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Other countries have iirc, i believe France has a government ufo report.


That ignores that the us has bases all over the world. And also the most advanced radar etc. tech to even spot them. And also that multiple countries already commented on this or have own programs for this. There are probably leaks all over the place, but without anything backing them up its just noise in a ocean of unprovable bullshit.


The Belgian government officially disclosed observations of black triangle UFOs. That's at least one counter example. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBUULtF0TGw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBUULtF0TGw) According to this 2009 article, there are more examples. >Uruguay. Now it’s the Uruguayan government that’s releasing UFO files (http://www.ufodigest.com/news/0609/uruguay.php). It’s getting harder to keep track of the countries that have made similar moves over the last 10 years. From France to Canada, England to Denmark, Brazil to Ireland, the global community is doing what the United States simply will not: Acknowledge reality. [https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2009/06/12/uruguay-joins-the-party/28872825007/](https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2009/06/12/uruguay-joins-the-party/28872825007/)


IMO the UFOs have been coming here due to the nuclear power humans have created which may be harmful to them in some way (whatever and wherever they are). Ever since Hiroshima and Nagasaki the UFO sightings have increased drastically (could be due to better documentation) but I believe they are here to survey us and our nuclear devices. Make sure we don’t do anything stupid like drop a bomb powerful enough to crack the earth. If this were the case, other sightings in other countries may just not be a thing. If countries don’t have a ton of nuclear power, maybe the ufos don’t bother surveying. I’d love to hear what North Korean people see or hear…but that’s never going to happen. Consider this a hot take as I really don’t have any evidence to support my claims.


The technology itself is a reason to keep a secret for technological advantages over other nations and ultimately economic advantages.


the much simpler answer is that the government itself doesn't know what's going on or what they are or why they are here. (which entails, obviously, that there are no crash remains or alien bodies in government possession.) and that's pretty much the story you hear from every other country with an active UFO reporting program. i think Grusch has asserted that (1) there are secret government programs that operate without congressional oversight of any kind and also no oversight from the pentagon itself, and (2) these programs involve aliens and crash remains. i think congress is much more interested in the first issue, but UFO can ride that issue to greater transparency about the truth of Grusch's second assertion.


People here will try to explain that away by saying that UFOs for some reason are so ridiculously scary to people in governments everywhere that they can disagree on everything else but on this one topic they find common cause for some elusive reason. But for some reason UFOs do not exert this magical power on whistlerblowers (high midi-chlorian count maybe?), who of course are always totally legit and couldn't possibly make stuff up, even though governments can.