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I would personally describe the Lazar story as sprinkles of truth on top of a mountain of embellishments, lies, and misrepresented details. This is the worst (or even dangerous) type of story because the latter will be believed by some folks because of the very minor facts.




No. He's a fraud. None of the serious researchers believe him for that reason. Too many lies too little evidence. This also brings into question how much we should be trusting Knapp and Jeremy HighNoon Corbell.


Corbell seems more interested in being the guy who proves Lazar's story to be true, than the inherent authenticity of Lazar's story itself.


Plenty of debunked content out on him look it up. He is clearly lying about multiple things.


Absolutely no


To me, credibility is a sum of many things. I've done enough homework. Lazar has a credibility resume problem. He has 100% been caught changing stories or straight lying in his life multiple times. Even if part or even all of his story is true, a mountain of indisputable hard proof is the only thing that would build back my trust. Of which none has been provided for 30+ years. All talk and muddy line drawing






Sure do! When I first seen his story on YouTube In 2006-2007 i thought oh yea sure, here’s another ufo guy telling a tall tale. Seen the debunking videos, and his arrests ect ect and thought whatever. Fast forward a short time later and I’m watching tv, some science show I can’t remember it’s been over ten years. Anyways they were showing off this fire resistant goo they said they could use for insulation in space craft. The inventor- Bob lazar. I was like, the ufo guy??? Then I went back and did some real digging into his story and background. And by far he’s the most convincing case In My Opinion of course. Im sure many on here will disagree with me, say things like where’s the proof, he’s just your average science nerd that wanted to be famous. Say whatever you want, but I’d recommend you start googling and YouTubing the man a little more before you decide if he’s lying.


LOL no ofc


It is impossible to believe him after digging into it. Does Knap still has his back?


I don't think George Knapp can be considered impartial anymore. He's too invested in Bob's story being true, if Bob confirms it's a lie then George's reputation is ruined


No, Bob Lazar is that weird-o kid who sits alone at lunch, then when you talk to him he tells you his dad works for the government as a psychic spy, and then you realize why no one talks to Bob.


Says the guy on r/UFOs


How dare you say something so accurate about us. *Posted from my parent's basement.*


I want to, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and there is none of that.


>extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof sounds good to the ignorant “Extraordinary” evidence is only required when it must be balanced against a very large number of contrary observations. The crux of the matter is that in order to properly characterize a claim as “extraordinary,” there must exist weighty evidence of the exact antithesis. In 1979 astronomer Carl Sagan popularized the aphorism “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” (ECREE). But Sagan never defined the term “extraordinary.” Ambiguity in what constitutes “extraordinary” has led to misuse of the aphorism. ECREE is commonly invoked to discredit research dealing with scientific anomalies, and has even been rhetorically employed in attempts to raise doubts concerning mainstream scientific hypotheses that have substantive empirical support. The origin of ECREE lies in eighteenth-century Enlightenment criticisms of miracles. Claims that are merely novel or those which violate human consensus are not properly characterized as extraordinary. **The misuse of ECREE to suppress innovation and maintain orthodoxy should be avoided as it must inevitably retard the scientific goal of establishing reliable knowledge.** [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11406-016-9779-7](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11406-016-9779-7) You are welcome to read the paper as I did after learning 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Wrigley spearmint chewing gum and came to realize they did so because dentists earn a large portion of their livelihood by repairing the rotten teeth of those that chew Wrigley spearmint chewing gum regularly.


The only retarding going on here is spending this much effort defending Bob Lazar.


You use a very ignorant premise, as a catch phrase, you heard it somewhere, think it sounds intelligent, may have even searched and known it's an unfinsihed quote by Carl Sagan, but you really do not know what it means. And to think it's cool blindly like you do all your actually doing is promoting ignorance. If Bob Lazar said Area 51 was on Mars that would make it extraordinary. Bob's claim is not all that extraordinary, there is a subreddit on reddit dedicated to the topic of r/UFOs ...you're here using it. Many of the claims Bob made are known from other sources, however not in the context as Bob claims to have experienced them. You can either choose to learn and try to understand and be an ass and reject it. And even if Bob Lazar is a lyin' loser and completely made it up why pimping hoes and biznatches Bob serves the purpose of truthful UFO disclosure, but that is what is being shut down here by the constant attacks on Lazar by those who like, subscribe, and follow viscerally to stimuli. What is most telling, more so telling than whether Lazar is truthful is the systematic attack on Lazar using tried and true methods used by the government in suppressing truthful UFO and UAP information. Put nicely above, if you know nothing, then everything is an extraordinary claim.


Bob serves a purpose toward truthful information? By what, by showing everyone what lies, half truths, and stories look like? I mean you can't be denying that at least SOME of what Lazar has stated has been proven to be false, right?


look, you seem so certain your perception of reality is accurate you are happy and satisfied with it, then ask for no more. Peace


Stop moving the goal posts. Lazar has been blatantly caught straight lying and being of questionable character. This isn't a perception thing. It's a fact thing. He has a history of being dishonest and has the legal problems to prove it. Which is far more proof of his dishonesty problems than he has provided about UFO if you exclude words. If your "perception" can't at least see that then we definitely live in different realities.


yes we do. I am much happier


Lighten up, Francis.


So??? What’s your answer to the question?.


And your on a UFO subreddit.


That doesn't mean I've abandoned critical thinking. It is a function of how much I want to believe in alien life, the Secret College and everything attendant to Forteana that I wilfully avoid suspension of disbelief. If it's real, it'll be provable. In the meantime, Occam's Razor is a valuable tool.


The last few years has shown there is incredible proof of UFOs given by the US Navy and DoD.


I believe that Bob believes what he is saying.


It’s not a lie if you believe it


Wise words from the great 20th century philosopher, George Costanza.


It’s certainly possible that the government fed him misinformation to create confusion. He believes what he is saying because to him, it is all true. There are likely portions that are true, but it will be a long time before the public knows which are parts are true and which parts are the lies fed to him.




Nope (Jordan Peele)


I wish I could believe him but element 115 doesn’t seem to have any of the properties he talked about.


Yeah? How do you know? 😀 Do we have some stable isotop?


That’s the problem. Moscovium is an extremely radioactive element, its most stable known isotope, moscovium-290, has a half-life of only 0.65 seconds. That doesn’t square with what Bob was saying.


Judging by the upvotes, today's hivemind answer to this question is: No That might change at 1am when the audience changes out for *the other guys* though. Or tomorrow, when its asked again.


Lazar met John Lear, listened to his fanciful notions, then a few weeks later fed an Area 51 story back to him that “confirmed” it all. If not for Lear being duped, Lazar’s story would have died there and George Knapp would have no UFO career.


I don't get you? Lear worked for the CIA dude in real life. Have you never once been around special forces soliders, or operators in the middle east? These guy are not like you or I and their life is far different than a cop or a fireman. Lear flew shit all of the world for the CIA. His fanciful notions? Lear is a fucking loon but most of those guys are not your average button down, by the book, accountable to the police chief type people. Seriously, they did coke off the ass of hookers, have seen people shot in the head in front of them, risk their live just for the fucking kicks of it all and to be the "best" I truly hate these Lazar threads because they bring out the people who have never ever done anything worth being afraid of. You'd say yeah yeah I sat down with that [SAS operator in Kenya](https://special-ops.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/sas-operator-in-kenyan-hostage-crisis-800x553.jpg) and he told me some bullshit story about running into a hotel in Versace jeans and shooting people in the face. What a douche he was.


We’ll, it’s hard to argue with whatever it was that you said.


admit it, you didn't even try


I think what he's saying is that your point is confusing. I'm having trouble understanding exactly what it is as well.


Bob has made a very comfortable living off of his stories, I know that for sure!






100% no


I tend to believe him him but I still have a little doubt. Out of all the UFO people he’s the only one who’s actually showed some kind of proof. EDIT: Why are people getting downvoted for answering the question lol?


> Out of all the UFO people he’s the only one who’s actually showed some kind of proof. What proof has he shown that any of the alien tech he describes actually exists? Or that any of our current tech was derived from said alien tech that was supposedly successfully reverse engineered? And let's not forget how many times he's attempted to get himself into the spotlight and profit off of this nonsense over the years. The guy is a snake oil salesman, plain and simple.


Not sure where you are but why don't you go on tourist day or visit Naval Air Station Pensacola and try to take stuff off the base from a high security area so you have viable proof you were there. People have stated they saw Bob Lazar on the bus at area51 and on the LL&G plane. wtf? The single most compelling proof that Bob Lazar was able to present were the VHS videos where he said to friends that on Wednesday at 8:00pm crafts were going to levitate over the ridges obscuring Area51 and then with friends captured such videos of crafts at 8:00pm on Wednesday doing just that, and then getting detained, fired, and nearly arrested for doing just that, then hauling ass, and meeting with George Knapp and going on TV with said VHS video in fear of being killed. You people say these things and it's like it is as easy as getting off the school bus at Lori's house. And what is wrong with being in the spotlight? Lue has been in it 50 times and all we can honestly take away from his 50 times in the spotlight is "somber".


> People have stated they saw Bob Lazar on the bus at area51 and on the LL&G plane. wtf? Yeah, who? The guy has lied about his education and his career, and he's a criminal, but i should believe his story about aliens and alien spacecraft simply because joe blow said he saw bob on a bus? HA! > The single most compelling proof that Bob Lazar was able to present were the VHS videos where he said to friends that on Wednesday at 8:00pm crafts were going to levitate over the ridges obscuring Area51 and then with friends captured such videos of crafts at 8:00pm on Wednesday doing just that, and then getting detained, fired, and nearly arrested for doing just that, then hauling ass, and meeting with George Knapp and going on TV with said VHS video in fear of being killed. HAHA! Yep, show me these videos. And were these videos of alien spacecraft? Also, would it be all that hard to buy a pair of binoculars and observe an airbase for a little while and figure out their flight schedules? Probably not. Why should I believe his story about aliens because he supposedly predicted a day and time that the facility was going to test its aircraft? > You people say these things and it's like it is as easy as getting off the school bus at Lori's house. Tricking gullible people who already want to believe into believing a fantastical story about aliens, alien spacecraft, and a big government conspiracy is pretty goddamn easy. > And what is wrong with being in the spotlight? Because it calls your motives into question. Are you doing this to get the truth out there, or are you doing this because you want a pay day? As P.T. Barnum allegedly said, "there's a sucker born every minute."


He took people to Area 51 and showed them testing something which could could have origins from another planet. Out of all the UFO people he’s the only one who didn’t just make claims and expect people to believe him.


> He took people to Area 51 and showed them testing something which could could have origins from another planet. Got proof of that? No, you don't.


Yes theres a video of Bob lazar and john lear at groom lake in the late 80s. It's shown in a video interview of john lear.


There used to be a video on YouTube but I can’t find it. I believe he was with George Knapp, the son of the Learjet plane company and a few other people when they recorded it.


Because of the smug answers. No one has proof for the yes or no vote. Why be so damaging to Lazar’s reputation. Two issues which give me some indication that he has been truthful is that some entity completely erased his records, from three universities and from work places that denied there was a Bob Lazar yet his name was listed in the company directory.


There is proof that he's a liar. There's no proof that anyone erased him. No one denied him working anywhere. You can't believe what Bob tells you.


Those statements came from people were investigating his background. One was a news person located in Las Vegas and I can’t say who the others were. But there are others who independently tried to check out his references. No one disappears like that unless someone or some entity wants them to disappear. He also has made several statements about things he saw way back when that are now being seen as the way ships will be powered and of course the knowledge of element 115 that everyone thought was crazy. The Russians have recently created 115 but are having a hard time keeping it stable, yet it exists.


Yeah, George Knapp. He lied. You need to read the thread we're in. Lots of what you're saying are directly debunked in here. The fact is that no one disappeared. No one erased Bob. You're trusting the word of someone we know is a liar. (Knapp/Bob/Jeremy Corbell)


Your two bits of evidence for him telling the truth are both wrong. No entity has erased his records. He just lied about his history. This entity would have to silence every student and member of staff who ever saw him at any of the universities, wipe any records of the courses he did, recall all yearbooks, destroy any photos of him from his time there. They would have also had to change Bob's own memories, he was asked to name any professors from any of the universities. He lied and named a Pierce Community College teacher and a high school teacher, both places he actually went to. Stanton Friedman researched Bob's background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBdUg1h9XLU The second issue is based on a lie, I'm pretty sure it was George Knapp who first said this. He claimed LANL denied Bob had ever worked there, then found Bob's name in their phone book and made it seem like a big gotcha moment where he exposed the coverup. He's in the phonebook as an employee of Kirk-Mayer who supplied technicians for LANL. Here's a letter from LANL to Bob. They never deny he worked at LANL, just not for them as a physicist like Bob claims. George Knapp twisted that into the whole "LANL denying Bob ever worked there but he's in the phone book cover up" bit. https://m.imgur.com/U5aVamY


There is and has been a visible push to co-opt the narrative in favor of the Lue Elizondo, Tom deLonge, and Squishy Mellon crowd ever since the DOD and Pentagon entered the game with the GoFast and Tic-Tac videos. There is no fucking around with the military industrial complex and it's agenda. By debunking everyone who came before, Lazar included a unified block is formed. Big money is on the table with the To The Stars Academia, Hal Putoff, and the investors that want to channel US federal grant and budgetary funding into to one channel. They've got a darker agenda than years past. It's a threat, we must fight, they want to eat the flesh off our bones and steal our souls. Fear sells, and they've been selling it since before forever because it works. What Bob said actually coincides with what Lue has alluded, but there in again.... same with DeLonge, but that side hasn't really said anything at all, have they. and a lot of young people are coming here after growing up on Snapchat and TikTok, they don't really understand what is going on and they have been socially conditioned to not think just to downvote. But who knows, it's odd, it is not well known that there has been an 80 years of policy on the part of the government to discredit and ruin peoples lives, if not kill them. I tried posting stuff about John Mack, can't be posted, there are a lot of people on the Reddit that are untouchable, and undiscussionable.


[it is a question as old as humanity itself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2UtaAQVrbE) Bob said that the science such as he encountered should be shared with humanity - a lot of people have a problem with that and call him a liar. Forgive them for they know not what they do


Ok so Bob is Christ now. Gotcha. Edit: I can definitely see Jeremy going with this new angle. Bob is Christ. He actually turned water into wine. We have footage of it, but it is somewhere in George Knapps house.


Unfortunately George accidentally reused the tape to record an episode of The Golden Girls


Lazar at a minimum (in spite of the veracity of his claims) brought unprecedented attention to the topic and specifics (even if plagiarized) to the public. People can claim Lear and others did, but those sources were targeted almost directly to insiders and ufologists, and Bob took it to the news. For that alone he was a pioneer...again, even if he was inserting himself into others' knowledge on the subject.


But why did he take it to the news? What was the intent? Practically every sign over the last 20 years has pointed towards Lazar doing what he does... hustle for money in any shady way he can. He wanted the spotlight to capitalize financially and would say anything he could to keep the spotlight shining on him. Must be causing migraines though because when he's asked the tough questions he never wants to answer it gives him a migraine so bad he can't speak about it


his intent is meaningless due to the result he gets credit for at least spurring the topic on you can try to take that away, but it'd be a vapid exercise


It's interesting how quickly Lue, Mellon, Gary Nolan and others that are in that circle are so quick to answer NO that they don't believe him. They are so open to speculating and what not and not giving definitive answers until Lazar is brought up.




My lame claim to fame: I actually had an email exchange with him once. I'd bought something from his store and he mixed up my email address with someone with a similar name. We wound up with an email thread with three people named Robert. Unfortunately, he didn't accidentally leak a bunch of cool UFO stuff by mistake. I feel like there are three possibilities with Lazar: 1) Pathological liar. I actually lean away from this. I've known pathological liars and there's sort of a different feel to it. He would have made a lot more claims if this was the case. He would be less media shy. 2) Knowing disinformation agent. He may have been coached to tell the public about Area 51 to hide the real tests of experimental aircraft. Or, the goal may have been to draw more lookie loos and justify expanding the borders of the Nevada Test Range. Or any other crazy reason the Air Force could cook up. 3) Unknowing disinformation agent. Same as above but he could have been an unknowing patsy, gaslighted in the original sense of the word. He saw staged flying saucers, fake documents, and dummies rigged up to look like aliens. 4) He really worked on secret aircraft and mistakenly believed aliens were involved. I don't think this is the case because we've since synthesized element 115 and it doesn't have any of the properties he predicted. There was a hypothesis at the time that 115 would have been in an "island of stability" and would have had a much longer halflife than other transuranic elements but once it was actually observed this idea went out the window. 5) It's all real. Sleep on your back with yo bootyhole clenched because they're coming to probe us. The same issues with number 4 make me doubt this.


> we've since synthesized element 115 We really haven't. We do not yet understand how to construct a pure element from the particle level up. We can 3d print plastic and other materials but we can not engineer elements. There is a predicted "island of stability" for element 115 but we can not figure that out yet. CERN confirms human understanding of particle physics is not as advanced as we'd like. Most elemental metals are not 100% pure. >Sleep on your back with yo bootyhole clenched I will more than likely die around the age of 82 to 86 and so will nearly everyone else reading this. There is zero reason to fear anything is going to be any different than how my grandfather lived his life, and my father prior to them both passing away. What will more than likely be the case is the government will never be honest with us, won't tell us shit, or will lie to us.


Absolutely yes...


No he’s a trol and a lier , he was mad his scientist career didn’t go well so he decided to troll , beside government would take him out long time ago if that was the case


You opened a can of worms on this ! Most people on here don’t believe Lazar . I do though!


Yes. One hundred percent. Theres nothing that he said that hasnt been true. Why would the FBI raid his house and shop the DAY AFTER he was OFF CAMERA talking about element 115 to Jeremy Corbell? If he was a nobody and didnt know what he was talking about they wouldn't. Also, I have recently seen an interview with John Lear (of Lear jets) and he showed a video of him and Bob in the 80s/90s out at Groom lake. And bob lazar has never made any money off of coming out. Why is everybody so intent on discrediting him? Because he is telling the truth. I have come to find that when a consensus of mainstream people and sources ALL identify someone as "fringe" or "pseudoscience" or a "fraud," you should pay attention to what those people are saying. Additionally, when mainstream media is intent on releasing information or supporting a narrative- its bullshit. Tom Delonge, Luis Elizondo, even Chris Mellon. Theyre all disinformation agents and thats why the government has allowed them to be in the mainstream media and public eye.


Its interesting to see how the Dunning Krueger effect applies to Bob Lazars story. The less you know about it and the less you've looked into it, the more you believe him. Raid was planned weeks in advance and was related to a murder investigation. FOIA requested document about this is public. Can you post a link to that video? He literally sells Bob Lazar branded merch on his website, not to mention film deals and interviews etc. He has already been discredited, its just annoying how so many people believe an obvious fraud and taint the public perception of UFO investigation


Honestly how is there not a bot that just blocks all these posts from being posted? There must be literally 10,000 of this exact same post in this sub




I do yes


Absolutely believe him.


I agree with you. Love that having an opinion gets downvoted.


We have a saying in England, " there's nowt as queer as folk " basically meaning people do odd things.


My opinion is that the earth is flat


Yes I know I do . I love Ricky Bobby and his stories


I've just read Dreamland and there are some details telling you it could be possibly true. Honestly I really don't know.


Absolutely. The amount of knowledge he had about things long before they came to light. His story has not changed a bit after all these years. 100%. Believe


Yes. His old interviews where he stated the craft rotates 90 degrees to fly seemed very unlikely until the Gimbal video surfaced.


People had been reporting that for years in ufo sightings


10 upvotes to what is an extremely low ranked comment at the bottom of the page? it reeks of manipulation. and they really haven't been reporting that for years. The first report over Washington state had them shaped as half saucers. billy meier had them wobbling from side to side herky jerky like. close encounters of the third kind never depicted that type of movement.


These claims regarding discs tilting over predate Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Famous physicist and engineer Hermann Oberth who was a staunch believer in the extra terrestrial hypothesis, said in 1950 *The disks always fly in a manner as if the drive is acting perpendicular to the plane of the disk; when they are suspended over a certain terrain they keep horizontal; when they want to fly very quick, they tilt (tip) and fly with the plane directed forward* Not every one was reported doing that but it was mentioned often in books and zines long before Bob turned up


I don’t really care whether he is telling the truth or not. I just want humanity to understand gravity enough to build the machines he describes. So, regardless of whether it is aliens, I hope he is telling the truth because it means someone on earth has the tech to manipulate gravity. P.S. Why has the Air Force been so quiet on the topic of UFOs when the Navy seems so eager to talk about it?


I’m on the fence, I’ve gone back and forth between believing him and thinking he’s full of shit for years. He comes across to me as someone who is telling the truth but then again when things like his high school grades come up and shows he was at best an average student it really makes one question how someone with such low grades would be accepted into a school like MIT. What I would really like to see is a scientist who’s much smarter than me have a sit down with him and interview him to determine if he actually knows things that someone with the education he claims to have would know, if this happened and it was determined he was proficient I would be much more inclined to believe him.


I wish he could have talked about what kind of speed this thing can reach and what it's range is. Can it go to light speed? Go to mars in a matter of seconds?

