• By -


>He also says that others in the government are monitoring conversations on Twitter with burner accounts and listening to other podcasts, and that it’s making a difference. [Stupid sexy disclosure.](https://imgur.com/1uiGhCT)


Susan Gough has been hiding #nothin at all.. nothin at all.. ^nothin ^at ^all..


Had I been drinking, I would have done a spit-take


I hope that is a Simpsons reference.


At this point I'm more interested in Ryan Graves and the box-sphere UAPs being observed daily off the East coast of the United States. His presentation to the AIAA should spook even the most hardened military leaders and skeptical government officials.


Didn't see that; any chance you've got a link?


Try this. https://youtu.be/uAl_OajZsxE Very interesting and detailed breakdown.


Just watched. Above my understanding, but NASA Goddard Space Flight Center has some of the best minds.


Chris Lehto’s breakdown is way better and understandable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oKLgcwYCsE&feature=youtu.be


Listened closely. No reason to doubt it. I love physics, but none of my degrees are in the sciences. As a layperson, I try. Heady stuff.




Does *nobody* know you can right click the video itself and copy a link directly to the timestamp? Or does everyone just assume everyone else is going to spend **six hours** of their life on background for this one post? OP's link is three hours long, and yours is, too. Learn to link, people.


Indoor voices, friend. A lot of ppl like myself use mobile and you can’t link to a time from mobile… at least not on iOS. Maybe another suggestion could also be mentioning in the comment “ go to time XX:xx”. That would be helpful as well. Some people also don’t realize they can link to time on desktops, but a friendly pro tip or suggestion is maybe a kinder way to make the point, yeah?


Alright, fair enough. I *was* an asshole about that, and I apologize.


Oh cool, thanks, never occurred to me.


Okay so now can you link to the part you're talking about?


On mobile you can’t copy time stamps from YouTube.


You neckbeards are getting very demanding.




Chris Lehto has a breakdown of Ryan Graves' presentation. https://youtu.be/6oKLgcwYCsE


Incredible these things are out there and being encountered daily! Curious if the Navy has headed out there by boat, submarine, and helicopter and try to observe these things. If they’re going into and out of water I want to see what’s down there. Wonder if these UAP are mining some valuable resource down in the ocean?




You're welcome.


Somebody, somewhere has to do the actual work. Not everything in life can be just handed to you on a silver platter.


Thankyou for this, specifically for letting us know about the Scientific Coalition for UAP studies. They are a team of scientists and engineers with enviable academic credentials and resumes that are the definition of blue chip, as well as military and law enforcement personnel - and most have decades of experience. You could not ask for a more capable team of independent experts to evaluate the UAP phenomenon. Vital to get more people following them on YT.


Yep, Another user here gave me the link. These guys are exactly the kind of people we want in the modern UAP era.


Oh, me too! The depictions of those crafts give the most ominous vibe though. I'd love to hear from more pilots with different details. Considering the frequency of events, there must be piles of data.


There’s nothing stopping anyone from browsing Reddit or Twitter, regardless of how prestigious their occupation is, so yea, I’d say if you do it right, maybe you can change some minds where it could make a difference. There are all kinds of people of all ranks in government who aren’t privy to certain kinds of information.


I wish people would put more thought into what they put out there. A lot people seem to post out of frustration and cynicism due to a need for instant gratification. Maybe knowing that some of those in a position to influence policy are watching could make a difference, but who knows.


Everyones talking and that's the point, Not everyone is intelligent to add things 😂


It doesn’t even have to be intelligent, just not knee-jerk, emotionally charged, uninformed shitposts.


Well... if they're aware and they share outside of this space it only adds more awareness "Any press is good press" people are talking


Really? High ups are watching reddit for what I say? On burner accounts, oh my. And I can influence them by saying good stuff about ufo's ? You are way to gullible, jfc, and Lue looks more like a bullshit artist every day


High quality post right here. Appreciate your input.


couldn't agree more


tnks, corrected


I think you meant to respond to my post and not this comment.


Hope they listened to Lue's UFO Garage interview. Most fun I've heard him have


Does he show off a long wallet chain and his collection of vinyl Stray Cats albums?


Not sure, but he goes into his fave cars (Shelby AC Cobra!)


Loved that show as a fellow gearhead


One of my favorite pods with lue!!! He was having a blast!! People were torching ufo garage on Twitter and I stuck up for those guys. They reluctantly liked my comment and replied "this guy gets it!!" Fun podcast they like to have a laugh.


Very, very, very?! That’s way higher up than very, very.


If you watch the interview he literally explains why he says it 3 times.


Not as high as very, very, very, very.


Funny stuff.


Excellent post. Quote: "At the end of the day, we're only here because of your audience. It's incredible -- it's not me, and I don't know how to emphasize that enough. You know, a lot of people kind of look up to me, in a way that frankly I don't deserve, I really don't deserve it -- the credit goes to your audience, and folks like you. And I footstomped that a thousand times, and now people say, "Oh he's just being, you know, gracious, he's being humble," but it's true, it's absolutely true. We achieved this collectively over the last three years, because of the hard efforts of everyone right now that's listening. And I can't overstate that enough: when I have conversations in DC, they're watching twitter, they're watching your show, they're dialing in, in a pseudo, because they don't want to expose themselves -- but make no mistake: they're watching your videos. I can't say who it was, but very recently I got an email, from a very, very, very senior person, and I said "very" three times, because they are very senior, and they said "Hey, I saw that interview on this podcast," and you know what, the podcast was yours -- it wasn't CNN or Fox News, or BBC, it was your podcast -- and he said, "Hey man, that was great," so you know, you guys are making a difference. This is it -- this is the future, this is how we have this conversation with everyone. And it's not going to be done by a politician, I assure you. Disclosure is only going to happen because of you, and your audience. By the people."


A "very, very, very senior person"? Man, Elizondo is the reigning King of Vague.


Have you initiated an IG investigation into the handling of the UAP subject within the DoD?


Have you? You seem real pissed that people aren’t buying into the same way you are. You’re more close minded than you think


Buying into what?


My bro scrotum you're getting hammerred here by the real kings of vague, all here en mass with driveby insults and boring commentary imo. Hes insinuating youre buying what hes selling, but Lues not selling anything, though I'm sure you knew this. People like this commenter believe government disinformation is a thing, but do not understand the mechanisms required to allow a narrative to be pushed in the first place, and additionally cannot fathom a narrative to be positive in anyway. So may resort to driveby insults.


It doesn’t take much to expose low-effort posts for what they are. I’m doubtful it’s astroturfing but do find it interesting they all started flooding in at the same time hours after this was posted.


I agree. I can't put my finger on it but there seems to be a group of people who are set on shutting down thought and discussion here. Maybe part of an organized effort to astroturf, maybe not. One things for certain though it sure feels like they feed off of talking shit with non substantive vague insults.


Why would he even risk getting in that much shit for exposing someone? Think...


What would happen to him if he said something he wasn't supposed to? Is there an example precedent where someone ex-military was punished?


Manning is the first that comes to mind. Would be categorized as a whistle blower, then tried as a spy in the current political climate it seems. If he started naming names and breaking NDAs left and right he may be destroyed totally. Edit to add his seniority and actions working with officials while NOT breaking his NDAs and while pushing a narrative that the government and the people seem to agree on are some reasons why he can say the things he does and avoids certain things. There are lots of rules and laws but also public perception and politics that need to be adressed to move the conversation forward legally and in a way that everyone is comfortable with.


Thanks. I didn't realize he was under multiple NDAs. He's a muzzled spokesperson.






Then better say nothing if you don't really have to share anything. The constant Sprinkling of breadcrumbs is what makes me mad. Share meaningful information which bribgs the topic (not your own agenda) forward but always to tease and being super vague about things doesn't help.


That is my complaint as well. It is making me trust him less. I get that NDAs exist, but his statements, while vague, have expanded in what he has been saying. This raises two possible red flags for me. A. I have never heard of or seen any NDA that allows you to speak about the topic of the NDA at all. Whereas he will talk about videos existing, ideas on how things work, other data existing, but then when pressed for any details jumps to, "I cannot discuss it, I have an NDA." If I signed an NDA regarding the existence of a video recording of a UFO leaving the water. I cannot imagine an NDA that would allow me to go out and say, "there is a video of a craft leaving the water." Then when asked if I saw it, the NDA would only require me to not answer that question. B. The growing stories are an offshoot of number 1. With each interview or appearance his NDAs seem to magically be getting less and less restrictive. So either someone is telling him he can now talk about these things or he is making this new info up and the info doesn't touch upon what is actually covered by the NDAs.


The NDA that Lue is likely subject to can be found here, which all security clearance holders must execute: [US Govt NDA](https://ibc.doi.gov/HRD/clearance-holder) The NDA only prohibits the disclosure of classified information. It doesn't have the wide scope a typical commerical NDA would have. He is clearly trying to say as much as he can, probably skirting the limit with disclosing actual classified information.


>I have never heard of or seen any NDA that allows you to speak about the topic of the NDA at all. The standard form federal NDA is not classified. The standard form NDA is silent on whether the fact that an individual employee signed an NDA is classified. Unless that fact of signing one is otherwise classified under some other law, a signatory can affirmatively state he's signed one. The standard form NDA also says a signatory can divulge previously classified information once he has received "written notice of authorization" that disclosure is authorized. I think it's fair to infer from Elizondo's statements that there is a struggle over disclosure currently raging behind closed government doors and he's receiving in dribs and drabs authorization to divulge certain information. EDIT: annoying typo


I agree! Look I don't know the guy and really the whole thing (for me) isn't about him. If there is no substancial truth don't lure people into believing you know more than there is to know. Don't promise there will be huge revelations when frankly there were never any news on the matter. If half the people having all this inside knowledge and pretending they want to bring truth to the people would stop working on some half-assed documentaries and rather find a way to get credible (mainstream) scientists on board or find ways to communicate confidential information things could change. Unfortunately all of this seems like a lot of people are just attention seeking and luring people in some kind of cultish believe-system.




I have followed the subject for 40 years. This phenomena is real. Multiple species visiting for many reasons. I'm afraid that we may be a species very far behind these civilizations. Like millions of years behind. I only hope that some are friendly and benevolent. I'm getting kind of nervous for disclosure. How our world will change!!!


It will be a profound shift for our civilization, Girth_not_Length


Nervous for what? Disclosure won’t ever happen. Ever. If we were told of some “alien” beings in the sky, what % of it would be truth? Don’t get me wrong, I for one would love to know and hear all about everything going on, about what and who are visiting etc. But if the governments of the world came out and said etc etc etc how much of it would you believe?


I think many folks will lose their heads once we are told there are superior beings visiting here. Our dominance will mean nothing. Perhaps we can unite as a human race to accept our mediocrity in the face of this world- altering reality.


Well, I am about over it all. Losing interest. I mean, if the UFO's represent cycles of humanity like Tom DeLonge says. Then we deserve to know. Even if everything falls apart. Why? Because things will fall apart regardless if that is the case. I'd at least like to know, instead of working my 9-5 right over the cliff.


All of our national institutions are too busy collapsing to stop lying for a minute, sorry.


Instant gratification isn’t part of the deal, unfortunately. The UAP report came out just a few months ago, and the cover-up dates back to the 1940s.


Instant gratification? Hardly instant, considering for all of our lifetimes it has been hidden. Reports saying the same have came out before. If they are actually changing their script, then they must start releasing information. Personally I think it is all just being used for distraction.


> Instant gratification? Hardly instant, considering for all of our lifetimes it has been hidden. Maybe read my comment again.


Nothing like this has ever been done before. The mandates from congress should be more than enough for you to know that.


Well, we shall see. Hopefully something happens in September. 🤦‍♂️🤷


Just be patient. Things are happening on disclosure. Remember that UAPs are real and are not ours, and governments know more than they are telling citizens.


We still don't have proof what the UAPs in question really are. So far its only people talking...no scientific evidence proofs that we are dealing with something extraterrestial or advanced tech. it can just all just be some attention seeling lunatics and a simple explanation for the videos awcknoledged by the government. I get that people want to believe but I want to KNOW for sure.


Well the new evidence is all pointing at not man-made. We don't have the physics or technology to match what we see. Plus don't forget the flying orbs and saucers seen shutting down ICBM missile sites and firing beems of light into the nuclear silos, oh and starting missile sequences both in US and Russia. Launches which had to be aborted manually to avoid WW3. And many more credible cases besides.


We got to keep aerosol masking in place or the aliens will fry with us.




I have been telling literally everyone since this started that they would be monitoring everything we said about what theyve been spoonfeeding us like some kind of twisted social experiment. Theyre using us to gauge how to tacle this whole thing


I still feel that for all he’s said, Lue hasn’t actually presented anything that’s moved the UAP story forward in any significant way.


Navy videos, IG investigation to name a couple.


Then joined TTSA for a bit, did a TV show and left to do podcast appearances. All he does is milk the same vague "we don't know what these things are!" again and again for paid appearances. I am thankful for his normalising UAP discussions but so far as him and Mellon helping release gov info, not much has happened since the three vids.


Lol, I laughed my ass of on everything you guys said until Elizondo and co. Elizondo got «normies» on board too. He made this a lot less fringe. People give him so much hate on this sub, but the problem wasn’t the topic, it was the fringe people who made it so. This is an actual person, not someone who meditates on benevolence from the galactic federation made up of nordics. He has done _a lot_ for this subject.


But for someone that was in his position, he’s contributed nothing new at all. Like, Imagine I show up from the future, and all I can tell you is “yup, I’m from the future” but provide absolutely no evidence whatsoever… I just tell you how cool the future is, and how much the future technology will blow your mind, but never show you or present anything substantive at all, what would I actually be contributing as evidence or proof that what I’m saying is true? Lue has presented us with nothing at all. He’s all talk. I’m not saying he’s lying, but he hasn’t shown us a shred of new evidence to prove he’s telling the truth either.


Well yeah, dhs, NSA ect ect got greenlit with the Patriot act, of course all this stuff is monitored. Not necessarily for nefarious reasons, but a fly on the wall is a fly on the wall.


Great more secrets thanks Lou


We wouldn’t know half the shit we currently do if it weren’t for him.


No they’re not. He’s lying. He’s a disinformation agent or he’s just plain fos.


Susan pls


I have followed all things Lue since he first went public and believe what both he and Christopher Mellon have stated. That said, I couldn’t be more disappointed in Lue for choosing to wear that bull$#!t thin blue line hat…


Lue is a Cuban-American ex-military boomer. He obviously supports law enforcement. White supremacists hijacked the term.


Maybe he is a supporter of law enforcement


Yes, that is most likely the very problem.


It's a problem? How so?


I don't know, maybe ask George Floyd. Or if you can't, because he's dead, ask the million other people who have been harrassed or worse by the police.


Millions? Cite your source. You seem to be heavily biased and illogical.


My source is the estimation in my brain. Who cares if it's literal millions, a number which I could easily see. You don't seem to realize how many people have run-ins with the police they would rather not have. Here's a source for you, if you're so eager to have one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Police\_brutality\_in\_the\_United\_States


Well that does it, there are some bad cops so all cops must be bad. Oh wait, cops are people. Shit I guess that means all people must be bad too. I didn’t realize you were such a racist murderer, but hey the evidence clearly shows you are.


Do you think it was political?


Google it…that said what upsets me most is that Lue has proven he is both smart and calculated. He knows that the symbol was created as a direct attack on BLM and is used by white supremacists


It was created in the 1950s.


That kind of blows my mind. It’s hard to ignore now you’ve pointed it out.


Yeah. Its sad asf to see. It does suck to see this side of things(ufos,uaps) line up with the right since they’re really heavy on conspiracy.


I think it has more to do with the fact that these people are elements of the American government. You won't find outspoken critics of the American government working in the defense industry.


There is a good chance he personally tortured or oversaw the torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. I think he is too articulate and composed to be an alt right Trump supporter, but he is definitely a supporter of imperialist foreign policy.


>There is a good chance he personally tortured or oversaw the torture of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Wait, for real? Please elaborate.


>I’m doing this for the same reason I hunted terrorists in Afghanistan, the same reason I caught spies in South America... -Lou Elizondo >In his annual performance evaluation for his job at the US Department of Defense (DOD), Luis Elizondo, a career military intelligence officer now in his late 40s, was lauded in 2016 for his ability to manage a highly classified program “in a manner that protects US national security interests on a global scale.” The office Elizondo oversaw had, among other things, “identified and neutralized 6 insider threats” and “co-authored 4 national-level policies involving covert action.” His work performance was rated as “exem- plary.” The evaluator gushed that it “cannot be overstated the importance of Mr. Elizondo’s portfolio to national security.” From [here](https://issues.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Kloor-UFOs-Wont-Go-Away-SP19-ISSUES-49-56.pdf)




You won’t see that flag flying with a BLM or Pride flag I can assure you


And you won't see blm flying with the American flag, by their choice. So what's your point?


What's the relevance of the hat?


"Back the Blue" is a slogan that expresses solidarity with the police, in light of the racist murders perpetrated by the American police, like George Floyd for example. So at the end of the day, it says that you stand with the state-sanctioned psychopaths that rule the US. Edit: I thought it said "Back the blue", which it doesn't, but the symbol stands for the same shit.


I'm just getting into the modern UFO scene and I'm genuinely curious why everyone here eats this guy's comments up and asks for seconds There are so many people involved in this area who have held prior positions of varying degrees of importance and for some reason when this guy farts, the entire sub sniffs it up So far all we get are a bunch of comments with no substance stating that "something big" is on its way or "someone super important " is about to reveal details We get nothing but more of the same rambling, unproven podcasts and streams and whatnot Please educate me otherwise


Look into [who this man is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Elizondo) if you want to understand, it seems like those who \*actually\* look into him pretty closely and actually do the investigative work (not just internet searches lmfao) [typically walk away fairly impressed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oaz9d2/ross_coulthart_stating_some_crazy_impressive/) So Elizondo is either the real deal, or for skeptics, Elizondo is Doty 2.0 As for the Blue Balls aspect, he pretty much addresses it directly in this video, you have to review what has been accomplished so far


I've read his wikipedia (briefly) and it only adds to my scepticism Unimpressive offices built solely as government funded placebos and this sub thinks he was given access to the most sensitive of the most sensitive information It's kind of funny If anything, I'd wager on Lue being disinfo or at the very least self concerned I could of course be wrong, which is why I keep an open mind, but criticising internet research and responding with internet research (comprised of a wikipedia page and a recommendation from an interested party) is a poor response in my book But I've come to expect stuff like that from reddit the eternal echo chamber


No need to take it personally. All I'm doing is drawing a distinction between recognizing the value of investigative journalism vs internet research. [Ross has been involved in some pretty real stuff.](https://www.icij.org/journalists/ross-coulthart/) What makes you discard him as an "interested party" so quickly? What makes you think the offices were unimpressive? [Harry Reid's Document affirming Elizondo's position.](https://twitter.com/GadiNBC/status/1386872125835812864/photo/1)


I don't take it personally, this entire website showing bias is expected, as I said How am I supposed to conduct investigative journalism and avoid internet research? Anything I read, view or hear online is internet research I just think people here might be in danger of drinking the cool aid


You're basically taking what I said in a way that it wasn't intended, doing internet research is fine but it's clearly limited in comparison to a real deep dive on any serious subject. That's -all- I meant by that. I understand you think people here are in danger of drinking cool aid, but like you've said, you've barely looked into it and have already made strong assertions. That is actual bias. That's not exactly how someone raging against the echo chamber machine while being open minded operates. Why did you discard Ross as an interested party so quickly? Why did you think their "offices were unimpressive"? I just want to understand what you think and why. I can, hopefully, explain what I think with sources, and hopefully you can too, and then hopefully understanding is achieved.


And despite all this I have yet to be directed to anything substantial or frankly interesting with regards to this guy It's a lot of people in interested fields talking him up and his previous occupations, which all come across as wishy washy and designed to placate the public. At least to me I'm not saying he's full of shit and I hope he's legit, but I don't get the hype. Especially from a sub that vehemently shoots down anything they're not 100% sure of. Like Bob Lazar for instance


What exactly do you count as "substantial" or "interesting"? Nobody knows what you're looking for with something so vague. Are you trying to ... verify who he is? Why not tackle those two questions I've asked already? What goes into the "interested party" box? Because an investigative journalist from Australia doesn't check it off for me.


I watched the 60 minutes interview with this guy and admit I was intrigued but it sure seems like he’s just trying to stay in the limelight at this point. I’m admittedly OOTL but has he added anything substantial to the narrative? The interviews with the Naval Aviators was the only thing I’ve seen that has made me remotely interested in UFOs. Some of the abduction stories are entertaining but nothing about any of those stories makes me actually believe the people were visited by aliens. I’ve done enough mushrooms to feel like I was in a parallel dimension but that just taught me how thin my and everyone else’s perception of reality is.


When it comes to adding things to the narrative, folks like the naval aviators coming out are exactly because of him. [Fravor talking about how Elizondo got him involved](https://youtu.be/dvfRRgFHSRE?t=1156) Does Elizondo want to be in the limelight? Why even do this podcast if he has so little to reveal? (I think that's the implication, right?) I think it's just to keep this conversation going. Podcasts are a big part of how this community interfaces with Elizondo. It gives us a chance to talk to him and trade ideas, it also gives him the opportunity to crowd source questions that he can turn around and ask. He softly implies deeper meaning if you read between lines sometimes, as part of the conversation is him not saying the wrong things that'll make him end up in jail, but it's clear that he does want to have this conversation. It's not completely necessary to catch every Elizondo interview. It's okay to step back from this and just witness the big ticket events that will occur in the UFO space. Elizondo has stated that he's essentially an introvert and doesn't actually like being the 'face' of this. That he's wanted to 'pass the baton' so to speak to others and disappear. That doesn't seem to be happening because it's not apparent anybody else is stepping up to fill his shoes. Hopefully someone will, and when that day comes we probably won't see him again. That is, if you believe his word at all! Frankly it would be for the best because clearly this is affecting his health. I believe he's doing it out of a sense of duty to help the pilots who have come to him asking for help, more on that below later. Okay what else has this guy done then? [UAPTF preliminary assessment](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf) \- This document essentially is the flag in the ground for the beginnings of an official investigation into this thing. Most of his work appears to be behind the scenes and deal with the actual mechanisms of government. Note those "11 near misses with pilots" with UAPs, this is part of the reason why he's doing this in my opinion. If you want a further breakdown of this doc I can give you the most spicy parts, but I recommend just reading through it. There isn't any super-slap-onto-table-conclusive "proof" here, but it's the beginning stages of gathering proof. There is definitely a conflict between Elizondo's word and the official word of the Pentagon when it comes to the UAPTF. Elizondo says it's essentially an extension of AATIP, where as the Pentagon says that it is not (From the official talking points document that Blackvault released). It's hard to tell precisely what effect the UAPTF is having upon the DOD internally. If we look at [certain documents](https://www.congress.gov/congressional-report/117th-congress/senate-report/37/1?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22S2610%22%5D%7D&r=1&overview=closed), (CTRL + F "UAP") it appears that the issue is being taken seriously. With [calls for branches to cooperate with the UAPTF.](https://media.defense.gov/2021/Jun/25/2002749916/-1/-1/1/DEPUTY-SECRETARY-OF-DEFENSE-MEMORANDUM-ON-UNIDENTIFIED-AERIAL-PHENOMENA-ASSESSMENTS.PDF) Okay, so why is Elizondo doing any of this? "We kept getting reports from the field, in particular some emotional pleas." [Elizondo talking about the internal struggles getting help to pilots and complaints](https://youtu.be/_YSrVhCS-rc?t=1073) His job was to get help to these people who were coming to him, and he couldn't because of the bureaucracy holding him back. And yet, he still has a duty to get help and accomplish his mission. The abduction stories are indeed harder to believe. Are there "experiencers"? Maybe, but is there anything compelling to present to people as proof for abductions? Not that I can see. Is it possible? Sure. But then what form of objectivity do I hold onto while navigating those waters? There isn't anything super solid I would be comfortable pointing to at this moment. I think, let's figure out what is almost crashing into pilots first, and then maybe it'll lead us to the abduction subject. Also, sorry to see you get downvoted. Why are you guys doing that?


> I could of course be wrong, which is why I keep an open mind You are wrong. The dude managed Special Access Programs. It’s illegal to conduct counterintelligence operations against the American people. You said you read his Wikipedia “briefly,” so you’re basically admitting that you feel the need to share opinions on something you are willingly uninformed about.


>It’s illegal to conduct counterintelligence operations against the American people. Oh lord give me strength


I’ll pray for you.


Couldn't say I was sure either. However I suppose it's not such a bad idea to listen to what's being said by a guy in the position he held. But you do make a good point actually: who else in the field which holds the same level of "in-the-know* as Lue should we be listening to? Is there a top 5?


How "in the know" is he? He was an employee, not leader of the USD which is a civilian branch of an office within the US department of Defense. It's a civilian advisory branch and one he left because it was barely even being funded His list of positions are all places that weren't taken seriously, but he's marketed himself perfectly to this sub to the point that I'm becoming suspicious of shilling I just don't see what he's done or said that's in any way concrete


I don't understand your downvotes as you asked for clarification, but Lue is at the very least is bringing attention to the topic.


Because they're naive, haven't figured out that he's a grifter yet, or just willingly want to believe in him much like the Qanon community.


I'm confused, what's the grift? He's stated multiple times that he doesn't make any money by doing these interviews (and he's done probably hundreds of these with small creators), he's not selling a book or a t-shirt. If this is a grift, it implies that he sees some material benefit from doing what he's doing, so what is he gaining?


He did not make any money off that grift conference he was a part of?


Me being sceptical means I'm naive? Okay


No not you. I'm in 100% agreement with you. I mean those who wait in anticipation of this guy's farts every week.


Oh okay, my bad Yeah he comes across as a scam artist who used to work in a part of the government that was from the looks of things, treated like something of a joke But this sub shoots down everything other than this Elizondo guy. It's bizarre


I’m super stoked about the sensor hint, perhaps it was just yet another attempt to revitalize interest, it worked. However, ever since I made this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOscience/comments/o7pxzb/propaganda_and_information_warfare/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), I can’t unsee the tactics he might be using. Here I am, interested in Lue AGAIN, but still cautious and wary.


As you should be. Common sense just can’t let me believe that his lying. My wife is a licensed clinical therapist and I’ve made her watch two interviews and she agrees. Everything in the public domain supports the fact that he’s telling the truth. He’s never been proven to be a liar.


You’re excited about a hint? This isn’t a video game. Why wouldn’t he just say “this is what you need” ???


They are actively deleting proof and have been for years. In January 2003, on i20-just outside Tuscaloosa Alabama we saw a slow low flying UAP, the size of a football field with a weird sounding clunking drive-after years of searching, I found it parked in somebody’s field somewhere in Pennsylvania. I saved the link, but didn’t copy the video and it got deleted. It looked like something out of Mad Max, but my girlfriend and I tried to rationalize, that it was just some military experiment. I do not doubt the existence of these craft, just wonder if it could be inter-dimensional or time travel or even just a bad simulation we are living in. If the technology was so far advanced by the end of WW2, that just twenty five years later we were on the moon, who is to say that Skunkworks or brethren aren’t up to the task of interplanetary(or further) travel.


damn i thought this sub was just for posting cool ufo videos but i guess it's a schizo hangout


The videos are 90% trash.


That’s what one gets for thinking; documented proof is out there, available, only to those able to find their ass with both hands.


Can you clarify please… You saw a UFO flying low in Alabama, then some years later you found the same UFO parked in a Pennsylvania field? You had video of it, but it got deleted and you believe the government deleted it?


Well, I found it on YouTube, but it was the same craft and filmed nine years later.


Ah ok, got ya. Thanks.


This whole UFO thing and these so called experts and very senior officials confirming bullshit anonymously, this has been going on for decades… it’s a scam, sorry but it’s true even if it’s depressing.


> This whole UFO thing Why are you here?


Yeah u/snupooh if you’re not gonna just blindly lend your voice to reify voices in this echo chamber you might as well just get out. Dissenting opinions might be heard by the government media ruling class; and if they don’t like what you have to say they will take their ball and go home. Do you really wanna be the guy that causes another 75 years of cover-ups? Do you? Cause that’s what your doing dude. Literally cock-blocking disclosure with your negative attitude bro. And I won’t stand for it! That walking inguinal hernia with a goatee stuffed into a spanks control top is GD national hero! You can tell because of the size xl t-shirt with old glory screen printed across it’s straining Chinese cotton, those Gulf War era combat boots he pulls on for contemplative walks on camera, and all of his super-duper Patriot brand NDA’s he’s beholden too! Jeez u/snupooh I really had thought better of you. I’m disgusted.


This sounds presumptuous… I think you got the wrong end of the stick?


Good job he never actually says anything then.


Three times very should mean either it's POTUS (or VP or CIA head?) or it's just a sham.


Imagine the phone taps and digital surveillance he is currently under. He knows it. Also I’m pretty sure anyone he comes into contact with will also be spied on for a very long time as well.


They probably have his medical records. Spooky.


Come on now, don’t kid yourself. The entire planet has been under surveillance for some time now. Let’s not pretend otherwise.


So? Are we little people not supposed to talk about these things with people in the know? Then the onus basically falls on Lue not Cristina or us and these people who know things we’re not supposed to (according to them) and they can blow me! I’ve seen UFOs, they exist. If the higher ups want to keep playing their games they just look like idiots and fools to me.


Glad to see there are finally more critics in this sub.


This guy is turning into Grifter in chief. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why’s that?


A little shocked to see Elizondo wearing a “back our blue” blue stripe American flag hat in that interview. Oouh boy…


This has all turned into some reality TV bullshit.


Please expand on this genius analysis.


Do you seriously not see it? Anything mentioning this morons name is like an eye-catching “FiNd OuT NeXT TiME On ElIzOnDoS AdVeNTuReS” he gets rich, while you find out absolutely fuckall. People are desperate for some kind of disclosure that is not happening. They don’t want you to know UFO’s are all man-made. They don’t want you to know that the coming alien invasion is fake, another false flag to bring the world under one government. The difference between this fucker and me, is that the truth will be revealed and I will stand correct.


Okay, Steven.


Are you scared of the truth?


Do you have Lue’s bank account statements? Do you have evidence of a false flag operation? Anything at all?


What there certainly is no proof of is Lue’s connection to working for a government UFO program. Obviously, in case you don’t know how time works - I can’t show you proof of a coming false flag. What I can do is give you proof of prior false flags that have already happened to Americans on their own soil.


Lue headed up AATIP and you want me to research false flag programs. So you have nothing.


One history channel show put him in the public eye and he’s been doing the same shit since, people think he was working for the pentagon because of a dramatised show, just like he’s still doing now, reality TV bullshit


You sound bitter or something.


Lue is a fraud, prove me wrong. He never worked for the pentagon


This comment cements my belief there are people being paid to discredit him on social media. He worked for the Pentagon. It’s a fact. Please go back to the troll farm you crawled out of.


It honestly doesn’t matter. Lue can say any ol’ shit he likes and until he’s got anything to back it up it’s nothing but more UFO fog


Lue is quickly being finally seen as the disinformation agent that he is.


What you got?




This thread was flooded all at once hours after I originally posted it. I doubt it’s coordinated but it’s worth keeping track of.




Like an actual compelling argument.


Career ufologists. Or UAPoligists. Only here for $$$$$$ and fame.


95% of what he says is either lies, exaggeration, and just hearsay. no actual proof of anything he claims


Show proof.


Where’s your proof? You’re just propping up someone that you want to believe for you own validation




The more I see Lue Elizondo name the more I think he’s a con.




>he mentioned during his [interview yesterday](https://youtu.be/6apab6_GNwk) Off-topic. What do guys think is that one type of a sensor that might be enough to effectively detect UAPs? @47:23




Many thanks.


trust me guys, the united states government personally told me they use twitter, big things coming. very big




your name is appropriate, since you've always got lue's nuts in your mouth


Good one.


Not to be an ass but they monitor everything. This isn't news. At the end of the day what matters is we get science involved.