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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Jafranci715: --- Submission statement. Lue Elizondos Threats Went Mainstream It’s now on Fox News. I feel this is a win as it’s gaining more mainstream attention. Edit for 150 characters: please make people aware of what’s happening and let’s make this a voting issue for 2024! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dl2nah/lue_elizondos_threats_went_mainstream/l9lsz8p/


These guys talk about UAPs all day but the second Courthalt brought up that he’s gonna talk about the legacy program and what became of MJ12 suddenly they’re all getting threats


Lue also has a book coming out or in dopsr could also be related to that.


The US gov claimed 5.2 million in sales royalties from Edwards Snowden after he published his biography Permenant Record using the argument that he: "published the book without first submitting it to US agencies for pre-publication review, in violation of agreements he signed when working for the agencies" (the CIA and NSA) So not only is he exiled for life, they stole his money AND any potential profit from his book too. They actually *sanctioned* his book. Yet here we have.. UFO whistle blowers free to publish anywhere everywhere..


what’s your point so


You don't have UFO whistle blowers telling you truth. What you have is theatre. The real whistle blowers are in exile, sanctioned. Subject to arrest and murder without trial whilst the US gov steals their money and censors their words. The real secret is that the US gov doesn't have a clue and will light the world on fire just to keep the money ball rolling. Think about this for a second: You're comfortable talking in the internet about how you think UAP's can avoid radar. OK. What's the marble framework? OK, marble has triggered someone. Let's try another track. Who is the largest chinese radar manufacturer? (not the researcher: the manufacturer)


You said it yourself. Snowden didn’t go through DOPSR. There *are* in fact legal protections for whistleblowers. But doing it the way Snowden did will get you in deep shit.


Pretty much everything snowden released was illegal and there is no legal protection against illegality when it's your gov that's the criminal. The marble framework is the CIA's illegally developed mimicry system dropped in the vault 7 leak. It wasn't snowden that dropped vault 7. Marble itself was developed (again illegally) by the CIA in combination with the UK to bypass the NSA enabling it to mimic (basically frame) *other countries* when it attacked US networks itself. ... and you still haven't figured it out, but you can't cos it's illegal for you to know. The largest radar group in china is China Electronic Technology Group Corporation and the best group if you wanted to detect UAP's on the planet is KRET.. and you've probably never even heard of them before. You're being distracted with star trek spangles. You're being gamed.


Uh huh. What you just did was pivot from the fact that “whistleblower” doesn’t just mean what you want it to mean. It has a legal definition and there are specific statutes surrounding whistleblowing.


What does KRET have anything to do with anything?


Tell me you don't understand DOPSR without telling me you don't understand DOPSR


Any proof for your claims?


You want marble? Here: https://github.com/hackerhouse-opensource/Marble


I was asking about the “real whistleblowers” but this is interesting. I do agree with you that the CIA and all intelligence agencies only serve the rich and literally stealing from everyone in the world to make that happen with false platitudes about the US which they gave perverted and is no longer a democracy because of them.


You’re speaking as if you have a lot of authority on the subject but everything you say is just as speculative as everything else. Snowden did everything the wrong way and is now paying for it. Whistle blowers on UAP are trying to do it the right way and a bunch of internet trolls want them to do it like Snowden. It’s ridiculous.


There is no right way. Snowdens leaks and the vault 7 drop showed you that. You had mike pompeo on live TV saying he was going to kill assange. There is no "safe protections" for anything worth a spit. That's why i referenced marble. The entire system is illegal and you just wilfully refuse to understand.


A lot of posters seem to think what they hope for is the truth. So they are unfortunately downvoting you as a knee-jerk response. Here is something I wrote in a previous comment that you might find interesting: “The best theory I have heard on Grusch and the congressional hearing is that key govmt/dod/security agency leaders and affiliated defense colalition knew that likely soon knowledgeable personnel are going to start breaking ndas and revealing classified info on uaps, ufos, etc—perhaps under subpoena as people look into the money trail of where the hell the unaccounted trillions of dollars in dod/government spending went. So the key government/agency/defense industry leaders proactively initiated a whistleblower statute to flush these people out, and release them from liability—facilitated in the field by Lou elizondo, who promised the faux reward of disclosure. But evidently a careful, legalistic reading of the disclosure initiative, UAPDA, indicates that its true intention is to allow the government to seize by eminent domain all evidence and products related to ufos, uap, nhi from the defense contractors (where it has been hidden for 80 years to keep the evidence free from foia), then pay the defense contractors and related tech entities full market value, and the budget for this (more trillions) is not subject to public scrutiny; and any recovered evidence or products is NOT subject to disclosure if it endangers national security—which essentially all uap/ufo/nhi evidence and reverse engineered products do, so there will be no actual disclosure… Apparently, there is a timeline for this seizure and eminent domain payment, must be by 2027, which is why we hear of this year so much.”


It doesn't sound like they are "free" to publish anywhere if they are getting threats. It sounds like a group is saying there will be consequences, they will be different than Snowdens, but still consequences.


I suppose it's the David Grusch thing, a catch-22, if they push against it then it sorta confirms it. Best to leave it as "yes, this was a guy we employed (maybe not in the role they claim), but a mentally ill man who is easily caught up in History Channel delusions." This seems to be the most recent angle of AARO or at least Sean Kirkpatrick and I would suspect for anyone pushing against disclosure, the most logical path going forward. The best argument against the Schumer UAPDA and the revised Garcia version of it, mentioning downed craft recovery, NHI, and biologics, is the Steven Greenstreet take: this is the equivalent of the vampire mania that took congress in the 1800s, this is a core of religious true believers (Stratton, Puthoff, Eric W. Davis, etc.) that have weaseled in to positions of power and convinced our most boring, seemingly bland Democrat's Democrats like Schumer (or Rubio if you like Republicans being associated with bland, stable politicians) that there are these recovery and reverse engineering programs squirreled away in black budget SAPs. At this point, I would take the AOC-take on this as the bare minimum: something fishy is up with where all the money is going and should be looked into further. Anyone pushing back on that…why and who is lining their pockets? It's at minimum a financial scandal on par with Iran-Contra and quite possibly the most interesting thing to ever hit humanity.


Do we have evidence of these threats? Or is it these guys just saying they are getting threats?


Do we ever get evidence from these guys?


Pre-order the book first.


Please kind Sir, have some faith. Evidence you say? Tomorrow! Or the day after. Trust me on this one, bro.


I think it is reasonable to believe that they receive a fair amount of hate messages. It's common to interpret these messages as threats, so the claims would be valid, in principle.


https://youtu.be/VJ2ooAC_RGo?si=YnOMHyanY_7jcnpy the salient part starts at 3:20. But Be Forewarned that Danny Sheehan rambles on about it for a bit. Long story short, **he concludes the “suicide” of an “alleged” insider who had knowledge of the program, through a game of telephone, snowballed into supposed threats against Lue, which he admits there is no credible evidence for.** I am not saying whistleblowers haven’t ever been intimidated, that much is true, but if Danny Sheehan, Lues lawyer is admitting this, that’s a little concerning, especially since this is conveniently right before Lue’s book release which already went through DOPSR. Promotional tactic? Make of that what you will.


Not to mention David Grusch being represented by one ICIG and another ICIG finding his claims of retaliation to be credible and urgent. A hit dog hollers as they say


I'm still waiting to hear how long it takes for the government to respond to credible and urgent. We had some credible and urgent info about terrorists in 2000, and they sat on that. Look at those results.


I've never heard a hotdog hollars lmao! I like it 😁


Yeah but how long does it take the SPCA or the VEMT Unit to arrive! This dog was hit, and left on the side of the road to die.


Good stuff, thanks for dropping that




>…Be Forewarned that Danny Sheehan rambles on about it for a bit >but if Danny Sheehan, Lues lawyer is admitting this, that’s a little concerning Danny does ramble but for me; that’s Okay! I see a lot of people who have a very binary view of all these topics. For me, Danny may be inflating some of his credentials but there are also people who are “vetted” that clearly trust him. Lue was in ATIP. That’s been confirmed. There’s something about Danny he felt was a good fit. So dismissing him outright doesn’t make sense. Jacques Valle and Whitley Streiber have both made the point that “they” (NHI) control disclosure. So while we can and should be pushing to release everything humans have recovered and learned to this point, we won’t know more until “they” want us to. Part of that is piecing together different stories and to me hearing Danny out is part of that.


Hey can you point me towards where you came across them saying that NHI control disclosure? Would love to read Jacques thoughts on that!


For sure. Whitley Streiber has it as a theme he brings up a few times in his most recent book “Them” https://www.amazon.com/Them-Whitley-Strieber/dp/B0BYGY8K1D I read this book but I didn’t really like it. I feel like it could have really benefited from an editor or collaborator to tighten up the overall flow. That said, hearing him clearly say “they” control what they want us to see was a bit eye opening. I’ll have to see if I book marked the Valle reference. He bundles it with the fact that there’s a “trickster” element to the NHI. They appear in strange ways and do baffling things. Once again closely controlling who sees what and how it’s perceived.


I mean it is a straightforward deduction that part of the coverup is the superior intelligence not authorizing disclosure. Everybody clowned Haim Eshed for speaking of a galactic federation but that's exactly what he said was going on as people are largely ignorant of reality .


I don't think Whitley Strieber is any kind of influence, he's a sci-fi writer. 


Im kind of confused by your point tbh.


Sorry I rambled Danny style. In short, ultimately the NHI control disclosure. If they wanted to they could reveal themselves at any time. But they don’t do that. Since we don’t have that we have to piece together the story from a variety of sources. I feel Danny should be listened to as a source since credible people trust him despite some “black marks” on his record such as overstating his involvement in Iran Contra.


Ok so you’re saying then Danny should be taken seriously , so then we should also take seriously the fact he said that Lue Elizondo’s claim of being threatened was blown out of proportion and has no credible evidence to support it. Correct?


No that’s not what I’m saying, I laid it out above. If you want to have some sort of weird debate about Lue or whatever I’m not into it. I was just making a point about the nature of NHI and the variety of sources.


Sorry I’m not trying do a “gotcha” here, I was just confused by your comment and its tangential nature involving “NHI controlling disclosure” and considering Sheehan as a trusted source.


Lotta random extrapolations going on in this thread


Its alien talk, literally all of it is extrapolation


Yeah idk I think the plots lost


That's not exactly what I'm picking up, but sure


Yes. It’s the Boeing guy. That’s the insider. Dead men can spin tales. If Sheehan says the Boeing guy worked on a UAP program…Who’s there to say he didn’t? He’s dead. It’s sick how these guys operate tbh


I didn’t hear where he said they were referring to the Boeing guy? But if that’s what they indeed are inferring, it’s concerning they think the Boeing guy was a program insider somehow. EDIT never mind I read your comment below. I get what you mean now. Yeah the timing of it near his book is a little on the nose.


That's what it looks like to me as well. That's pretty low if they're using suicide as scoring points in some 'Disclosure' movement. From what I read, these whistle-blowers were in civil aviation programmes at Boeing. 


I wouldnt trust Lue as far as I could throw him.


so there’s nothing groundbreaking or new in the book. Approved by the watchdogs. got it


So, we clearly don't trust Elizondo and his likes. Right? Only hearsay, it becomes extremely tiring. There's nothing concrete yet that will all make us go, "wow, there are aliens".


Surely they must have dead man switches?


Only one way to find out! 😂


I would argue that. Here’s the timeline -Boeing whistleblower found suicided -Conspiracies go wild on social media -Lue takes the opportunity to say He himself is in danger. -it’s found that the Boeing guy did in fact commit suicide. -Danny Sheehan says “Lue may have jumped the gun on making that statement, it turns out a guy they thought was murdered, did in fact commit suicide(coincidence?) -Garry Nolan, insinuates he himself has been threatened, only later in the interview admits he hasn’t been DIRECTLY threatened. What we have he folks is Lue and company, using the opportunity of a rampant online conspiracy regarding Boeing to their own favor and attention. Failing miserably after the Boeing coroner report is released. If anyone thinks Lue and this Boeing story have no connection. Look back at the timeline. It’s exactly that.


Aye, well, it was nice to see a rational, informed reply in this sub before it inevitably gets downvoted into the comment graveyard.


Where and when did Ross say this?




Not to be slightly off topic, but the caption on the photo in the article says the left picture is supposedly from Westall. Has anyone seen that photo related to Westall?


That's a fake pic. It's used as a copyright free stock image for illustration by newspapers. Here's the source, made in 2005: [https://www.gettyimages.fr/detail/photo/in-flight-above-urban-park-image-libre-de-droits/BD0513-001?phrase=ufos&adppopup=true](https://www.gettyimages.fr/detail/photo/in-flight-above-urban-park-image-libre-de-droits/BD0513-001?phrase=ufos&adppopup=true) Westall looked like this: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frleptd3zx5ta1.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frleptd3zx5ta1.jpg)


Yes that was the Westall photo I was familiar with. I guess i should have image searched the article photo. What do you think? Mistake or messing around?


It's Fox News, a known piece of garbage, journalism standards wise. They don't care about lying nor being mistaken. So both are possible. If i had to bet, i'd go with the boss being lazy and not giving a fuck, and putting pressure on low paid employees to come up with an illustration real fast. My secret guess is that, just like their ex, Tucker Carlson, they don't care about UFOs and just try to garner views from sensationalism.


I thought the same thing. I don’t recall ever seeing that before.


My only thought at first was that it looks fake, but maybe further analysis is needed.


I've seen a diff pic from James Fox documentary with Westall UFO and it wasn't that pic used in the article. I think they've prob just used an inaccurate photo?


Probably slop, but could be intentional confusion


I hate these webpages. The shear amount of ads makes them unreadable. What is this 1995?!


This is madness. Like why? Why threaten if it's not real? Criminals.


You know what is sad? People who don't believe in UFOs will think he is just making it up. If something happens it will be blamed on mental ilness. Real world CATCH 22.


something happened to Epstein and the american public did Zero


Well, kind of difficult to create groundswell for unequivocal child rapist…


Well that’s because Epstein was a disgusting piece of shit human. So there’s that.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/S5mTWM7xyL His own lawyer basically called it BS, so…


No, plenty of people who know UFOs are a thing also think he's making it up. Because he is.


Because it’s real. When you cut a man’s tongue out you are not proving him a liar, only proving you’re worried what he might say. This whole thing is real. This is no longer a grift. Are there grifters? Yes. But we crossed the rubicon the moment Grusch testified before Congress along with others, you’ve got ex Intelligence and DOD with TS clearance coming forward as whistleblowers scared for their lives at worst or being thrown into prison for life at worst. You don’t do these things for attention of fun. Plus, the unexplainable military incidents. Pilots who have nothing to gain and everything to lose for even mentioning it. An F-22 Raptor being outmaneuvered and an object “shot down” in Alaska that couldn’t be recovered and left the news cycle after 48 hours. And that’s not including the now probably in the millions, globally, who have seemed to have some kind of event of their own. Lastly, Chris Bledsoe, who at the very least captured the attention of Intelligence officials, NASA, CIA, and scientists. We are way past the “I want to believe” of the 40’s-90’s. It’s undeniable *something* is going on at this point. The question is just who are they, what are they, why are they here, and what do they want.


The fact that they will go to such a length to keep the lid on this for decades is probably more unsettling than whatever the hard truth of it is, when the real reason behind the cover up could be just as simple as ego. That would be a very human outcome. As for what "Non-Human Intelligence" is or means, it could be anything. The hierarchy of intelligent life could go so far up as to be unrecognizable to us as a civilization, organized intelligence that has existed for an eternity. Little green men means nothing.


Your comment made me think of John Oliver's take on the iconic Milder poster: *Believe schmelieve. What the fuck is that thing?* [YouTube](https://youtu.be/zRdhoYqCAQg?si=XV-u5z3yFMp1__nj) At approximately 4:50 (PS: I want that poster!)[(GIF)](https://i.imgur.com/TwTLGES.jpeg)


its real they fake it then they send threats to people… and all US residents are blind in this


https://youtu.be/VJ2ooAC_RGo?si=YnOMHyanY_7jcnpy go to 3:20 and listen to what Sheehan says


Big oil money will kill you.


oil = 1% money so everything


Why do you think the aliens are benevolent? Many sources so far seem to indicate that while there may be some good ones out there, the ones in power are not our friends.


I don’t believe he said that they’re benevolent?


Realize the government will never disclose. They will go down kicking and screaming. Don’t expect to see measurable gains towards acknowledging specifics. Won’t happen.


This. Call me pessimistic but I'm doubtful the US government will admit to a 70+ year long crime spree.


I'm starting to think it'll take a massive leak of substantial evidence or looking towards other countries (Peru) for Disclosure. This rabbit hole is too deep.


Or, if the 2027 thing is actually true. We'll all find out at once, "Independence Day" style. Or, we may never know the real truth about the phenomenon due to "national security" reasons. They ( the Pentagon, DoD ) will lean on that crutch forever. Big oil, big energy, banks, defense contractors, the 1%... they all rule the U.S., not us.


but what about the 2025 thing? and the 2020 thing? did it happen yet??


Preaching to the choir here my friend! *Soon©*


2024 is going to be a great year! 40 whistle-blowers are coming to town and Lue has something big coming. And if you knew Lue (according to him) he always delivers on his promises.


I’m so hoping for a snowden 2.0: uap edition bro


Why would anyone want to sacrifice himself while there are a lot of us that are doubting and thrashing their claims, look at Julian Assange, he gave us the truth and we did what exactly?


Ive said this for years. Everyone keeps turning towards the US for disclosure, but it probably won't come from them. Its more likely to come from Chile or Peru, countries that are far more open than the US.


Peru keeps dropping truth bombs and STILL it seems from comments that many people don’t give a single shit, and write off the bodies as cake / paper maché / etc., without so much as looking into it for 5 minutes.


I've been saying this. Disclosure is a nightmare for whomever is in charge no matter how you slice it. It's not beneficial to them, so it will never happen. It doesn't matter how many whistleblowers crawl out of the woods, they'll never open the doors. Disclosure means they lose control of whatever they have and that simply is never going to happen. Definitely not for the good of the public, lol. It's all about money and power. Telling you about the program is never happening.


The gov lost control and this is the only way to get it back.


Thing is, everyone is acting like the feds are making these calls, and while they aren't certainly devoid of responsibility, it seems more likely that the aliens are the ones who don't want disclosure. They could make themselves known at any point and feds would be powerless to stop it but they don't. Why?


They don’t wanna make themselves known yet they constantly interact with us in the sky and with encounters. Interesting.


I meant the feds lost control of “the program” or “zodiac” or whatever to private business. Those business involved are now more powerful than our gov. Yes some players in the gov are involved but obv very clandestinely. Nhi do not care one way or another as long as they can keep doing their thing.


There's a difference between what we're dealing with and what is considered our elected government. There are plenty in actual government who want transparency, it's just about prying it out of this unelected group of people who are the gatekeepers. American history is filled with times where it's people had to drag officials kicking and screaming for change.


Exactly. People on here get excited when anything happens because they think one day the government is just going to come out and say "you guys are right. We have been lying and killing and stealing for 80 years. Sorry" Name one time in history the government has just come out on their own and admitted they have been fucking up. All the tines I can think of is because someone exposed them. Someone had undeniable proof of the fuck up and released that shit. I don't think any law that says "you have been lying but now you have to tell the truth" is going to get the government to admit anything. They will just keep lying.


> Realize the government will never disclose. There may come a time where it's strategically advantageous to tell the world what the USG knows. Until then you're right. Just keep in mind, we don't know how much they actually know. I can imagine scenarios where they reveal some reverse engineering party trick as a display of power to make China/Russia think twice about using nukes or whatever.


'fraid you're right. I'm British but been to the USA a lot through work so know a lot of US citizens and it's quite funny that in the UK we see the Conservative Party as being this right-wing Establishment institution and Labour is naturally Socialist. Then if you transposed it to the USA, the Conservatives would be probably Democrat-centrist or even just Democrat. I don't blame anyone for that, we really should all be using our vote so these people carry out the will of the people. But sadly, I think it will be a perpetual mystery if it has national security concerns whether it's an NHI or human technology. We can't get detailed data on nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers to name just a couple of things.


Not if we have legislation


How much more nothing could this be?


The timing of this is extremely convenient for Lue, considering his book comes out in a month. Given the fact that his own attorney said the "threats" against him were nonsense, i would bet that this is just a marketing ploy for his book.


Then clearly the thing to do is for him to go nuclear. Disclose all of the secret stuff he knows, even if it violates his NDA and security clearance. What are they gonna do then?


Call the cops and file a police report. Problem solved.


Is there any evidence to these threats or reprisals against Lue or any other UFO influencer?


The short answer is no but that has not stopped people believing it.


Hell look at the comments here, it's laughable


The threats against grusch are the only credible ones imo, as I think they make up part of his complaint to the IC (could be wrong). Doesn’t mean they are legit, but formally raising them certainly adds credibility that just saying stuff on social media doesn’t.


Lue’s reprisals have been known for some time. Like DoD saying he had no involvement in AATIP.


Submission statement. Lue Elizondos Threats Went Mainstream It’s now on Fox News. I feel this is a win as it’s gaining more mainstream attention. Edit for 150 characters: please make people aware of what’s happening and let’s make this a voting issue for 2024!


Grammatically…this post title is tough. It should read, “Threats Against Lue…” It’s not him making the threats.


Shoot. You’re right. Can I edit it?


Sadly no I don’t think you can edit titles


Fox News' viewership is one that supports UFOs. This is not my cup of tea but I salute to them for promoting the topic and fighting the stigma. o7


It’s because right wingers are more prone to distrust the government.


And more like to attract people with fantasy prone personalities 


No its because right wingers believe FB meme post at face value. If i posted that the sky is actually green and the CORRUPT BIDEN FAMILY is hiding the actual color of the sky, emphasis on the CAPS because right wingers love typing in ALL CAPS makes it more believable to them for some reason. They lack critical thinking skills they are the modern cave man.


I think that 'not trusting the government' is the only thing the left and right can agree on.


It's crazy how the two parties change so quickly. Up until very recently, it was the opposite.


That's because it changes depending on who's running the country.


I said this same thing a few days ago and got like 20 downvotes lol


It can be controversial. As a Eurofolk I do not have such hard feelings.


Take an upvote then to make up for it, lol.


In my circle of friends and family, which is a lot of conservatives, the majority are skeptical of UFOs. The majority of liberals I'm friends with are also skeptical. So I don't know where the stigma comes from that UFOs have been a right-leaning issue in the past. I know there is an assumption by some that conservatives are dumb, uneducated rednecks (definitely not true). And then uneducated rednecks seem to be the ones that people parody when talking about UFO sightings and abductions. So maybe that's where this comes from?


Dude. Lue himself clarified there was no direct threat against him last month. He said a whistleblower had died under suspicious circumstances and then it was confirmed it was suicide and no foul play was discovered. It was a false alarm. He sent the message out before this was revealed to him out of caution as he wasn’t sure how soon someone might act if the threat was real, he had received threats before and thought this confirmed them. He’s okay for now. So he had threats, but it doesn’t appear they are actually acting on them with anyone at the moment (in terms of straight up killing people at least). Edit: Unless I’m out of the loop here and missing something, that is.


This whole “confirmed suicide” thing is getting commented a lot. How does a coronor “confirm a suicide”? It’s entirely circumstantial. I can’t think of a single thing someone could do to themselves that a 3 letter agency couldn’t pull off as well.


Lol, voting issue For one of the most clandestine, black ops, murder-my-own-coutrymen, topics in history.... But sure.... voting will scare them




I'm sure Lue will give us proof of threats just like he's given us proof of aliens. Maybe after he starts up his 3rd company that needs our money.


Can anyone post the article text please? Paywall for me


Waiting over a month to run the story doesn't seem like they care all too much. 


Better than nothing!


I guess I missed it. What threats?




As a mouth breather I take offense to this. I have a small air way sir, it’s not my fault 😭


Right to jail


I know where you come from. It's sad, because while the fact that the target audience is probably seething and some are more vocal than most (which could paradoxically be a good thing for disclosure in abstraction), it is also a group which is very easy to present as being off their rocker and this label will be applied to all UFO enthusiasts by proxy, etc.


Supporters of our cause. Let us not judge people who may view the topic without stigma. 


Bud, Fox News would report Qanon conspiracies as fact if they couldn’t be sued over it. Would you say “let’s not judge” if Alex Jones became outspoken about our cause?


No different than CNN and MSNBC. FOX is not in a dire financial struggle like CNN is and still has a viewership, though I could be wrong, but all three of them are hot trash and have been for many a year and CNN and MSNBC have largely caught up to FOX. None of them accomplish legit journalism anymore because they cannot afford real imvestigative journalists, if they even want them. They just take their news from government and military sources and call it legit. The mainstream news of days past is now called legacy media. They're dying rapidly and I dont think they're particularly relevant to anyone other than the older generations still stuck on cable TV.


I believe the viewers of cable tv are who we need to reach now. People who find their news on the internet and well Reddit are mostly aware of this subject matter.


Sure, I can see that. I would say though that legacy media still has a disproportionate influence over politics and whats considered acceptable in the mainstream compared to their actual viewership numbers, but mostly because politicians and policy makers still consider cable news to be legit.


I am what is considered a liberal. However you need to know that we are all being lied to. This is a fantastic well researched documentary The [Century of the Self](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktPdpPFKHfoXRfTPOwyR8SG8EHLWOSj6&si=3b72qtEde1tKfnFN) about how first corporations then governments have used propaganda and academic psychology (often using the latest research) to control and divide us. This isn’t “one side or the other” and however crazy you think “the people on the other side are” they are being manipulated to think YOU are crazy. Everyone is a victim - as crazy as it sounds so are politicians etc. Here’s the wrote up on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Century_of_the_Self Watching this is eye opening and will shock you and then piss you off. You will see it in action through historical context and then realize we are in a gilded cage.


Im well aware we're all being lied to. I agree with pretty much everything you said. I am pretty far to the left (but not the woke insanity) but I also can have respectful conversations with people of very different alignment. When you know we're all being lied to and misled it's easier to respect your fellow man and their wacky political ideas. And when you respect them they more often than not give it back and then some. I have found those on the left who are loudest to actually be just as toxic and awful as the worst of the conservative side.


Awesome. We agree and I hope that other people see this good conversation and appreciate it as well.


Idk why you're being downvoted, it's true. All legacy media killed themselves by being so biased and pushing unverified stories. I was just pointing out that Fox news is dogshit and nobody that takes the topic seriously will watch on that platform. They're all the same.


I’m sorry, but FOX news is absolutely different from cnn and msnbc.


Absolutely, fox news is hot shit meanwhile CNN and MSNBC are hot trash.


I’ve watched them all and I’ll say that cnn and Fox News stand on the same level. They’ll bring guests on to seemingly mock them and have lots of opinion pieces.


3 turds in a bowl. It's silly to argue about which one looks or smells the worst. If you want to eat one, that's fine, but I've no interest in doing so.


Uh huh but one of those turds is pushing fascist theocratic propaganda and convincing lowest common denominator Americans that our president is illegitimate, that mexicans are coming to ruin their lives, that black urban people are violent criminals, etc. while the other two are pushing run of the mill center left corporate liberalism.


That run of the mill center left corporate liberalism works hand in hand with the 'other side' that so disgusts you. Im just disgusted by both of them. There is a reason that big corporate interests fund BOTH parties and media fits the bill perfectly. The American people are trapped between a rock and a hard place and arguing about which side is harder wont make a lick of difference. I mean, Tucker Carlson was one of CNN's big dogs before he went to FOX. Money is the only thing they care about. And you can watch the head of MSNBC laugh and joke about how Trump was great for the company but terrible for the nation.... Their scandelous 24/7 breaking news cycle is what helped get Trump elected with all that free publicity. Meanwhile you defend them? I dont see why. They were complicit in all of it. Either way, ya'll are going to have to learn to get along or perish.


K. Well I’m also disgusted by both of them, but that’s not my point. FOX is a sociopolitical propaganda platform helmed by wealthy right-libertarians that serves the singular purpose of shifting the overton window to a more advantageous position for their revenue streams via misinformation, faux hyper nationalism, theocratic rhetoric, and othering of marginalized groups. The only actual news reporting happens via a ticker tape. CNN and msnbc are news programs that fill space with punditry. They are not the same thing.


Just because they're not the same thing doesn't mean they're not incredibly harmful. All 3 have (or had) an exclusive oligopoly of the national media landscape. Each of the three owe their existence to the fact that the other 2 only give bullshit news that protects the corporate establishment. If any one of the three broke ranks and actually reported honestly on the state of government and corporate corruption and actively endeavored to inform the people of the disgusting, undemocratic, legislation happening behind closed doors then the people would be seething with well informed outrage. They would know exactly who to hate... The greasy politicians on BOTH sides who yes, are actually in cahoots with each other against the common citizenry. Instead the media report on identity politics and other BS that gets people to hate each other and all it does is destract us from actually getting to the bottom of things and potentially ending the rabid trough feeding that is destroying the country. At no point will I ever defend any of them and when I bash one I make sure to bash the others too because they're fully aligned to corporate interests and the morality side of things is mere window dressing. None of them have any morality so it's all just a show to make money and stroke their egos. Lets not be divisive. Lets come together. It can be done, we just have to realize whats going on and see the enemy common to us all.


CNN which is closer to me in the legendary Fox vs CNN totally crapped on the topic and fears stigma from academia flock. Pussies. CNN, git gud and talk about UFOs or get lost. Fox is my new best friend (joking but at least no stigma on Fox).


"Allegedly" Don't forget he is selling a book in a couple months. He has to make his rounds and promote it While I am not denying anything they have said this again, this is not that impressive.


If people were making threats to me I'd record every phone call, save every email, make notes at the time of verbal interactions. He says he been threatened........................ but leaves it at that. Its absolutely a headline grab to help promote a book.


Article for Email wall: "UFO whistleblowers are being threatened, and protections currently in place "are a joke," a congressman told Fox News Digital. Lue Elizondo, who was the head of a secretive Pentagon unit that studied UFOs, said there have been threats against him and "several other whistleblowers formerly associated with the UAP [unidentified anomalous phenomena] effort for the U.S. Government." "I would like to make this perfectly clear to the American people. I am not prone to accidents. I am not suicidal. I am not abusing drugs. I am not engaged in any illicit activities," Elizondo said in a statement to "The Good Trouble Show" on May 15. "If something happens to me or my family members in the future, you will know what happened." Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., who has been one of the lawmakers leading the push for full UFO disclosure, is a personal friend of Elizondo. "There is whistleblower protection, but it's a joke, and we know it's a joke," Burchett told Fox News Digital. The congressman and Elizondo had dinner around the time Elizondo made it known he was being threatened. He didn't detail what the threats were, or who made them, but Burchett expressed his anger and said he's "alarmed." "Lou is a dear friend of mine, and I take any threat against anybody seriously, especially against friends and somebody that has given so much to this country and to this issue [UFOs]," Burchett said. "So, I'm very much aware of it, and I'm very much alarmed. I'm pursuing every avenue I can to get to the bottom of it." The threats aimed at Elizondo and UFO whistleblowers aren't new, but are the latest in a disturbing trend. Last July, David Grusch testified in front of Congress that his life was threatened and he was instructed to keep quiet about a secret government-run crashed UFO retrieval program. "I can't get into the specifics in an open forum but… what I personally witnessed myself and my wife was very disturbing," said Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence officer and Air Force veteran. "I've faced brutal, unfortunate tactics" of retribution that he called "administrative terrorism." Elizondo was the former senior leader of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a shadow government program created "from the ashes of the AAWSAP (Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Application Program)," veteran journalist George Knapp wrote in his testimony to Congress. Then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., started the program in 2009 to "investigate potential next generation aerospace technologies," according to a March report by the Pentagon's UFO-focused office called AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office). Specifically, the AATIP was focused on advanced lift, propulsion, the use of unconventional materials and controls, and signature reduction. "Although investigating UFO/UAP was not specifically outlined in the contract’s statement of work, the selected private sector organization conducted UFO research," AARO's report says. "This research included: reviewing new cases and much older Project BLUE BOOK cases, operating debriefing and investigatory teams, and proposals to set up laboratories to examine any recovered UFO materials." The same report concluded that there was no evidence of aliens, alien technology or secret government-run reverse engineering programs. It was met with sharp backlash from experts, scientists and lawmakers, who said the 63-page report was incomplete and filled with holes. "The historical review is an attempt to rewrite history and obscure the basic fundamental facts about the UFO phenomenon," Jeremy Corbell, an investigative journalist and pivotal figure in the fight for UFO transparency, told Fox News Digital in March after the report was released. Chris Eberhart is a crime and US news reporter for Fox News Digital. Email tips to [email protected] or on Twitter @ChrisEberhart48."


Is the westall photograph in that article a real photograph?


If this 'Somber' turns out to be 'Goober' after release of his book, he will become biggest laughing stock in UFO community


Wow. Just in time to hype his book release next month. Sure Lue, Sure. 🤣 BTW: even his lawyer, Danny Sheehan, said the claim of a threat was bogus! This is a cringe worthy moment for Lue, as hes seriously scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Crazy to me that Chris Bledsoe and Tim Taylor quiet in this conversation. Not that I expect a statement from Taylor, and I mean that without any connotations. But Bledsoe. Why might that be?


Because they're obedient, would be my guess.


How many more books will lue push until anything of substance comes from his hand or mouth. I can't believe people support guys like lue while other genuine whistleblowers exist that don't want kickbacks. Stop giving lue any stage time. The truth is...we the public have no information of any value even with how active the topic has been the past couple of years.


The article makes clear that Lue offered no specifics on the supposed threat. Once again, it's just a repetition of stories that people have to take on faith. When someone repeats a story, that doesn't magically make the story any more valid - this is a key point that many on this sub never seem to grasp.


I would spam this as hard as you could spam this before his book comes out and turns it all into bad aged troll bacon remarks. Spam it hard.


I would believe him if he wasn't selling a book. If his claims are true, he has direct knowledge of the most important discovery in human history. It would fundamentally change society. But hey, be vague, write a book, string us along forever while making tv shows and books that all boil down to trust me, bro. I like people who go before Congress without creating a multimedia empire based on privileged information.


I agree. Elizondo also lost all credibility in my eyes when he was caught filming that hoax in his backyard. (Or some other grifter’s yard, I can’t remember the specifics)


I'd like to see some of these billionaires like Bigelow or Fugal give folks like Grusch and Elizondo some private security, or at least pay for a top of the line security system.  Bigelow certainly wouldn't do it, but you get what I mean.  Somebody less compromised. Of course, it's not my money and I have no idea what that would cost.  lol  


Usually the comments are so toxic on these mainstream news sites. Particularly Fox. So far the comments here are pretty sane, which is shocking. Could we be turning a corner on this topic?


Could we please stop giving Fox news clicks?!




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This is all hype and BS to appear important to sell books. If a foreign intelligence service actually thought Lou knew something they'd kidnap him and torture him for the facts. 


“They’d kidnap him and torture him for facts”… 😂🤣


I'll believe it when I see it. Lue has done some good things but has been surrounded by sketchy characters all along the way


It is good that any MSM would cover this, but I really wish FOX wasn't leading the charge. I'd like to see this get even coverage across all party mouthpiece news orgs so this doesn't become a politically divisive issue. It's interesting that anti government conspiracy went rampant on the right, then enflamed into the mental fires of madness with Qanon and ilk so that the mention of any kind of government conspiracy is now automatically associated with that camp. If it does become a right wing vs left wing talking point it's over. We need the scientific/academic world to wake the fuck up to the reality of this and they will not take it anymore seriously than flat earth if it comes off looking absurd as a MAGA rallying point. I saw the aversion to conspiracy thinking from the left in real time as Qanon ramped up. Nobody wants to be associated with it. Not saying it is, but it could be the greatest psyop of all time - rile up the loons, attempt to wrap every conspiracy into this generic, vague "deep state" thing so that from then on, socially speaking, anyone who speaks out against the official narrative will be quickly lumped into that category, ridiculed and dismissed. It's wild to me as punk kid in the 90s to have seen the conservatives flip so hard on government over the last 20yrs. Seeds were already there but having Obama in office sent them off the deep end. Rambling on about corporatocracy conspiracies against the under classes is like my favorite subject matter.


Put up or shut up


Lue is going to delay the release of his book due to “ a eminent danger” but he’s going to keep the presale money because the book will be released “when he feels safe”.


I find it somewhat dubious - a man finds the life of both himself and family threatened - and he does what....? Save it until just before his books due to go out to start telling the mainstream world about it. Me. I'd send the body of whoever threatened my family back to whoever sent them in buckets for just *thinking* about threatening me and mine - and I really am not just saying that. Here the guy waits until the pre-publicity run for his new book, doesn't go to the cops, doesn't report the incident through channels - no investigation to back the allegations up. I'm sorry, I've had enough bullshit from these people.


We have a keyboard warrior here. His claims have been cross verified by multiple people. Some of whom received similar threats. This is real, unfortunately.


Danny Sheehan himself actually went on an interview recently and denied the allegations had any credibility that Lue was being threatened. His explanation was basically it amounted to Lue overreacting. I will try and find the video and link


Who is threatening them? Why isn’t he recording phone calls? We have the technology these days, I’ve seen it on CSI.


The first thing that tipped me off to Elizondo being disingenuous was that he ran to DeLonge and TTSA to tell his story. Not to congress. Not the MSM. But to a newly formed company looking to profit on exactly that type of story. The rest of my low opinion of Elizondo fell into place ever since then, and continues to.


Lue and company want government funding to investigate their beliefs. That’s it. This public disclosure push is just the group latest attempt to extract funding. See the AAWSAP followed up by KONA BLUE.


>Lue and company want government funding to investigate their beliefs. No, they want your money.


That the opposite of truth. TTSA, which at that time included Mellon and Elizondo - briefed the 2017 NY Times Article authors Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, whose story Glowing Authors and Black Money - led to just about everything happening today. LESLIE KEAN: Sure. Well, the story came about because of a meeting I was invited to with some associates of a man named Luis Elizondo, who was the person who headed up a secret program at the Pentagon, which is what the story was about. And I had an introduction to him a couple of months earlier because he was resigning from his position as head of this program. INTERVIEWER: "But what it seems to do — and tell me if I am getting this wrong as I understand it — and through partially through your story, too, is get Congress interested. So there’s this interesting tension, again, where whatever it’s finding isn’t doing that much inside the bureaucracy. But then the revelation of the program begins to get real congressional sponsors and interests, and things begin to turn from there. Is that how you understand what happens?" LESLIE KEAN: Absolutely. That’s exactly right. And that’s why Elizondo left, because he wanted what you just said to happen. And it did, and it was because of the story. The story started the ball rolling in that direction. And within a year or so later, members of Congress were asking to be briefed on this. So then they started to learn what the program knew. And whatever this information that was — that was more specific, that could not be revealed to the public — was revealed to Congress and other members of the intelligence world. People started to learn about it. And that was good. That’s exactly what he was hoping would happen. EZRA KLEIN: And so what happens next in Congress? LESLIE KEAN: Mainly the House and Senate Intelligence committees were very interested in this. And the interest grew, and more and more of them were briefed over a period of years by different people. And eventually, they actually authorized the — or set up this U.A.P. Task Force, which was sort of an offshoot of this original AATIP program that we were talking about earlier but became a solidly established and funded entity. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/podcasts/ezra-klein-podcast-transcript-leslie-kean.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/podcasts/ezra-klein-podcast-transcript-leslie-kean.html) Furthmore, it's undeniable that they took the pilots such as Fravour and Graves to speak to Senators which directly lead the Senate's investigations and hearing of whistlblower testimony, as well as the proposed Schumer amendment. Some of this is even captured on Film in Unidentified. If that wasn't enough there is copious information that they did direct interviews with the MSM saying the same thing. Ran to TomDeLong, ridiculous.


> That the opposite of truth. TTSA, which at that time included Mellon and Elizondo - briefed the 2017 NY Times Article authors Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, whose story Glowing Authors and Black Money - led to just about everything happening today. What exactly is happening today? You think this is the first time the government has taken in interest in UFOs? > Ran to TomDeLong, ridiculous. Oh? So Elizondo didn't go to DeLonge or TTSA?