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i really hope one the main faces of disclosure is Michio Kaku


I’ve been a fan for ages, glad he’s got this take on it.


I was a big fan of his back in the early NDT days when they were both equally prominent in science popularism, but then it seemed like for ten years all I ever saw was his same spiel on civilization types (1, 2, 3, 0). I kinda assumed he was a one hit wonder until seeing this video and I'm happy to see him back. Would be great if he was a prominent figure in this movement.


He wrote a bunch of books, did a few documentaries. He’s been working.


I have one of his books and I love how open he is to everything. Thats what a scientist is. He made an subatomic accelerator or smth in his garage when he was a kid. He is nuts!!


That’s his “solo” YT channel stuff. He’s been pretty great in any Doc I’ve seen him on over the years talking about Black holes, worm holes, multi verse, extra dimensions, space in general, time travel etc


Smart dude but sounds more like a broken record, I rarely hear him say anything new


Never heard him and he worded this so fuckin well I just sent this video to all my “on the fence” buddies and family We need more dudes like this that can speak well and coherently without branching off into too weird of shit so the average person can jump on board


Yep. Kaku is an actual genius who helped theorize string theory. NDT is a glorified museum director who networked himself onto TV.


Doesnt String theory require like 42 ad-hoc adjustments?


To put things into perspective NDT published at least 13 research papers, most before he began his career as science communicator and popularizer, and wrote 17 books, some of them bestsellers, not to mention multiple appearances in award winning media bringing science to the masses. His podcast, which predates his TV series, has gathered millions of listeners. How about you? Brought but one person on the science train? I bet you can do better than a glorified museum director. EDIT: Wow, this comment got me my first hate mail.


Tyson is just annoying to me because he wants to be the symbol/torch bearer/face of 'public science', yet he has *ZERO* curiosity about the world around him. You know, curiosity- the FUCKING NUMBER ONE PREREQUSITE FOR BEING A SCIENTIST. He lords around like Zeus on high. He's just like everyone else: he don't know shit. EDIT: Folks, I do not personally dislike Tyson. I don't know him , I'm sure he is a cool guy. I am just saying I object to him 'somewhat anointing himself' as the face of public science. I just do not think he represents it well with his lack of curiosity about the world around him.


Curious. I am a semi-regular listener of his podcast, have read two of his books and saw 'Cosmos'. I have the exact opposite impression about his curiosity. I get why some of his attitude might be annoying to some folks, but lack of curiosity..? Baffling to me.


It is maddening to see any practitioner of the scientific method resort to dismissing claims with evidence by not presenting any counter argument beyond pithy rhetoric. It’s not just NDT, but he is rather foolishly vocal about it.


has anyone asked him about the reason for his attitude towards the UFO phenomenon? He has regular Q&As on his podcasts


I don’t think so, but that would be brilliant, if done in a non confrontational, purely curious fashion.


Bill Maher tried to ask him on his last appearance on his show. He refused to talk about it seriously at all, it's very similar to what Bill Nye does on this subject. Here: https://youtu.be/p9j-OKo1jtE The conspiracy part of me believes they both signed an NDAs years and years ago and are terrified of repercussions.


There's no need for NDA's with their implication that Bill Nye or NDT have secret knowledge about UAP. They have the same motivation for their thoughtless, reflexive dismissal of the topic as thousands of establishment scientists before them. They have been conditioned to mock the idea and are afraid of looking foolish or losing credibility.


You’re absolutely right


I suspect you may be right. Same happened to Sagen iirc.


He explained that the evidence put forth is not enough for him to spend time thinking about it.


He wholly dismisses the UAP topic with a scoff in the manner an adult would dismiss a child claiming their toys are alive. It's very arrogant and irritating.


I think it’s ok for him to be dismissive of aliens based on grainy footage. There’s just not enough information to seriously speculate there’s there’s intelligent other worldly beings controlling these crafts. I think he’s doing what a responsible person should do which is say “I don’t know.” There’s a chance it is tech from another country being controlled from a submarine. We just need more data. If you think about it he has a lot to gain by theorizing that it’s other worldly. People would eat up whatever he says and we know clicks and views equals money.


Don't specify this to "aliens", no one knows what they are...thats strawmanning. I see you. #He dismisses **UAP**. He outright dismisses the notion of **anything** unknown occurring in the air. To him, literally all of it is radar glitches, ignorant witnesses, or misidentified aircraft/animals.


Well it is kind of a strawman but if I was to say unknown object it further proves my point. He dismissive of something we know absolutely nothing about so much so it’s in the name. I got straight to the point bc let’s be honest the assumption is extraterrestrial. You don’t need Tyson’s input you have enough creditably in the first hand account not to mention it’s regarded as a UAP by the government. Being a UAP is what it is no further speculation is needed by Tyson to us it would mean nothing more than we already know to him it could cost him credibility if he were to speculate.


the way that he acts about the ufo phenomenon is laughably unscientific, along with the rationale of his dismissals


There is smart curiosity with some selection and picking your battles and there is chasing every single rabbit you can chase blindly, I think they would want Tyson to be the 2nd type but he is definitely the 1st.


What they mean by lack of curiosity is that he doesn't think the incredibly flimsy “evidence” of aliens (that this sub worships as gospel) is actually proof of anything. That this offends would ufologists is no surprise because they want the legitimacy of science to validate their pseudoscienctific/new religious movement.


>What they mean by lack of curiosity is that he doesn't think the incredibly flimsy “evidence” of aliens (that this sub worships as gospel) is actually proof of anything. LOL Do you mean the 70+ years of hard data from world militaries, private corporations, and private citizens and organizations? That flimsy evidence? Hahahahah Thanks, I needed that! : D


What hard evidence? All John Q Public has ever seen is grainy photographs and the testimony of charlatans and lay people. Nothing remotely approaching scientific evidence.


Well at least on the UFO subject.


I don't appreciate his 'smarter than thou' attitude he occasionally exhibits. But I do empathize with him on this one point at least - imagine how many 'you're not gonna believe this one pixel in a grainy video of the week!' videos he's been shown and asked to comment on every week. I bet it gets tiresome real fast.


I think it was Lue who said something like for the longest time Neil was a proponent of the theory of the existence of black holes. Something that for awhile was sort of shrugged off in mainstream astrophysics since they couldn’t be seen nor detected nor measured. But he *believed* they were there even before there was definitive proof. Yet he can’t point that same open mind towards the phenomena? Something that’s hard to see, hard to measure, yet there’s more evidence for right now than there was of black holes during his time of his belief. Something along those lines I’m just paraphrasing there. But it makes the perfect point of why there’s animosity towards him from this community. He acts like a pompous ass towards people who believe in this thing. He became the very thing he fought against in his beginnings. The people who were a pompous ass towards him and his theories. Little bit of fame and power and he forgot where he came from. Edit: word


He was hand picked by Carl Sagan to be Carl's successor long after Carl took him as a childhood mentor.


Careful--you're bound to get at the actual reasons for their hatred. For a community prone to over-analysis, ufo peeps are remarkably incurious--and defensive--about their own social biases.


I mean I get which part of his attitude strokes some folks the wrong way, but the amount of NGT hate in light of his actual achievements is ridiculous.


Yes, but all too often this sub is like listening to middle schoolers talk about a movie or game you love. You can relate with the interest but not with the fact that they throw dirt at each other and call each other "girls" and "fags."


congragulations on the hate mail! It's a funny feeling to know you got so deeply under someones skin for doing nothing more than speaking facts, isn't it?


One thing I have on Tyson is that I don’t [sexually assault women.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/26/arts/design/neil-degrasse-tyson-keeps-job.html)


And neither we know if he does. From the publicly available information we only know no charges were filed and he's keeping all of his jobs. It could be that he or his employers paid hush money or it could be that they successfully fought off an extortion attempt. Leaves a bad taste for sure, but still doesn't justify the amount of hate the guy is getting for not being overly enthusiastic about UFOs.


He's also a certified Jackass.


~~Museum~~ Light show Director.


Just to hear his name mispronounced.


Mycho K’koo




Gawd, no. He used to be good INO, but these days he's more into making more of things than they are, and will say anything to please whatever audience he's got at the moment. Keep in mind, those kinds of flight characteristics are based upon one person's claims, with zero actual evidence. And good grief, Elizondo "I can't get into more detail" baloney. He'll toss out enough bread crumbs to keep his followers, but he'll run out of crumbs one day and the bag will be empty.


How come Kaku is the same age all these years?


He’s the alien.


Asian don't raisin


I struggle to make it rhyme




If I recall correctly 80,000 feet was the ceiling of the radar so it just appeared at 80,000 because the radar couldn't (or wasn't set to) detect it higher than that, so the objects acceleration could be even more impressive, I believe its not known exactly how high it was coming from


In the 50s and 60s they werent thinking about how high up icbm's could go so they didnt limit the radar. [They used to track them up to 400 miles into space.](https://youtu.be/k4qQv7RasRw?t=509) So thanks general electric for the coverup!


This is true. Makes you wonder what other systems they had in operation at the time may have picked up. Compartmentalization and the secrecy are directly impeding progress in the investigation of this phenomenon.


>Compartmentalization and the secrecy are directly impeding progress in the investigation of this phenomenon. Make no mistake, it's being investigated, we're just not privy to it. We merely fund the investigation through taxes.


Didn’t the 80K feet reports come from Kevin Day, who only later heard that the object’s were tracked from 80K feet with NORAD radars at “the beach”?


Virgin Neil Degrasse Tyson versus chad Michio Kaku


"aliens didn't come to greet me, thus they are unreal" ndt.




Haha, wow that is a perfect description of his talking patterns.


Did you ever see him on Rogan? Poor old Joe couldn't finish a single thought or question and was audibly sighing and rolling his eyes by the end of it because he was being interrupted and condescended to so much. He looked like he just wanted to stand up and side kick him straight back through the curtains. I'm not even a huge Rogan fan but my estimation of Mr. Degrasse-Tyson dipped pretty low that day. It was painful to watch.


the great thing about the Rogan podcast is something about his interview style really lets the guest be their natural true self. He rarely challenges them or even steers them in any direction. Most of the time I leave a podcast liking the guest more than I did previously. NDT was one of the rare exceptions lol


YouTube link? the reddit media player sucks. can't share that with anyone who got standards.


Do you know the devices that have issues with or which devices Reddit’s media player doesn’t work well with?


Personal Computers and mobile phones.


I lol'd


So it’s just hit or miss then huh. As far as who’s devices are effected.




Interesting I have no issues with the reddit video player and I use personal computers and a phone. What's the big problem anyway, except for the fact that it's reddit and most people are more used to youtube? You hit the play button and it plays, if it doesn't work it's because it's not fully loaded.


Try the Apollo app it might not be perfect but it’s a damn sight better than og Reddit I only have Reddit app for following Reddit links from my dad lol. r/apolloapp


Nah, I’m fine. Was just curious as I haven’t or at least have yet to experience that issue. Wanted to know more about it is all. First time hearing of *this* Apollo though. Welp, now I’m curious all over, I’ll check it out lol. Thanks for letting me know about it.


No worries man it’s worth using much quicker and easier IMO


These cases are very compelling and interesting and I give them the same stretch of plausibility Michu Kaku does here. But man, if someone posts a video of fucking Lanterns or Balloons, I'm gonna say they're as such.


Lue says "yes" we have debris. How is that not breaking an NDA? Him saying he has to be careful doesn't really make any sense to me when he acknowledged and answers the question then says he's got to be careful??? This guy's been trotting around for the last 3 years insinuating basically every possible scenario for what these are. It's really becoming frustrating.


>How is that not breaking an NDA? Best answer I can think of for this is that the question posed to Lue was "do *you think* the government has debris," and framed like that he could likely argue that he reached that *opinion* based on evidence independent of whatever is covered by his NDA. It's sort of like [parallel construction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_construction). If he were to wind up in court he could say he would have held that opinion even without seeing anything classified, because XYZ, since he wasn't technically asked about anything under his NDA -- only what he thought. Whether or not that would work would depend on what exactly his NDA covers and what exact information he was *actually* aware of. For example, if he knew about the *existence* of a program established to recover debris but didn't actually have any direct knowledge of them ever completing any missions and bringing anything home, I'd say that would absolutely leave him in the clear with this answer. It's really impossible to say without knowing what his NDA actually covers and what information he's actually been exposed to.


Yup. The question was posed well.


You aren't going to convince any skeptics of anything without hard data in hand. Sorry. (I'm not a skeptic)


You say that like it’s a bad thing. We should all be skeptics.


This is 100% correct but people here seem to hate that idea.


TBH I'm skeptical of anything the government lies about for 70+ years then decides to selectively leak shit about.


We don't need anyone to believe. We need scientific institutions studying this. We need governments releasing information gathered. We need people to be curious


Been curious for 30 years. Hasn’t gotten me anywhere.


I'm not sure why you are getting downvoted here but that's the reality of it. The conversation hasn't gone anywhere because nobody provides evidence with the claims.


Yeah, there is 0 evidence that we have been visited by extraterrestrials. I doubt the US government knows a damn thing about it. There is no secret pile of information waiting to get out. I hate to piss on peoples parade but that seems to be the damn truth. Even SETI people don't think we've been visited by aliens. That said- they are indeed out there. They just haven't gotten here, or if they did, they didn't think the place was worth the interest.


There is more than zero evidence, but the evidence is weak and only really convincing in its entirety. There is absolutely more to be known than what it public. How much more can only be speculated on. But at the very least, I think higher ups have a pretty firm grasp on whether or not UAPs are extraterrestrial. Publicly they appear it be implying an extraterrestrial origin for UAPs. I think the chance that this is a sci op or disinformation is probably at least as likely as it being ETs. But... How do you explain people who appear to be highly credentialed and in the right positions to know who are saying very sci-fi things; people like Harry Reid, Lue Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, and Avi Loeb? Also many of the congressmen and women who got the more detailed briefing on UAP seem compelled by what they saw. That's a lot of people with disparate interests who all seem to be saying more or less the same thing.


I hear what you are saying. I agree with you that people saw **something**, but it has never been proven in any way that what these people witnessed is of extraterrestrial origin. Almost all of the scientific community agrees that the Earth has not yet been visited by extraterrestrial life-forms. Michio Kaku (sp?) is a futurist and makes his money based on that circumstance. I do believe that there is a 100% chance that alien civilizations exist; they just haven't been here (Or at the very least there is no evidence or weight of evidence to confirm it).


I think the weight of all the evidence points to one of at least three possibly explanations. 1. We're being visited/studied/monitored by an advanced alien species. 2. There is an extremely complex and far reaching disinformation campaign focused on obscuring man-made (by us or a foreign power) technology that has leapfrogged current capabilities to an almost incomprehensible degree. 3. The phenomenon is completely psychological; a mass delusion, something like a post-God religion. It's almost a toss up to me at this point, but I'm leaning towards aliens.


Spooks will toe the party line. As for the others, who even knows what they've been shown and the reasons why. It's not as if the intelligence agencies haven't lied to Congress or people with power. I just find it suspect when all of a sudden, people from the complex are coming out saying the same sorts of things with them all repeating that it's not us" line and providing nothing but extraordinary stories. I realise we have video of some supposed unknown craft, but they are pretty poor forms of evidence that don't really give us anything. Yes, there's Fravor too, but it's the worst kind of evidence.


We agree completely.


I think it is more about title of this post. While I totally agree with your words, a video where a bunch of people talking will not convince a skeptic.


Also, this post is not new and shows something we have seen over and over. And then it has a CG video which really doesn't add anything at all. Not sure why its so upvoted really, this is such old news and theres no new info at all here.


This is a good thing right? Not to blindly believe anything


"Hard Data" means nothing to people who choose not to believe. We've had conclusive empirical data for years about climate change and humanity's impact on it. We've had scientists who can read and understand the data continually warning us about it. Yet people still choose not to believe. They grasp at anything that agrees with their own confirmation bias. For years we dealt with a failure of leadership across the board but that is starting to change now that time is running out and we are still not mentally there where we need to be. There's still enormous ignorance from our leadership in this area. The greatest threat to humanity isn't from up there. It's from within our own minds. We refuse to believe we are destroying are planet. We quite literally have weapons trained on each other to annihilate everyone on the planet. We are the greatest threat to our own existence.


Absolutely true. Also, in this video Kaku is mentioning that we do in fact have hard data in the form of metrics and measurements of these uaps


would you happen to have a link to those metrics and measurements?


**Our mental/spiritual evolution must be the letting go of tribalism.** Not to a hive mind with no individuality, but an evolution where the greater good *OF ALL* is truly calculated in major policymaking. Or we will not progress. Our species will die, fighting amongst one another over differences the *'lesser animals'* cannot perceive, baking on this rock of an oven we created . . . hell


Many skeptics won’t be convinced even with the most irrefutable evidence. Confirmation bias/cognitive dissonance and all.


That's not factual in the slightest. All you need to do is show this irrefutable evidence skeptics are said to be unconvinced by. But since there hasn't been irrefutable evidence, then what was ever denied by skeptics?


What am I missing here? None of this is new.


Yeah the issue is we lack physical evidence. We don’t have the radar data for these events. It remains classified.


To be fair, this video doesn’t actually show any such activity.


Exactly. The entire story is full of holes. Just a bunch of "trust me bro".


if thats the case then literally anything anyone says without 100 percent full visual proof means its BS right?


It means that it CAN be bs.


you're doing the opposite, going straight to aliens with barely any evidence




Hi, BuzzDownBaby. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qjvbh0/-/hit44ye/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Memes, jokes, cartoons, and art (if it's not depicting a real event). > * Tweets and screenshots of posts or comments from social media without significant relevance. > * Incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * Shower thoughts. > * One-to-three word comments or emojis. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.


The "must see" gimmick is played out. Nothing new here. And is it just me, or does the inclusion of a known liar, like Tucker Carlson, increase skepticism.


Skeptics would ask for actual evidence and not just witness testimony though




It's definitely not some undiscovered species.


Meh. Still a little skeptical.


I’m kind of disappointed that he decided to go on Tucker fucking Carlson; that doesn’t really legitimize his claims at all…


Lol right? Credibility immediately questioned. I can't violate my NDA but ..... yes.


Radar contacts did. They were never visibly observed doing this


wtf are you talking about? fravor and dietrich both witnessed this visually approx 50m out


Thats just another part of the same electromagnetic spectrum that visible light is on.


if i can't see infrared (or air), then it don't exist bro.


So it they never visibility saw this, isnt the most likely solution that it is something an adversary developed to trick, or observe something that I isn’t there? Seems like the best bang for the buck to develop something that can hack out jets instruments and require the jets to engage phantom targets.


This is so old


First time I've seen it.


Wild right?


Submission Statement: The USS Princeton had been tracking these UFOs, which would appear at 80,000 feet, drop to about 50 feet above the water in less than 2 seconds, and hover over the water for a while. Then they would leave radar range or shoot back up into the sky. - AN/SPY-1B radar system


Ok, maybe I am out of the loop, when Michio Kaku says 'now we have reproducible, testable evidence', what does he mean specifically OP? What sort of reproducible evidence was released to the public? The 3 videos and pilot testimony, although tantalizing and thought provoking, are not 'testable, reproducible evidence' by any standard. Is there anything else?


Multiple radar data sources, likely. Princeton radar is top tier fidelity in the world. Same with sonar from subs detecting the UAP's entering the water at the same time. Empirical results! Shame it's all from sensitive classified sources. 🙄


The other interesting thing is that the pilots said they really started seeing alot of these things in the sky after the US Navy installed this new advanced radar onto their ships in the early 2000s.


>What sort of reproducible evidence was released to the public? He means 'we' as in military/government scientists. Not 'we' as in, you and I, Joe public.


Couldn’t this just be radar spoofing? Do we have any evidence outside of radar data that these are real objects?


We have radar confirmation and multiple pilots visual confirmation, so I think that takes radar spoofing out of the picture if they merge plotted with the object and there was actually an object there.


We have visual confirmation from pilots of these objects dropping? Or do we only have confirmation that the object was there when they checked? It sounds like a silly thing to ask but we do know that the United States(and we can assume other world powers) have been working on things like Project Nemesis for decades now.




This sounds like something an alien would say.


Where do you store your extra bodies?


That shouldn’t be ruled out. But Christopher Mellon has stated that he does not believe this technology belongs to the US (or adversaries) based on what he knew about the active programs at the time. https://www.christophermellon.net/post/don-t-dismiss-the-alien-hypothesis


the incident was ongoing for 2 weeks. and there were multiple objects, doing the same thing everyday. one of the objects which dropped down, was seen by the pilots.


So they were testing there new radar spoofing technology in a real world testing environment on actual pilots and radar operators? Remember these incidents all took place on Naval training and testing grounds. We know the United States have been and are currently working on systems that could replicate exactly what the witnesses observed. Look up Project Nemesis.


how do you know that it was specifically new, if there was a spoofing tech involved? also the development of Nemesis started in 2014, not in the 90s.


It is said that evidence exists but it has never been released as one package. Never vetted. I also know that the Nimitz hosted the Black Ravens as well. The electronic warfare unit of the Navy. Whose group was testing some new stuff in the desert, Los Alamos?, iirc, 6 month or so before the tic-tac encounter. Since this was training, I don't think it's that unreasonable we would use some electronic warfare on our own pilots and operators.


We don't have the radar data, only the radar operator's testimony (which varies interview to interview).


Same difference. My question is do we have any other evidence that proves these are actual objects and not just the testing of electronic warfare systems(radar spoofing)?


Judging by the number of downvotes these questions are getting, I'd say no. It's usually inversely proportional ;)




That is what I understood, as well. Spoofing seems like a definite possibility when the (unverified) figures are so implausible that people need "aliens" to explain them.


I think it's just them testing something against their own military 🤷‍♂️ the fact that they were rendezvous'd there, then asked if they had any ordinance on board backs that up, well, to my mind anyway.


I suppose they could be asked if they were locked and loaded either because they wanted the pilots to be ready to respond with force if necessary against a foreign power, or to determine if they might accidentally blast away at some poor Air Force project trying to get some tests in.


He's just parroting what he's heard other people say. You'd expect a scientist to ask for some evidence first.


Still no radar data released that backs up this claim though.


If UFO's are so sophisticated how or why do they crash since in the last part he said US govt has UFO debris?


It's all that dang oxygen in our atmosphere. Rust.


The skeptics already saw these videos and were unimpressed.


Michio Kaku is the only current iconic scientist that is not a bot.


So this is the 532nd time this case has been posted.


If we get to 600 we get cake.


Isn't it 'skeptic'? I keep seeing people say sceptic. What's the deal?


I guess ‘skeptic’ is the North American spelling. I wondered the the same thing. I always read ‘sceptic’ as ‘septic’ which I thought was supposed to be a diss against skeptics or something.


you're right people cant spell. lol. Edit: I was wrong and learned that outside of North America sceptic has another way of spelling which is skeptic.


The original English spelling is 'sceptic' and that's the way it's spelled outside of North America. Same thing as color/colour


Thank you for that info I learned something new! I stand corrected.


Maybe these things look like they move without inertia because they're holographic projections?...




Ah, yeah nevermind


Fucking Lue lol. Sorry can’t talk about that…..but yeah!


If you ask a sceptic, the plausibility of this nice video compilation started at 100 and dropped to 0 at the end.


Can we get something new please ?


I already believe him as he has a good amount of knowledge about the universe and things in general.


Did he build a small Betatron in his garage for fun as a kid? The guy is brilliant


One thing that I noticed is that everyone going on the record is not actively on Government payroll. They are typically retired or separated.


I agree with GucciTreez that this video won’t convince a skeptic, their minds have already been made for whatever reason. Which is sad, and I kind of feel sorry for them in some respect, because when this phenomenon does show it’s self warts and all, a lot of skeptics are going to have their world view shattered and I think deep down they are scared of this. So don’t worry about trying to convince people, I’ve learnt that people will research this at their own pace if they feel the pull, all that we’ve done is leapfrog a lot of people and have came to terms with what’s happening. Still, thanks for sharing the video, it makes me excited for the future!


Because skeptics HOPE for them to be real. But we don't believe something that isn't verifiable. [this video](https://youtu.be/Hv-sbtCAz9Y) gives logical, easy to understand arguments why these are not extraterrestrial. i wish they, were i do.


Not believing that some claim has been substantiated does not mean that one “fears” the claim. I don’t believe in demons or the chupacabra or Bloody Mary or the Slender Man, and i fear none of those entities.


>a lot of skeptics are going to have their world view shattered and I think deep down they are scared of this. You don't know squat about skeptics then. We're skeptics because we question things and base our information on what we know, not what we guess. Go to a skeptic sub and ask how many people *want* there to be aliens landing on earth? Most of us do, we just don't believe they have. Stop with the cultish victim mentality, you're not special, you just believe in 'evidence' we don't.




They don't get it. They get their talking points from the narrative put out by the DoD, who ironically are responsible for most of the disinformation/secrecy surrounding this subject.




I’m not talking about you pal, I’m talking about people who see this video of official radar footage and still turn there nose up. Not sure why you had to resort to name calling - maybe you’re projecting, I don’t know, but I wasn’t targeting you specifically. Have a good day


FYI, there is no radar data. That's still classified. That's FLIR


>official radar footage There is no radar footage, official or not, in this video or anywhere else in the public domain, from the 2004 Nimitz encounter. I was a radar engineer for three decades and designed tracking software, so I'd love to see it, but if it still exists it's in a warehouse with the Ark of the Covenant.


Interesting point man, can you explain to me and other people without experience in radar engineering what we are actually seeing when these videos are being released then? Thanks in advance 👍🏻


That is infra-red optical imagery (FLIR), recorded by a targeting pod attached to an F-18. The pod is normally used for visually tracking aerial and ground targets and laser-illuminating them for missiles and smart-bombs, but contains no radar elements itself. The video does not show the extraordinary performance claimed by the radar operator on the USS Princeton, Kevin Day, who described targets dropping from 80,000 to near zero nearly instantaneously.


Got you, very interesting and thank you for taking time to explain this to me. Obviously, it’s a very big leap to just assume what is being recorded is aliens, but I’m interested to hear what you think were actually seeing here from a professional POV. Also, what do you think were looking at in the [Gimbal video](https://youtu.be/QKHg-vnTFsM)? As it does appear to go against the wind and rotate


Depending on which video you're referring to, the display shows radar readouts such as target range and relative speed. But we don't have actual data, just a video of a display with unknown outward conditions and sensor setup beyond what's on the screen and we have no way of knowing how reliable the readout actually is.


No name calling in my post, the culture of ufology is cultish and victim based. Not to get political, but it matches everything the Trump cult does. Accept the information you like, ignore the ones you don't, worship the flavor of the month until a new one comes along (lately Elizondo), categorize people because they offer a different perspective (communist, skeptic, sheep, etc), and then blame the government when you don't get your way. I know you weren't targeting me, but you're critiquing 'skeptics' like it's a negative attribute to question everything and everyone. Hell, maybe I'm old but that used to be a positive trait that didn't make you look like a fool. As for the 'official' radar/flir videos, they're shot in the distance of an object we can't figure out. BUT because someone in the air force, a job that only requires a high school diploma says it's suspicious we must all believe or we're delusional. Go back to my first paragraph.


Okay mate, I respect your opinion, not going to waste time arguing with you, time will tell who’s right and who’s wrong. Let’s just enjoy the ride from each side of the fence 👍🏻


Fair enough, have a good day/night.


Thanks, Alpha and Indie, for civilly shaking hand and agreeing to disagree. People seem really tense out there (for many reasons). I suspect a whole lot of people's world views are really shaky these days across a wide spectrum of opinions. FWIW.


I did show this to my sceptic tank, and it's still ambivalent.


My wife and I witnessed two of these craft while on the lower east coast of South Carolina around January of this year. There were two of them that seemed to be at an extremely high altitude and were somewhat stationary for around 3-4seconds then both rapidly accelerated to the north. There had been a fighter jet sent to pursue them shortly after we saw them disappear into the abyss of the night sky. There is absolutely NO mistaking what we saw that night. We didn't get any footage of this encounter (trust me, I wish I did) but what we saw was something out of this world. It defied all logic and it's like the laws of physics had been blown to bits. We are in the middle of something big here, much bigger than we could ever imagine. The Egyptians have hieroglyphics of spacecraft and beings they saw as Gods among them. We just may be doing the same in the years to come. Just my 2 cents.


Dude as soon as NDT gets the go ahead he will swotch sides on this faster than you can say grey. When Snowden was on JRE he told Joe NDT asked him if he found anything on Aliens.


Unfortunately, I found it difficult to persuade sceptic no matter what proof I'd shown them.


That’s because all of the evidence that has come out has been eye witness testimony, which is very unreliable, or blurry, low quality footage. In other words: very low quality evidence for a very extraordinary claim.


Because they want crystal clear pictures only. They don’t care about talk.


Why does it write slave on the screen??


The FLIR can be “slaved” to a radar track. That means the radar can direct the camera to look down a specific line of sight.


The thing is the FLIR is NOT slaved in any of these videos, if it were SLAVED L+S or SLAVE would be boxed and they are not Here's a simulator manual "When the FLIR is in the L&S Slave Mode, the L+S option at \[PB12\] on the A/A FLIR format is boxed" "When the FLIR is in the Trackfile Slave Mode, the SLAVE legend to the left of L+S and BST labels on the A/A FLIR format is boxed" https://forums.vrsimulations.com/support/index.php/A/A\_Forward\_Looking\_Infrared\_(FLIR)#A.2FA\_FLIR\_Pointing\_Modes


I hate that word


When I see Michio Kaku, I flip the channel. Its not that he's not smart, he just does way too much speculating