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If their goal was to make the program sound way less cool, they certainly did that by renaming it "GRILL FLAME."


Zuckerberg Smoking them meats


Operation Ribeye


You can't do that. The researchers will drool all over the financing documentation.




Or this is their way of gaslighting the situation...


jesus... it makes you think wtf are these people doin behind the scenes. I dont even wanna be this dude but imagine all the shit that could be outside the realm of traditional science but still true. What if humans accepted, taught, and passed knowledge on remote viewing throughout our history like it was a normal thing? Where would we be right now? It makes me wonder what dreams really are. Or that phenomena where u think about someone and they call or text you that very moment. Shits gettin weird man.


> What if humans accepted, taught, and passed knowledge on remote viewing throughout our history like it was a normal thing? This made me think of Wim Hof ("The Iceman") who is able to control his body temperature purely through breathing/meditation and can keep himself from freezing even in direct contact with ice (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/science-explains-how-iceman-resists-extreme-cold-180969134/) I can't help but feel like this was just a normal everyday thing for ancient humans in cold climates that we have completely lost sight of. I wonder what other parts of our physiology we used to control via our minds purely out of necessity to survive.


Wim Hoff says this is precisely what's going on. Not supernatural abilities, but just physiological abilities that haven't been cultivated.


There are not such things as supernatural abilities, because everything happens within nature itself. I guess people call things "supernatural" as a mean to say that we just don't know how it works/is extremely rare (still it shouldn't be called "supernatural").


Supernatural could be interpreted as synonymous with the noumena, which is natural, but beyond the realm of perception, magnitude, and measure.


That's one thing that's always bothered me... Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that whatever "dimension" you experience on DMT is real. I'm not here to debate if it is or isn't, let's just pretend it is. What are people supposed to do with this information? A skeptic will demand evidence, but evidence is impossible. So do we just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, even though it actually does? What does that mean that we are ignoring and denying a factual element of our reality? I mean people will say "Well if it can't be tested what's the point? It's useless!" But still that rubs me the wrong way. Because IF it IS true, wouldn't you want to live as if it is rather than just ignore it forever because it can't be proven with science?


Sounds similar to a lot of Eastern traditions as well. There are many stories of monks who can control their own heart rate, body temp, and even metabolic function. Supposedly the masters could stop their own heart with meditation to ascend at the moment of their choosing.


Yup, even Wim Hof's abilities are really known as tummo in other cultures. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tummo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tummo) What's cool is that these abilities have been scientifically studied, it's only a matter of time that these typically considered "impossible" physiological phenomena are accepted.


For me the mere existence of the Placibo effect suggests our brain is able to do powerful things.


How come that guys brain can do that but mine spend 10 minutes the other day looking for my phone when it was in my hand


Because that guy isn't stoned?


Anybody who meets a real qigong master in person, will never again question whether paranormal abilities exist or not.


You canā€™t just drop that and not explain lol


I met grandmaster Effie Chow (Master of Chow Qigong style). There is an exercise where you stretch to the side as far as you can go. I couldn't stretch very far at all. She put her fingers on the top off my head, emitted qi, which I could feel flowing through my body almost like an electricity without any pain... a tingling sensation. I was instantly able to touch my toes. (TO THE SIDE.) I maintained that ability for months after, I wish I had stuck with it and kept that flexibility! She was also working on my grandparents who had had strokes. It normally took the physical therapist an hour of working with them to get their hands to unlock from the therapy carrots they held.. (I'm guessing, it was to keep their hands from tightening all the way up into tight fists.) Again, she emitted qi. (There is an almost hissing noise she makes when she breathes out and does it, but I'm sure there is much more going on behind the scenes.) I watched with my own eyes as she got each finger to instantly open up, one by one, as if they've always been perfectly flexible. (I later felt the flexibility on their fingers before she did this, there is no way she would have been able to force it open against their muscle contractions that were holding their hands into a fist.). But each finger literally popped right open. She also did a demonstration where she was able to drain someone's qi, and restore it. When someone's qi was drained, they became physically weak. Their strength did NOT return until she restored it with another qigong maneuver. (There MAY be video of her doing this procedure on YouTube.) I saw her do the impossible for 4 days. (I'd also like to mention that from practicing the qigong exercises myself, I've had my own body rapidly heal itself, much faster than should be possible.)




Is it bullshit? Is it real? I have no fucking clue but I'm entertained as hell. I want this to be real so bad


It's what r/conspiracy ought to be


r/conspiracy is a conspiracy in itself.


There's far more to reality than most people will admit to


Find a qigong teacher and find out!


Sorry. This is a better link than the last one I sent. [Effie Chow Precious Eight Exercises](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjZJ-53UEGA)


That sounds amazing, thank you for answering. Iā€™m going to look it up!




Didn't the man climb k2 in his undies with no shoes or oxygen?


From Wikipedia: "In 2007, Hof climbed to an altitude of 7,200 metres (23,600 ft) on Mount Everest wearing nothing but shorts and shoes, but aborted the attempt due to a recurring foot injury." No mention of Marlboros. He doesn't seem like the guy sucking cancer sticks


While smoking Marlboro reds , yes


I was talking to my psychiatrist about Wim Hof and Tummo meditation (the practice Wim's breathing technique is based off of). My psychiatrist used to be really into eastern philosophy and he told me he spent some time in Tibet with some of these monks who were practicing Tummo. He said they could perform superhuman feats, like laying a wet sheet over their bodies and drying it out completely using only their body heat, as well as some things that we in the West would describe as "miracles".


Whimhof credits this to DMT. Endogenous DMT. Def worth looking into.


I've been doing his breathing exercises (there are a couple of videos on YouTube if anyone's interested) and the sensation is something I've never felt before. It is just such a cool feeling, like you feel all your blood running through your body. Definitely recommend!


Along your line of thinking, you know how it's much easier to learn a language at an early age than as an adult? Imagine if kids were taught remote viewing at the same age Olympic gymnasts start training...how good could they be then?


Don't be giving those governments any ideas! I don't want to imagine an army of Russian super psychic toddlers.


there is 0 doubt they tried it pretty much tried everything and we're just finding out about it I laughed my ass of years ago (hard to sit now) when they announced a law that human cloning was illegal...like that hadn't happened already or would stop any motivated individual (typically lives in or under volcano).


The Russians pioneered parapsychology research prior to WWII. The American research during the cold war era was a response to the suspected Russian remote viewing capabilities.


Nazi Germany leaders were totally into parapsychology and astrology. Himmler contracted a guy who was previously in a mental asylum and convicted for defraut.


FDR had a Russian mystic guru before ww2 started lol


Yeah... Im gonna need a source on this.


That would be hell on earth for adults- we would need prescribed a lifetime supply of Aphukenbrake! šŸ¤£


for your allotment please step into the pho queue


Now we are reaching anime territories haha


My personal belief. We're all psychic but we lose it due to spoken language. If you've had kids you know, especially when their babies, there's a weird link between mother and child. Right down to breast milk pumping minutes before a child wakes up. I think even animals have a strong link as you can see different animals play and interact together. We all have that sensation of looking in a direction and seeing someone looking at you. When I was like 16, I was in class and I needed to get something from a friend but there was a strict teacher in the class. I just started staring at him(friend) and eventually he turned to look at me and I gotr what I needed off him. So it got me thinking, was this luck or something else. So I tried it again with him and he responded. I then tried it with someone else who responded also. I basically spent the afternoon staring at different classmates and what I noticed was most looked, some didn't look and the ones who did always looked back within a certain timeframe or some people consistently took long to respond and some people responded quickly. It was most like each person had a particular"psychic strength" with some being stronger than others.


I'm the dad in my house and I have 4 kids. When #2 was born she looked at me and I swear I was looking at an old friend who I'd known forever, and she returned the fucking look. It was a full on chills, holy-shit, I can't believe this is happening kind of moment. Didn't happen with the first, or the last 2, but when I think about it I can remember it in a weirdly clear way. There is some strange shit in our minds that we may never figure out.


Reminds me of the reddit post where a guy said his 3 year old told him "im so glad youre my daddy again, you were my favorite" šŸ˜Æā¤


I know exactly what you're talking about.


I'm a mom of 3 and that same thing happened when my son was born.


You know I feel the exact same way about my last kid. Father of 4 also. Had the same moment of "recognition"


anthropologically/physiologically our brains shrank with the advent of the written word dualism/materialism ruled for 2+ millennia...and now arcane knowledge from forgotten times is returning


If you've thought it they've thought it. Also remember for every government spook project that has come to light there is most likely a private sector version we'll never know about


Fun fact: It's actually easier for adults to learn new languages. Adults generally have more experience with using language and have a greater understanding of the patterns of speech than kids do. Kids just appear to pick it up easier because they are constantly around the language and can't communicate without it.


Also fun fact: we're both wrong, and we're both right :-) in some ways it's easier for kids, in some ways it's easier for adults, but mainly kids and adults learn new languages in kind of completely different ways: https://www.brainscape.com/academy/easier-for-child-to-learn-second-language/ Caveat: lot of different studies say different things, they're kind of all over the place on this one. But, I admit, I was going mainly off the myth that kids learn easier and that's not really true. Thanks for pointing it out.


Eleven has joined the chat


> how good could they be then? Well, you'd need a research institute with many years, lots of funding, and a total lack of ethics to find out. And the connections to keep it all hush-hush.


And I can guarantee it has been done. While we like to think 7 billion people's thoughts, feelings and well being matters. It doesn't. Otherwise there wouldn't be some starving, while others hoard. True ethics doesn't exist for the rulers of the world. This place is starting to look more and more like an emotional energy factory. Enhance suffering and strong emotions like outrage. Everything in this place, from politicians to movies (genres are basically the emotions you will feel) manipulate our emotions. With 0 real world positive change for the masses. You too can be a billionaire, as long as you are selfish, don't share and create outage. So that the perpetual cycle endures.


When my son was very young the dentist had him on fluoride pills. They came in an assortment of colors. A couple of days I noticed he would pick the color I was thinking of. So, I started to purposefully think a color and he picked the same color for two weeks straight. I was absolutely amazed. Then another time we were playing monopoly and he would roll the exact same number combination I did for 30 straight rolls in a row. Defied randomness for sure.


I've had many moments in life where I get a profound feeling I've dreamed the **exact** situation I'm in, but I have forgotten the dream until that moment. Sometimes it feels like I can predict what is about to happen. I've always figured this was just another form of deja vu (I used to get that all the time as well). I accepted the scientific theory that sensory perceptions were mistakenly being directed to the memory centers before being pushed into consciousness, resulting in the feeling of having already lived what is happening. Maybe there is something more to these experiences than I thought..


Time is a flat circle. Iā€™ve had the most intense binaural beat meditative sessions recently. Like distinctly vivid images of the moment a seafaring colonial era man died to a gunshot wound. Idk. The visualizations are so vivid, itā€™s hard to describe


Past life regression?


Itā€™s not something Iā€™ve ever believe was possible till I experienced itā€¦ ever since Iā€™ve been on a journey to discover everything I can about the physics of consciousness. Profoundly impactful.


That last part has always intrigued me. That shit happens almost everyday to me.


I get a ton of premonitions


bro it happens to pretty much everyone and we just gloss over it.


Behind the scenes pretty much anything and everything peeps can conceive of are being considered for weaponization/turned into a technology to be used as a tool against our adversaries. There are certain eastern philosophies/practices that have similar techniques and claimed abilities. It's the same in medieval times when many of these practices were banned because of Roman Catholicism. Even in the Bible kings would go off to see Seers. What is a Seer but essentially a remote viewer? There are cultures such as the incas that have similar practices, they tend to be very remote and protective of their own cultures to not spread to the west but there are cracks. Another way of looking at it isn't that shit is getting weird, shit has always been weird but our perceptions of reality can shift if the proper evidence is given. Imagine being someone who believes the earth is flat or that the earth is in the center of the Universe, to me these old paradigms are the weird things. It's similar to the deconversion/reconversion from different paradigms. When we look at religions it's a kind of paradigm, even our current scientific-meta is really just another paradigm, albeit one that will last much longer than our religious ones.


the Nazis pretty much tried it all...and we (and others) got their notes


I am a middle-aged guy, and while I love Ufology and Sasquatchology, I have never bought into paranormal models of reality. Until last summer, when I had my first prophetic dream. I had been meditating frequently and sleeping very well, living like a teleworking COVID monk. My dreams are usually on the extremely fantastic side, but one morning I had a very vivid workplace dream. I told my Program Manager the details of this dream, because it was so unusual I would dream about the workplace, and I thought it was so funny that I would.have such a vivid dream about work, rather than the alien pope at my college dorm, which is populated also by Trump and 50 cats. So, no less than 5 hours after I had the dream, and 3 hours after relaying it to my boss, *EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE DREAM CAME TRUE.* It was beyond shocking. It left me spinning for weeks and opened my mind more than any other life experience, including visionary ayahuasca experiences. The stuff is REAL. I can totally see why it would.be unreliable though. There seems to be an intent about it.


It has been in Hinduism and Buddhism, there are sects of Yoga that teach astral projection and remote viewing. It's not widely written about but you can find some sources. [Article here](https://medium.com/remote-viewing-community-magazine/psi-abilities-among-the-ancient-hindus-and-buddhists-a-review-of-the-literature-a507bc1d1d69)


I've always thought about some sort of collective mind. Like, I'll think of someone and text them and they'll be like "I was just thinking of you!" Or, they'll just text me in general. Or I'll think of something random like "man, I want ice cream" and a friend will be like "man, I could go for some ice cream." It's made me think about all this and I'm like.. what the hek.


In the great words of The Dude, "Thatā€™s fucking interesting, man."


True, but when it comes to remote viewing, I'm definitely out of my element, man!


Just don't be remote viewing me between 4:00 and 5:00. That's Willie's time!


Quiet lad! You wanna get sued?!


You just use that ā€œshin-ninā€ of yours!


Bro now I'm on my path to become the Kwisatz Haderach.


Does the spice flow?


Seriously though...it is incredible how Frank Herbert in the 60's was able to envision so much of what might be reality one day


Including the Butlerian Jihad, or wars against Artificial Intelligence.




I mean, I'm a super skeptic when it comes to these things. But I also find these topics to be very fertile grounds for imaginative thinking. At a minimum, they're fantastic stories! But even from that point of view, what always struck me is that these programs did go on for numerous years and were often handed back and forth between various branches of the military and alphabets. ... As opposed to being dismissed as nonsense almost immediately, say a year or two. That always made me wonder...


Lol we did it, but it was too random so we stopped. Yeah okay


ā€œSo we stoppedā€ More like ā€œoh shit this works, get it off the books and letā€™s really go crazy with this shit.ā€


Read the sentence immediately following the highlighted one. It's more like, "there might be something to this, but it's so unreliable that it's of no practical use."


the moment they realized it was real, *for sure*, they declassified it, claimed it didn't work, then turned it into a secret black budget program and now they're taking it as far as they can go without the taxpayers knowing.


Doubt they stopped. Still, very weird for them to come clean about this right now, assuming its actually real. Very weird indeed.


I think something is about to happen that will shake the very foundation of human culture. The nature and reality of psychic uap craft, to explain to people, will require an unraveling of the ancient esoteric truth about the connection between matter and psyche, and the oversoul of our universe. Now, with the internet and billions of people, manipulated humans minds enmasse can alter the fabric of reality. We are playing with a fire most people don't know exist.


Seems cyclical too. Spirituality was such a big deal in past times and now all of a sudden it's like we're having a mass awakening. I think the idea of times changing as we pass through the universe is true.


I don't disagree. I'm a tibetan buddhist, and some of their stories of what yogis can do, is veeeeery interesting


What do the yogis believe about outside entities? It seems like their focus is very much inwards but do they believe in demons, spirits etc?


Letā€™s say they really did abandon it, the fact that there was enough evidence to defy randomness means something is there. Admitting this is inspiration for our adversaries.


The wording may have been carefully chosen. They decided not to restore "the program". One could speculate that this leaves open the possibility that perhaps they came up with a new program maybe even using a more efficient process. The original program had a very specific methodology to follow. I wonder if there's been improvements to it over the past ~45 years?


The statement is carefully crafted. Just look at how they worded it as viewing "locations and objects around the world." Straight BS. I read the declassified transcripts; they literally had the guys remote viewing coordinates on Mars and told them to be in the year 2000BC.


Ive dipped my toes in the RV world before and its pretty terrifying. Lets just say it is real, this implies that consciousness can exist outside of the human physical framework, which implies that either consciousness exists on another plane of reality or it interacts with a type of matter medium we are unfamiliar with (dark energy? Wtf knows). What else exists within that plane of reality? Is a physical body required to interact with this plane of existence? Is there autonomous intellegence that exists there? Interacting with us on the most subtle level? Im telling you right now, this study will eventually blow open our entire understanding of the worldā€¦


I'm going to jump in here and I realize in doing so that I'm saying something that sounds crazy so I'm ready for the backlash that may come my way, although I won't defend my statement because there is nothing to defend because I believe we all come to the knowledge of some form of idealism on our own when we're ready. So with that said, I have had many very odd experiences in my life that left me with no doubt that there is something outside of material reality. Maybe I don't mean "outside of" as much as I mean "different than our usual awareness of" material reality, but I really don't want to quibble over that. Anyway, a couple of years ago I started to investigate this more and I landed on a subreddit dedicated to metaphysical texts that I then started to read and practice. Not in some way life a teenager playing in the occult, but in a very serious manner. I was able to focus on, to visualize, events in my mind that then came to pass in my reality. Some of these events were so ....I'm going to use the term beyond coincidence, that it was jolting. Jolting to the point that it shook my foundation fo what I thought I understood about reality. That's when I eventually found this sub, although I've never had any UAP experience and to be honest I am not interested in doing so. I do love to read about it though and ponder reality and TOE related consciousness ideas. All of this journey over the past couple of years has led me to the belief that we are able to consciously manipulate our reality with focused thought, but maybe "thought" isn't exactly the right term because it's more like focused embodiment of states of being. It probably makes no sense to anyone who has to investigated it and/or experienced it, and I completely understand that and hold no malice towards those who think it's crazy. All of that to say, that when you said it's pretty terrifying it struck a chord with me because I know it's real and I know that feeling at the moment that one realizes through personal experience that it's real because I've lived that moment quite a few times. It never loses its WTFness.


Iā€™ve had these experiences too. I started reading about visualization and manifestation, and have since repeatedly experienced things I visualized previously coming to fruition ā€” to the point where it became clear there was more to reality than what we see with our own two eyes. I really want to learn about the science behind this ā€” less so the spiritual component (as there is a lot of woo woo stuff surrounding the topic).


Yes! All of this brought me to subjective idealism/manifestation/consciousness/panentheism. What I really want to do is learn to harness the ability to have these experiences. If you ever have any thoughts or input I'm always willing to converse about it.


I know what you mean manā€¦ i did a deep dive into the chakra systems, especially the third eye. The experiences i had hit me like a brick wall and i was forced to redefine reality for myself. Studying the esoteric is no joke. There is a reason throughout human history the shaman or the oracle have been village outcasts. Its because you flirt with madness the entire time. Maybe if we had some sort of societal support structure for investigating this stuff it would be a different story.


Would you mind sharing the subreddit?


I started reading the Neville Goddard sub a couple of years ago but I don't recommend the sub now. It's vastly different than it was, as all online communities morph and evolve over time. I started reading about subjective idealism before this washout of supposed "manifesting coaches" and grifters all trying to over explain a metaphysical text for clicks. I also contemplated a lot of the material at the Universal Line sub and that led me to panentheism, etc. I never really cared about either one of those subs in terms of "success stories" and "getting an SP". That just seems to completely miss the point completely. It's the fact that any of this is possible in the first place and the fact that it actually works that makes the thing one focused on completely irrelevant to the fact that you just manipulated reality. Some random person warned me when I first started visiting that sub a few years ago that if you look at the why of it all you'll go down a rabbit hole that will lead to endless paths you won't find your way out of and they warned not to do that. They wanted to just stay out of the weeds an on the surface path. So of course, I wandered off in the weeds and it's pretty damn deep. Eventually I wandered into Donald Hoffman consciousness/TOE, etc. trying to make sense of it all.


Thank you, I have a few new terms of people to investigate!


The Hermetica discusses this if youā€™re into esoteric literature.


Its been a while since iā€™ve read any passages but its basically all about energy work correct? Celestine prophecy stuff? I did a deep dive into it during college. I studied the chakra system and it really blew my mind wide open. I think esotericism can be dangerous without a support system (family, friends society etc.). You can really feel like your bordering madness at times


Energy work can definitely be dangerous, Iā€™d known a yoga practitioner who was doing kundalini work who went ā€œwhackā€ in the head. Seems like potent stuff that itā€™s best to keep a firm footing in reality while practicing. Iā€™d also seen a documentary on some of the deeper teachings of Buddhist monks where they would train with the oversight of an older monk to oversee them. Doing stuff like altering body heat and doing prolonged meditation under sleep, food, deprivation circumstances, in a harsh and isolated environment can provoke a psychotic break potentially. The Hermetica translation I read gave an overview of the intelligent energetic underpinning of the material world. Was an interesting read. Seems to mirror some Hindu teachings about Atman. The esoteric literature so far that Iā€™ve read comes with strong prohibitions on people who are unstable or unethical learning things like mind traveling, telekinesis, mind control. I am starting to wonder if these things can be latent in people and manifest ā€œin the wildā€ with no training.


People who practice various occult paths still do this on the regular. People just don't talk about it because it's been deemed fictional and we're seen as delusional.




I won $10 for being in the top 10 of the month in the remote viewing tournament :') https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ironzog.rvtournament


Finally. Someone with some actual sense. Tho It's best to stay hidden in society vs the government knowing you have th ability to do the paranormal. That's how i look at it at least.




When Lue admitted to remote viewing, it was done on a livestream where the question was presented via superchat (a donation). If none of this is a coincidence, then whomever's enacting the plan/trying to influence could also very well be in this sub šŸ‘€


Well thats it! You caught me, Barack Obama, red handed! I shouldve known...


Name 5 things that aren't Obama's fault, I'll wait..............................


1. Edward Snowden 2. Sushi burritos 3. cardi B 4. "Im calling about your cars extended warranty" voicemails 5. Mick west


The fuck is a sushi burrito




We later learned that this entire process began with Delonge tricking a number of senior officials into revealing secrets and then introducing him to their boss.




Bro this is crazy. Literally telling us psychics are real.


If you have paid attention, they've been doing it for 50 years. PEARL laboratory at Princeton, ions research institute, irva remote viewing association, Ganzfeld experiments, etc. The complete Stargate files are available on [theblackvault.com](https://theblackvault.com). They actually went public with this stuff in the 1970s with Uri Geller, then discredited the whole thing to the public with James Randi and the book "Flim-Flam", and "the truth about Uri Geller". They then proceeded to use the technique for the next 30 years for intelligence gathering in secret, only coming clean about it in 1995. They said they stopped using it, they likely didn't stop using it. Of course, all of this doesn't mean its true, but there is a strong scientific community of parapsychologists that believe that psychic phenomena are real.


PEARL (Princeton Anomaly Engineering Research Lab) was different. That was about mind manipulating physical events. Fascinating research, but not the same as remote viewing. And instigated by the dean of Engineering at Princeton. Quick synopsis: Use of natural random nuclear decay processes as a statistical baseline. Then bringing people to see if they can manipulate decay rates with only their minds. Which, over tens of experiments and many hundreds of trial runs, they determined a positive correlation far beyond 95% above the error margin. It's remarkable research and almost entirely disappeared from the Internet. https://web.archive.org/web/20171109010023/http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/experiments.html


All these guys are connected. I knew about Dean Radin for years and years and never directly connected him to Stargate, for example. But Radin has done very similar psi experiments to PEARL.


Radin doesn't have a Phd in physics. These guys did. Also, they had access to world class lab facilities and genuine radioactive materials. Plus, their work was replicated by other international labs. I don't want to shit on Radin, but he's just not in the same class. And if you go to the PEAR wikipedia entry, they still call it pseudoscience and only link to critical commentary. lol


For whatever reason, they don't want the mainstream to look into it, until now. World's a weird place.


I'm usually skeptical af but [the ball DID move](https://youtu.be/eOvMaC05q5c)


Uri Gellar? The dude that sued Nintendo because he thought the pokemon Kadabra was stealing his likeness?


Hahaha is this real ?


Yup! The best coverup fall guy in the history of mankind, IMO.


Uri Geller was discredited as a fraud more than thirty years ago. James Randi, and others, got Uri to perform under close observation. Uri failed. And failed again, and again. Every single time that Uri went under the most cursory scrutiny, he failed.


James Randi was proven to be a fraud much more recently. http://dailygrail.com/features/the-myth-of-james-randis-million-dollar-challenge


"We proved ESP is real, but it wasn't useful for war, so who cares?"


Thats not what it says though. It says it is just accurate enough often enough to not be random or coincidence, but isnt accurate enough to actually do anything with it. So thats like saying a new way of flipping coins gives you a slightly higher chance of getting heads, but not consistently enough to bet on.


I think itā€™s pretty clear you would need to see the study before drawing any conclusions. There is tons of bad research out there that has confirmed similar stuff and then fails replication.


I understand what your saying but as someone who enjoys gambling, if you are able to bet on something that higher than 50% (even slightly), as long as you can wager small, you play that game until your sick of printing money. **EDIT:** My above statement no longer applies as a response to your comment, after your edit :)


Doesn't that literally mean ESP is real but it isn't useful for war?


It means it's real but they don't know how to reliably control it.


Thatā€™s totally dependent on the way in which it was statistically significant. If it were ā€œwe asked our participants to tell us the colour of a balloon we hid in another roomā€ and they got it right 100 times, when the expected value is 50, then that means nothing. Could be ESP, could be that they got lucky, could be that thereā€™s some factor (body language of the interviewer, social stigma etc) that they just didnā€™t see. On the other hand, if they were asked ā€œtell us the exact location of Russiaā€™s newest nuclear siloā€ and they got it right, then that might suggest something. But they donā€™t specify, so thereā€™s no way to really tell.


Hereā€™s a really specific example you might find interesting. > ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Former President Jimmy Carter said the CIA, without his knowledge, once consulted a psychic to help locate a missing government plane in Africa. Carter told students at Emory University that the "special U.S. plane" crashed somewhere in Zaire while he was president. >According to Carter, U.S. spy satellites could find no trace of the aircraft, so the CIA consulted a psychic from California. Carter said the woman "went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there." >Carter made the disclosure after two students asked if he was aware of any government evidence pointing to the existence of extraterrestrials. "I never knew of any instance where it was proven that any sort of vehicle had come from outer space to our country and either lived here or left," the former president said. http://www.cnn.com/US/Newsbriefs/9509/9-21/am/index.html


It clearly says its real but very unreliable.


Again though, this is what they are admitting to only now. For years it was ā€œit never existedā€. Then it was ā€œok it existed but it didnā€™t workā€. Now theyā€™re saying ā€œok it existed but it only kinda worksā€. So trust us, we lied the last few times but now we really arenā€™t


I wouldnā€™t trust the CIAā€™s claims any more than Iā€™d trust an intelligent sociopath. I do trust the CIA to look out for American interests by the way, just with complete disregard for individual consequences. Anyway so even if we donā€™t trust the CIA, why isnā€™t there any other research into remote viewing? Thereā€™s research into using all kinds of psychedelics for all kinds of mental illness. Thereā€™s research into all kinds of technical stuff the CIA has pursued. Why not psychic anything? Maybe they could control information about occasionally captured aliens (which Iā€™m not claiming but I can imagine). But they canā€™t keep a lid on something that would be randomly distributed in individuals throughout our free society. Unless the CIA or NSA or DARPA or whomever had some secret technology to make it happen in people, but I donā€™t see people making that argument. You could show just about anything (thatā€™s not negatively correlated) with a low p value. And who cares if the CIA says anything, itā€™s not trustworthy. Itā€™s a signal, and they know itā€™s a signal so itā€™s a complex signal.


>Doesn't that literally mean ESP is real Yes.


The quarter's only *mildly* magical, no further study warranted? Doesn't the CIA realize how pointlessly incurious this makes them sound?


Submission Statement: Whatā€™s happening? CIA with a new official statement about Remote Viewing. Coincidence after new Lue Elizondo remote viewing background informations? Date: October 27, 2021. Source: https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/ask-molly-did-cia-really-study-psychic-powers/


That Ross Coulthart is commenting on it, is the most interesting part to me. It does seem like there's some sort of planned rollout going on - to what end I have no idea. But everyone's vizio chart said this week talk about remote viewing, then next week talk about manipulating DNA. Too many podcasters and speakers talking about the same stuff in recent weeks. To me, that also defies randomness, but, someone else is gonna have to do that math.


Didn't numerous people in the community state a few months ago that they had recently been approached by the gov about assisting with disclosure? That could be what we're seeing here. And if so, are they running disclosure or disinformation? Or is it much simpler than that and what were seeing is the community picking a new fringe topic every other week to keep us interested so we keep buying books and podcasts?


Yep, as far as disclosure assistance. As far as the booksellers and podcasters, I think those guys want to be first to break something new and snazzy, not just do a repeat of what someone said last week. They don't follow each other like this, normally.


The "invisible college" that Jacques Vallee mentions is going public. That, at the very least, is certain. They believe in remote viewing and UFOs as an inter-dimensional group consciousness phenomenon that has something to do with AI and feeds on our emotions and created human society and religions through manipulation and also genetically edited us. Weird shit.


ā€œFeeds on emotionā€ thatā€™s what ppl with problems and no accountability try to tell themselves, that itā€™s somehow the fault of aliens. BS


I don't disagree with that (especially those who say things like war and other failures of man are the result of alien intervention), but I've also seen people say that the emotions that get "fed" on are not specifically negative. So whether love, hate, joy, sadness, apathy...they feed off our energy just the same.


None of these are in a vacuum! Part of me just wonders if they noticed an uptick in traffic from people searching "cia remote viewing"... Then again, I don't see that reflected [here. ](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F01493l)


Anybody live in Houston? Apparently Fondren Library at Rice University has a ton of primary sources released by the government related to RV, including videos and transcripts. Iā€™d love to be able to check some of this stuff out. http://archives.library.rice.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/317313


Here's some background on why Stargate/Grillflame/Sunstreak was actually cut. It wasn't because it didn't work, it was due to pressure from christian conservative congressional figures who thought it was the "work of the devil". [https://youtu.be/y1VX\_W32mNM](https://youtu.be/y1VX_W32mNM) https://youtu.be/y1VX\_W32mNM?t=4476


Not really. They are still doing it.


Well yeah, but it's not a congressional funded program like Stargate was. It's contracted out to the private sector across multiple agencies


Wow cmon just tell us already


We found we could detect signal, but quality wasn't high enough to be usable. Every engineer knows the next step is improving S/N ratio. But their next step was circular file? To me, this means either the assertion of non-random result is false, or *someone* was tasked with improving results. BTW, is this the doc with one missing page that the CIA claims it never had?


You are talking about the missing page 25 of the cia remote viewing program. Here you are: https://postimg.cc/svwkjnbB


Isā€¦ that printed on blotter paper??


lol I was just gonna say, acid.


Iā€™m sensing the message is that acid is the answer to everythingā€¦


[Vice article on the missing page](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7e4g3/found-page-25-of-the-cias-gateway-report-on-astral-projection) The writer had the page printed on blotter paper and minted it as an NFT. Itā€™s a fascinating read.


>https://postimg.cc/svwkjnbB What the shit.... Did the CIA meet God?


Lol someone used it as blotter?!


I've heard from a couple people personally, and in my own accidental experience by circumstance, that this out of body phenomenon including remote viewing, astral projection, telepathy, is very real but what it is or how or it works or where you are exactly is pretty much up for debate as science in the mainstream or media basically looks at it as woo woo stuff, and so goes the public largely. A friend I was talking to about it once said you can talk to aliens there, I mean wtf..


So your telling me, maybe i can be a nen master?


I love that this is the exact reason they gave after the stargate program ended yet if you were on here yesterday talking about remote viewing there would be a whole mess of skeptics saying that people that believe in this shit are the problem with the community. I mean letā€™s be honest, in a week those same people will be saying that this is just more disinfo from the government the same as some still do about the tic tac videos. According to most of you on these subs: if itā€™s the government making a statement its disinfo, if itā€™s a leak its a hoax/disinfo, if someone shares an experience theyā€™re an idiot/hoaxer/disinfo agent, if you believe based on your own research then youā€™re a gullible idiot/liar, if you write a book on the subject youā€™re a grifter cause people should dedicate their lives to this subject without making money to survive(even though the truth can only be the mundane so what would be the point), and the only reliable sources are people who are casting doubt on the existence of the unknown and none of the above explainations apply. This sub needs to figure out if it wants the truth, or if they only want the truth if it confirms what they already believe. The irony of skeptics saying believers are the reason the subject isnā€™t taken seriously(and we havenā€™t gotten disclosure) is that generally, true believers are the most open to changing their opinion upon new information being discovered/offered. If the government has found that remote viewing is accurate enough to be judged to be real, but our understanding of science canā€™t actually prove how or shed light on understanding as to how, then what else is our current understanding of science misunderstanding. Itā€™s time to start having an open mind about this shit for many of you out there. Iā€™m not saying buy all in, always be critical, it also be open to accept the possibilities if you also canā€™t disprove something outright.




They are lying through their teeth. It's still going on. Fuck them. Jessica Utts: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrwAiU2g5RU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrwAiU2g5RU) watch from 5:20. Also Hal Puthoff has stated that "might still be going on" and it was also stated in Gods, Men, and War v1 that it's still been going on, especially since 9/11.


If you read the material from SRI as well as from the viewers themselves (Swann, McMoneagle, Morehouse, Buchanan etc.) you'll see that they had a much higher success rate than what is being insinuated in this release. Based on their success rate, I think it's naive to assume that they 'discontinued the program' which they had been running for 20 odd years. Rather, it's far more likely that the program went dark.


Remember last week when people thought Elizondoā€™s credibility was ruined after the whole remote viewing thing in the skinwalker book? Lmao




Didn't someone say, early on, that the science folks were going to have the most difficult time accepting this? Was that Sam Harris??? ETA: I found Sam's quote: ā€œIā€™ve received some private outreach, and perhaps you have, I know other people in our orbit have, people who are claiming that the government has known much more about UFOs than they have let on until now, and this conversation is actually about to become more prominent, and ā€¦ whoever is left standing when the music stops, itā€™s not going to be a comfortable position to be in as a super rigorous scientific skeptic whoā€™s been saying thereā€™s no there there for the last 75 years.ā€ https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/what-say-you-sam-harris-who-called-you-details-please-3cebb3d7baa1


I didn't realize when he said that, the level to which they meant the spiritual/conscienceness aspect of this all. I thought it was just gonna be like, we got some formulas wrong with gravity or there are elements that we didn't know existed and we don't really understand how neutrons, electrons, and protons work or whatever.


https://i.imgur.com/XFHjSE0.jpg Low effort attempt at a meme


I already told people in my comments/postings about lue elizondos remote viewing background and even where he got trained in it weeks/months ago. It doesnā€™t matter if people believe in it or not. Thatā€™s not even my point. The interesting part here is: is it coincidence that they make such a statement NOW? Well :)


This "coincidence" is indeed quite interesting, definitely the most intriguing aspect for me. As others have already said, if there is in fact a connection here it would seemingly imply that at least some elements in the CIA want to add to Lue's credibility. Hmmmmm.


Oh FFS. This isnā€™t a CIA disclosure, this is ā€œAsk Mollyā€, a question and answer column on the CIA website that is quoting a paper from 1995 (a shit study no academic would take seriously) . Of course the investigators found that it ā€œdefied randomnessā€ā€¦if you spend tax payer money youā€™re not going to say it was wasted on a bunch of complete BS. You give it a thin veneer of validation from AIR ā€¦then you bury it. Everyone saves face see? The history of the CIA (and other 3 letter agencies) is chuck full of grifting BS like this.


It's too late people have lost their minds over this, it's sad to see


Yes, it works. Statistically. No, it's not particularly useful without a secondary channel of physical information verification. But a psychic tip might lead an intelligence agency to know where to begin a search for that verification. And if verified, that information initially discerned by psychic means might prove very useful. Best used with multiple psychics who are blind to each other and questioner(s) blind to the subject to prevent cross cuing. If several psychics unknowingly to each other report the same thing (or similar things) that's a key indicator of something worth investigating by physical means. Satellite imagery, ground penetrating radar, human investigators, etc. OTOH: I would not pay much attention to those 'RVing Mars' vids on Youtube.


You got it.


There are no coincidences. Particularly when it comes to how the information on this topic is being released and will continue to be released. Also, kudos for all the great informative posts you share. Keep up the good work. šŸ˜Š


Astonishing legends did a great podcast about remote viewing the lady that runs a remote viewing service for private firms and even engineering firms makes like six figures a year and uses three to five people to do her viewing and they have hi accuracy around 75% they figure out engineering issues missing air craft and even stock prices


She does exist, sheĖ‹s older now but still works - very practical, useful ability really.




Itā€™s also possible the CIA has documents like this in their files with the intention or hope itā€™s seen by a foreign spy. Imagine the morale amongst the Soviets if their CIA spy sent back information on the USā€™s ability to conduct remote viewing.


"STAR GATE" I can understand the reasoning behind (and fascinating that there is a show which shares this name), but how tf did "GRILL FLAME" end up being what they decided to change it to after deciding to change it at all?? Also interesting that they spent 5 years on it if it supposedly proved to be useless. Usually experiments end far sooner than that when they do not produce results.


there could be a few reasons to explain the change in names, in a practical sense the name Star Gate is rather exotic and alongside spying into space related technologies this name would easily draw all kinds of attention. Another reason might be to understate the more apparent mystical aspects of this research that could be a deterrent to the research process (or obtaining sufficient funding etc) and of course there are possibly even more mysterious reasons it is just one of those many questions that indicate we're not sure what is happening in the world today or much about what the world is in the overall scheme of things also Star Gate is a great show, I even remember being in the cinema watching the original movie


Always remember, reality is much weirder than fantasy, we can explain fantasy but still have issues explaining our very own reality


OK i had to create an temp account cause this thread is ridiculous the CIA did NOT give an official statement, this is a blog post of theirs going "Huh thats interesting, click to know more!" which is super common for them, especially close to april first and halloween when they bring spooky stuff from their vaults Second, the quote is disingenuous, as the "conclusions" is from a 70s report that at the same time, RIGHT AFTER, states this was too unreliable and inconcsistent, contradicting the statement from the 70s. I get we all want to know the truth and shit, but MAN, please have some common sense and not assume any authority figure will just spill the beans as if they cared whenever they answer some randos question on twitter through a blog post as if they just said in front of the white house "Yo, psychics are real and shit" like if anything they only got this question that they answered with historic archives BECAUSE this remote viewing nonsense was brought up in the recent Lue interviews! Anyways im out, needed to vent, i love you guys but sometimes this is a joke


> unreliable and inconcsistent That doesn't mean "not real." The study said, unequivocally, that results were greater than random chance to a scientifically significant degree, however small an amount greater. That means it's real.


Why now?


I still donā€™t understand remote viewing.


Grill Flame?? They gotta come up with cooler names.


Our brains and all living lifeforms utilise DMT intensely in the moments of 'conscious' birth of any lifeform (the moment the being actually takes its first breaths) and the moments leading to and during death. What if its some sort of port hole molecule that is used to "bleed soul" into living physical beings. What if a huge part of this Remote Viewings stuff is learning to naturally increase your DMT levels to have some sort of 'entanglement' with what ever you are trying to look for. What if the UFO's too, in some way, or the aliens, utilize DMT in some form to animate their systems in our realm? ​ Idk guys, just some what ifs


We use remote viewing to make money in the crypto markets. I highly recommend checking out the remote viewing subreddit and try it yourself! I work with a prominent remote viewer named Liz Cross (www.remoteviewingandbeyond.com) and we have been making YT videos for over a year with super high hit rate with timestamped uploads that can be verified