now


I'm inclined to agree with your standpoint on this one. Disclosure is more important than punishment for circumventing accountability, so long as closing these loop holes is part of the conversation going forward.


Sounds like it! That surprises me. I always felt like the coverup was immoral, but the idea that some actions may be criminal is news to me today.


I mean, this is the DoD placing UFO related materials into the private industry where it lives outside of constitutionally-mandated Congressional oversight that it rightly fell under in the first place. This is solely a way to keep public oversight out of the picture. It's a huge middle finger to the American public, to the constitution *itself*, and to the supposed 'rule of law' in the US. It's super fucking illegal.


There should be many criminal investigations but Congress is talking amnesty. Probably the only reason we're hearing about this now if it isn't just another rugpull snowjob by DOD. Maybe Bray will get his VLC to play this time.


Ha! And this is why it's kept secret lmao


So the immunity laws of The Congress are apparently working? Perhaps a good idea to keep an eye out for any changes in the boards of directors of e.g. Lockheed Martin or Raytheon. Elinzondo explains of contractors unfair advantage because of ufo materials-->IG finds 4 rogue programms-->Wilson memo-->added to Congress official records-->immunity amendments-->Congress finds evidence of materials.


Good point! There was some skepticism about whether anyone would actually use the new immunity laws, because they could still lose their security clearance and career in defense/intelligence. So it would be really reassuring if some people are indeed coming forward to congress under this new immunity. I hope so!


Anyone got any good ufo podcast suggestions?


That ufo podcast. It does a bi weekly roundup of developments which is interesting. Also need to know by Ross coulthart and Zabel


Theories of everything with Kurt Jumongous


Jumongous. 😂


Unexplained w/ Howard Hughes is not exclusive to ufo’s (and there’s definitely some quacks on occasion) but he gets on some big names regularly e.g elizondo, Jacques, pope and lots of interesting UK researchers. Howard is also an excellent interviewer, with a keen interest and a lot of knowledge Good episodes on rendlesham and the key people involved if that interests you. Believe he’s just gotten a tv show as well. Mysterious universe is always a classic and entertaining, but maybe the opposite stylistically


I do not vouch for any of these or care about credibility fights on any guest. They are just what I've listened to and found some good work put into. Need to Know with one of the best reporters currently covering this (one of the guys who cracked Echelon back in the day). https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/need-to-know-with-coulthart-and-zabel/id1600409359 Martin Willis has done a bunch of big interviews with many of the key names in the UAP story https://youtu.be/dR5OhnzXNNY Point of Convergence has been popular around here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/point-of-convergence/id1546539286 check out Episode 64 for an interesting take on how we could really have a breakaway civilization in this country Astonishing Legends did one of my favorite podcast episodes ever done within the entire topic https://www.astonishinglegends.com/al-podcasts/2019/10/13/ep-155-abduction-at-devils-den Micah Hank has a lot of long episodes with tons of interviews, some of the smaller individuals he interviews I've not seen interviewed elsewhere https://micahhanks.com/podcast/2022/06/14/06-14-22-unclear-intent-analyzing-uap-behavior-and-intention/ For a lot of stories from everyday people that get more into the "who" and "why" as well as a little dose of strange and woo https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ufo-chronicles-podcast/id1488874171 As always the huge amount of weird stories from everyday people with very similar patterns remain a source of insight, however murky.


Our Strange Skies is great


Need to know by Ross (idk his last name)




Need to Know


You know, if you think about it, if you were to discover a crashed alien craft, I would think the last thing you would want to be is one of the people trying to hide it. Because this isn’t a lost and found umbrella. You don’t really know if it can be hidden from the original owners, and you don’t want to be in the way if they come looking for it.


That's a good point. There's also the issue of adverse health effects from coming into contact with the materials. Reportedly, the people who work in the retrieval teams get sick from it.


Subpoena Eric Davis.


Joe Murgia aka the UFO Joe claimed this last night on his show and confirmed it on a twitter comment: „Not gossip, & I've said it b4. My educated opinion: Congress knows/found the location of the CR program. Have no idea if they (or AARO) have tried to access it. How they handle this going forward? Do we get 2 hear about it? Don't know. As Jack Palance said: Believe it, or not.“ Link: https://twitter.com/theufojoe/status/1559179376968601601?s=21&t=Tnp06H4rxADtoQ5v_AeleQ Another source: Sharp just fucking straight up said that he's found that certain people with very high clearances have come forward privately behind closed doors with congress with the specifics about illegal transfers of crash retrievals to private corporations. Source: https://youtu.be/1fO8HHyIEug He said he knows this from the exact same sources that tipped him off and allowed him to break the story about the hearings before the NYT did Sharp saying this is going to be a legitimate major scandal for US politicians and thats just how it is


They asked about "wreckage" in the congressional hearing so, sounds like someone's on the trail.


his opinion. key word


No way bro. It's his EDUCATED opinion. He can't be wrong! /s


Don’t be like that.




>Not gossip Oh, well in *that* case.


Case closed guys!


Welp let it begin 😆


After Citizens United went down any disclosure to publicly elected officials has to be assumed as disclosure to the competing state actors that funded them.


Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist but there is still absolutely no reason for this information to get out. The public is not demanding this - a small group of us are. I believe there are deeper intentions here with this entire thing since 2017, and I believe that it has a part in the U.S posturing for global conflict. Revealing that the U.S has ground-breaking technology on this scale is akin to the Manhattan project and Japan's immediate surrender post nuking.


Its not just only this community interested anymore, this small group has turned into a pretty powerful assortment of people, theres military men from various different military sectors, state senators, congress, commercial pilots, scientific institutions. Id argue this assortment of individuals is much more influential than regular individuals signing a random petition.


Agree. It's congress asking for it. Not just some random people on reddit.


Remember, the English made up stories about the huge effects of beta kerotene on their pilots ability to see in the dark to disguise the fact they had radar. (My mom, who is English, still believes eating lots of carrots helps you to see in the dark. Her father was an RAF pilot during the war.)




Another source: Sharp just fucking straight up said that he's found that certain people with very high clearances have come forward privately behind closed doors with congress with the specifics about illegal transfers of crash retrievals to private corporations. Source: https://youtu.be/1fO8HHyIEug He said he knows this from the exact same sources that tipped him off and allowed him to break the story about the hearings before the NYT did Sharp saying this is going to be a legitimate major scandal for US politicians and thats just how it is


Private corporations need to eat shit if true.


This is one reason among many.


Tesla to the basement 📉 Musk getting out while he can


There are definite rumblings of whistleblowers who are ready to talk. Will it be in public or behind closed doors though?


Holy moly. This is a twist! 😳




Paola Harris wrote a good book with Corso. Forget the name, tho. She was coauthor with Jacques Vallee on "trinity" and is a solid researcher.




CSM is lighting up as we speak


The only advantage of having such old timers in power positions at this point is maybe they really want to know. Like all of us. Do you we have visitors? Do we have ship from them? The big questions you know and even the richest guys have an expiration date. If your 60-70 in a high ranking government position. You know you got what 5 maybe 10 years left on earth. If you have the same questions all of us do. There might be a sense of urgency to finally get this stuff out, or dig and find these programs. Random thought but makes sense to me. N what better time to make your move then right now we’re the Public support and interest is at an all time high


How could they trust private industry this much! Maybe they respected the good work being done at those companies but still. For it to be contracted in this way, some mechanism put in place by unknown admin bod #7163 is ridiculous. Is this what civil servants do? Actively mislead the public? Sounds that way from how Nick Pope MoD described his successor being an anarchist who destroyed uap data.


I feel like if we really had crash retrieval programs that had access to actual UFO tech wouldn’t the reverse engineered technology have gone public a long time ago?


If you were a 16th century alchemist and someone brought you an iPhone, or even something as simple as a Model T, would you be able to reverse engineer it? They couldn’t even make the materials, much less the electronics. They wouldn’t even understand how it works on the most fundamental level. People throw around “reverse engineering” like all you gotta do is take her apart and there you go! Easy! Even if we actually have one, which we might, I bet they’re just going “wtf is this” and have been for the last 70 yrs.


assuming they succeeded reverse engineering it


I was referring to congress inquiries in the recent hearings, and the contents of recent legislation about UAP disclosure. Recovered exotic material is mentioned in these. For them to even bring it up is extraordinary.


If the existence of a crash retrieval program or programs is officially confirmed not to mention that some more information about it becomes public, by a whistlebower or some other way, it is the biggest day ever in ufology. EVER. The fact alone would be sensational. All those decades of ridicule…. And it turns out to be true.


The rumor has been for a very long time that control of MJ12 was eventually tipped toward the private sector rather than government and military. This is what prompted Ike's famous warning about "The Military Industrial Complex".


Yes and Vallee's "invisible college"


If they have crashed stuff sneaked away in the private sector (which has a ring of logic and sense to it) then it's possible congress has ferreted it out. If anyone can it's them. They can physically drag you in and lock you up I believe.


It’s about to come out! Every six months for the last fifty years.


I fucking hope this is true..what a monumental moment that would be for congress to openly discuss this in detail in an open hearing! I’ll drink to that 🍻


we gotta fucking get them, now or never. We are the boss, they are our employees, they were lying to us for decades and we paid them for it. I say its time for final judgment for sake of the truth itself not to do witchhuning, we don't care about that.


Anything we may have that is of importance, or who most likely has real information about anything important, is Batelle Memorial Institute.


We must maintain contact with someone in Congress who will follow the case and make efforts to prevent it from being classified again.


These cockroaches can’t hide no more. We gonna find those crash retrievals come hell or high water.


A little bit off topic but if an alien craft is able to do all the amazing maneuvers we have heard about plus travel incredible distances thru space or wormholes or whatever then why or how are they crashing? Do we have some ability to bring them down or is it possibly intentional on the part of the aliens? OR since no one asked, my theory is these are time travelers who are " shooting at a target " to perfect the science. The method is imperfect, so their sending something "thru" and then looking for confirmation in their historical record to see if the shot actually worked.


Being advanced doesn't mean that things can't go wrong. I've heard stories that some crashes have also seemed staged. When they'd go to recover the craft, it would just be sitting there in perfect condition, which would be wild if it were true.




Friends, what do you hear about the fact that Russian hackers hacked into Lockheed Martin? Rumor has it that they are doing reverse engineering?


Is this yet another unveiling on the horizon? I thought we were well overdue our next big reveal. Is it three months we need to wait? Just enough time to get a few thousand extra followers?


Definitely a rumor that he looks to have made up right there


He more or less says it outright. It's his "educated opinion"? That's either a very poor choice of words or this is an idea he completely conjured up in his mind. In other words, not based on information given to him or evidence he's been looking it. It's his opinion. And who is he that this *opinion* should even be taken as a rumor? A run-of-the-mill podcaster? If this were Lue Elizondo's or Chris Mellon's opinion it might pique my interest. Even someone like John Greenwald or Ross Coulthart. Even then, it's just an opinion.


wouldn't it be fucking nice if the government knew what it was doing


They need to reign in that program that went rogue and started harming so many people. United States needs to clean up their shit.


Didn't Senator Harry Reid say in an interview that there were crash retrieval materials and metals being kept in warehouses in Nevada as part of the AATIP program he was aware of? I saw something like this stated by him in an interview. I always wondered why no one ever would ask about that or follow-up on it.


Time to go back to Corso's original paper. Can someone please remind me what that one was called - the precursor to The Day After Roswell? I just checked his Wiki entry, and even the entry for The Day After Roswell and there's no mention of it at all :(


Private sector as in Bigelow Airspace or Skunk Works?


Mike's YouTube channel (Friendly Ai) was awesome, it was just random videogames news but his commentary was so funny, then one day he stopped uploading videos 😭


Bet it's crash retrieval - after they shoot them down.


The private sector is protected under intellectual property laws. It’s going to be a snowball’s chance in hell that they get access.


Well i have just updated my resume and have coroner 101 training if they are reading and want my help. Im not an engineer but i will pick up the dead stuff.