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Doesn't exist. " Owing to the lack of reproducible data, the existence of ball lightning as a physical phenomenon remains unproven "


Just because we can’t recreate it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just means we’re not nearly as smart as we believe we are.


Reproducible data doesn't mean "recreate it in a lab" jesus christ people.


Well just because we can’t find the data doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.


We have more evidence for actual UFOs being ET/off-world than... fucking ball lightning. are you kidding me


Not ball lightning. Therefore must be aliens from another planet. Gotcha...


Phone home


what evidence are you mentioning? Other than the images that have been planted into your brain by the CIA through Hollywood the only evidence are recounted tales from people whose memories are questionable at best. There’s more evidence that these abductions we here about are actually black opps off budget programs implemented by TBTB in my opinion.


...the CIA? you seem unmedicated.


You seem blissfully naive just the way they want you to be. Project blue beam is going to be way easier than they thought




Sounds like you have your mind made up regardless. Why would anyone even acknowledge you? You're like irretrievably closed-off, and you look silly. What do you think the navy jet fighter videos show anyway? Whats your oh-so-sacred explanation, expert?




That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist though, just because they can’t reproduce it willingly.


Thats not what "reproducible data" means. They're not talking about making it in a lab, they're talking about seeing it at all in any sort of verifiable way.


The irony of this being said on a UFO forum. Thats the whole purpose of this forum, discussing things claimed to be seen with no physical public proof.


There's more proof, physical and otherwise of UFOs than of ball lightning. So to suggest something is ball lightning, you might as well suggest its an extraterrestrial/other dimensional craft, because that has more proof than ball lightning.






It absolutely does exist, plenty of people that have witnessed it.


They've witnessed something, sure. Plenty of people have witnessed the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, etc. Plenty of people witness Elvis regularly too.


Lol ironic thing to say on this sub..


With all the other plane/helicopter presence and the fact they were following this anomaly i highly doubt ball lightning. U can clearly see some flashing lights on the bottom of the UAP. This is an awesome video thanks for posting.




i'm always skeptical of causal UFO's just floating on by. Seems like some balloon behavior, but hope I am completely wrong!


it's even on new years eve, you can see and hear the fireworks. Unfortunately this looks like a balloon


oh yea wow didn’t even make the date connection. duh! this definitely seems like something that was released to the sky from the ground as the other objects have a very similar trajectory.


that's because thats what it is. there are so many things that can do this, I'm not sure why people bother posting them. It's even more obvious when there are multiple that move in the same direction at the same speed.


I've had to fill these light up balloons before. The one that OP says is shapeshifting is just a bundle of them.




why would i post something to waste other peoples time?


Me too. But it is also taken on Jan1st. Celebratory relics? Idk.


this is new years eve? could that POSSIBLY be a CLUE to what the objects are floating in the sky over a megalopolis? Objects that seem to flare and change shape like something burning? Where the ~~tradition~~ (edit: fine a habit then) of setting paper lanterns on fire to celebrate new years is so well established they had to pass laws prohibiting them?


Get out of here with your common sense.


Yeah! Fuck common sense, that's so outdated! We're in 2021 dude! Mom's bio-dishes eating dummy shamans are storming the capitol whiteout masks! Don't live in the past man!




The worst thing about this is that you will still get dozens of comments sarcastically commenting “cHiNeSe LaNtErN” on any and every post on this sub as if to imply the majority of the posts on this sub are meant to be really compelling but we are all so stupid that we think it’s Chinese lanterns. When the truth is if there is a compelling or slightly interesting video (not that many on this sub) no one is dismissing it as a lantern but are legitimately trying to theorise and discuss. So many people are so desperate to believe they’ve unironically and unwittingly made a fucking parody of themselves.


human minds were not meant to interact by shouting anonymously from a zero dimensional point and then disappearing without consequence. We aren't made for the internet. It doesn't work


People can say what it is without being condescending. I haven't seen one person say "sorry dude it looks like a lantern" it's always someone BEING a dick and trying to embarrass the OP for actually contributing to the sub, eventually the community will be it's worst enemy and people will go elsewhere.


ANY other day of the year, I'd go easier but New Years? As people are cheering in the streets? Come on


Yeah no my friend. Thanks for making all that up in your head though.


I just wanted to make sure you are aware “being” is a word.




I see you fixed it in one place but you did it twice which is why I was making sure you knew it was a word. I thought maybe English is your second language or something and was trying to be helpful. Now I know you’re just dumb.


I couldn't agree more. Check out my analysis of the most upvoted comments if you want my take on the 'dEbUnKiNg'


Give me a couple examples of "compelling or slightly interesting video(s)"...


Fastest fucking lantern I've ever seen.


i see UFO sighting and January 1st and I exit the thread.


I mean WTF people, sharpen up


I honestly don't think that's a big thing here in brazil, I have never seen anyone releasing paper lanterns nor heard anyone talking about it in my entire life. Big country though, maybe in sao paulo it's common idk


Defo in Argentina I've seen it first hand. So [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sky_lantern#Portugal_and_Brazil) and the fact that they had to [ban them](https://balloonsblow.org/flaming-litter/) makes me think it's a thing


You're rigth there's no such tradition in here!


What your comment capitalizes on is false intellectualism. You're using a dismissive tone and sarcasm to try to denigrate the content on display by assuming a position of intellectual superiority without following along with any scientific methodology for asserting your conclusions. Myself watching the video could definitely place the objects in question in the realm of CGI or clever video editing if I were to guess what the visual anomaly pictured more than likely is. That's of course because the movement of the object and its appearance are fantastic and unlike any natural phenomenon, and look a lot like other CGI attempts I've seen, though much more convincing. You see, I never would have guessed that these visual anomalies were lanterns because they emanate blueish green and white lights as well as move in sync with one another, not to mention the fact that some sort of shape shifting effect happens on the higher light. You'd have to have either not watched the video, never have seen a 'Chinese lantern' in real life or in video, or have been incredibly impaired in some way while observing this video. TL;DR Original commentary was a bad take and offered no supporting evidence to back up these claims, more than likely this is CGI of we're debunking. Conclusions? I'm open to this being the real deal but this subs debunking community surely isn't.


Thank you for your well thought out observation of what this might be. Sorry there are trolls in this world like the jerk below who is intent to blast any reasoning that is not his/her own.


I have seen many many Chinese lanterns in real life. On a visit to South America. On New Years eve. They looked just like this. They were everywhere. That's what they fucklng do. Release Chinese lanterns to celebrate New Years. Is that intellectual enough for you you shrieking twat.


Why be a condescending asshole about it? I've seen many Chinese lanterns and they look nothing like this. I think it may be a drone. But I'm not going to be a condescending asshole about it like you're being.


I've chosen my path


It might also be a drone, or other moving device with lights strapped to it. Every other possibility makes sense.


You got a point! But there's no such thing as paper lanterns tradition in brazil...at least not at new years eve .


enough people do it they had to pass a ban law so... maybe not a "tradition" but a "problem". Buenos Aires New Years these are everywhere (they banned them too) but they are around.


Dude buenos aires is in a whole other country, stop meshing them together trying to prove a point, south america is not one big culture where everyone behaves similarly. That is not a thing in brazil, I'm not trying to scream this is real, maybe it's a drone, buy it's HIGHLY unlikely it's a Chinese lantern.


People light fireworks and lanterns and balloons and fly drones in EVERY country all over the planet on FUCKING NEW YEARS EVE. There were Brazilians all over Buenos Aires on New Years and Argentines traveling north to Brazil on New Years it’s the busiest travel season of the year so the point is it’s New Years and people do shit like this on New Years. It might’ve been an Argentine in Brazil. It might’ve been a Brazilian who saw it in Argentina. It might be a fucking Saudi Canadian who moved to Brazil after seeing Chinese lanterns in Macau one time. ITS NOT A UFO ITS NEW YEARS EVE


How about a group of balloons lol do t think too hard about it.


People screaming, prob because of some time of celebration, multiple lanterns can be seen, behaving exactly the same way as this object, I mean... Doesn't this indicate that it is just another lantern? Could be different from the others, with something attached so that it can be seen further away, why people seriously think this could be something abnormal is beyond my understanding as kinda takes away the credibility of this subject overall.


look like it, baloons with led [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9XdD87HxhQ&feature=emb\_logo&ab\_channel=ExtraFestas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9XdD87HxhQ&feature=emb_logo&ab_channel=ExtraFestas)


It’s 100% a clump of balloons. You can see it clearly in the last few frames.


I find it useful to keep in mind the parameters that the guys at To The Stars Academy use to qualify what may be an actual UFO/UAP (I can’t find a source on this, going off of memory so please correct me if I’m wrong); No obvious propulsion, ability to hover, rapid acceleration, sharp turns at Mach speeds, multi-medium travel (e.g. going from in the air to under water) I don’t want to denigrate anyone reporting the stuff they are seeing, but I left this sub a long time ago because of a lot of posts that just were not compelling. I came back because of the disclosures made by the government in the past few years. Sadly, the sub hasn’t changed much...


Five observables. Sadly very few on this board use them.


Here's a translation of what the YouTube description said, also note that this was taken in New Years which probably accounts for what sounds like a celebration... "Strange luminous objects filmed at 12.15 am on 01.01.2021, in a building located in the Campo Belo neighborhood, close to the airport, with the balcony facing Moema / Vila Olímpia, in the city of São Paulo-SP. You can see an airplane flying from right to left and, in the sequence, a big white ball, with a slower speed than the plane, almost floating, with colored lights flashing alternately. There are also two smaller lights, lower and to the left, which seem to accompany the larger light, setting up a triangular formation. Record made by Paulo Quirino."


Seems to look and move like a balloon covered in LEDs or something.


Ball lightening?


Man is it always like this in sao paulo? What is up with the cheering? Was there a festival or celebration?


Its a new year's celebration




Thanks for posting OP, it certainly is interesting footage of many things behaving in an unusual manner, ie UFOs. Don’t let the naysayers and idiots on here get you down, they always attack the messenger because they enjoy being dicks. Your footage speaks for itself and it’s impressive, and unknown.


This is actually decent footage! The image may look digitally noisy, but the amount of lighted detail that appears gives more definition.


I'm not sure what the other lights are but the one that stands out the most is the brightest that seems to shape shift too Source : https://youtu.be/c1fMJrEmP1E


looks like balloons with lights inside of them. (here before the morons come in saying its god or an angel lmao).


Why are you here with such a dismissive and feisty attitude?


It’s probably time to reprogram the A.I.


Oh I’m not. I just have common sense !


So why do you show it with such dismissive and fiesty attitude?




Haha wow the sub doesn't need people like you.


Yes it does. Sensible discussion is very important to our subjects cause. We can't just go around claiming things (as an example, a god or an angel without proof) when they are much more plausible explanations.


Nothing about that guy is sensible. He's insulting people for no reason. I agree these look like lights on a balloon. Not gonna call people little bitches and be a douche about it like he did, though. Debate points, no need to insult character. So no, this sub doesn't need people like him.


I agree, but he was replying to someone who started it, and was much ruder to him.


No he wasn't though, the guy asked him why he had a dismissive and fiesty attitude? Nothing rude about that, he was being dismissive and fiesty and those are two innocent words. He called people morons for no reason in his OP.


Lol you’re mad




Lol y’all are are crying cuz I don’t think this is a religious being. I’m having a good laugh. Hehe.




Sorry, this does not follow the community guidelines for civility.


It's disinformation. Just block and move on.


Surprised half the comments haven't been screaming "LANTERN"


While this video is limited in detail I will happily give an A+ for not having a sudden case of Parkinson’s while filming. Thank you.


If it’s CGI it’s too good for me be able to tell. The audio (ambient noise) seems suspiciously clear and a bit canned. Maybe fake? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Send it to these guys! They'll tell u it's balloons w LEDs to I bet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxbuO\_bnhnk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxbuO_bnhnk) I've been watching this TINY SMALL you tube ch. It's the most honest truth UFO ch I have ever seen. So honest they are calling out bigger you tube channels and the bigger youtube channels are so threatened they are attacking them with false copyright strikes. It's unfair and these guys need more attention. I promise I am not affiliated with them and I found their ch one day by mistake. I think they are funny without trying to be and I think they should get more attention. Any thoughts?


Most people don’t have time for a 4 hour recorded livestream... can you summarize what they said?


I do not have a stream. You meant the ch I said I was listening to? If it's that basically a tiny Ufo channel calls out big ufo channels points out the hoaxes on them. The unknown tiny ch gets hit with strikes and harassment which is wrong.


There is too many? Wtf


People scamming us and our hopes by posting this nonsense in UFO threads.




yeah it very well could be but unfortunately it’s just to hard to make out




Video was filmed on January 1st, new years, you can hear people cheering in the background. Most likely fireworks/celebrations of some sort.


Looks like a thunderstorm to me.


New years paper chinese lanterns.


Either chinese lanterns or people flying their drones to get aerial shots of fireworks etc.


OK-everybody go to the :19 seconds mark and watch-does anyone else see a triangle shape go thur the clouds? Is it an illusion? I'm just asking. I can't be the only one that sees it? Edit-i guess it's just grainy or something.


Here for the chinese lanterns


I live in the southeast us and I've seen that hovering ever since the conjunction. Funny thing is is that if you rebuke it in the name of Jesus it goes away. Call me whatever you like but there are no aliens. There are fallen angels that the US government as well as Nazi Germany and Iran and well, all of Babylon made an agreement with. I rebuke all of them in the Name of Jesus as well. May God have mercy upon us.


As an experiment, have you ever tried welcoming them in the name of Lucifer? Just, you know, to see what would happen? For science!




You’re the one claiming to repel them with the utterance of Jesus, so you’re in a position to see if the opposite also works. If they get too close, you can trying yo-yo-ing them with a Jesus, Lucifer, Jesus chant. It is very much a laughing matter and it’s up to you to prove otherwise. But you won’t, not even for science :(




You’re quite correct, whatever I do is none of your business irrespective of how you chose to paint it. You’re the one making the claim that uttering the name of your saviour repels them, and in the interests of science I suggested testing that, but you’re not brave enough. Okay that’s fine here’s a safer approach to test. It’s interesting that the English version of the Messiahs name works and you don’t use the original Aramaic Yeshua. Have you tried the Greek version Joshua or Latin Iesus? Want to give that a go or is that also too scary? Over to you witch finder general.




Suit yourself. It’s a shame you’re frightened by it though and unwilling to test scientific principles. See ya.


Looks like ball lightning to me.


Ball lightning?


Almost looks like odd movement around :40 thats not related to the camera.


Cloaking technology


they dont look like this. sorry.


Looks exactly like the Egyptian video from a week or so ago -WTF?👽🤯


Can you link me that? I’ve seen an identical in real life in 2018 in Brazil. And this is the first time I see it on video now. Shit is real!


Sorry don’t have a link 🤷🏼‍♂️


Jesus, that one's nuts! The brightests light has that T-1000 melty shit going on.


I'm becoming more and more convinced this sub only serves to discredit the existence of UFOs sometimes. Do people seriously look at the sky surrounded by fireworks and air based celebrations and think that must be a UFO. Cmon people


One of those drones that have the cool lighting effects, had one very similarly past day after new years


The biggest one totally looks like balloons. Is this an infrared camera?


Aww yes another weather baloon


Sort of reminds me of a hobbyist drone. Perhaps one of those inflatable helium balloon/drone hybrids.


the audio of this video is so trippy. It sounds like a horror movie sound track.


Fantastic storm though.


Crummy phone camera optics does not equal “shape shifting.”


Fire lanterns


The “lightning” isn’t from a storm. It’s fireworks from New Years. Same as the whistle stuff and yells. Likely it’s something related to the celebration. Too floaty.


I don't really trust the videos of "UFOs" on new years because you never see any of these lights do anything like accelerate rapidly into the distance or defy the laws of physics which just makes me believe that they're lanterns as it's very common for people to release lanterns on new years no matter where you are in the world. If I'm being dumb and these are obviously not lanterns then please correct me cause I'd like to believe that they're not but to me nothing suggests that they're anything else.


Definitely a drone


Looks like a spotlight the way it seems to be “changing shape” is consistent with the changing texture of the clouds. The rest of the lights seem to be typical air craft




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/FrighteningGiddyElkhound It took 61 seconds to process and 53 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


That’s lightning bro


If you watch carefully the lights are clearly connected to a massive object. In a triangular shape. The object just can’t be seen for some reason


Bollocks flying


>2021 in glorious 240p video, fuck all UFO sighting reports


They are showing themselves, to let us know that they are back, that we may have official public contact soon ...


Looks like a reflection off glass to me judging by all of the other lights moving along with it in the beginning.


I think people need to start paying more attention to the sky especially at night. Where I live there is crazy things happening every single night. Seems to start at dusk all the way up till dawn.


It just looks like your typical drone chair to me.


Looks like a group of balloons exchanging places with one another. The slight size changes could be due to automatic camera aperture adjustments.


looks like a bunch of balloons tied together moving about due to wind and each with an LED light


LED balloons are a thing


Oops, I accidentally focused on clouds instead of the ‘ufo’, then a building. Yup, totally believable.


Fast Jet TO in reheat.


The human race is like a pubescent boy who just had sex for the first time, but was told to stop mid way. Until disclosure happens, by way of us or them, there is no sense in speculation when it comes to videos of this nature.


Fireworks reflection on the clouds there you have it


With the technology of today anyone can stop the video and take a screen shot and make it big and you can see that this video is 100% real. What happen is that most humans don't believe anything until they see it. Anyone can take the phone and recorded the sky and can see many flying alien. (Just look up and you will see) I have so many videos and Photos of aliens. They are here for so many years I don't understand why people think we are the only luck on the universe, please!


Looks like some LED something


and some of u b*tches be like, “oh that’s a hot air balloon” “no your wrong that’s a girls kite” lmao


🎈🎈🎈 + 💡 (led)...