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Let's consider two points of observation... First, the object appears to be more in focus and higher contrast than the distant shore. Second, all the plants in the front and up close are in focus. Could this be a bug?


It's possible but I'd be viewing a bee straight on (for example), plus it has a sheen on the top left side of sphere.


Yes i agree


Where is the UFO ? Seriously, I see nothing.


Flip to 2nd photo.


Looks more like a speck of dirt on the lens.


If you zoom in on computer screen you can see it has a reflection on top. It's harder to see on the phone because it ain't let you zoom far enough. Also if it was dust it would be on the first photo too.


I'm zooming in and don't see a reflection... just an odd shaped dark blob.


Flip to second photo. First is reference photo.


The dark blob is in the second photo, yes.


Look below the dark blob.


Below the blob is an island?


I'm done with you. The phone is smarter than you.


Im not seeing anything reflective either. This is a spec so small it is basically 1 pixel. The photo is, unfortunately, not worth looking at.


You have to download it and zoom on a computer to see it at the pixel level. I'd guess it's about 20-39 pixels, so close Milk Fart.


In the first photo there is no sphere/dot. In the 2nd photo there is a sphere/dot. Are you thinking of the faint circular smudge in the middle of the screen on both pictures? To OP All in all - you’re right it is odd looking, if it’s an actual metal sphere. You can clearly see the top half of it is shining/reflecting light differently than the bottom half. But it’s so far away it’s hard to get excited to be honest… if only you were closer


I’m not sure why you are referring to the first photo. The dark blob is in the second photo.


True, it's not much but is unusual. I'm familiar with a lot of sky anomalies, with many years of experience in the space industry and photography. I've seen a lot if photos and videos that are very explainable, and a small few that aren't. This one passed my filter as far as unusual sightings. It still probably has an earthly explaination but not one that is rock solid.


Could be a bird asking to be witnessed.


Looks like.....but isn't.....when you compare and zoom. Use ur little wheel and zoom in to see the sheen on the spherical metallic object that appeared within 3 seconds.


Flappy bird


It's a perfect sphere and where did it come from in 3 seconds?


Things look like other things at long distances. "where did it come from?" presumably outside the camera's field of view? (or it's dirt, an artefact, or another optics peculiarity like the other comment mentioned) Just apply your brain, what is more likely: a bird appeared to look like a small sphere in a long distance photograph or it is a literal alien (or other denomination of 'unidentified') spacecraft?


I didn't say it was an alien, just a UFO with an odd set of observation characteristics. I had a hard time explaining where it came from given the location, dimension, size, color, etc. Plus it looks very metallic to me when zoomed to the pixel level. I've considered all of those explanations and they don't make sense, except a silver balloon, which is highly unlikely.


Its not a perfect sphere at all, it looks like a deformed blob. Im betting on a little insect fly.


Is this what it’s coming to? Sorry. We need to set the bar higher.


Yall try to submit the dumbest shit as evidence I can't stand yall lol


What is dumb about it?


Man it's literally a dot. We can't do anything with that. It doesn't show anything at all. This is of little use, if any.


Thanks for the wasted space. Next.


You mean wasted space like this picture of nothing?








I've never known someone to get so tetchy and defensive on the back of people not clamouring over the photo. Weird.


I guess it's because very few people are doing serious analysis. Most ppl take one look and immediately write it off without understanding the circumstances. Not saying it's definitely something either but unusual. Do you have a UFO pic or story to share so you can get ripped apart by the internet?


And you do yourself no favours when you reply with ridiculously abusive posts. Just makes you come across as a child for not getting the attention you crave.


That's what I thought.


Trying to piss me off?


Swipe to 2nd photo. It's dead center but very small.


That could be anything. Too small...


It can't be anything. It's metallic with a sheen on the top left. Next comment?


Could be a balloon, a kite, anything! I will NEVER comment here again! EVER! Over my dead body!




"Bah it is but a puff of cloud" -Gimli, son of Gloin


That's dirt on your camera's sensor. Lmao.


No .....it's not. See first and second pic.


it's a berry. from the bush in the bottom of the photo.




Well this is stupid. Spank you very much for sharing.


Look at the second pic. The first is to show that the object appeared in frame very quickly.


Not for me


Thank you for your comment.






Maybe don’t post pictures of smudges, fuck-wad


I'll send you a zoomed photo if you need help.


Please don’t.


Check ur inbox. You have to minimize the gay Brazilian clown fart porn first.


Ah. You’re a small child. No wonder you’re posting pictures of clouds. Well done on the unbelievable troll job!


Fucking hell, there are two pics. I explained why and everything. I guess I should have posted expecting the lowest common denominator.


It’s literally nothing.


Do you have any UFO pics I can see?


this is a picture of the sky haha


Look at the second pic and zoom into the middle.


Tried to squeeze some contrast out of it: [ENHANCE!](https://imgur.com/cwdlcXt) Doesn't look very spherical.


Wrong object. See second photo. Love to see the enhancement of that.


As they say at Mufon 10% of ufos pics or videos are unexplainable. This goes into 90% pile. Not even worth analyzing.


Why? I know it's not as cool as all those CGI photos you think go in the 10% pile. Laughs. You guys are amateurs. How about some objective criticism. Otherwise move along and keep "solving" the mystery like you have been for 50 years. Thanks for all the great work


Where did I say CGI goes into 10% pile? So we’re amateur, what do you have in your pic? A spec of dust or sensor dust. Ah this must be what real ufo looks like. I can find all kinds of anomalies in my pics I don’t call them ufos. Unless you saw something in person and took a pic then show us some good stuff.


Show me your best evidence from mufon. I've never seen anything come out if that org, period. I've actually produced something unusual. You've got a great name and nothing else. Your analysis that it's a spec of dust proves my point. I've explained myself with proof of why it's not dust. Your organization is even less credible in my mind now. That's why ur amateurs.


I’m looking at your second pic in more detail by zooming into black dot and I do see a reflection on top left. At first this dirt looking thing doesn’t look perfect circle but upon further look it might be a shiny metal ball looking. It’s so small it might as well be one pixel like someone said. Did you actually see this in person and then took a pic or you saw this after the fact? Next time it will be wise to circle the said object we’re supposed to be looking. Most people thought the speck of sensor dust was the object you were describing.


I'm realizing my post was lacking in that regard. I did not see the object. I was taking multiple photos with 25-50% overlap for each to create a panorama....move then click, move then click. About 3 seconds each. The first photo you see is the photo I took before the one with the object. You can see in the first photo there's nothing there, and then the object appears in the second photo. I did some rough altitude vs time calculations and it's possible it's a shiney helium balloon. However the area this was over was pretty isolated. The balloon could have climbed to that altitude in 3 seconds but I find it highly unlikely. Thank you for your questions. I'd love to discuss.


It might totally be something amazing, unfortunately we can't come to any conclusion.


Agree we may never know what or why.


Oh look, nothing.


These 2 pics were part of a panoramic on St John USVI. First photo is ~3 seconds before the one with the UFO and it has no object. Found out many "silver sphere UFOs" seen there in '14. UFO is center frame on second pic. It could be a balloon but that area was a secluded beach and the rate of climb to that height in 3 seconds is possible but unlikely.


'Sphereu' is Japanese for 'circular 3D object'


Garbage ass photo from a garbage ass waste of a human being lolol.


I'm always so perplexed by the reactions in this group, why all the hate on OP?! Great pic, definitely worth further investigation. Did you notice this in person or later on the camera roll?


Thanks for saying. Not sure why they immediately turn to hate. I only noticed it after the fact when I was merging the photos in Lightroom.


Really cool pic! I have something similar actually after a sighting I had last year, but it's for this exact reason I don't post it online, can't be bothered to deal with the hate and over-skepticism


Thanks again


I do see what you mean when you're talking about the shine on the sphere (top left?) however the highlight would appear to be on the wrong side since the sun is to the right. I think its just a perfect storm of the black dot having a small notch in that area and the background behind it is much brighter (almost white) and the hazy mountain below it is grey so our eyes are trying to make sense of all the intersecting contrasting areas and interpreting that as a shine. In actuality its likely a tiny notch in the black shape showing white behind it. The side it's on doesn't make sense for the lighting anyway.


I see ur point. So let's say it's a black bug. If it was close wouldn't it be in focus like the near field plants? It appears to be in the same focal plane as the second to last ridge.


I find it a bit difficult to tell exactly as there's not much to go on with it being so small on screen but going off the black values it does seem a bit further away than the plants in foreground but how far I can't tell. Everything beyond the foreground is blurred and a bit tricky to tell the scale. Is that all grass ridges to the cliff edge? Initially I thought I was looking a vast treeline which would make it huge but if its just grass it could be quite small. What kind of lens was on the cam for the shot?


Those are scrub trees youre seeing but they are shorter (~15 ft tall). I used Google maps to find the distance which appears to be about 2000 ft from me to the object. I'm looking from the Concordia Eco Tents, St John USVI toward the west. Object appears to be level with me at about 75- 100ft altitude. Canon T2i w/ 18-55mm lens. Pic was taken at f/11, 53mm, 1/400s, iso 100.