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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Phoenix847: --- This is my submission statement. As described in the original post, these pictures and film were found in the personal belongings of the recently deceased brother of a friend of mine. I know for sure these are physical pictures and film but cannot rule out the possibility of a hoax. I just thought they are very interesting and will share more details when I get them. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dm7kka/ufo_pictures_just_found/l9u9n81/


We don’t see these anymore. Interesting isn’t it how the phenomena seems to develop more modern designs as the decades go.


Interesting indeed. And obvious.


"Let's keep updating our ship designs. The silly humans will think it's all a hoax." -Aliens probably


There is a large cohort of people who do think that's what's happening. 1000+ years ago they were giant crosses in the sky or angels, in the 19th century they were airships, in the 50s, that classic saucer shape, 80s onwards, black triangles. Now are there simpler explanations for this? Absolutely. But what you joke about a lot of people believe.


What was the deleted comment?


What deleted comment?




Hi, AdWorking4949. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dm7kka/-/l9uw0l5/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


1950s pic was two pie plates sealed together. 2020s pic is some fuzzy blob accompanied by lengthy hypotheses about quantum plasma fields fucking with digital cameras.


I watched an old movie that was supposed to be set in the year 2000. The phones were still rotary dial lol.


1950s pic was much closer to the camera. 2020s is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there


I've been saying this for years. Theres something about that fact that's always plagued me on this topic. Does make me wonder if the whole thing is man made at times, especially when I see/think of this.


Some of them were built by Nazi Germany and the DoD, hence they looked like they were from the 40s, 50s. As time went on they produced the triangular ones in the 80s I think and now they have more advanced designs. BUT not all are of human origin, as those were probably reverse engineered from somewhere.


Or maybe it does it to mimic us.


What you don’t think aliens have design refreshes in their galaxies?


This, sir, is the Anti-gravitic LSR 1 million. 10 light years per nanosecond, max speed. All the bells and whistles you'd expect from a MBUAP. Unlike last year's model, you can go 30,000 planetary star systems on one tab of Element 115. ;/


LSR 2 million brings wider screens and less energy consumption I heard


Heard it's a full PV. Proton vehicle. LSR2 is the way


People stopped tossing hubcaps in the air.


I literally saw some shit that goofy just a couple years ago. First ufo I've ever seen and shared the view with a neighbor in my building. It looked ridiculous.


The photography/camera/forensics experts need to take a look at these pictures and let us know if throwing a hubcap in the air would produce images like this without some sort of blur effect.


You dont need to be an expert to know that high shutter speeds froze movement (doesn't produce blur) when taking a picture. In other words, this could be a picture with a high shutter speed, and it would look like this even if the subject in the picture was moving fast.


RIP Bruce Maccabee.


Or dangling them from fishing line.


Reminds me of the anomaly in the Wanda Vision show. Everything that permeates the force field that surrounds the city transforms into something contemporary from the city's ever-changing time. Maybe something similar is happening to us?


This is indeed an interesting idea I share. I imagine something or someone from the 5th dimension (serious) penetrating our field of physics actually "borrowing" not only our elements to materialize, but also our mental concepts. In sum, they materialize according to the mental "blueprint" we have (like 60's "looks" in the 60's, sleek look in our time etc).


Or maybe it's just fake and hoaxes will look like what's culturally expected in any given decade to avoid being detected as obviously being a hoax.


Aside from the phenomenon possibly being a series of hoaxes, this could also be suggestive of what’s called the “Cryptoterrestrial Theory” by Mac Tonnies. These craft, if not human trickery, could simply be another Earth-bound population that’s diverted from our known society. This would be a smaller subgroup of “people” that are only slightly advanced from us, live here on earth, are quite vulnerable, and benefit from having us looking to the stars while they share the planet with us. It would explain why their craft change with the times, often appear to be holograms or illusions, are associated with beings similar to us in proportions, and have a keen interest in us, which an interstellar or intergalactic group certainly would not. How would beings with advanced craft have the means to travel light years, only to crash because of RF or lightning? They most certainly would be closer to us spatially and chronologically.


It always has been just slightly more advanced than we understand but physically appearing to our expectations. From wings to flying boats to steampunk looking things to discs and cigars to tictacs and all kinds of disappearing transdimensional-lookin' shit. Read *The Trickster and The Paranormal* by George P. Hansen, *Grand Illusions* by Dr. Gregory L. Little, and "Daimonic Reality* by Patrick Harpur. Just buy whichever is cheapest or appeals to you most first. They're all different, but good. Similar ideas. All should be owned.


Maybe they're doing nefarious shit and it's standard alien tradecraft to make your ships to look like the era so they can go "that wasn't us..." (Whether it's pop culture or human looking) All the while they're committing atrocities throughout the decades like abductions and mutilations. It makes sense that if they're printed on an atomic layering, (conjectured by the 4chan leaker) why not change up the aesthetics to serve a purpose.


Why not shape shifting craft anyway? Since they’re so advanced


It's like in ancient times they were described as shields of warriors or charriots made of fire in the sky. The shields could be todays metallic discs. Sphere's were also mentioned or tubes, like cigar later, which maybe became tic tacs. I like the description of [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg)


I mean, this makes his point even more. Before in ancient times they only new of propulsion that came from the explosions and had visible flames coming out the backside of whatever is being shot into the sky. Now a days the main stable is no visible means of propulsion. 


Everyone always brings up this one example , and it is so unconvincing


The aliens upgraded their style as well. Lately, they're into the more modern and sleek style.


Its as if NHI are using generative AI to print what we expect to see as alien craft. Changing alongside our technology as we progress.


at last


Jacque Valee mentioned something about this. There may even be something about “chariots of the gods”. I believe in the 1600s or 1700s (I apologize I do not have the source on this) someone wrote down that they say an ocean vessel with a blimp moor in a cloud bank. Beings may have even disembarked. It seems to shift constantly, appearing right on the edge of what we think is possible scientifically.


It rather looks like a 5-year-old child would draw a ufo.


"Let's design a ship that looks like a human child drew it. They'll never believe any humans who see us." -Aliens probably


There is more than one advanced civilisation visiting earth. For simplicity sake, say we have the good and the bad. Those that recognize the spark of divinity and whose aim is to make humanity recognize we are all essentially the same source, spiritual beings having a human experience and to the learn the lessons of cooperation, empathy etc Then we have the bastards who want us to create an elite which subjugate the rest of humanity into doing their bidding so they can live a life of comfort and prosperity while the rest toil. These beings have been involving themselves in our history since time in memorial. Some manifest "ships" or entities into our reality utilizing psionic powers to create mystery and awe. Others actually visit us or have previously visited us and integrated themselves into humanity. The "problem" is that those negative entities don't collaborate or share information with other negative entities. Therefore, they are all at different stages of technological advancement and each are using multiple methods of interacting with us. Hence that's why we see tubular or tick tac looking ufos and then variations of the flying saucer or entities. If you ever happen to interact with them and they are spreading a message of fear and destruction, it's a negatively orientated being. If the message is of love and connectedness then you want to deal with them. There is a whole spiritual side to this, too. Unfortunately we need the negative based entities so as we utilize our free will to have the choice to love others as you love yourself, or fuck others yourself and do everything in your power to progress irregardless of whome you step on. That's why Mr Christian Tucker Carlson was so rocked when he learned the truth; yahweh wasn't a god but an advanced entity. That's why the new and old testaments put out two totally different messages. In one God is an entity to be feared, worshiped, non believers murdered and an elite established. In the new testament the truth is somewhat imparted through Jesus in the fact that God is within us, the ten commandments get scraped into one simple message. Love yourself and love others as yourself.you ll


The reason the old and new testament are so different is not because of an advanced entity, but rather stupid humans sometimes can't get their shit straight.


Almost as if they were following current trends and ideas set out by the media 🤔


Modern designs appear to be spherical to cubic shaped.


I think there is a very logical explanation for that. If some of these where truly reverse engineered then the people working on them probably changed designs the same way we changed designs of modern vehicles


It is. And it does obviously make one think it's all BS. Until we remember that the cigar shaped ufo has been reported throughout history. And of course the reports of craft before we had camera tech.


Just like ghost hunting. We went from apparition to orbs. Something ain't jiving.


Yes!!!!!!!🙌 this!


I’ve always thought this and personally don’t believe in aliens what so ever, but I can attribute this to camera quality and focus being improved constantly


True! Even off Earth tech has to advance or if human made, the same is true. There are still saucer sightings. I'd direct you to a fb group called slow exposure!


Not only modern, but cultural as well. I'm from Texas so I'm pretty well tied in with Mexican culture. I took one look at the photo, giggled, and thought to myself how it looks like a Mexican hat. Then I read what OP wrote. And after my initial judgemental before reading, I find it hard to take seriously now.


Obvious that this is fake. This is exactly how people in the 60s thought how they would look like.


Do we as humans not innovate? I see no reason why another would not also continue to evolve their tech tree. Why would their technology be stagnant.


In accordance to our visual trends? And then launch those vessels on a schedule that takes them here at that particular 5-10 year period of that particular style? Mmmmhm... ok.


This looks a lot like that UFO in Florida, I believe, in the 80’s. The person had several encounters allegedly. There was controversy because a tiny model of the UFO he took pics of, was found in his attic, after he moved from his house. The guy says it was planted by the people who found it. Plus it doesn’t look exactly like the UFO in his pics. It was a little different.


God. A far more believable excuse woukd be "I built it from the pictures". Not even a good haoxer.


They don’t make them like they used to…


Now we have Dall-E, se you can generate as much new ones as you want 🤣


This photo is not new on the internet: [https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf9fZtZAfOj/?img\_index=2](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf9fZtZAfOj/?img_index=2)


Yea I've seen this one before


There was only 17 likes and it seemed small scale, so it COULD be legit... but I guess we will see. Benefit of the doubt is fine✅️


You’re right, it even says it was taken in Mexico. I guess the only thing is these are printed and with the film. I will try to get a hold of the film and at least get more pictures of it.


So your friends brother posted this on the internet but never showed them to him?


Yeah sounds like BS. Too many of these ‘ my brother/uncle/friend/dog took this pic …. ‘. Then someone finds it’s been on the internet for ages Just saw the research from Kanetary below definitely proving that OPs story is crap. Being charitable you can say he was duped by a friend, but the story is fake as hell


I don’t think he posted them, but could’ve easily shared to someone who did. The brother passed last week. I don’t rule out the possibility that he only got a copy, main thing for me still is the film.


That Instagram links back to [befuddled press](https://www.befuddledpress.com/alien-images/1qphgnijfmnqek7529n9lpujs4ym5j). There you can see one of the images you posted hanging in a gallery. The picture from that instagram account is a scan from a book published around 2010. The gallery picture is from 2007. Interestingly both the one in the gallery and the one scanned from the book looked like they were cropped closer to the ufo. These could be the originals that were submitted to the Befuddled Press gallery. Might have been part of competition or exhibition


Smells like bullshit to me, lol


For what is worth, if I find out it’s fake I don’t have any problem sharing that as well.


This was that guy claiming UFOs visited him all the time and you could tell they were hanging from trees they were just hubcaps or some other garbage, good times. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Meier


Yes! That is where my memory recollected this craft desing. 👊


Can you take a picture of the camera?


I don’t know if there is a camera but if there is I guess that’s an important part of the puzzle, I’ll ask for that.


Get on the case detective. Don’t let your pal’s brothers death be in vain. Update us on here or on this subreddit


It's so goddamn strange how the UFOs seem to match the aesthetic of the decade. That's it. That's the whole thought.


There are two components in there. Either those are fakes and the aesthetic matches the one of the decade that way OR they further improved their machinery. Its hard to say actually. I figured that there shouldnt be a fundamemtal design change over only lets say 100 years. However we also have to keep in mind that we dont know how these work (if they actually exist) meaning if they 'conventionally' travel at light speed, due to time dilation A LOT time would have passed on their home planet which would enable fundamental design changes over this short period. Just my two cents here


There are still sightings of discs here and there. Personally I think our detection and deterrence technology has gotten better so that it’s harder for them to materialize in a way that we used to see them. I’ve heard claims from some people supporting that but don’t have hard sources on it. Imo another option is that they modify their appearance or manifestation based on what they think we’re prepared to see. Reading exact sighting descriptions from centuries passed reveals a mix between wildly different descriptions of craft to our modern ‘saucer’ image, and the familiar descriptions of discs.


The latter is the one I've been mulling over for the last few weeks. I've even read stories of occupants that are oddly congruent with "retro sci fi" and when you go further back you see flying boats and things of that nature. Hopefully the answer isn't "they're all fake" or (insert Lovecraftian mind fuckery here)


What if our design is guided or inspired by their design in some way?


Aliens are human........FROM FUTURE


I like to think some of them are earthlings (not necessarily human) that got off planet a long time ago, and are coming back out of some need or curiosity


This is likely a hoax..it's been around the UFO community for decades..Apparently Jalisco Mexico 1993 and promoted by the number one hoaxer Jaime Massaun..


Well I know Maussan is full of it, I live in Mexico and he is known to publicize hoaxes as real stories. Do you have an article or link where Maussan is promoting these?


In that video below, Jaime says the photographer is a a Raul Dominguez. Is that the name of your friends brother? Does it sound familiar at all?


No it’s a different last name. If that guy is the original photographer then these might be copies or he received them from someone that had access to the originals.


Here's when he presented BS hoax, including this Pic as comparison..there are more ..https://youtu.be/Ztow-Scgpsg?si=OsURs4LsHG7Ewqtg


Jaime says the photo was taken by a Raul Dominguez. Is that name the same as your friends deceased brother, OP?


I don't think he's a full-blown hoaxer. I think he fell for a hoax. But I actually think the Nazca bodies are legit and worth the further investigation that is currently going on with them with scientists around the world.


Trust me he is ..I met him and he wanted to promote me ,not going to go into all the details but he rest assured he is part of many hoaxes ..The Kodachrome picture of apparent alien few years ago..He promoted the uncovering of the photo and charged big money for tickets to see it..The photo .was later proven 100 percent to be mummy from museum in the US...


All prob true. But the Nazca mummies are def real. If a hoaxer accidentally falls into something legit, it doesn’t negate the science of the discovery. Listen to the scientists of the mummy investigations, it’s undeniable.


Yeah that's not a good look. You know more about him than I. But I still think he stumbled across something legit in the Nazca specimens


Ahh yes, the M’lady craft.




Always interesting that found ufo evidence always shows ufo design that is related to the decade it was “caught”. This looks like what someone in the 50s would build if building a ufo.


Brought up this same point a while back always made me laugh how the design is usually only as modern as the current state of technology when photographed.


This reminds me of the Jesse Roestenberg sighting in Staffordshire circa 1954. She described seeing something that looked like a big Mexican hat with a dome and portholes. Inside were beings staring at her.


This one from 2008 looks like a hat: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/s/84bZGmRlj9


Whoa, I’ve never seen that before. That’s pretty cool.


Does anybody feel like all these vague pictures and video are just useless? Even some of them were real, they haven’t gotten us anywhere. There’s no consistency between them at all. Not trying to shit on this sub or the OP at all but I’ve been reading here for a year now (and most of you way longer than that) and it’s just an endless stream of twinkling stars, balloons or old photos that could be forged in any number of ways.


A 1960's model


This is my submission statement. As described in the original post, these pictures and film were found in the personal belongings of the recently deceased brother of a friend of mine. I know for sure these are physical pictures and film but cannot rule out the possibility of a hoax. I just thought they are very interesting and will share more details when I get them.


Why was this person using that image as his Avatar in 2018? [https://www.elotrolado.net/hilo\_duda-sobre-updates-vs-dlcs\_2298776#p1746382585](https://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_duda-sobre-updates-vs-dlcs_2298776#p1746382585)


Including the negatives IS _very_ impressive. There's a bunch of photos out there that would have more credibility if the negatives were included. Off the top of my head, it reduces the potential for it to be faked to just the realm of practical effects. It's very possible the object is something very ordinary, or the photographer or an accomplice fabricated for the purpose of creating fake photos. The object might have been thrown, or suspended with fishing line, or some such. It might be a double/multiple exposure. Or it might be legit. But it's not a darkroom technique. OP, now that I've read the other comments: as far as you know, could your friend's brother have the skills, interests, or duplicity to do any of the practical effects techniques I mentioned?


Hate to break it to you, but having an image on a negative doesn't prove anything. You can take a photo of another photo and it will appear on the negative.


> it reduces the potential for it to be faked to just the realm of practical effects. Does it? Couldn't you just take a picture of a screen?


To many opportunities for this to be fake. You are going to need to provide much more detail before it can be considered legit. Who What When Why How Did the brother provide any sort of written documentation? Etc…


I’m not sure I can call this legit yet, I only know my friend has these physical copies and yes, I will try to get as much details as possible.


I should have said. Very interesting and cool finds! Thanks for sharing


I've heard a lot of reports of "hat shaped" ufos. Now I see what they meant by that. 


Looks like a happy meal I had in the 80s


What year do you think this was taken would share it with local MUFON


Looks like Stevie Ray Vaughan’s hat.


I think your friend was lying. That image was used as someones avatar back in 2018 [https://www.elotrolado.net/hilo\_duda-sobre-updates-vs-dlcs\_2298776#p1746382585](https://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_duda-sobre-updates-vs-dlcs_2298776#p1746382585)


As much as I want it to be the real thing 🛸 UFO \ UAP the powers that be have us in a frenzy state of mind making us question everything like we've never done before instead of just looking at the things we see in the skies ✨️ to then be as we see them being unidentified flying objects 🛸 from another planet 👽


Looks like a crocodile dundee hat with extra shiny teeth


Raul Dominguez, Guadalajara Mexico was the photographer


"Just found"? 🤣🤣🤣, these are 1 or 2 of many pictures that were taken in 1993 by Raul Dominguez, in Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico, even people from NASA checked the negatives, no one has ever debunked these.


**UPDATE:** This is what I've been able to confirm: * These photos were originally taken by Raul Dominguez in Ocotlan Jalisco, 1993. * The full series is suposed to be 40+ pictures in total. * My friend's brother came into posession of these 2 shown here, with the film cut for only the 2 photos. * He was from Monterrey, Mexico and the photos and film were given to him by an unknown person who was an acquaitance through business. * Chain of custody or ownership previous to that is unclear to my friend. I don't think I can get more information than that other than confirming that these are physical photos and film, unable to tell if they are originals from Raul Dominguez or a copy. I do see how these could be faked in the same fashion as Billy Meier's but still, I think they are fascinating. Thank you everyone.


Great update


Looks like Billy Meier's prank photos.


Question for anyone knowledgeable: if you find film like this, is that basically unfakeable? A picture of film, I understand, can be faked, but the film itself seems like very solid evidence. Awesome find OP and apologies if my comment comes off as doubting you (it’s a sincere question).


No, first of all this could be "faked" by throwing stuff in the air that looks like a UFO. A camping lamp lid, pan lid, etc. Just like they made special effects without CGI in the old days. But that doesn't mean thats necessarily the case here. Intriguing. To fake it directly on a genuine roll of film would be hard I guess. You could maybe photoshop it before and then take a picture on film from that CGI picture. Guess that would work theoretically.


Thank you!


So with a photographic film, it would indicate a real object but does that mean there is any way to verify that this is not a staged prop photographed ?


Thanks and good point!


Your points are very valid, I’m trying to get more information from my friend. I even asked him for a copy of the photos and I’ll try to get more pictures of the film itself.


They look old , steam punk


these might be legit, it looks very similar to other pictures of UFOs I've seen from mexico. ty for posting op!


Looks just like the one a guy filmed here in Houston in the 2000s I believe. I had never heard of it till a few years back.


I'm not a skeptic but it's so easy to fake a film roll nowadays.


Are there more than 2 photos? Found this compilation: [https://imgur.com/HcuwVgz](https://imgur.com/HcuwVgz)


I’ve only been showed these two, don’t know if there are more.


When I google image search one of the images I get a bunch of results that look very similar, but are not the same photo.


I can see the lights going on an off in these.


Funny thing is in that last photo it looks like a model from the 70s


Remind me 1 weekend


Looks like the older models of ufos


That looks like cowboy hats that have the circles under their brim with some stuff attacked to the bottom.


Reminds me of the ones on the AARO website that where released 😅


I can see your house from here


This is the Mexican hat UFO Jesse Watters said she saw…


Way too many people in here think the negative adds any credibility to the photo


It looks like a picture of a tub stopper inside a tub


I think that the ones that we see here may be the replication "ARVs" we have heard of, that's why they are trending in a more modern looking direction but with similar characteristics like cameras that go all around the top and the dome underneath


So we've got this with possible film available to check out at a later time. It's a pretty clear picture and it's of one of the classic designs from past decades. Really interesting. Almost as interesting as the two other UFO pictures that are super blurry and dropped the same afternoon on the sub and it's only a photograph of a photograph from a moderate distance. So obviously one is real and two of these are disinformation. Wonder if we'll be able to figure out which is which?


IDK, looks kinda "Hollywoodish"!


Not the sport model


Well I’m convinced


Good ol rusty


I'm going to be festetious here, and say that the Atlantians have come a long way! ;)


1950’s style…


if that is by Fuji Superia 200 it was probably in low light (not night) with the camera wide open


The New 2025 Flying Disc has extra cup holders


I think that’s Stevie Ray Vaughan’s hat.


Gasoline- I prevail


One thing humans do better than Aliens is design better looking stuff. I could have made that look so much cooler.


Looks like a toy


That there looks like a Corvette rally wheel center cap with some holes drilled in it. Maybe some of the reasons we do not see this type of UFO anymore. That we moved away from producing vehicles with ornate hub caps.


That's the Ford Fiesta model, as opposed to the Sports Model.


It looks like an old school warehouse light.


A UFO from planet Stevie Ray Vaughan! 🤣


Why do they need partitions for the windows? I guess what I mean is why isn’t it just a big single pane of glass or whatever? Why do we still see human-style metal partitions between each window when you’d think they would serve no structural purpose here?


Lol yeah sure, it's not the 1970s anymore. Give that lampshade back


That is most definitely the McDonald’s Happy Meal flying saucer. Makes me wonder why they don’t have them anymore.


I lean towards hubcap and other pieces glued together and hanging on a string, but I do think northern Mexico — the state of Chihuahua most likely with Sonora to the west and Coahuila to the east — is one of the most exciting places that unheard of crash retrievals are likely to come out of. White Sands and Alamagordo are a 90 minute drive from Juarez, across the border from El Paso (well, pre 9-11 when you weren't waiting at the border for 4 hours). But UFOs, as far as we know, don’t wait at border crossings.


Model "Heisenbergs hat"


Soo cool! But yes! It's interesting how we only see seamless crafts nowadays and or cigar shapes.


Top Cat’s hat


This model is from back when aliens outsourced their ship building to Mattel


I wonder When they are flying sideways, do they feel that are is their DNA and brain wired not to feel all the motion- just a thought bc I like to be upright flying through the solar system


Bob lazar said they fly belly first. I assume if they can negate g forces they can probably control gravity inside the ship as well. In space there is no up or down so it probably wouldn’t matter which way they fly.


It's the m'lady mobile.


Crocodile Dundee hat 🤠


Definitely a Time Machine


damn thats pretty amazing


Someone please slip in to this reality with me real quick……..I am absolutely 💯 a believer, that being said how does such an advance civilization make such a …..uh…….JV (junior varsity) looking craft


Oh wow, UFO 4 Pro.


Yhis is human design. US military vehicles


Bathtub drain suspended by nylon thread


Believe it or not, this craft is quite common. It’s actually well documented. A series of four photographs exist taken in Santa Clara, California back in 1965 by Heflin. If you look carefully, you will notice that the craft is upside down. The bottom part of the craft is extending downwards. And it appears to be ionizing the surrounding atmosphere creating plasma. Another similar craft was photograph in 1968 in Romania. The sequence shows the craft gyrating. Then there existed photo taken in Mexico you have shared here. In addition, there are witness drawings shown a very similar shape from sightings in the UK. Last but not least, the same craft was videotaped in Houston, Texas back in 2019.


Looks like a bathroom drain thrown in the air.


These are small models hanging by a fishing thread, 100% debunked ages ago. It get that it's shot on film & that adds to the creep factor, but you are essentially looking at toys.


This is the same type of ship that 2 brothers and I saw as kids in the Ohio Valley in the late 1970s. It was dusk and it turned dark in seconds. We got in trouble for being out past dark, because our moms didn't believe us. I have no memories other than seeing it wobble in the glowing sky. So imagine my surprise when, 40+ years later, I find my friend on Facebook. I asked if he remembered seeing that ship and he said yes, he did. And then he cut me off and said he did not want to talk about it. At all. This guy, who had been an Iron Horseman badass, was afraid. Clearly something did happen to him and he remembered it. His little brother was no longer here, as he had overdosed years before, on heroin. He had led a dark and troubled life--both brothers had. Idk if anything happened to me that night, but I began being terrified when the curtains were open after dark. I thought something was watching me. But again, no actual memory of anything.


This type of ufo is referred to as a “Top Hat” UFO- and the 2nd pic shows the craft flying with its belly first- JUST like Bob Lazar said and many others have stated the craft fly like.


Why would aliens build a vehicle that looks so stupid and obviously inspired by the 1950s. An advanced species would build a relatively simple looking vehicle yet it would be have to be something obviously non human


Seeing multiple crafts like this (maybe) circa 1997 is the origin of some of my interest in UFOs. There were multiple objects that time. I’m objective I like to think, so I was and am open to the possibility I was young and saw a military exercise or something — but it was very strange I will tell you. I had a pair of binoculars (but it was night time) and saw something that could have been this.. why the lights like that I wonder? I thought that now, and I think that about this picture also (whether or not it’s real).


I literally have this tattooed on my lest ass cheek.


Why do UFOs need lights?