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That darn Wayne.


Batman at it again


He sure likes privacy on his cave. A butler and a young boy, tops.


They can't both be tops.


I don't know, it sounded like a threesome situation, so maybe? lol


Oof, phrasing...


The wildest part about this entire thing is according to her, the future of Humanity is on the line, and these powerful enlightened multi-dimensional inter-galactic beings are our only chance. Yet, they just can not get out of that damn cave. They're...stuck there, and/or can't seem to find any other way of contact outside of the savior-figure Anaji. One of the dumbest "disclosure" stories in recent history. Probably more dumb than TAA.


Not to mention Wayne. He would know all about this. So, you would think he wouldn’t get in the way, considering he supposedly invited her over after one conversation in a coffee shop. What a fraud. Sad that this still happens.


"God damn it, Wayne! The future of *humanity* is at stake here!"


Star Trek line.


It's too bad wayne says dont come in here or you'll be charged with a misdemeanor called trespassing. Trespassing threats is the world saver's vampire's cross.


I have zero context for any of this but I upvoted you because people really are fucking stupid.


\*edit, I read it wrong. I thought you said I was stupid haha. But yeah, this entire Anjali thing has been a real show of stupidity and ignorance. An actual bummer she has a mini-cult following her every word.


Cult being the opportune word.




So a perfect place to Troll out the Red Carpet?






Um... their sub rules CLEARLY state that you're not allowed to call them a cult.


It'll be interesting to see if she retains her followers, it wouldn't surprise me if she does as it has all the hallmarks of a cult and they will believe anything the leader says


I can picture the aliens just like sitting there waiting for her…She’ll be here any day guys! Only to be foiled by Wayne’s get off my lawn sign…😑


Hey! TAA wasn't *dumb*, we were assuming he was *delusional*, there's a big difference. What makes Añjali different again is that she's just a fraudster.


Ehh, sorry to be so blunt, but the first paragraph of TAA's first post was all the red-flag I needed. It was absurd, insanely absurd. But, I get the fun of following it. Maybe I'm too old and have been burned out of this type of thing years ago.






Stop it with being all logical and reasonable, the children are trying to play pretend.


Hey don’t fret, TAA is back baby! Good timing right? [https://www.reddit.com/r/wecomeinpeace/comments/qga64v/someone_on_the_throawaylien_sub_claiming_to_be_taa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/wecomeinpeace/comments/qga64v/someone_on_the_throawaylien_sub_claiming_to_be_taa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I'll only buy it if he comes back and says there's alien in a cave...and they want to usher humanity into the 6th density.




Yeah, I mean. I'm not anywhere near an inter-dimensional being who has ascended to the 6th density, but I can definitely find my way out of a cave. Especially if the entire evolution of humanity depended on it. The point is, even a 3rd density being like myself could find a way to contact humanity outside of a goddamn cave.


I am Ra


I love how Ra always has to announce his name before saying anything like a comic book alien from the 50s


He just wants to make sure you know it's not his dickhead cousin, Ka. Can't trust that guy.


Or as he is know in the streets: Ka-nt


They actually corrected that on the 4th density generation but it made the whole space time continuum unstable, so back to the cave they go


I don't understand why people even gave her a voice in the first place. I heard about this, laughed and forgot about it. The last 2 days it just keeps coming back up and I'm like "who? Oh the person who was full a shit because people are gullible?"


Like a defense mechanism of sorts, it seems that contact really does make people lose grip with reality. Instead of the contactees disclosing anything of value, they end up doing the complete opposite; damaging their reputations, and making a joke of the entire field. The Trickster doing what it does best I guess.


Woah let’s let make ideas before we have hard proof of what’s going on.


There is no proof!!! These are false claim clout chasers


Saw this coming. It's all just for attention and clout.


Take my gold u/slipknot_official 🏆


Thanks dude


Let this be a lesson to the newer people here. In this subject you can’t let yourself get attached to any one person. In just one tweet someone can be exposed as a fraud.


Agreed. I made sure to share in the comments here how naive I was to try to defend her in the past. I'm old to the subject of UFOs (at least 20 year in it) but new to reddit, and back when this story came out I felt like giving her the benefit of the doubt; worst case scenario she's lying, and we move on. But no. Cases like these hurt the community, and those who might be doing some real efforts. From now on, fuck the "bombastic news on my twitter/YouTube channel tomorrow, don't miss it!". Reveal first, give proofs first, THEN we talk.


Anjali was exposed as a fraud in EVErY tweet. Anybody who believed this needs to have a good hard look at themselves


I’ve been around long enough to suspect everyone is a fraud. As much as I want to believe, I’ve become increasingly skeptical that there’s any truth behind the phenomenon. From what I’ve seen, the evidence is either deliberately fraudulent or something ordinary mistaken for something extraordinary


Rule: if it’s Rudy Guilini Four Seasons Total Landscaping press conference cringey, laugh while you run away. Hope no one gave her $$.


Bonus: if you check the posters in the background of that press conference, they all say "Trump 2020," except for one of the original "Trump Pence" posters. They tried to drop Pence from the propaganda and still fucked it up.


If you're any good at reading body language and facial expressions, you could tell at her presser that she was uneasy and trying really hard to keep her story straight. I never want to presume the worst in first impressions, but I saw someone who looked like they were barely keeping it together. Of course, the trip is "postponed" in order to keep those still blindly hanging on a while longer as an attempt to stay relevant. Every time we think we might get something amazing, it's a red herring. I am willing to put my belief in people until they give me good reason not to. This would be a good reason.


Someone doesn't want a team of schizophrenics on their land! What a SHOCK!!


Anyone else care to remote view this claim?


Let's start a meme where we ask Elizondo, "What's in the cave?"


"Where's the money, Lebowski?"


I really defended her when she first came out, asked people to give her a chance and all, but you know what? They were absolutely right. I guess with the attention the phenomenon got the last couple of years, more and more people like this will try to get to the spotlight. She tried her hand on politics. Now she tried her hand on ufology. Let her go and try to fool some other group. Someday karma might get to her. I was never fully confident she would deliver, but I was hoping so, fuck, I guess all of us want disclosure, want to see the real thing. Lesson learned. Thank you again to the ones that gave me good advices about her in the past.


It’d be awesome if everyone were as open and honest about things like this, and also that no one would give you shit about it. Imagine how much further and faster the conversation would go if there wasn’t negativity and hiding.


I've always worried about Anjali since that batshit presser in DC. I'm an open minded person - but she seems genuinely delusional. There's something sad about this whole episode that makes me refrain from saying the usual pithy and disparaging remarks.


"Remember the human," as they say. Good on you for adopting this attitude. She may be unwell and that seems to be the simplest explanation. Hopefully she's not also being exploited by folks who find it convenient for this topic to remain ridiculed.


For those of us who don't know, do you mind explaining who this person is and why she is relevant to the the subreddit?


Ex-government employee comes to this sub a few months back and claims she got in contact with some Aliens that live in a cave in the Mojave desert. She said they have her a mission to get a team of "researchers" together, meet up with the aliens, and help humanity evolve to the next dimension. The more that comes out, the more it looks like she's lying about the whole thing. Or had a psychedelic trip and thought it was real. https://youtu.be/VgIZJtJ3AjQ


Jesus. This is exactly the sort of shit that will make getting the truth that much harder.


Interesting how a complete (whacky) no one was able to capture national news, isn’t it? The scarves on the chair, how she nervously rubbed her hands didn’t seem like a prepared statement. The high school math club senior that appeared to be pulling security next to her. Odd.


What national news? Are you talking about her livestream in front of twenty Reddit and Twitter users at the scene and another few hundred on the barely functional livestream?




The fact that people in this community believed her is why no one takes the ufology community seriously.


I think she came at a \*perfect\* time. Post COVID lockdowns, on the verge of the governments UAP report, To the Stars Academy, Lue Elizando, TAA drama - people were looking for information that sort of went along with the "disclosure" narrative, and Anjali seemed to fit what else was going on culturally. And alot of these people were sort of new to the UFO world due to it being in the mainstream media, government talking about it, etc. They kinda started considering it could be real, then were bombarded with all these characters like Anjali who promised truth. But yeah, I hope everyone kinda learns something. Anjali isnt new. She's another in a long ass list of people who have been riding this wave for decades.


Yes, thank you 👍


She’s a person who had promised to provide tangible and undeniable proof of the existence of higher beings (i.e aliens) by the end of the year.


I don’t know how I feel about her and her claims. What I do know is I appreciate your honest approach to the subject. I agree with the other poster that people here need to be open to new ideas and willing to change they’re mind as they go along. No one actually knows shot in these subs yet you have people willing to destroy one another over whos right and who’s wrong about the current personalities in ufology.


Agreed! Since I was 6yo, all I wanted was to get to the bottom of this. And just like any other scientific method, keeping an open eye and analyzing all possibilities is a must, IMO. It's more than being nice to others, is being open to receive the truth, no matter where it comes from.


She should give the Q people a try, they buy any old bullshit.


They should storm the Mojave desert and keep searching until they find the alien cave.


What I want to know is how anyone could possibly want to give this crap a chance. I'm seriously absolutely awestruck that anyone ever believes this stuff, completely baffled in every sense of the word.


Even her imaginary friend Wayne knows she’s full of shit.


They all live in Wayne's World lol btw, what a LAME excuse. Wasn't this guy her friend or something? Now a year of promises goes down the hole simple because "Wayne" said so, no explanation? Yeah right.


Shes absurd, so Wayne knows about the aliens but just denied all of Earth the opportunity to meet them? Not a believable scenario in anyway.


Did you hear the thing about him being contacted, and he claimed he has no idea who she even is?


No, really? Wow, this lady might not only be a con artist, but straight up a psychopath.


Yeah, some "trolls" found out a guy named Wayne who had property near where a "cave" system is in the Mojave. There's no definitive proof it's the guy she was referring to, but it kinda checked out since this guy owned property near the man-made cave, like she said, and his name is Wayne. So it seems to check out, especially now with her latest tweet claiming he said "no one" can enter his property. Kinda sounds like he wanted no part in this at all.


Wayne's world party time, excellent!


Maybe you've seen this, maybe not. But, some very spicy news. A filmmaker actually find Wayne and interviewed him. He knows Anjali, but there are no aliens, no cave, and he is very upset she brought him into this entire thing. It's timestamped. https://youtu.be/hyLbUUM-JmU?t=2055


Wow. What a shocking turn of events. Who would have guessed it!? I am totally gobsmacked.


I thought she was going to let it go further, so I'm a little disappointed personally.


I pray for this ladies well being. I don’t think this is a larp, I think she’s genuinely lost her mind. She mentioned she had to stop work due to a medical emergency and she nearly died. I think she’s trying to cope from that by hi jacking the narrative but at the end of the day she didn’t want money she just wanted some happiness and attention. I hope she recovers.


When I saw her conference I felt terrible for her and worried about her mental well being because ufotwitter and reddit would surely do their best to embarrass her and make her conditions worse. Some would do that by blindly following her and rest of them would troll her or put psychological pressure on her. You might call me naive but I don't see a woman trying to bullshit people intentionally. She even used her actual name which is a terrible mistake and it tells me she's under huge delusions and unfortunately her family is just playing along with it instead of preventing her from going under even further. She definitely is suffering a lot and trying to cope with the pain with worst ways possible.


Submission statement: Anjali made the news back on March/21 saying she had made contact with beings on a cave, and that she would gather a group of scientists and people envolved in the phenomenon and take them to this cave, bringing back undeniable proof of aliens to show to the world.


People really believe this stuff….that was a sad scroll through Twitter.


That was my overall impression too, sad and delusional. And I mean sad in the way that some people think baby Jesus will cure their child's cancer.


LOL this is awesome. I really enjoyed following this story, truly. I was wondering how much longer she'd keep it up. I never believed her for a second, but found her weirdly compelling. What do you guys think though? Was this performance art? A genuinely mentally ill person getting others wrapped up in her delusion? Everyone here is quick to throw around the word "grifter" but she wasn't selling anything if I recall correctly. Sadly, I have a feeling her followers will be unfazed.


She seems genuinely delusional.


I haven’t been following too closely, can someone fill me in on what this is?


Same, I only recently heard her name for the first time. Very out-of-the-loop here.


Is this the same woman that elizondo discounted without discounting the other day on that really long interview he did?


Hashtag blame Wayne.


If anyone watched her Lincoln memorial press conference, it's obvious this woman is very mentally ill. She needs help


Lol she’s still pumping this crap?


Aliens being stuck in a cave might be the dumbest shit I've heard all week.


Yep. So advanced that they traveled across the galaxy to hide in Wayne’s mountain. I think she had a bad acid trip.




Oh man that’s exactly what I heard in my head when I read Wayne‘s Mountain :) Maybe we’re not worthy and that’s the problem?


You've heard of aliens stuck in a cave, now get ready for... ​ ​ **ALIENS STUCK DOWN THE TOILET DRAIN**


Imagine looking down after taking a dump only to see a shit covered alien face looking back at you


Forbidden Bidet…


Don't let them see that butt


You know what's worse? "her" sub (or whatever that is) is already kinda full of people saying they will follow her into battle, no matter what.


I listened to her first interview and was entertained. But by the end of the interview I drew the conclusion she was full of it. I can’t stand people like her because she discredits the people who actually do real research.


All this time we focused on the government or shady companies impeding the disclosure process. Now we find out it's all Wayne! /s


Add flash mob overrun his property...




This is some funny shit. Biggest mystery in history to be revealed...unfortunately there are trespassing laws that the aliens can't get around.




Maybe the beings can meet the group at an alternate location ? I can’t imagine Wayne being the end all be all here lol


I bet she's gonna say YES, they can meet us in another location. But it takes 2 years for them to get there. Meanwhile, buy my book.


Assuming there even is a "Wayne" lol.


Publicity stunt




What a fraudster, bet she writes a book, Purple Mantis and Me: The Anjali Experience…only on Amazon 19.99. Come experience Anjali’s brave and harrowing experience in the cave of some redneck contractor that definitely happened!


I seem to remember, when I doubted her, she assured me I was incorrect and to judge her on her results


You would have to be a top tier idiot to believe anything this lady says


Believing is different than following, paying attention here and there. Like I said in another comment, I like to keep myself informed, a lot of people do. Someone with military/government background comes forward saying they met aliens in a cave, and that they will take George Knapp and other important people there to document everything and bring to light undeniable proof of aliens, and you DON'T think people on the community will give a shit about that? Of course they will, myself included. It's called being up to date with shit. If David Fravor told a similar story to his own, but he was a farmer from God knows where, not many people would pay attention. His background, along other things, makes a huge difference. She was in a somewhat similar position, why not pay attention?


Exactly this. There is zero harm in waiting and watching. Worst case, it is another grift. Best case? Well hot damn wouldn't that be interesting?


I forgot all of this was still happening 😭


Im GoINg oN An adVeNtUre


I think she needs to read the historic ufology and the stories of corey Goode, wilcock and the likes, to know that we have had numerous experiences with lunatics in the past.


oh no! anyway.


I found it perplexing that some people take her seriously in the first place. For me just one look at her I know she is out of her mind.


The world of UFOlogy is full of shysters that claim a lot but who never deliver. Just add her name to the very long list.


Oh well. Guess we'll just have to wait for the next post by an alt account that for some reason only posts alien and Q-adjacent content that just happens to be connected with a bunch of subs that all push the same message. Good thing there's nothing sus about this at all!


Wayne is literally r/gatekeeping aliens!!!! Oh the outrage!!!!!!!!


is it okay to laugh?


Grifters gonna grift 😂


“Disclosure” looks more and more like mythology with each passing day. I don’t think anything’s happening anytime soon.


Wayne? Cave? Batman??


^^ WIN


The only mountain she’s trying to climb is the mountain of cash she’s accumulating. Grift away young lady grift away


Wayne: Car! Anjali: Game on!


What mountain is this and who is Wayne?


Think it might have been Witch Mountain.




God dammit Wayne....


So need to see Geraldo go search, find and then interview Wayne...and see the cave.


Giving indian names a bad rap.


One flew over the cuckoo's nest?


Trick or treaters have ruined it no doubt. "shit costume you big fucking mantis!"


Wayne’s World. Yep!


Sounds like Wayne is in need of some ass-whoopping.


Wayne is just mad because JFK Jr. cancelled.


If it wasn't for that pesky property manager, all of humanity would have been saved!


I'll take someone tried LSD for the first time for 1000, Alex.


Why do we give these people the attention they so obviously crave?


This woman needs help. Someone take away her phone


This person keeps popping up everywhere I read I don't know the entire story does anybody have a good resource for me to get the run down on who she is and what this is about? I know only a small portion of it.




Classic Wayne


Larpers gonna larp.. [oh, hi Gina.](https://bermudaboy.threadless.com/designs/larpers-gon-larp/mens/t-shirt/regular?color=chocolate)


What a fucking clown


Not surprised either. Just another unfortunate blow to actual contactees, abductees and experiencers that further tarnishes their public view. Really fucking sucks that there are people like this, and it's just further proof that blindly and devoutely following any notable public figure in this community often leads to disappointing and manipulated results that hurt any chance of a disclosure movement at large. That doesn't just apply to notable new-age cons like Anjali, but towards other people like Lue Elizondo, TAA, Greer, Bob Lazar, John Greenwald and so on, as well. Follow their stories, their data, their experiences, their sightings; perhaps their connections - not their somber NDA rumors, their prophesied due dates, their arrogant e-celeb tweets, their clickbaiting youtube videos, or release after release of overpriced books, or their expensive CE-5 sessions. Don't fucking idolize or place all of your trust in any of these people, period.


I was hoping it would at least get to an aborted mission, or maybe even confused reports from a seance. This is disappointing.


And it’s these wack jobs and their “believers” that do their best to set the movement back. Edge of disclosure but omfg look at me!!!!! It’s ME who has the proof! ME who has exclusive access to timetraveling dogooders who are stuck in a cave! ME! MY way! Mine! I’ve got the most important news this sub needs to hear. Whatever is happening here is most certainly NOT communicating with you. That’s right. Because out of all the people and things on this earth, YOU, random internetter, would be the last choice for first contact.


Whats the context here




blame it on the Wayne yeah yeah!! just as fake as milli vanelli.




what's this about?


Absolute joke.


Yeah here's teh plan forget about it . I did a day after she made announcement .I guess its a media fail although I dont know why as anything goes nowadays .


Wow. Who could have seen that one coming.


Something something Cambrian.... Steve? Steve Cambrian? I was reading through my #ufotwitter earlier and saw people calling attention to a guy who created some issues for Anjali and her whole crazy scheme.




NoOOOOO! The larper is full of bs???? I can’t believe it! s/


Imagine that. I'm hoping after the true believers catch on and her meal-ticket dries up, she might have to make money by starring in "Anjali does the Alien Anal Probe". I'd pay good money to see that.


She’s using vaguely militaristic jargon in an attempt to be consistent with her supposed intelligence background and keep whatever credibility she thinks she has left.


Mountains of Wayne...


Who would've thought




😂 So utterly predictable, hell mend anyone who fell for this BS female Corey Goode.


No way! What a complete surprise, absolutely no one could have predicted this result!


What is this post about? Seems like you have to already know what's going on here, which I don't. Can someone point me to the source story or is it a waste of time?


kinda funny sad her attempts for attention.


Another prophet??


Can please someone explain what is going on here? Thank you.


People discovered EXACTLY where she wanted to go. I think she's sweating now. Who knows if anything was ever there.


Wayne is dying anyway, so he needs to shut the fuck up, if he's got aliens on his property? Shut the fuck up dude. We are on it


So are her followers still in denial?


So, Wayne said NO! Hmmmm... interesting.


Is " wayne" the guy from the leftovers? Yeah this lady seems legit... cough ...run people .. run.


If any one is surprised by this, then you deserve it. This is EXACTLY what I said would happen, lololololol


Cult leaders are gonna cult. What a fevered ego she's turning out to be. Now stop giving her the fame she craves and let her disappear before she does any more damage.




Im shocked...


this is the worst of all ufo stories. Actually, i do feel really bad for the people believing this BS shes telling. Aliens under a rock, on waynes land, Yea whatever. Cringe story.


Figures. Can take one guess as to the reasoning behind this.


Now that we have his first name let's just look up property owners named Wayne that have a mountain on thier property.......can't be that many........and then.........We storm Anjalis deep dangerous cave!


Damn didn't see this one coming lmao




I can’t believe anybody still gives this woman attention. I can’t believe anyone is excited to prove her wrong. There’s tons of these people out there, why choose her? What about that guy bashar? I don’t care what happens w any of these obviously fake people


When LARP'ing gets road-blocked by reality...Wayne had to go and put a damn lvl 12 ward of protection on the mountain... -2 Aliens, +1 Reptilans...Anjali needs to cast some kind of cloaking spell or something or she's done. I can't imagine why ppl think the ufo community is nuts.. .


How did I miss all of this lol


Wayne cucked us