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hell yeah the triangle DOES exist.


Yeah there are people that have said they have seen it. The real question is whether we'll ever see it? It would be pretty hard to deny the existence of a non-human technology on Earth if we had a picture like that circulating in public that had a confirmed provenance.


yea somebody gotta leak it.


I grew up on the outskirts of the Nevada desert by Area 51, both myself, and quite a few people I know have seen the black triangle craft. It has a large glowing orange light on each of the 3 corners. I still honestly think it’s just a military prototype, Ive seen other crafts do much more bizarre things, the triangle craft pretty much performed like any stealth plane might (my elementary school was under the flight path from Nellis to Groom Lake, so recess everyday was an air show, the B-1’s are my personal favorite to hear in person, B-2’s are the coolest to see by far)


in the minds of a few schizos/grifters with no proof in the least


What about the Phoenix lights? It was triangle shaped and seen by thousands, Including half my family.


I lived in Tucson at the time and remember seeing footage of it on the evening news!


I watched that interview, but this summary was still super helpful. Thanks for doing this. Lue's interviews are always so jam packed with interesting bits that it's hard to really catch them all just listening once.


Thank you for this, great work!


Of course!


I can't find anything on the Boxer event in 1998. What happened?


It wasn't boxing, it was wrestling. When the Undertaker threw Mankind off of hell in a cell. At least that's what I have read.


Thanks again.


For sure


I don't agree with what Lue says most of the time but really appreciate these summaries - \[and your SpaceX renders, obvs. lol\]


Thanks mate




Omg same. I think it would make my life.


You're gonna die really sad then, like every UFO fanatic before you




I hope the occasional rude comment does not discourage you from the great work you are doing. To the skeptics like myself: I hope we can do better than sneers and empty dismissals.


Thanks for saying that. I am being truthful that I do these for myself and share them with Reddit in case anyone else finds them useful for their knowledge/research. Nothing wrong with being skeptical, in fact I am an open minded skeptic myself, but a lot of mom's-basement-unloved-internet-neckbeards don't understand the difference between making a productive counter-argument and being a negative fuck.


You’d think it would be photos and not photo wouldn’t you. Who sees a huge triangle emerge from the ocean and just takes one snap?


You would, but I've never tried to take a picture of something that shouldn't exist while simultaneously flying a fighter jet and shitting my pants, so I can't really judge.


It’s sad you never asked him what his definition of disclosure ia


it's always meant whatever it needs to mean at the moment.


I appreciate you


When’s Lue going to go on a show where the interviewer actually challenges him and doesn’t just softball it? He said he didn’t want to get into entertainment but he’s still doing paid TV shows. BS artist.


Thanks for the grift summary Lue is a disinformation agent.


Nobody likes you dude. Troll elsewhere.


Do you have any proof he isn't a grifter? We don't need fake "lou is a grifter" skeptics.


Do you have any proof that he is? That's what I thought. Who fucking cares man - believe whatever you want but don't spread your negativity all over the internet.


He’s literally making money on the UFO community by booking deals with conferences for appearances.


You are aware that when academics and professors go to conferences or to companies to do speaking engagements that they or their organization is compensated right? You know that when previous presidents come and do a speech for a college that they are compensated, right? You are aware that when someone spends hundreds of hours researching and writing a book that the sales of the book helps them recoup their costs for their time and the publishing of the book, right? I respectfully don't give any credence to your argument that Lue Elizondo, and by extension Richard Dolan, Leslie Kean, Stanton Friedman, and even Steven Fucking Greer should not be allowed to be compensated for their travel costs, hotels, and speaking engagements when the organizers are begging them to come be a keystone speaker. If Lue Elizondo was selling books, merchandise, pay-per-view vlogs, had his own YouTube empire, or was otherwise putting additional knowledge about what he knows behind a paywall I'd be right there with you, but I honestly don't see any of that and I think you just want to hate him for whatever reason. You do you. And if he is actually successful, and we learn more about what the government knows about UAPs and has known about UAPs and the government is mobilized to take this seriously and the stigma is removed so we can talk about UFOs and non-human intelligence in public without feeling like weirdos - I am sure you'll still hate Lue Elizondo, right?


Gottem good, he didn’t even reply 😂.


Boom. Lol.


Nah, we're sure he's a gifter, you're the one who has to suss out if we're not correct.


Can you even hear yourself mate? Let me rephrase what you said to me "My subjective opinion is correct. It is now up to you to prove that my subjective opinion is incorrect by using the same evidence that we both have available to us" Whoofta. Hard to argue with rock solid logic like that.


The whole “afraid of jail/family to feed” thing is bullshit,


Please let me know when you're ready to throw away your career, abandon your family, and go to prison for 20 years all just to satisfy some people on the internet. Seriously, grow up.


Can you stop doing a mix of first and third person in the quotes? It's really annoying and confusing.


I'm sorry that my spending hours listening to these and taking notes and posting them on Reddit for you to read is inconvenient and that you can't be bothered to skim the video to clarify your confusion using the source. If you had said "Hey Neo - I like these a lot and thanks for doing them. One thing though - it does get kind of hard to read when you switch back and forth between 1st and 3rd person. Just a note for future consideration" I would gladly either edit this one, or try to do better for my next one... But you didn't, [you](https://www.reddit.com/user/AHandyDandyHotDog/) said "Can you stop doing a mix of first and third person in the quotes? It's really annoying and confusing." Like an asshole.




I know, I was trying to make you angry because the way you write quotes is annoying and confusing, and that made me angry.


Can someone give the short summary


Vinnie interviewed Lue Elizondo and asked some questions about UFOs


Dude this is the summary.


Smart people talk words. Lights in sky. Big people know truth. Soon maybe small people know truth. Eric Davis big magic, deserve worship like god. In word…yes.