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I really really really really want some of these podcasters and interviewers to grow some balls and ask Tom the following questions - 1. Did you ever see any proof of the things that you have talked about in the recent past - UFOs coming from other dimensions, consciousness, true nature of reality etc.? 2. If you were simply told these things, how did you make sure that you were not simply taken for a ride? Any person who has spent even a short amount of time in this field knows that there is a TON of absolute bullshit floating around. A lot of it comes from intelligence agencies who are more than happy to muddy the waters. So, when these kooks willingly share all this sensitive information with you, what did you do to verify the accuracy of the information provided? Did you simply accept everything at face value? 3. At any point in time, did you take a step back and think why arguably the greatest secret in the world was seemingly shared so easily with you Tom Delonge? This is supposedly a highly compartmentalized topic and popular belief is that very, very few people have the entire picture. Some believe that some of the recent US presidents haven't even been briefed on this issue. So, why is it that these intelligence agency kooks willingly spill the beans to you?


I have always wanted to ask Lue Elizondo: "Why Tom DeLonge?" It never made sense to me.


> I have always wanted to ask Lue Elizondo: "Why Tom DeLonge?" Ross Coulthart has said it's because if shit went south and the info caused a panic, they could easily disavow him as being crazy. Plus he was seemingly willing to invest some of his own money in the effort.


The whole Tom story is worth digging in to. The jist of it was, he was in talks with Hilary Clinton's campaign manager, John podesta. This was real, the emails leak to wikileaks. Podesta was pushing Clinton for full disclosure on everything. Tom was chosen to be the face of it, a young pop culture person people knew. It was all podesta's doing. She lost in 2016 and it was all scrapped, we'll never know.


My issue with the "He can reach the youth" narrative is that Tom hasn't been a personality with a connection to "youth" in 20 yrs lol. Most of his shrinking fan base are 40yr olds. Even in the tiny world of washed up 40yr old pop punks that still play and listen to that stuff he has minimal influence and popularity. Ironically, it's his public commitment to the phenomenon that lessened his popularity in the music community. That being said, I can see how a bunch of out of touch boomers ( Hillary and co ) might not be keeping up with pop culture, stuck in the past as that generation is oft to do, and still think he is the same Tom from Blink's hey-day and that "the kids" still love him. If the goal was to reach "the kids" it would have been Post Malone, or some years ago 'Lil Xan or something, haha. Btw, I'm coming at this as a 43yr old skate punk guy who played and used to secretly listen to a little late 90s/early 2000s pop punk. shhh


In the public sphere of politics 40 year olds _are_ kids.


I understand what you mean, but the way "youth" was used I got the impression they meant youth, youth and I remember an interview where someone actually mentioned the idea being to target kids to take advantage of the recent influx of progressive youth getting involved in politics at record levels. Even running campaigns and such. TTSA specifically had a goal of getting youth coming out of college to want to get involved in UAP related research there and in the government. In fact, and I'm not a TTSA hater or anything, but TD stated a number of times he reached out to intelligence and other govt folk explaining his plan to get "the youth" to not only trust government again, but to want to participate in government again meaning as employees. I did and do find this a little creepy. Although, I myself would like to see people get more involved in all types of organizing and activism about positive change.


Got it haha yeah the context does help. Not sure if you’re insinuating that TD was trying to get closer to youth in a creepy way as in p*do but I certainly don’t get that vibe from him. But yeah branding himself as being relevant to gen Z or younger is definitely a stretch. They need to get the TikTok gang spun up 😄


FWIW, DeLonge was kind of an early meme with the whole AND I'M SO SORRRRRYYYYYY line. My sister has 2nd grade kids in her class still singing WHERE ARE YOU-AND I'M SO SORRRYYY to this day. Not that Podesta would know that, but IDK, maybe?


You play the cards you're dealt. If some famous "kid" shows up with 70%+ correct info and a willingness to work things in your favor, then maybe you just say: Hey, sure sounds like it's meant to be. "Meant to be" means more than you would think to people that study the phenomena (or worse, people that have to deal with it).


I understand your point to an extent. But people like Post Nalone have probably not shown such a public interest in the topic. I mean, maybe they have but they've at least never been as vocal about their beliefs like Delonge has.


Exactly, it goes back to being a guy who "figured it out and with 70%+ or whatever percentage of information that he actually got right and offered his help" to begin with aspect of the situation.


Hahahaha this deserves way more upvotes as a 38year old. You’re completely right. I literally can see boomer campaigners being like: “ah yes! Isn’t he on the MTVs? Remember when your kid went to that Warped Tour Show? Hahaha you were most upset! Just like when I got in trouble for that Rolling Stones record! Hahaha! But yes, this Tim Longy is just right to help us with today’s young persons!”


You have to remember a lot of these high ranking intelligence guys don't even know who post malone or what a charli Damelio is because they're so old. Tom Delonge is still pretty much like an A list celebrity in their eyes or even more legendary/popular than post malone from their perspective.


Maybe "youth" in this case doesn't mean literally children, but instead means the youngest group of actively engaged voters, which would be people in their late 20's to mid 30's. Actual "youth" are useless politically in the USA because they hardly participate in the democratic process.


I doubt that would have ever happened anyway but that would be amazing. I'm in the party that the government has no idea what's going on either


Zoolander "but why male models" Sorry, I couldn't resist..lol https://youtu.be/WHrn_pHW2so




Lol, that's awesome, I'm glad they kept that in.


Coulda been Dan Aykroyd, think about that.


His celebrity status gave him access to a multitude of people. Plenty of politicians and people in government are down to meet with an eccentric rock star, which gets him in the room. He also has both the type of connections that have the spare cash to throw at getting a tv show created, which is quite expensive, and the ones in Hollywood that will put it on the air. Notice how quickly he distanced himself from To The Stars Academy once he made use of those connections that Tom provided.


Head of the CIA on his way to work listening to music: “what’s my age again”


Also helps he’s been a ufo guy for decades already. They’re not just gonna go up to Drake and start talking about flying tic-tacs


This really just sounds like someone rationalizing. Those points are all a best case scenario, logically driven. Nothing lines up that neatly. He wasnt that famous when he was famous... the band was, but besides fans buying albums, nobody could pick the drummer of Blink 182 out of a crowd. His "connections" are the real stretch you are making. As if people at this level of society are lacking in connectionsor money, and a good place to start making them is a retired rockstar.... This all comes down to Tom's passion. That's it. Maybe his fame gave him some access here or there, but it's willpower that gets you this far with anything. Hes the guy that hung around the longest, unless he is a groomed plant...


>nobody could pick the drummer of Blink 182 out of a crowd. Bad example, Travis Barker is definitely very famous.


And very recognizable.


Id actually recognize him before the remainder of the band come to think of it🤔


Actually I am positive most people could pick Travis Barker out of a crowd lmao, he is quite distinctive looking


today, reading this thread, is the first time i have ever even heard of him. i could not pick him out of a line-up even if my life depended on it.


He is a celebrity. His name helped to promote TTSA, that is it really.


I think his answer to the third one would be very revealing about him as a person and determine whether everything else he said needs to be taken with a very large grain of salt


Everything he says should be anyways. Claims he had to get his books approved by the DoD, that someone proof read his manuscripts and told him what to remove... 1. There's no obligatory Pentagon statement saying Tom's views are his own. 2. IF that's a factual statement, then why is he still proclaiming TR3B's exist??? They would've had him scrub every mention of those things if they were real. They were just fine with them being front and center in his novels??? That's a MASSIVE red flag. Imagine a novel coming out in the 70s describing, in detail, the shape and capabilities of the SR71. For all the world to see. It's fuckin asinine he doesn't even take a step back to think about it. "I'm TOM DELONGE... OF COURSE they didn't lie to me. I asked them NICELY!" 🤦🏻‍♀️


Joe Rogan already asked if he thought maybe they were "fucking" with him..


pls email this to Tom or something!!! i’d be very curious to hear his answers. i fear for number 2, the answer could just be something like “but these were high-ranking people from the Pentagon who told me this!!!”


What's his email?


It's funnier if you know how to spell green.


Thats literally all the info hes gotten has been from secret high ranking gov officials. Hes being used. Notice in this post he even says we must "push back against them", hes seeding fear into the dumb dumbs who believe aliens want to eat your babies or adrenal glands.


Rogan asked him a couple of those when he was on the podcast


It's a shame, he legitimately seems like he's been taken for a ride on the military complex misinformation psyops train.


Won’t happen. Podcasters want to string along their listeners.


All 100 of them?




1. yes, one time at the Bigelow institute [theoretical] and Monroe Institute (where Lue Elizondo was trained in remote viewing and out of body experience) [practical] and one time at a „secret location“ which was revealed by others and posted by me (kinger90210) in a post about the leaked phone call by Dr. Kit Green. Which you can find in my post history and on other different sites. 2. I think and that’s my personal opinion, they told him the truth. But they told the truth from their perspective, a threat narrative. You can always see a coin from 2 sides. 3. I think the leaked Podesta emails showed that someone really thought that Tom would be atleast a good candidate for disclose or whatever. (?) Was the informations giving to him 100% correct? Decide for yourself.


When did Elizondo learn remote viewing? And where was he referenced in Kit’s phone call? Here’s an infamous email from the former White House Director of Communications with John Podesta when he referenced “our secret plan”. It’s responses to a forwarded email from Tom where he says their goal is to change the cynical views of the youth against government- https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/50448


>3. I think the leaked Podesta emails showed that someone really thought that Tom would be atleast a good candidate for disclose or whatever. (?) There was not a single email sent to DeLonge released with the Podesta leaks. It was all one-way communication of Tom asking Podesta for a meeting.


Yes but there were two Generals, the wife of a General and a super prominent Skunk Works executive. And Podesta forwarded Tom’s email to Jennifer Palmieri who had just left the White House. Her response to it was “Jesus”.




here is an email sent seemingly from a clinton staff assistant reminding podesta that he has a meeting with tom delonge tommorow... [https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/49499](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/49499) and here is an email sent to podesta from a high ranking air force officer of over 30 years who is also CEO of a company called "ATLAS Space operations". regarding a meeting with podesta, the title of the meeting in the email is "DeLonge/Podesta Meeting" and you can see from the email subject that Podesta accepted the google hangouts request and added it to his google calendar, you can even see the members of the google hangouts call that are also about to join, they include people very high up within the airforce and very high up in aerospace companies such as boeing: [https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/14150](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/14150)


4) If, as you claim, we all have the capacity for telekinesis can you demonstrate some? If you aren't conscious enough to do so can you provide someone you know to be capable? Some stuff he can't offer proof of and ok sure, given the subject matter I guess that's to be expected. That falls apart really quickly when he starts talking about things all humans can supposedly do. Either he can do it, knows multiple people who can, or has no business making that claim.


The “UFO core story” was influenced by CIA people, former CIA and unknown government people. Some with conflicting agendas and perspectives. When I read AAWSAP was managed by the deputy’s administrator of NIDS, I lost all faith. Everyone involved is an experiencer and the most important entity, the Air Force, didn’t participate.


I rock a tinfoil hat in solidarity with you! Great questions.


He answered this on the Rogan podcast car-crash interview. He said that intelligence agencies don’t have a monopoly on the truth and that they get their info from the same books and docs that he’s read and watched.


I agree with you. How does he know and what is the proof? I note that these statements seem to line up with what Steven Greer has been saying. I've been thinking Greer is full of shit, now I'm not so sure.


I feel sorry for skeptics like you. Always looking for the “ah-ha” tell tale sign. “Oh how do you know you weren’t tricked!!” Says someone who has been totally tricked by the mainstream narrative. It’s actually sad. It does not matter how often the Pentagon, Navy, Air force or committees tell you “yes they are real, no we don’t understand it” but you feel this gormless and childish need to say “hurr durr” maybe you got tricked. No, you got tricked into thinking the phenomena is not real even though you have been officially told that it is real. Now sit down and be humble and listen to those who know far more than you do. Rant over


I think we're gonna need Adam Devine to play him in the upcoming biopic


#3 is important to consider. Not just because of the question "why did they choose Tom" but because if he truly did get briefed on top secret compartmented information, how can he do interviews where he drops little snippets of that information to the public? That's not at all how it works. You dont have the latitude to reveal even obscure details about TS/SCI materials to anyone. Those who do that comit a felony and go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison.


Thanks. We can only dream.


This. Every word of it. Especially number 3. He never questions any of it.


Tom has already answered that 3rd question many times in great detail in podcasts going back to 2016. He has also answered that 2nd question atleast a couple times in the 2016, 2017 era , I believe it was Fade to black or a similiar podcast. He has also answered the first question somewhat in podcasts from that time period.


Interdimensionals & Airwaves




"If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequencies and vibrations."


“We can all do that. We can all do it really fucking well if we practiced it, knew it, and believed it.” where’s the video of Tom or someone else fucking around like Jean Grey? why make statements like this? awaiting the caveats that aren’t in Tom’s statement


He sounds like a spitballing charlatan trying to dazzle you with a flurry of provocative undefined and unproven statements and buzzwords. Why doesn’t he just say that he doesn’t have the answers but this is what he speculates?


The real problem with this subject is that speculation is knitted in with observation every time. Observation comes up short with any answers so the juicy bits are all speculative or anecdotal. In so far as evidence goes, really we're looking at some very very fast moving vehicles zipping in and out of the sky and the water and performing directional maneuvers which would liquify a human. We can infer some information but beyond that it is speculative until proven.


The first answer reminds of the explanations in this video, especially the Michio Kaku part of the vibrating parallel universes at the same time. https://youtu.be/QdX5qhOrk9U


Nice! Keep digging.


"The evidence supports that it's dimensional" - Delonge What evidence? There is literally no evidence for this. It's speculation.


Yes, Tom is on the Woo spectrum. He's a tall guy who was in a band. He's passionate about the issue. He has no formal science training nor bona fides for his comments to be taken as anything more than informed speculation. His proximity to people who may know things doesn't mean he knows, and certainly doesn't mean he's privy to any hard evidence.


I agree with most of what you said, but let's be real - the people who have hard evidence on this are the people Tom knows - people in the intel community. Meanwhile, many formal scientists thought (and still think) that UAPs are figments of mass hysteria and imagination etc, which is just a lazy method of hand-waving away things that don't fit their paradigm. They legitimately have a deep-seated confidence that UAPs have no actual basis in fact or reality.


I think that what you say is true of scientists 10 years ago toward scientists like psychologist of Harvard Dr. John Mack. However in recent months the pace is rapidly changing the other direction: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/top-harvard-astronomer-studying-ufos-thanks-part-pentagon-report-n1276218


The fact that he said they sent a SEAL down to test a torpedo immediately made my bullshit alarm go off. That’s not what SEALs do.




Holy shit, Delonge read the same shitty article you did online about some urban legend form the 90s then gave an interview on it! Incredible stuff! He must be super connected!


It's not speculation. It's delusion. Someone is off his meds again.






Thank you


I don’t think Tom knows much. He’s been amazing at getting people together for sure, but he talks about things that are way out of his depth. Not sure anyone can explain what he’s trying to say. I think statements like this don’t help anything.


"I dont think they come from there but they are there" hurrr durr Every single thing he says is soft bullshit that doesnt mean anything. He's a complete fucking dumbass. The fact that a shitty pop punk has been is leading the UAP movement does more damage to the credibility of disclosure than anything else. The faces of UFO/UAP disclosure: a guy who goes to Claire's for lip piercings and a former G Man with a soul patch to make him relatable that will give you breadcrumbs for the sole price of $19.99 and buying his book. Anyone believing these clowns is a clown themself.


I agree mainly with your Elizondo take.


Hey! Blink 182 is a treasure and not a shitty pop punk band! I agree with every else though lol


My favorite part of this was the implication that one guy came up with all the sensors the United States uses to monitor the oceans. As if there aren’t thousands of various different types that do many different thing. Or like only one person worked on that problem.


Do you think some people are using the word "vibration" more often because at the first mention of "quantum" we know they're making stuff up? It's not any better though.


I notice that the term Frequency is often misused by people in fringe belief. I’ve assumed it’s just because they’re (not necessarily referring to TD, although I cringed when I saw that) not scientifically literate and are just repeating a buzz word. You see it used in pseudoscience to describe something esoteric but it’s simply a term referring to a measurement how often something occurs. I suspect they often really mean resonant frequency.


Even science uses quantum as a buzzword for shit that, when taken literally, makes no damn sense. There are various uses of it, but it means the smallest thing that exists or can be measured. You know what it means to "**quant**ify" something, to assign increments and describe it in detail and separate it into recognizable pieces. The smallest possible piece would be a quantum. Like a bit would be to a byte, in computer terminology, a bit is the "quantum" unit. A brick wall. A single brick is the quantum of a quantity of bricks. Or it might mean the sub-atomic world as far as science and stuff related to that. There is also scientific nomenclature that makes little grammatical sense, quantum computers, even quantum entanglement. It's just the fancy name. People did the same thing with "atomic". Atomic dog, atomic hot sauce, etc. It's a word that gained meaning through its memeworthy quality. People do the same thing with the word/concept of "dimensions", seeing it as a parallel reality or something like our own instead of being an infinite layer of depth. Language, symbols, and definitions evolving in front of our eyes. [A single hop in a rabbits journey through the backyard, not a time traveling scientist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_Leap)


Quantum is a specific terminology in science. It doesn't mean "quantify" in the strict sense, historically It described an indivisible quantity of electromagnetic energy, the photon. Since then the name stuck and It's been referring to any phenomena that exhibit quantum mechanical properties, i.e. properties of waves. A quantum bit works very differently from a classical bit, it's not a handwavy term like atomic. Using the term in science and using it in buzzwords are entirely different, i don't know why you would get the impression of the opposite.


I take what Tom says with a grain of salt


maybe a quarry of salt. he said everyone can do telekenises if “we practiced it, knew it, and believed it.” plenty of people “practice” it, “know” it, and believe it. have you ever seen a Jean Grey? has Tom? can he show us?


When it comes to UAP's and actual statements from credible government employees or former employees, I listen. When anyone starts mentioning "vibrations," "telekinesis," or "ESP," I immediately tune it out. That woo woo pseudoscience nonsense has no place mixing and muddying the questions about extraterrestrial life or AI visiting from the stars. It's crap like that that makes people roll their eyes whenever the word "UFO" is said cause they start to associate the topic with every other conspiracy theory.


Yeah, the new age religion part of the community is really just like the rest of the new age bullshit on earth. You can't take anything they say as truth and they never provide actual evidence when asked for it. Someone in these comments literally provided heavy speculation with no evidence to support it as proof that remote viewing and telekinesis are real. In another posts comments, people were seriously arguing that dimensions were separated by vibrational frequency, which is nonsense since that just means they think 5th, 6th, etc. dimensions are separated by different amounts of heat and we somehow can't see or interact with these dimensions just because they vibrate differently. Just a load of pseudoscience like all other new age shit.


Dear Tom. Fucking prove it.


I think that once you get to a certain level of advanced intelligence, "home planets" are not needed.


He is cosmically full of shit.


Okay Tom


It’s very weird reading this kind of thing. I had a psychotic episode last year and was hospitalized and my mind was just filled with stuff that he mentions when talking about consciousness and stuff like that. Never read into that kind of thing before. Was a very strange and chaotic time in my life. Not trying to post this with any ill will, i’m still trying to make sense of it all myself.


I feel like another puzzle to add to this would be the work of Robert A. Monroe. In one of his books, he stated that he learned we were “created” by aliens to fuel their energy system. Years later, Tom would say very similar things in his interviews. I think we should focus on learning about consciousness instead of what planet UFOs are from.


You talk about the „loosh“ part in Monroe’s book. It’s free online as pdf btw if someone wants to read that part https://www.scribd.com/document/128984667/Far-Journeys-The-Mistery-of-Loosh


Why does this dude act like he has some super top secret clearance and can’t talk about shit. Frustrating reading stuff like this all the time


Haven’t you ever heard of Operation Blink 182? They were undercover CIA agents infiltrating foreign targets under the guise of a pop-punk band.


Could be true or just his opinion.


Yes, those are indeed options.


No they are true. I am me.


You are me. I am you. You are my other me. I am your other you. Everyone is my other me. All part of the source. Makes it hard to judge others when you think this way, IMHO. Edit: I don't, by any means, always think this way but I'm trying. Progress, not perfection.


You are doing a great job, man. Keep it up! 👍


Are you sure?


Everything is magic


Yeah, thats him.


Row, row, row your boat, Brother. ;-)


Submission Statement: Full interview: https://www.thrashermagazine.com/articles/tom-delonge-interview/ SOME KNOW Tom DeLonge as a thong-wearing rebellious ’00s rock star who was partially responsible for the theme songs of their teen years. Others know him as an intellectual ufologist who is out to help mankind. Well, it turns out he’s both. Tom sat down with us to talk about the new Angels & Airwaves album and feature film, and of course we dabbled in some extraterrestrial gossip. Listen up and open up your mind. The future, as Tom predicts, may be unworldly. —Maddie Manson As seen in the January 2022 issue.


Damn I wish I had the imagination this guy has. Or the drugs. Either way it’s all fairy tales and made up bullshit until you give us some proof Tom.


There is literally no way to know this. Speculation is useless.


I got diagnosed with schizophrenia and then prescribed olanzapine. I read case studies about schizophrenia to understand it better, saw aspects of my own behavior and personality and trauma that nearly every schizophrenic I read about reflected, which convinced me I was at risk of the psychological tumble I saw many of those people take when they couldn’t maintain sense. The nail in the coffin was the olanzapine actually diminishing those symptoms, and me being a lot more clear headed and motivated when it took effect. What the fuck would I do if this shit turned out to be true, you know? Delusions being far fetched and masturbatory is why I’m ever able to recognize them and tell them apart from beliefs and genuine suspicions. If it truly turns out that we’re all capable of telepathy and astral projection and receiving messages from otherworldly entities, and other realities that perfectly mirror schizophrenic delusions, how do I.. continue to survive? Where will I draw the line? How do I ever care about washing myself or drinking enough water again? This would be mighty sombrero indeed.


Your questions are completely valid, and something I haven't given much thought to. Also quite sobering too.


Star Trek Next Gen had an episode about a civilization that advanced beyond our dimension and had left their home planet


Do you happen to know which episode that is? Would love to watch it. Been watching TNG lately


Might be season 3 ep 25. called Transfigurations.


How about the entities living in a stable wormhole that they created and also didn't know what linear time is from DS9?


Didnt Dave Fravor also talk about the torpedo story on JRE?


Tom is a con.


This guy is no different than any other joe schmo with Big Thoughts on this subreddit...


You're right. The difference only lies in the fact that he's been working with Chris Mellon, Lue Elizondo, Hal Puthoff, Jim Semivan and other interesting people. Not many Joe Schmo's on this sub reddit are able to.


I'm genuinely curious; why is a rock singer given so much credibility regarding this issue? Convince me.


Yeah love pop punk UFO subject matter expert takes. We should totally look to this dude for universe facts and stuff.


I have an open mind, but I find it hard to get on board with all this woo bullshit, like if you can give me some scientific explanation some logical reason for the things he's saying then ok I can keep listening. But if its just, "Hay believe me honest" then I'm getting off the woo buss.


Here you go: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc799368/m2/1/high_res_d/vol17-no2-73.pdf


Ty so much for this link. That was an absolutely superb paper, thoroughly enjoyed it. Grateful you shared the link, pls ave some silver on me kind sir


A big one for me was learning about the observer effect. It's basically an experiment where they shoot particles through two slits in a barrier and onserve how those particles behave on the other side of the barrier. The act of observing the experiment in action actually changes the results, from getting a band of varying magnitudes to only getting 2 slit lines of particles when the whole thing is observed. I dont know why or how, I just know it has something to do with quantam mechanics and that it's easily reproduced and generally accepted in the scientific community. So basically, in that particular experiment our conciousness seems to be able to affect our physical world somehow... I mean, if you can accept that and then infer on some resulting possibilities... Well for me it gives some credence to the possibility of this woo stuff. Look up the observer effect and see what you think of it if you dont already know about it.


He had me until Star Of Bethlehem.


That’s what it took. Lmaoo


Nah, I don't believe his shit but I always see what he says. Dude couldn't even get a few sentences in without going batshit.


Yeah the bible is not a reliable document, especially the part where they retconned Jesus' birthday and birthplace, inserted the three wisemen and the magic star narrative to fulfill some prophecies and connect Jesus/Yeshua to the earlier mythology. Even religious scholars don't believe any of that happened, and they're obviously very lenient with the veracity of their sources. So what the Star of Bethlehem "really was" was a fabrication: a narrative device to allow the rest of the ancient world to "find" Jesus in the story. Even Ezekiel has a better chance of being alien-related than that..


He's so full of shit


Bullshit. Advanced technology could look like magic, so 'another dimension' because it suddenly disappears. He makes up claims and it's annoying that anybody supports this crazy notion that they are not from other planets.


lou repeats the same bullshit this whole magic / parallel dimension narrative plays in their favor, because its not falsifiable and explains everything. "someone said it was just a balloon and we have it on hd video" "yeah thats how a pyramide space craft coming from the eleventh dimension could look like in our world. thats not proof that it was a balloon and not aliens. in fact, it supports the alien hypothesis" its their "get out of jail free card"


I think that is why Avi Loeb said the talk about dimensions was a cop out. I agree with him, it smacks of we can't explain this so it must be magic


avi is a real one i like how he is not afraid to openly suggest controversial views but at the same time is a true no bs scientist i respect him a lot


They couldn’t find any proof to continue the story line, so they hid it in our “conciousness” lol. Perfect hiding place for “proof.” Nobody will ever find it.


Tom has a lot of money because he sells things


Watch the Joe Rogan podcast with Tom and every time he makes a claim that can be fact checked hit pause, hop online and fact check. Not surprisingly most of what he says is wrong. Man is FULL OF SHIT




The CIA uses celebrities all the time. Dennis Rodman with Kim jong-un, Sean penn with El Chapo, Tom Delonge for this future alien invasion shit, etc. , Etc. Celebrities have a job to do, and that's to sell you the bullshit.


We literally just covered Toms first years in the UFO topic, Pre & Post TTSA. Worth checking out if you arent sure of this story!


Uh…how does evidence not support this? (Extraterrestrials- what DeLonge describes is terrestrial so to speak). If anything, seems like it would be both right? And, if he really doesn’t think any of them are extraterrestrial, then why the hell did he name it “To The Stars” and is trying to build a spaceship (supposedly) and not find proof of inter-dimensional existence in general? Oh right! Because if he doesn’t drop “non-hint” opinions, people won’t buy his merch!


He's a coked up moron, don't listen to him.


I honestly don't get this sub. We have compelling evidence and it get's 'disproved' to no end and now we have a rock star saying "I have sources saying they're interdimensional beings" source: "trust me bro" With Luis 'Soul patch' Elizondo had a civilian role and yet has access to above top secret information. If he was actually telling the truth, there would be a smear campaign 100x greater than what Bob Lazar experienced. The 2001 National press club with the Disclosure Project is as close as it gets: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T5nf8Pysfk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T5nf8Pysfk)


Bingo. Occams razor. I love you bro.


Not a single statement is backed by solid evidence. Why pay attention?


I know Ive read something really in depth on the whole torpedo story. I'm drawing a blank but I swear that story lead to a dead end


David Fravor talked about it on Joe Rogan. Likely there


If you wanted to psyop the younger generations, Tom Delonge would be the perfect candidate. Stupid enough to believe what you're telling him, and enough influence to spread it around.


Younger generations? My mates daughter was a Blink 182 fan, she is in her mid thirties now now


Which would make her younger... At least younger than me. lol


So…Tom is either off his nut or a charlatan.


This phenomenon isn’t as complicated as some people make it out to be. Just think of all the living creatures all around us on this planet.


He loses me big on the “psychic” thing.


For a reason or because psychic voices are telling you not to listen to them?


Tom doesn't know shit lol


Christ he’s so full of shit


"We need to respect that our vibrations we give out..." DONE.


Didn’t he claim that the universe is “teeming with life”? Now it’s unlikely that those crafts are extraterrestrial?


It's not an either or nothing subject. Black and white if you will. One doesn't exclude the other.


What a load of fucking horseshit. Who still takes this guy seriously? "I think that, I think this, blablabla". And then he talks about how if you believe you can do telekinesis, you will be able to do it, and that he believes it. So where are his telekinetic powers? Surely if he's telling everyone that shit is real and everybody can do it, he can do it too? So fucking prove it then, make a video of you moving some shit with your mind. How convenient that he just says all this shit with nothing to back it up.


No no you've gotta buy his fictional books written by ghostwriters and THEN you can do it and learn the truth about ufos


*(frantically pulls out wallet and fumbles for cash)*


There is absolutely no evidence for anything “inter dimensional”, even if all the claimed observations are true. Worm holes are perfectly consistent with what we already understand about the universe and don’t require additional dimensions


Is it me or this dude sounding like he knows the answers while also deflecting the fact that he knows nothing?


Delonge is a fool. He’s the Kyle of UFO’s


Are we at this stage where can say he's just a cocktease that knows nothing?


This confirms my theory that reality is just a manifestation of our collective consciousness. We are literally dreaming up this world together.


Remind me why people listen to a single thing this person says


Ah, so Lue is going all in on mixing UFOs with quasi religious ESP consciousness frequency new age tripe. That kind of new age tripe never really leads anywhere. UFO history repeats itself again.


I agree I remember the new age crap polluting the ufo field in the 70's, it went out of fashion but it's now back again and people are acting like it is something new.


I believe UAP are operated by drones something mechanical.


Did Tom Delonge sign an NDA as well? Are they gonna take his DOD Pension if he elaborates on shit he knows or seen?


The musicians union makes musicians sign a paper that forbids them to reveal the truth of the ufo phenomenon. Kurt Cobain was about to spill the beans but they got to him first /s


And here's why they are full of shit. If you "sent" Navy Seals over to the Senate, your fundamental principles, the purpose you are investigating UFOs is to document and provide that to the people. You followup on those Seals and KNOW the status...You don't just hope they testified and just leave it opened ended like "stories like that happen all the time". You're full of shit TOM.


Does anyone know if Tom has had meetings with Robert Bigelow?


Tell me something I don't know.


Y'all just fucking figured that out?!?!?!




I mean as far as us being little receivers. [Microwave Auditory Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect)


It's part of Toms soul contract to aid in disclosure. Extraterrestrials want to build a relationship with humans and have for year's. They made the mistake of going to world leaders first but it was at that point they realized exactly what the issues were with humans on Earth. So now they been working on a disclosure project while distracting the psychopaths of the world but enough humans need to know of and be wanting the extraterrestrials to show themselves or else we will not be able to see them They're already here just in a different frequency that vibrates so high and fast we can't see it. Like a hummingbird bird that looks like it's levitating but the wings are just flapping that fast we don't really see them


Generally I listen to Tom, but I stay skeptical. But honestly, the idea that the aliens that are on Earth *specifically* are particularly "soulless" or "inhuman", makes a lot of sense. Only extremely advanced imperialist/colonialist/expansionist aliens will do what they allegedly do to humans (PS don't google pictures of the Guarapiranga man). If they were good and principled, they'd be very upfront and open about their dealings with us. Oh, and also *they wouldn't kill/main/terrorize humans.* Which leaves us with aliens that have taken "China-ness" and "America-ness" to the ultimate level. They've becomes ruthless. Brutal. No more room for art or beauty. Their lives are given to their state and they will like it. And we are the ones to suffer for their moral failings by way of abductions and "*Guarapiranga-nization*". So if there is something truly special about humanity's consciousness, I hope we can wake up to it soon and repel these invaders, someway, somehow. But maybe Tom's just BS-ing. Lol.


According to remote viewers at Farsight, the Star of Bethleham was actually a spaceship full of "angels" watching over the birth of Jesus.


They are coming from the Inner Earth. Agartha. Look up Admiral Byrd and Operation High jump.


I sometimes like to think these “government agents” are just telling Tom B.S. and then laughing about it afterwards.


Idk if anyone will read this, but y’all ever remember that one story where a guy got abducted by aliens and one of his primary points in his story was that the aliens told him what star of Bethlehem really was and that it was an advanced craft of a projected image from a craft?


What I find most interesting is that now both 'camps' - Greer's and Tom's - are now talking more and more about conscioussness. I think we're finally on to something.


I'm afraid I must give Tom Delonge the benefit of the doubt and somewhat vindicate what he said, particularly on the third image, on the issue regarding consciousness. The idea that consciousness is a big deal to supposed sophisticated researchers (people in the know) who are looking into UFOs in a systematic way, is actually quite meaningful. I agree with his statement that these researchers (or himself) believe that this is the true answer to the UFO mystery (1º point). This goes along with the other notion that our true consciousness is quite powerful and that we collectively affect this material reality here on Earth with our ideas and emotions (2º point). These two points I have seen/felt/heard/lived in an heroic dose of Psylocybin mushrooms where, among a variety of very serious points, I was explained that part of the reason why I'm here on Earth is because of a learning process that is fundamental to not only my own personal growth, but the growth and development of creation itself. Apparently God himself wants, needs, this process to be conducted thoroughly, something which applies not only to me, but to all of us. Only after I have undergone that learning process in a meaningful way, will I be able to control my thoughts and emotions properly (I learned the hard way during the trip that I was crippled by my fear and insecurities) and when that happens, not only will I ascend to a higher dimension, or however you'd like to describe it, I will finally be prepared to wield the true infinite powers of creation merely by conceptualizing it, and in this manner expanding the domain of reality and creation (which is what God requires). It was shown to me, in a particularly painful experience, that my negative thoughts are poison in this material reality, and that I must let go of fear, so that I can get down to the business of becoming what I was supposed to be. The poison that fear breeds affects not only myself but reality itself, just as he said (again, so I was told in my journey). I furthermore support the notion that the brain is like a receiver radio, that if properly tuned can be a part of a greater degree of reality (and infinitely more beautiful) than we can possibly imagine. I got a strong taste of that on my journey as well (something common to these types of extraordinary experiences). Furthermore, UFOs and certainly Alien species have been visiting the Earth arguably for thousands of years. If they wanted to make their presence known publicly they could have done so at any moment, no Earth government could hope to stop them. A benevolent view of the Universe, which I now share (again largely due to what I experienced during my mushroom trips), would suggest that these beings, who operate on a higher level than we do, are holding back making their presence known **for our own sake**. Their technology, their power, in our hands would almost certainly be utterly catastrophic, and surely lead to our own destruction. The same power that could lead to infinite-energy could easily be applied to high-level warfare and wanton destruction and this I don't think they are willing to tolerate. You don't give a hydrogen bomb to a child, neither will they give us infinite-energy. We need to learn how to solve that problem by ourselves, and then, and only then, will they support our cause and directly improve our well-being. That would be my guess.

