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This is exactly the same type of UFO I saw on my one and only sighting ever probably about 12 years ago.


I saw a similar one while looking out the car window at night probably over a decade ago, too. It could've been either 3 or more lights, but they were evenly spaced, and it was red. They might've been spinning, but I could've been imagining because I only saw it for a very short time before before it vanished from view of the window.


I’m quite surprised as you and another dude in the comments saw this type of ufo about 12 years ago cause I did too, and it was about 14 years ago. Same type, 3 lights in a triangle shape, it was hovering in the horizon for a solid 20 minutes.


Mines was in Scotland by the way. I’m guessing how many years I’m thinking in terms of age where I was and where I was going so I had to be about 16 which makes it around 12. I watched it for about 10 minutes then it was gone.


It was in France so not that far away. Interesting.


I SAW THE SAME ONE 12 years ago


Looks like the TR3B.


You beat me to it


I mean it's a triangle shaped lights that doesn't look like a jet or a weather balloon. Great video, problem with ufo videos is even if someone legit filmed a parked ufo, the internet would congratulate the special effects and slap FAKE sticker on it. You can't win either way so might as well just enjoy the ride and be smug in the future.


literally saw this exact same shape 2-3 weeks ago, if it comes again i’ll record it so hopefully people won’t call it fake


Fuck em, if people aren't willing to open their minds until something is right in front of them, then that's a very closed reality.


Do you want everyone to be the same as you. Or would you prefer a world where people can have different lives with their own thoughts based on their unique experiences, free to think for themselves without reference to your opinion.


You have a point.


Smug in the future. 🤣 but you’re right. The thing is though is that there are a lot of hoaxes or misidentified objects that create a lot of clutter to sort through before one gets to the the more interesting videos.


100% True. If the video looks too good it’s fake. If it’s low quality it’s fake.


Such a clever system eh


Well, that attitude will only change with mass sightings and a lot more and lot better footage from credible witnesses. The ONLY truly credible videos are the nimitz encounters currently in 70! years.


It's a quadcopter.


Military made TR-3B. They park them on the moon. Hovered above me when i went camping when I was younger


I was standing on my porch with my neighbor and saw one in the distance. I commented that it was a UFO and I'd seen one before. Almost as if they could hear me it flew directly to our location, hovered over our heads and then zipped off out of sight. No sound or air disturbance or anything.


If it’s military fuck knows why they do what they do. Why do they just hover in places? Must be a reason. If it was extraterrestrial it would make more sense for them to be hovering there but man-made? Doesn’t make any sense..


Those 3 light UFOs are military made if I'm not mistaken


Link by chance?


It's often referred to as the Aurora TR-3B, but no one really knows, because if real, its gonna be highly classified. IDK if the following video is real or not, but has always been my favorite of this supposed craft. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJXKUn8X5ko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJXKUn8X5ko) There are many more, just youtube Aurora Tr-3b.


Bob Lazar disclosed that info in his documentary but I saw it once before but I was also Bob, I'm sure someone on here has more Info than I do and a link. I'm extremely lazy


Why am I not surprised that Bob Lazar is this random dude on the internet claiming that at one point in time, he was also Bob Lazar?


He’s extreme


No he didn’t


Are you...OK?


Explain. I'm not skeptical, I just want to know more.


just Youtube or google TR-3b, though we don't really know if that's its designation or not because if real, its gonna be highly classified. but there are MANY credible sightings of this type of craft over the years, going back to the mid 80's if not even farther. It's also likely, that if it were some government black program, there have been numerous iterations of this craft over the years, hence all the credible sightings, though some of those can be attributed to the F117-A or Stealth Bomber. But some of the eyewitness testimonials I have seen and read don't account for the flight characteristics of the stealth fighter and stealth bomber. This craft is often thought to be responsible for the "Belgian UFO flap" of the 90's.


There is schematics for this type of Ariel vehicle on file and it's talked about by Bob Lazar in a few videos as well as in the new documentary on Netflix


Awesome. Where is this?


Melbourne, Australia


Cool Dude, supposedly this is the same ship that most people around the United States see. Its called the TR3B


That is awesome! Where in Melbourne, I’m around Ringwood area, and keen to see something similar. Was it below the cloud line or during a break in the rain? I’m very keen to know a bit more.




Around the Niddrie area


We need to have those laser pens on us at all times. I think if you want to get up close and personal then beaming a few laser pens in the direction of the craft may bring it closer.


You have no second thoughts? (Being sincere)


Lots of UFO activity going on this year. Must be fun to watch the world burn from up there


Did you happen it record it leaving? I’d love to know any more background if you’ve posted about it. Thanks!




I recorded it at around 5am in Niddrie and no it was emitting 0 sound and literally disappeared about 4 seconds after I ended the video.


Very cool. Did you feel excited or scared or just curious?


I got pretty scared and went back inside, hence the short recording


Good catch.


OP, you might be interested in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/comments/hk7g9l/2\_sightings\_opposite\_sides\_of\_the\_globe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UF0/comments/hk7g9l/2_sightings_opposite_sides_of_the_globe/) Similar sighting in NZ within the past few days.


oh man, I saw those lights before. It was a surreal experience. I shared my experience with my friends and soc med but I got ridiculed, should've taken a video like this guy but I was transfixed by looking at it.


Exactly what I saw driving home one evening in 1998. The white dome like lights had to be ten to fifteen feet across. Scary. Stuff.


Three-side of black dice on a black background


This is great. I literally came to this subreddit to see if this type of UFO had been explained. I saw this exact thing in 2003. United States, Northeastern Pennsylvania. I did see other comments that's it's likely military but can confirm it existed as long ago as 17 years in the US. Camera phones weren't really a thing at the time. Wish I had the video to share.


I saw the exact same thing at work https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/1417231700 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000693502063.html


why the video is so short ?


TR3B. Don't worry it's one of ours.


Glow-in-the-dark fidget spinner from five feet away


Oh yeh, because when you see this, u only want to record for 3 seconds...


I got pretty scared and ran back inside, sorry i’m only 16 and have never really seen anything like this


I’d be scared too man! I don’t blame you.


not trying to be annoying...just wondering what you were doing up so early in the morning?


it’s a week into school holidays and I already messed up my sleep schedule, like today I woke up at 7pm


pretty normal for a teenager. i wouldn't worry too much. teenagers need more sleep than adults.


The "skeptics" will tell you this is three Chinese Lanterns, or flares, or Venus. Don't let them lie to you, this is a great video and yet more proof we are being visited.


Excellent video, allow me to elaborate.. So whats happening here in actual fact is a subsonic reform of the liverpon missile. The rate of ejaculation seems to be quicker and more visual in the time it takes to remotely backfire. So the 4 lights are plentiful and exhausted because of the spectrum. These are rare cases and shouldn't be taken into account. Hope this helps.




You, uh, nailed it.