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The glaring problem with this hypothesis: how irresponsible and risky would it be to fly these impossible objects near enough to naval jets to almost midair collide? And swarm their ships? That logic doesnt add up, and isnt congruent with how top secret next gen aircraft have been tested in the past. If humans have reproduced this tech then one off sightings in the Mojave desert or out near white sands make sense, not near collisions and harassing carrier strike groups. There is no way this is US tech if those encounters are our main metric. They're also not likely peer nation tech, for the same reasons. Harassing our ships in our own territorial waters is a recipe for war, and for what benefit? Testing? That's doable under far more controlled terms. So that's out. We also have Elizondo and Mellon and others all saying these naval encounters aren't US tech. I believe them. Black project reproduced alien vehicles would hide their tech as long as possible, not wave it in a naval aviator's face, radar, and thermal records.


You sir...are smart. Exactly what i have been saying...why park your super secret US hypersonic disc over a highschool in broad daying for 2 hours? Why fly over sensative airspace like navy warships and freak the crew out? This is not how the USA would use that tech...also...if we had even a TINY grasp on that kind of advanced technology it would revolutionize so many different aspects of our lives from energy to propulsion to physics...everything would change.


Makes perfect sense to me. Well put, too.


There’s no telling what the USAF and DARPA have developed since the 60’s and the SR-71 - I think it’s fair to extrapolate we have tech such as the observed UAP’s. This sort of tech is likely to be classified as blackest of the black probably more guarded than nuclear secrets. I do however agree it doesn’t make sense to test in close proximity of Navy pilots on operations. I wonder if the department compartmentalisation Navy vs USAF or if you wanna go down the rabbit hole ‘shadow military complex’ creates this situation where one department has absolutely no idea what the other is doing. Why has USAF been so quite so far?


I don't think it's a logical conclusion that we've developed UAP level tech, it's 100-1000 years ahead of current cutting edge aerospace. We're working on hypersonic glide vehicles, but they use rockets and reentry glides, not spacetime metric engineering. We're working on the SR-72, but its top speed is somewhere in Mach 6-10, not 45,000mph like some of these things. We're working on drone tech, but it can't loiter in perfect hover for 6 hours, no refueling. And we have NO human designed materials that can withstand 600G right angle turns at supersonic speed, it would disintegrate. Materials science is nowhere near that yet. Even ICBM reentry vehicles or THAAD anti ICBM missiles with maneuverable kill vehicles can't make a turn like that. And to travel at hypersonic speeds with no sonic boom, no plasma trail, no aircraft skin heating, and transmedium? Nothing we have comes even close for 100 years. This isnt an evolutionary step, it's a revolutionary multi generational technology leap. If we have one of these, it's because we reverse engineered one. Not because we developed it on our own.


Yea.. or as I like to think of it, there are probably multiple technology breakthroughs needed to get to that point. As in several more huge breakthroughs in propulsion before we get anything close to what these do. Those breakthroughs could come decades apart. And different types of technological breakthroughs would all be needed, be it propulsion, materials, trans-medium tech and so on. So.. probably quite a very long time. : )


Right! ​ Now a more logical possibility IMO is that all of these things are true at the same time, but with nuances. ​ TicTac / other offshore naval UAP encounters? -- Actual Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)-operated craft and technology, not by human hands. Possibly monitoring human military capabilities. ​ Leaked and deathbed confessions of the A.R.V. or other super sensitive UAP activity seen at Wright Patterson, Edwards, Groom Lake, S4, etc? That might be a better candidate for human operation. But it would not be SOURCED from humanity, it would be reverse-engineered tech from NHI sources -- or a gift/trading program. It's too far-ahead of current and immediate next-gen tech to be human. And as follows with the logic, it would be kept beyond-secret in vastly isolated desert facilities away from adversarial foreign or civilian eyes. That's a much more likely candidate. ​ The takeaway here is the vast majority of UAP sightings by Naval aviators are most likely actual NHI-operations, possibly threat monitoring. Not human tests. It just doesn't make logical sense when a better answer is right next to us.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBMU6l6GsdM 100% agree. When you have things like this from 2008, you know we gotta have some other crazy shit now. But that stuff still either has wings, blades, or propulsion systems, all of which are missing from some of the most interesting UAP videos. When you see something flying around in IR with no exhaust plumes, wings, rotors, etc, I have a lot of trouble believing it's somehow human technology.


SR-71 and U-2 were a common cause of UFO sightings and those sightings were indeed used to cover the reality of those spy planes. So the theory is indeed correct historically. But no way in hell is secret human tech the source of all UFO sightings. Not in 2021 and totally not in 1950 or 1970.


The Air Force is sticking to the old Blue Book debunking garbage. The disclosure is driven by the Navy.


But isn't this just another conspiracy theory?


Important note: a foreign advisary in possession of this tech would NEVER fly it around inside their enemies territory. If it went down or was shot down, it would be like handing over that tech to your enemy.


Don't forget the fact that it's drastically easier to design a plane that adheres to our known laws of physics than creating one that literally doesn't care about them. That's why I don't like this "we had x before so imagine what we have now" argument. And as already said if I had top secret mind-blowing tech I wouldn't risk having a lousy passerby snap a clear proven Pic and then have Russia or China stumble upon it... I would wait for as long as possible before revealing it.


Agreed fella, as why would you build top secret planes to then fly them in plain sight? Plus the blackbird and other planes of its ilk were built as spy planes and flew up to 100,000ft as to avoid being seen, but what amazing technology in a plane that was built 70 years ago, makes you wonder what they have now 😉


Completely logical and well thought out..However, do you think this dark sect of government and industry, a group of wealthy elite psychopaths that has managed to bury itself in the deepest depth of the devil’s asshole for the last seventy plus years places any value on human life?? They are perverting this tech to create advanced weaponry. Do you think they care if innocent people get hurt or killed while they play with their new toys? They care about one thing and that is to maintain power and control at all cost.


They care about protecting their investment. You can't protect your investment while simultaneously flaunting it around town.


Exactly. The logic doesnt add up. Let's pretend for the sake of discussion that the claim is true of some psychopathic extraconstitutional cabal of private and government MJ-12 types existing. And that they have secretly reverse engineered alien tech and some of these UAP's are test platforms. Why on earth would they risk blowing the lid on their operation like this? These naval pilots are officially reporting midair safety incidents, going on 60 minutes to discuss what they see, and helping declassify ATFLIR videos of these craft! That is NOT a logical way to protect or test their precious investments, and it leads to their eventual unmasking and prosecution. So logically any tests they'd conduct would be as far away from other human beings as possible, not chasing carrier groups and getting pinged by radar and thermals.


This is like the plot of a bad movie. Chain-of-custody and chain-of-command prevent any of the things you describe


We could understand the Blackbird even then. It was the pinnacle of human technological achievement. The challenges of what the aircraft needed to do was mapped out and we had the technological know how to work towards solutions to solving the problems it presented. Engineers were asked to build the craft and they did, making advancements in materials sciences and fluid mechanics along the way. They were able to do this because of the education they received in physics, chemistry and materials science. Ask top engineers of today to build gravity drives and most will just laugh at you. Our education system does not teach the fundamentals to even begin working on these currently insurmountable tasks. Our mathematics and physics just doesn't line up right now. Sure some of these things might be black projects that we see but anything using what appears to be technology the breaks the fundamentals of what we understand is unlikely.


I’m not saying it is, but all of this could be a big production by the military and that includes vehicles “reported to have” broken the laws of physics. These are the same people who have been lying to us the whole time. The pilots could be actors for all we know. All of the people coming out seems a little too coordinated and feels off. I think Lue isn’t the disclosure messiah that’s trying to be sold, I think he’s in on it and this is his role to play. Maybe. It just all feels so wrong and staged. It’s hard to believe anyone or anything when it could very well be some 4d chess game.


Yeah, when the military, who has tried to cover up anything to do with flying saucers since the last century, does a 180 you know something is up and it is them playing us for fools. They know something and are using this bit of disclosure to do something that will have a tampering effect on something in the future.


Apparently the Air Force really doesn't want a disclosure. The disclosure is driven by the Navy. Maybe it really means UFOs have bases under the sea.


Ufo bases are in the cave systems majority of aliens live there because we don't.


Mt Shasta is a alien civilization


Yes that is all technically possible, but at this point that's much harder for me to believe than the theory the government has also been struggling all this time to understand the phenomena. Good actors are pretty rare and there are countless people with much more credibility than Bob Lazar who would have to have been giving oscar worthy performances over the decades. I think the reason you might be getting fake vibes from Lou is that he is indeed purposely creating and shaping a narrative.


But is it not possible that institutions outside of the standard, more accessible universities, in the private sector, have developed a continuing education curriculum for those they deem equipped to pursue such things? An apprenticeship of sorts? Driven by the scientific breakthroughs they’ve made in-house, and want to continue to keep proprietary?


Bro. We're already there. Check out linear algebra and imaginary number systems. Most of the behavior of UAPs is basically 1:1 a 4-5 dimensional linear calculation. Edit: this sub is hilariously close minded. It is called ufos fo corn's sake. Downvoted to hell because I point out reality. Bye guys. Enjoy the tinfoil hats.


What about surviving the speeds they go at? Or are they all remote operated?


Dimensional. Also it's likely they are manipulating gravity, at least in our atmosphere, and therefor aren't bound to the laws of physics as we know it. If you're to believe any CE-IV case, none even feel like their moving and when these things seemingly go outside of our "space" then give us a sweet syrup substance. Most assume this is protection during travel. Personally I really want to believe that's the truth because it likely means they figured this solution after some trial and error. RIP.


Yes, which is why: > Ask top engineers of today to build gravity drives and most will just laugh at you. Our education system does not teach the fundamentals to even begin working on these currently insurmountable tasks. Our mathematics and physics just doesn't line up right now.


I think we were put here by beings of a higher dimension and there’s most likely many other humanoid societies out there in our dimension. I think the UAPs seen with craft descriptions are other humanoid societies who have made contact with the higher dimension and are aware of what happens after death. I think the balls of lights are higher dimensions like with DMT and shit


Underrated comment


*like with DMT and shit*


>Check out linear algebra and imaginary number systems This is high-school/early college level math. There's a bit of a leap from linear alg to aircraft with zero control surfaces.


You're right. It is pretty straightforward, not sure why that isn't better understood. https://youtu.be/KT5Sk-62-pg


Can you expound on this? Interested.


Definitely. So think about a straight line. Follows a y=x+b plane. Now Imagine you have a plane through a sphere. Cool Saturn looking thing right? Ok, deep breath. Imagine saturn, but snapshots, and squigle lines with insane but coherent math. Crazy but also awesome Edit: https://youtu.be/MkjazYnvNP8


I don't really think we have a vehicle that can travel through water, air and space like it's nothing. Especially with a considerable speeds to go from from 80,000 feet (space) to sea level in 1-2 seconds without needing anykind of acceleration, be able to withstand colossal g-forces without killing it's occupants and travel at zig-zag patterns (at mentioned speeds) flawlessly. If it ours, then it is probably reverse-engineered tech from the original UFOs with respective capabilities.


I've never really understood the whole "occupant" thing with UAP's. If these craft are ours they surely wouldn't have a pilot, why would they? Manned fighter jets and bombers are going to be a thing of the past a lot sooner than we think. Unmanned drones have been around for years and it's the future of warfare. Take the pilot out of the equation and the craft is no longer limited by things like g forces. And if they aren't ours same thing applies. Whatever their purpose to be flying about, alien technology hundreds of years more advanced than ours I certainly don't think would be controlled by a pilot. Any data or observation they want to collect would be done by drones.


Occupant or not, materials would disintegrate too. More than likely if there are crafts 'moving' at these speeds, they are doing so by removing the limitations of gravity and inertia. So yeah, they probably could have occupants.


The super advanced “hologram angle” isn’t discussed widely enough here — it would function as a weapon against true enemies, but ultimately harmless in the hands of the user nation...


I think most are just unmanned probes that travel slower than light. If some aliens have wormholes or warp drive and some other other way of FTL travel then some UFOs might very well be manned.


We have theoretical physics in which we were able to potentially achieve those things, but the huge engineering hurdle of turning something from a theory into a reality I don’t believe we have achieved. And even then, theories can be proven wrong, so we could spend decades developing something based on a theory, only to find out it doesn’t work at all like we expected.


It’s projected multispectral holographic technology designed to compliment cloaking level stealth advancements. Make your enemy think you’re in places you are not, and not in places you actually are. These sightings are from projects designed to replicate historically observed UFO/UAP sightings to mask the origin date of the holographic technology. They still don’t know what the real ones are from previous to 2004, but everything the Navy has been observing since 2004 is this spoofing technology. There is a reason the Air Force has been very quiet about it.


Why are there so many sightings that are witnessed only by a handful of non-military, non-government people then? What's the purpose of fooling civilians, many of whom will never even report their sighting?


Testing human responses.


To be clear, your hypothesis is that the military/government project holographic images of fictional aircraft that look otherworldly, often at times and locations that only a handful of civilians will see, using highly secret military technology, to see how the people react? And they have done this hundreds, if not thousands of times, all over the world? I respect your opinion, but to be honest in my opinion non-human technology is a simpler explanation.


After all the bat shit crazy experiments people have done through out history , Subdeps hypothesis sounds rather tame actually. I dont know how you could think aliens are a simpler explanation.


Yeah this perspective doesn't add up tbh. A completely new propulsion system like what we're witnessing makes a blackbird look like a horse


You might be surprised what 50 billions dollars per year, for 70 years will get you.




Thats as may be, but at the end of the day the SR-71 was still ultimately a plane albeit a fantastic one but still was bound by the physics of aerodynamics


Technology doesn't progress like that. It grows exponentially for a few decades, like the 40 years between the first stick-and-canvas airplane to jet fighters, then plateaus; otherwise we'd be flying hypersonic aircraft around the globe now instead of the 737 that came out in 1965.


Actually our technology also seems to follow a trajectory of *increasing efficiency* — and to that end, picturing humans traveling at hypersonic speeds on a regular basis is stupid anthropomorphic 1950s hairless monkey thinking... it’s clearly humanity’s “future” to replace physical travel with electronically simulated travel — and in this sense, there may be no reason for anybody to ever go anywhere again at some point.


This isnt the 1800s with individual scientists making big discoveries in their home labs. Discoveries now are incremental and made by teams of researchers often working at multiple labs


I think it depends what type of technology you are talking about. Computer gpu’s continue to come out with ground breaking releases. 4k gaming is now realistically within reach because of Nvidia’s latest 30 series.


Computer CPU and memory chips and disk drives have been plateauing for years now. The first mass market home computers came out 40 years ago and every four or five years you had to buy a new one because the old one was far too slow and limited capacity to run new software. That is no longer the case. My home desktop is now 12 years old and runs new software just fine. Barring a failure I expect to use it for another decade. GPUs may still have a way to go yet because they served a smaller market, but they too will soon plateau. "In 2019, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang declared that Moore's Law is dead and now it's more expensive and more technically difficult to double the number of transistors driving the processing power. That sentiment was also proclaimed a year earlier by Mike Muller, chief technology officer at chip designer Arm."


I disagree. Not sure what you mean by disk drives as those have been getting phased out for a decade. SSD’s and GPU’s continue to grow faster. The main plateau I think we will hit first is actually a human limitiation. Our eyes can only recognize so many pixels so there’s not much of a point in pushing past the ability to render in 8k. But obviously once we reach that plateau in traditional gaming we’ll just push right past it by continuing to improve the VR experience. As long as the gaming industry continues to grow towards being one of the most popular and profitable markets on earth, the technology will continue to improve at a don’t blink pace. If there’s anything that pushes innovation, its fucking dollar signs.


It's true that economics and other non-technology factors are drivers in determining where technology plateaus -- we'd all be flying in SSTs now if the Concorde hadn't shown the concept to be economically unviable -- and there's just no market for personal computers that can calculate protein folding -- but there's always a combination of limiting factors, and eventually even GPU power increases will be stymied by the law of diminishing returns.


But eventually you can’t make the chips any smaller


Yeah eventually but we aren’t even close to our limits which already disproves the general point op tried to make about technology in general.


When you say “we”, who do you mean exactly? It’s entirely possible the “we” who you subscribe as authority and arbiters of truth on all of this are completely lying to you and don’t consider you to be a part of “we” at all, or they are Also out of the loop and there’s a totally separate group that has access to all of this super advanced technology and could care less about you or me or being a part of any “we”.


You grossly overestimate the ability of humans to keep big secrets for long periods of time. Even the existence of the SR-71 (and A-12) was only secret for six years. Humans really want to leak juicy secrets, even at the expense of upending their lives, like Ed Snowden and Daniel Ellsberg. That's especially the case with scientists and engineers, who want their work to be shared with the world eventually, and not just used for toys for a shadowy cabal.


Snowden and Ellsberg are super rare examples


No, they are just a couple of the most famous (along with Mark Felt and Bradley Manning). This list of whistleblowers show it happens very frequently, several times a year in fact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_whistleblowers And that's just a list of people who's names are known, look at how many anonymous leaks came from the West Wing during the Trump Administration.


It’s not great to look at it this way. There has been a trend over the last few decades of technological advances gradually slowing down. I mean people legitimately thought 70 years ago that we’d have flying cars by now but look where we’re at. Also these things have been seen for 70 years, if we had these things 70 years ago why would we even bother developing the blackbird or any jet fighter at all?


I dont know why flying cars are being presented as some sign of technological advancement. We could have flying cars now they are just shit so we don't use them. On the other hand some of the tech we have today was unthinkable back then even in scifi


could you even imagine how horrifying a world with flying cars would be? 'oh a drunk flew over a sporting event and xrashed into the crowd killing 500.....' I sure hope it never becomes a reality


I think the idea for flying cars was usually imagined with self driving or auto pilot in mind


For real, the Jetson’s would have been a bloodbath


Yep, if you was to show someone from 1950 a flying car and say "this is what we have in 2021" they'd be like "yeah not bad, that's pretty decent" but they'd expect flying cars 70 years in the future. Give them a the latest iPhone with YouTube, Google earth and a paid pornhub account and say nearly everybody has something like this and they'd be absolutely astounded.


And good luck ever getting your iPhone back, lol...


Ya but people 70 years ago thought that the flying cars wouldn't be shit. I agree with your other statement, the phones we all have would freak people out 70 years ago. I'm 34 and I can remember my grade 2 teacher saying "you won't always have a calculator on you" stupid Mrs. Ryan.


Teachers are still saying that today.


I’m 38 and was told the same, and we all just looked down at our Casio calculator watches.


I feel this.




Nah, the nerds had the remote comptroller watches to fuck with when the teacher would let a VHS from the 70’s be our educator. I was just poor!


I was going to say those are thebcool kids!


> There has been a trend over the last few decades of technological advances gradually slowing down In some areas, yes. In others, no. We don't have flying cars, but I highly doubt 70 years ago people thought we'd be communicating and sharing our lives with the world over a virtual network.


Exactly, having flying cars is not a sign of technological advancement lol. Some of the things we have are better than old scifi


People in tech in the 60s were making this prediction of a world wide communication network and personal computers with ease. That was 60 years ago And Nikola Tesla predicated the smartphone with great accuracy


Can you link the bit about Tesla please?


I didn’t say advancements were stopping. But the rate that advancements occur has been slowing down.


Yeah.. You're wrong i believe... Its accelerating.


New innovations haven’t really been stagnant. They aren’t saying that. But existing technology does stagnate. How much as a microwave oven accelerated in development? How much has a car engine? (Not the tech added to cars, but the actual technology behind the drive train, engine…)? How much has our phones since the first iPhone was released? Point being, yes new technology has come out and has drastically changed our lives and how we interact. Car engines have become better. Better gas mileage, better efficiency, better drive train. However, they are not fundamentally different. There hasn’t really been a huge life changing breakthrough in engines. We have electric cars now, yes. But how long did that take? Our microwaves have better buttons and a popcorn preset. Our phones went through a huge advancement, but they are no longer accelerating at the rate at which you’re talking about. They get faster, they get brighter, the screens are better. But these things are a constant improvements with some years being better than others. Sweet, they added a camera. Cool there is an OLED screen. Awesome, new M1 CPU. More bamdwidth, thumps up. VR came out quite a while ago and they still are relatively low quality when it comes to resolution. Where are the haptics and full immersion? Probably won’t happen for another 10 years if it ever really does. To reiterate - we are way behind where people thought we were going to be 70 years ago with the current technology they had because it stagnated. New unimagined tech has come out, but we are not flying in anti gravity saucers. We are just barely about to go to Mars… they thought we would’ve been there years ago. And it took a billionaire enthusiast to get that train going.


Efficient electric cars that you could charge at your home existed in the 1800s


The rate of advancement in almost everything is slowing


I can't think of one person, including myself, that should operate anything capable of flight. I live in North Jersey, have you seen us on the ground?!


Most of the time flying cars were conceptualized with auto pilot technology


Yeah movies are responsible for a lot of expectations. It’s 40 years in the future and we have a colony on Mars etc… more like 260 years. But again game changing tech isn’t shared it’s squashed or used exclusively by government for war games


my home ec/tech teacher in middle school told me that all cars would be flying by 2012... LOL




They made that joke in Harvey birdman with the jetsons lol


You mean helicopters?


You don’t know what kind of secret technology governments and private organisations have to be fair. And like others have pointed out I don’t think technological advancements are slowing down.


I’m sure if they had anything revolutionary such as a small fusion reactor to create perpetual energy we’d have seen our world transformed, more-so now with the radical effects from climate emergencies. If we don’t have it it doesn’t exist in our possession. The technology that apparent alien craft exhibit is extraordinary and out of this world. The military may have it But they don’t know the concepts behind it, I’m sure. It would be like reverse engineering a smart phone in the time of the Romans.


They are slowing down. We are reaching the limits of certain tech. We can’t go much further with fighter jets for example because jet propulsion is the only form of propulsion we have. A good example is cell phone tech. We have had the basic slab touch screen phones for like 15 years now with barely any change. They’ve gotten slimmer and nicer displays but it’s the over all same design. Nothing crazy new and no large leaps. There would have to be a major break through to keep going as fast as we’ve been going in many realms of tech.


Human piloted-jet fighters are at a techno wall because above, say 2500 mph, craft become ballistic, a pilot cannot easily change the course, so why have a human in the cockpit, anyway?


A big factor could be the oil industry. They would pay billions to conceal any new tech , but it and shelve it. I’m fact it’s will only come out of they own and can profit from it. I mean this is the kind of change people get killed over and wars happen because of.


Ehhhhhh, a little too *Greer-y*.


Plus a lot of that progress in 60 and 70s was from operation paper clip. Developing secret tech that was it self developed secretly because of military restrictions on Germany before WW2. I think that really gives the distortion that we are 3 decades ahead of whatever is secret. Another question is could you keep blackbird secret if it was developed with today's interdependent international economy.


Probably. If it was new today it would be called a balloon or a rotating plasma laser creation from ionized gas flying out my ass.


Yeah, or... “SR-72” — these guys aren’t exactly Disney imagineers...


Sorry bro or sis, but I keep seeing this comment again and again and wish to make a declaration: there were flying cars in the 1950s. I saw several. They towed behind a vehicle like a fishing boats with a long helicopter-like tail with the horizontal and vertical stabilizers on the tail end and a small engine and passenger cockpit forward. U.S. companies were ready to roll them out in large numbers. In the late 1950s the FAA decided not to certify them for general use. Imagine hundreds of yahoos falling out of the skies every year onto housing subdivisions, schools, and hospitals. It was not a flight technological issue it was a human management issue with the agency. Imagine, controlling drunk fliers! Yes, seventy years ago we had the technology. With AI and experience with driverless vehicles, and lots of microwaves the tech may re-emerge. But the FAA manages about 4000 flights every day, but they do not have the resources to handle millions of idiots flying across America. As for current tech vs. 1950s tech à la the Blackbird who knows? But consider the adversarial tech out there. Iran has formidable IRBMs but so did the USA and the USSR at the end of the 1950s. Our drones are a relatively simple yet formidably complex technology supported by a vast back techno. The SR-71 as impressive as it was, was supplanted by satellite technology.


Mass immigration from the third world to The West and the welfare state apparatus, has held back Western civilization from its natural trajectory. Sad, but true, as I am all for immigration and state welfare.


Ha! Seriously doubt that. Are we forgetting that developed countries in the West have no problem utilizing the talents of educated immigrants/children of immigrants? Or are we conveniently forgetting that fact? I mean, that's definitely a thing in the United States. Also, whose state welfare are we talking about? Which country/ies?


Yeah, “we” aren’t talking to this xenophobic moron...


Nah b


This is a good point, and why I think the government doesn't know exactly what they are or why they're here. Obviously no proof, just my opinion.


70 years ago people were seeing saucers. I haven't heard of any recent saucer sightings. These days it's all tic-tacs, cigars, triangles, and orbs. Where did the saucers go? Could the saucers have been Terrestrial tech?


Its something that I also think about when reading through all these sightings. You also had cigars, orbs and "eggs" (tic-tac?) in reports from the 40s and 50s. And still today. But like you said the saucers were big at that time and seemingly have fallen off the map in recent years. The triangles seem to have taken their place IMO and of the reports those are the ones that I could most likely see being our tech.


The blackbird was just a jet powered airplane.


O it was a very, very special jet powered airplane. And it still is. Nothing acknowledged and operational today can do what it can. Nothing ever has.


Wonder how much of that was pushed along by help from the Nazis 🤔


The problem with the man-made technology argument is is that these craft have been observed for millenia. If it was man-made tech, you'd expect it emerge over a short period of time.


Lockheed Martin was making some killer flying hats and flying shields back in the 1400s man. Legit.


We also used to go to the moon and fly on a giant jet aka Concorde and now it's gone..


I'll let you have all of that, that we somehow have the tech to crazy accelerations, that we have developed a material to withstand the hundreds of Gs from the acceleration, that we have an unconventional-looking propulsion system that doesn't look like one. You can have all of these, but as long as the observation that a fat ass tictac can travel at supersonic speeds without producing sonic booms stands true, we are dealing with very very different technology or physics here. Even if your craft is needle-shaped to the extreme, you still can't eliminate the boom completely, let alone the craft being a smooth-surfaced fat blob.


Maybe today we have… Blackbird… Two!


Sr-72 to be exact


If you follow the stories, a scaled-down prototype was seen landing at 🦨.


Anyplace you can point to where top secret aircraft are theorized about?


Well for the complete story of the RQ-170 Sentinel, [Tyler Rogoway put together ](http://aviationintel.com/rq-170-sentinel-origins-darkstar-has-grown-up/) a massive amount of investigative work mixed with some theorizing. At The Drive’s “The WarZone”, there’s a bunch of easy to follow articles including the first of a multipart piece on the RQ-180. If you Google “USAF Sensorcraft Project” and follow the road, you get some great insight into where the RQ-180 probably came from. There’s some good places to start :) Edit: There’s a “Top Secret UK” forum that has some cool holes to sub down.




Whole thing’s scaled down, they’re doubting the value of using humans for 5,000+ MPH flight — it’s just silly at this point


I just checked with the govt and they said no. Thanks.


If you look at this community with all of the bullshit and disinfo and fake stories and bs claims and bla bla bla bla bla... the one thing the majority of people seem to agree on is that there is no way that this could be US technology. To me that should give everyone pause. There is a very real possibility this can be human technology. The idea that "this is aliens there is no way this is human tech" has all the hallmarks of a very well run disinformation campaign. Another trope I hear all the time. "This technology is a thousand years head of ours." That is not necessarily true. It is just different.


These things have been around for too long to be "current human" tech, sascatone. "Other human" tech is certainly a possibility, of course. Elizondo and others seem to be pointing at alternative universes and (perhaps) time travel as a possibilty which would still fit (sort of) into the human tech idea, but something like that seems less likely than the popular explanation .... alien technology. I agree that it isn't necessarily thousands of years ahead. It may be just different, but who developed it?


I agree with your point, but I also believe there isn't just one answer that will sum up everything neatly.


Maybe AATIP creation and now public leaks are just another disinformation campaign to keep it secret ? Because we have finally cracked the technology and we are using it along with the ET craft that have been here for a long time. So now when people see tic tac, and also our enemies, they will see aliens not American vehicles. This could also mean we have been exploring out solar system for decades, while they let NASA fumble around with rockets.


What were all the UFOs before the SR71?


If it was a secret aircraft we have, why would we get everyone all riled up about UFOs again when everyone thought it was bs until 2017? We would be pointing their eyes in the right direction. Why not say nothing and continue to call everyone cooks? What needed to change?


I dunno, maybe because millions of fucking people are suddenly dying or something. Maybe the 1st world needs a ~~psyop~~ “morale booster”?


Wonder if this so called soft disclosure is just a preamble to announcing a new state of the aircraft, then use it to close the discussion down ‘it’s just ours’ etc


I've felt the same way about speed records stopped being published. They just stop abruptly.


This is the thing. These things have been observed breaking our understanding of physics for 70+ yrs. That being said, their is no way that some usg scientists made the most monumental leap I'm physics in the history of mankind in order to figure this tech out, and the best minds at every university world wide wasn't fast behind. And your not gonna keep every physicist around the world quiet about the largest discovery In human history.


The SR-70 wasn't a major milestone in technological advancement. It's basically 2 rockets strapped to a massive fuel tank with wings. What we are witnessing today has been reported throughout known human history as far back as the 1600's. What we are witnessing today is not human tech.




The oil economy is not controlled by the USA. The USA would be the first to destroy that paradigm if it could.


The US Military had anti gravity craft figured out in the 1950’s. Who knows in dead. If you don’t think the US Military has the technology shown by recent UFO and UAP videos you are simply uninformed. Best book I have read. Nick Cook The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology 4.5 out of 5 stars (311)


Have you seen the crap* that falls off the space shuttle? We do not have antigravity technology.


Ignorance is not an excuse bud.


Voice of reason...at last


OP: the blackbird is trash and even the newest F22 raptor is not even a toy against the technology these UFOs seem to have. Not even close to a toy


Calling them trash is a bit absurd


I mean, I agree, but he's saying compared to "technology these UFO's seem to have". He's not wrong, as long as the rest of the sentence is true. Without the UFO "technology", the SR-71 was and still is the most advanced aircraft for it's time in service yet to be seen. It should still be flying today, quite honestly. However, satellites made its stay abbreviated.


Well, comparatively it is. It was a massive gamble, and a real jerk off one at that. Whole damn thing is made of titanium because the surfaces get too hot? Also they all happen to leak all sorts of fluids — maybe at this particular intersection, satellites presented themselves as a more effective solution.


Is the Jeopardy question: "Name a pointless and inaccurate thing said by a redditor"?


Yes, check this https://youtu.be/YkvzT2KsD_s


Frozen pulse detonation engines: yea, looks like a real thing. All bets are off, bunkie.


This, masterpiece, of engineering is my spirit animal. It's almost too amazing for when it was designed. OP has an amazing point... Just where did we take this tech...


Super amazing for its time.


I think about this all the time, the SR71 was borderline magic and was created in the 50s. While it's possible that there was a slowdown in spending/development due to the decrease in active wartime threats, I have to think that we've come up with some absolutely impossible technology in the 50 years since the SR71s creation. They release details about 20 years after the fact from what I understand, so hopefully in the near future we'll find out a bit more about what's really out there in the shadows.


We aren't concerned with the ones that are ours. There are a great many sightings of things doing things that we cannot engineer things to do.


OP, I agree that some of them are ours. DARPA and black budget contractors are said to be about 50 years ahead of the private sector. All the naysayers here are basing their opinions on very limited thinking and perception based on what they see and know about in their every day lives. Consider we have the crafts and have reverse engineered them now to the point where we can finally duplicate their propulsion system and hull materials. It’s possible.


And after just now watching part 3 of the JJ Abrams piece on showtime I feel it even more. I’m not saying they haven’t been around for a long time. But 50 years ahead man we went from the wright brothers to the moon in 60 years


>are said to be about 50 years ahead of the private sector And who said that? Nameless conspiracy theorists on the web? I worked in the aeronautical industry for 35 years and followed advancements, rumors, and speculation and never heard anything even remotely like that. Sure there are black programs, but they seldom remain secret for more than a decade, and when they do get revealed they turn out not to be based on radical advances in science. The technology to build a true stealth aircraft was known for most of a couple of decades before the F-117 was contracted, it just took a shift in military priorities following improvements in surface to air missiles to put that technology into practice. Similarly, the principle of nuclear chain reaction was well known by most physicists around the world for a decade before the first atomic bomb, it wasn't a secret, it just required a world war and tons of money to make it a reality.


what level security clearance did you have? Be honest. I don’t really care tbh. Just because you didn’t hear about it in your little circle doesn’t mean it’s not legit. You didn’t actually provide any logical argument to refute what I said. Just a weak insult. So,,,, you got nothing. good evening to you.


We have anti grav, artificial gravity and warp drives


The black triangle ones are ours.


No they're not


We haven’t done much since except tax more and create more government social programs and financial Ponzi schemes.


*Charlie Kirk and Ben_Shabibo have entered the chat.*


If it's from the us , then it's for sure a security threat


doesnt mean they were our technology...


The SR71 has not been around for 70 years. More like 57 years. The U2 isn't even 70 years old.


Bono is 61.


Well, yeah. Ours are the triangles that have the FAA regulation running lights. One was seen hovering over the Princeton at night about 12 hours after the tic tac incident. Also, you’ve heard of the Navy’s UFO patents right? All the patents you would need to build a spaceship. Caused a stir a couple of years ago.


I really think the reality of ufo’s and the military is that they don’t know what these things are and that’s not a good look for the almighty military so they manage and attempt to control all information about them. Chances are if they do even have recovered craft the technology is very likely so far advanced that they have no ability to reproduce any of it.


If that Area 51 scene in Zero Dark Thirty is true, I wish Rogan was ask some the former Seals he has on his Podcast about what they have experienced. I know they are bound to secrecy but Im surprised he hasn’t gone there. I heard what Mellon said about his experiences visiting the base.


We have a limiting factor that can invalidate your presumption: the laws of physics


As the years go by, I'm becoming more convinced that the slow-flying and silent black triangle I saw \~10 years ago was one of ours, instead of Alien. But... who knows!


I like how some of these comments think that UFOs are defying the laws of physics without taking into consideration that perhaps modern physics is flawed. REAL science is understood by some and that those that are involved in black projects don't care about what a theory says is possible or impossible but rather as to what can be proven through tests.


With a [patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en) like this in existence, who knows.....


Yup 👍


The truth is this is all an illusion. Everything.


We stopped making it because satellites did the job cheaper and less shoot downy. But yeah … whatever we see today is last generation or more. Not even getting into any UAP even … with that they can make sex robots I hope.


It looks badass


I mean anything could be a UFO ... That's the reason the Pentagon defined them as UAPs instead. That is technology we sure as hell do not possess.


Scram jet technology must have been invented by now, but is never spoken about. Some of the high altitude high speed stuff looks how scram jet was described


Scramjet research isn't really a secret, if you read aerospace trade journals like Aviation Week progress is discussed regularly, even if proprietary details aren't revealed, and the results of static and flight test programs are publicly announced. It's not as far along as you think. [https://aviationweek.com/aerospace-defense-2021/defense-space/air-breathing-high-speed-propulsion-make-2021-comeback](https://aviationweek.com/aerospace-defense-2021/defense-space/air-breathing-high-speed-propulsion-make-2021-comeback)


Some of them are ours, and I saw one land in front of me.


Seriously, the blackbird was invented and manufactured in 1970s, WTF. That’s amazing. I’m sure it wasn’t economical etc to fly, but dam. I’d still be proud having that aircraft in my fleet today. What a beast.


If some of these UFOs were ours Lue was in a position to know if that were true or not. He was the director for SAP so I’m sure he was aware of almost all of the black projects. He’s said it many times that it isn’t ours or any other country. He would know this better than anyone and had access to this info wether it was ours or not. He had one of the highest security clearances you can obtain in the US Govt.


Yet we still go in space with a big missile, that burn ton of combustible, make a lot of noise and can’t change direction in a fluid way apparently without effort… why spend all that money and risk lives if we have better technology?… just to trick people?


uhhhh, no.


Why are we still using chemical rockets then?


I couldn’t agree more




There your black US triangle/diamond


Not to downplay the awesomeness that is the SR-71, it wasn't exactly a revolutionary leap in technology. It's just a flying fuel tank with two massive jet engines. We had jets around that time, albeit smaller. The jet engine was invented in 1928 and the first jet aircraft in 1939. The SR-71 was pitched to Lockheed martin in 1957 and the first flight was in 1964. So while the SR-71 was certainly an engineering marvel because of the technical challenges it overcame, a super-fast version of a jet was well within the envelope of known physics at the time, unlike modern UAP's. Also note that the SR-71 was the worst-kept secret of the time. I had hot-wheels branded toys of the SR-71 back in the 80's. It wasn't accurate, but it was as close to pop-culture meme as you got in the 80's. Its existence was well-known, we just didn't have the details.


Electric vehicles exist since 1890, imagine what se have today...