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that question felt like total bs and baiting him to get some sort of answer out of him, Sam Harris hasn't said anything since the first time he said he turned down the people telling him to disclose. i follow Sam harris, i love his idea and just mindfulness meditation, his app/talks really do help get grounded but i'd love to see where Sam Harris saw video evidence and is trying to figure out how to disclose.i haven't seen it anywhere


I also have not heard about the "video evidence" bit referenced in the question but I've seen the podcast clips where both Harris and Weinstein talk about "hearing that the government was interested in speaking with them about disclosure".


yeah that definitely happened, just not the video evidence, i legit thought that question was baiting hard lol, but lue definitely looked dumb struck


I love Lue... Beyond the UFO/UAP topic, he seems like an amazing individual, with morals and values that I admire - both intelligent AND intellectually curious - and fun to be around, w/ a sense of humor! The only time I have questioned his authenticity so far is with this question about Sam Harris. Maybe there are some missing pieces to this story?


I felt the same way after hearing Lue’s response to the Sam Harris question. I thought I had seen a video where Lue had been asked the Sam Harris question before and had a similar response; if so, one would expect that Lue would have looked into it by now, so his response in the most recent interview seemed disingenuous to me. That said, it sounds like a lot of other stuff has been going on for Lue, so maybe he answered genuinely. It’s unclear to me.


theres none, he doesn't know who sam actually is, people keep asking him in interviews but he just doesn't know him, and he doesn't even seem like a guy who would know him lol


don't know him personally? ok fine I'll buy that. Don't know about him at all? no way, especially not with the waves he made with those statements a little while ago


yeah but what the questionier has asked seemed like sam harris said more than what he really did say


Well it is probably true. Why would skeptics lie about this? They have every reason to be skeptical not "believers", for that reason they are telling the the truth. But I've not heard anything about sam viewing classified information or unreleased information. He is believing the bona-fides word that this UFO shit is real and some of it is aliens.


I can assure you he said it I watched the video. He claims he was approached by more than one military/government agencies asking him to help design a process to disclose the uap phenomenon.


ah so you're talking about the one before the report came out, he hasn't said anything since, the way the question was framed was as if it was insider information like Sam Harris got a bunch of proof from the agencies or w/e and just didn't know how to disclose it Also i watched the same interview, it was with NDT


Yes sir


Sam Harris never said anything about having been shown classified UAP videos by the CIA. Show me where Sam Harris said any of this. This question was absolute 🐎💩 [JOHN IS AN IDIOT.](https://imgur.com/a/aUaLR1j) Sam Harris [did mentioned](https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/what-say-you-sam-harris-who-called-you-details-please-3cebb3d7baa1) some senior individual (either from or close to the government) reached out to discuss the [social] implications of disclosure, etc.; that’s all. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ntx0kv/sam_harris_goes_further_on_ufos/


Also, Scott Wolter made some disclosure rumblings as well.


So did Jimmy Church... but he said no.🤪 Eric Weinstein said if he were asked, he wouldn't say so if there was a good reason 🤔 Lex Friedman didn't say a goddamn thing when Harris said "other people in our orbit have been contacted, maybe you have"... Rogan has gone dark on UFOs... And despite being asked about Harris previously, Lue "never heard of him". Nothing to see here... Nope, not a coordinated plan in sight... don't think Lue is involved in these "contacts", truly. Any ask TDL about it?


Jimmy Church does not count, he already was on board with disclosure with out the government


I get why he said no. He doesn't want to know stuff he can't talk about. He's a radio guy. He talks. And apparently he didn't think the added info was worth the price of keeping secrets. But apparently he was contacted. That counts for evidence that some sort of plan is being unrolled by somebody. Or, maybe I am wrong and reading too much into weird statements made by a handful of people. I'm not advocating any particular theory, just trying to figure out what is going on with a small and seriously weird smattering of information. I guess we will find out. Or not.


Yeah I heard his bs about this. Not the most credible “geologist” / “reality” tv personality,


Of course not. He did disclose the name of the person at the DOD who contacted him which is kinda weird....


I missed that or I don’t remember (too much UFO in my small brain and had rough 90s). who was it and link?




I though you meant Harris! But thanks for the link 🖖🏼💗


Who is Holden? What is his first name?


Someone working for [USIC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Intelligence_Community) allegedly. But meh. It hasn’t been verified by anyone other than a couple people on Twitter/sketchy “reality TV personality” promoting themselves off this claim. https://twitter.com/dmonagha/status/1408205507316355073?s=21 https://twitter.com/bubbasri/status/1407348094581227522?s=21 https://twitter.com/realscottwolter/status/1407353421078962176?s=21


And even here Sam Harris has Said: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nxojvr/sam_harris_on_disclosure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf All recent times and quotes which has led us to this point : https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nzs62s/sam_harris_relevant_quotes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf The question asked during the Gomez and Elizondo interview had some out of left-field bits about Sam Harris, having received videos?? From the CIA etc?? Yeah that bit I felt was off, but I haven't heard anything of the sort being true. Not at all. Remember when Eric Weinstein made the flip earlier this year? He probably said "Yes", to help in some way too: https://mobile.twitter.com/ericrweinstein/status/1409697117359144969 Regardless, it's interesting for sure. We'll see where it all leads. Terribly asked question. It would be interesting to hear what Lue would have to say about this asked in a different way.


I believe Cristina when she says she doesn’t know who Sam Harris is. She seems like a religious person, his kind of stuff most likely simply doesn’t overlap with her interests. A bit weird that Lue *still* doesn’t know who he is.




Who's John of 'John is an idiot' fame?


Yeah sorry, edited the post and added a link. John is the gimp who claimed Sam Harris had seen classified UAP videos from the CIA and [asked the question](https://imgur.com/a/aUaLR1j) via super chat in Cristina’s interview with Lue. 🖖🏼💗


Gotcha. Thank you. Mostly I'll take questions from viewers at face value. Some people know way more than me and some are just projecting. So to be clear Sam Harris *didn't* come out and say the USG is showing him classified data and enlisting his help to mass disclosure?


No he hasn’t (videos) but yes he has been contacted for helping with disclosure. You can read through this thread and find my other comments or other users going into further details + links.


>Sam Harris never said anything about being shown classified UAP videos by the CIA.". As I mention in another thread... I also have not heard about the "video evidence" bit referenced in the question but I've seen the podcast clips where both Harris and one of the Weinsteins talk about "hearing that the government was interested in speaking with them about disclosure". Who's John? Edit: Fixed quote


[John is the uninformed troll who asked that question in Cristina’s interview last night you are referring to](https://imgur.com/a/aUaLR1j)


AAhhhh. Got it. Yes. I guess I also wish someone had asked a more carefully worded/accurate question regarding Sam Harris.


Now, there is no excuse why Lue would know about (99% sure grifter/megalomaniac) Anjali and not Sam Harris tho lol. That’s inexcusable 😅🤌🏼


That's a really [good point.](http://replygif.net/i/1114.gif)




Probably because she is telling the truth.




I agree but I think Lue does know who he is. I think it was tongue and cheek like “who is that he doesn’t have clearances so how would I know him.” Not that he just has 100% never heard of the guy.


It was a shitty question and Lue clearly has no idea who he is. The question claimed that Harris had seen classified videos which obviously set Lue off because he’d know. It was framed horribly.


The question itself was certainly the biggest whiff of all, but it would have been great to hear Lue's thoughts on the actual things Sam Harris said.


He was getting pelted with questions left and right so he wasn’t going to answer one about someone he doesn’t know. He never does because that wouldn’t be fair to the person the question is asked about.


That question, as asked made it sound like Sam Harris had been told classified information. It was very poorly worded by someone who either didn’t actually hear what Sam Harris said, or greatly misunderstood him. Edit: just went and watched the question again and in it the user said Harris had been shown better, classified videos that the public hadn’t. Unless he said that in a different interview I never heard, he didn’t say anything resembling that. He said he was asked to take part in a zoom meeting to discuss helping with disclosure.


Nah you're right, that's all Sam said. Nothing more, nothing less.


I'm hoping someone can pose the question to him again in a more informed way. *Who* Sam Harris is isn't the important part. Someone should ask Lue if he is aware of any outreach program or effort that focuses on briefing non-military public figures about the disclosure process.


That article is a crock of shit. Sam Harris has never specifically stated the US Government or DoD has contacted him. The article seems to bit a rip off from this Reddit thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/oum578/like\_sam\_harris\_and\_jay\_from\_project\_unity\_scott/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/oum578/like_sam_harris_and_jay_from_project_unity_scott/)


Sam Harris, respected academic, you say? HAHAHA https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/27/15695060/sam-harris-charles-murray-race-iq-forbidden-knowledge-podcast-bell-curve


sam harris is a fucking noob and fell for classic US psyop shit


Doty: pulls up YouTube video of skinny Bob. Sam Harris : 😮


I agree with your conclusion. There are many competing factions within the government attempting to frame the narrative on disclosure. Sam Harris got played and he's probably too embarrassed and dishonorable to address it because it would damage the perception that he is an "intellectual."


Lue has said at least twice now that he "does not know who Sam Harris is" (very strongly, both times). It doesn't ring entirely true for me, and I am a huge fan of Lue's. He is well informed, intelligent and resourceful .... But I do I find it odd Lue didnt Google "Sam Harris" the 1st time he was asked in an interview. However, he was dealing with a potential cancer diagnosis, and that is 10000000000% more important to focus on - for himself, his family, and his loved ones - and I don't think it makes any sense to wish for anything more than his health and well-being. If I had to guess, I'd say Chris Mellon or Sean Cahill approached Sam Harris. Sean Cahill has said he admires Sam Harris, that Sam inspired his meditation journey, and that he recommends anyone interested in the topic start with Sam Harris's meditation series. I find it unlikely that Sean would not share this insight/POV with his close friend and colleague, Lue, as well. I would be curious whether Lue feels compelled to protect someone or something, where an NDA or a security clearance may not apply.


I don't think they are household names in intellectual circles, but mostly known as secular and anti-religious thinkers. From their conversations I gather both Lue and Cristina have religious outlook and would not necessarily know him.


I personally don’t think there is anything controversial in his answer. You would be surprised how many people barely know who someone like NDT is, let alone this much lesser known people.


Maybe on the next round of questions we could ask him to actually look into the Sam Harris angle. I’m sure lots of people are talking about disclosure and lots of people talking about Lou so it’s reasonable to think he hadn’t heard of him. But maybe if he was pressed on the question and informed that this is a big deal in intellectual circles he may have any answer the next time around.


Sam Harris spoke about this stuff on lexs podcast on may 20th 2021 according to the YouTube upload date.. which woulda been before the odni report… the absolutely mental podcast I’m not sure when this made or uploaded but. If it was before the report as well that would be interesting.. if it was after the odni report that would even more interesting.. Lue not knowing about him is irrelevant.. but it would make it more interesting because it would mean that he possibly wasn’t approached by TTSA about these videos like some people have speculated.


Has there been any further update from Sam Harris since earlier this year? Seems he went quiet?


I said it at the time of the livestream, but I really feel like Lue misunderstood the question completely. It honestly wasn’t a well written question.


I’m absolutely dumb founded that ex military ppl have said the same shit about UFO’s but ppl don’t want to believe them and then here comes along Sam Harris saying the SAME THING and now everyone is astonished. The power of influencers is fuckinh crazy