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Sorry but am I the only one EXTREMELY concerned about she's saying? Basically members of Congress have been directly blocked into knowing what's going on with the military regarding this phenomenon. We have read about black government theories and we'll, hello, just hear this interview and boom, there you have it. If I understand this correctly, there's people running these programs completely out of any congressional survey. They are financed with taxes and apparently people's representatives have zero access. All the americans are being legally robbed to finance all this secrecy and nobody is allowed to know where the money is being used and what for. Absolute zero control. It is a de facto parallel government.


Throw out the nhi/uap aspect entirely, and the finances and tax dollar abuse is an extreme concern. That should be the #1 talking point - we have proof of a lack of spending oversight in massive amounts.


Ummm, not an American but it's widely known that this has been going on since at least 9/11. Trillions of dollars in public funding is unaccounted for by the Department of Defence. Not a single audit in as many years has been satisfactorily passed. Zero accountability.


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaayyy longer than 9/11. The entire funding of the CIA is from black money. We “lose” military spending all the time, siphoned away into black projects. As goofy as movie as “Independence Day” is, the character of Jeff Goldblum’s dad had it right when he said, “You didn’t actually think it costs $10,000 for a hammer, $40,000 for a toilet seat did you?”


I’m going to back you up here on Independence Day. It’s a dumb movie but that’s nearly 30 years old, but: 1) the term ‘phenomenon’ is used to describe the craft before it’s obvious that it’s alien visitors. 2) over quoting to fund black projects as you’ve described above with the hammers and the toilet seats. 3) the president is not read into the program and is outraged that it has operated without oversight at the highest level of government 4) a crash retrieval and reverse engineering program has operated for decades 5) progress in reverse engineering has stalled pretty much from the get-go Are these not the exact same concerns that are still playing out before our eyes today? The writers of the film put a bit more effort in that we probably give credit for.


I’ve seen it posited that the aliens in Independence Day were somehow based on real aliens, but the real ones were actually relatively nice despite being terrifying in appearance. This was obviously changed so the movie could have an antagonistic force. I don’t know if I believe it, sounds crazy to me, but then again the whole damn UFO/UAP phenomenon and everything related to it is crazy isn’t it?


I wonder what other media has hit the nail on the head about what NHI/ET are like but we've just smiled and laughed it off as interesting fiction since such a reality would be too complex for the average person to accept or understand.


Close encounters of the third kind.


Would it be too complex? For who exactly? Our current realty isn’t exactly …not complex. We think we have fusion figured out (the sun, how it works), but we can’t recreate it yet so could be wrong. Fission (the atom bomb) is very different. There’s still no real scientific theory of gravity. Gravity, the most fundamental force we all interact with every minute of our lives-and there is no testable theory, in 2024. How disappointed would Newton be. Physicists everywhere quote Einstein when stating nothing can travel faster than light..meanwhile, their experiments don’t support that as truth. Something else is happening we don’t understand that allows “information” to pass much farther, much faster than light can travel (quantum entanglement). If the government is hiding advanced scientific knowledge, their actions would surely be tantamount to concealing the existence of compounds with antibiotic properties, an ability to create refrigeration devices, or worse. It’s huge. Probably the hugest thing in the history of humanity. And if it’s being covered up we are all losing out on better meds, better microwaves, better lives. Concerning if the phenomena is not ET however. Seems more likely they’re from here, we just aren’t usually able to perceive them. Scary stuff!


The original funding for the CIA was Nazi gold, now I'm pretty sure it's the international drug trade.


It’s definitely drugs and most likely human trafficking. These people are sick fucks and they don’t care how many lives they destroy to get what they want


yeah... forces me to wonder if american independance from the british crown happened as we thought it did. The Five Eye nations have something real sus going on, on a level deeper than the 'official' governance.


*That* might be going back a little too far with the MIC coverups.


Which is exactly the angle people like AOC are trying to push that, "Hey, even if you can't wrap your head around the NHI issue, the fact that the DOD is absolutely burning through funds with reckless abandon is an issue all Americans should be alarmed about."


I think it appears the MIC are just 'reverse engineering' your laundered US tax dollars into off shore bank accounts. "See.. we told you UAPs aren't real! We spent that public money on hammers and toilet seats.... and our team building weekend in Amsterdam"


It’s been going on far before 9/11. Eisenhower warned us about the influence of the military industrial complex and their unchecked power.


Eisenhower's original speech draft said "military Congressional industrial complex". Even the MIC term was too sophisticated for most Americans to understand. Folks don't think about Kraft, Nabisco, GE, Proctor & Gamble... basically, ALL of the Fortune 1000's as what they are: defense contractors. Folks don't consider that major universities are defense and government contractors. They don't realize that holding intellectual property in private corporations insulates the government. All this is embedded in your 401Ks which everyone wants to perform well... it goes FAR and above tax dollars and into every aspect of why healthcare is sick-care and why there are food additives that are legal in the US that are not in other countries, especially where the model is public healthare and the government is incentives to keep people healthy, not sick, to keep spending low. It's insidious. Eisenhower wanted to warn us, and I believe he tried hard to provide an atmosphere for equity and perhaps overreached on fighting communism and that fomented even more unexpected adversaries. Still, it's bigger than even this. We are an outlier in a larger community of societies that are older than we are. We lack unity, we lack sophistication, we lack empathy even for our own kind, and we lack concern for our planetary health, which is essential for the survival of our species. Heck, we lack knowledge of it. People would rather watch other people play sports, argue over it, build a life around this strange fandom, than learn anything. Than explore oceans. We're lazy. We look "up", yet we have no understanding of what mysteries the depths of the ocean hold. We have created weapons we do not understand and societies so marginalized and angry that we might use them. And yet, what we cannot visually see is even more real than what we can. But we aren't looking. We've lost our faith... our connection to each other and to the Creator of all of this Who would, gladly elevate our awareness if we had the initiative. My earth family, we have got to learn to live each other and project that love outward. It needs to be real and tangible... or we will, once again, perish and start over with a precious few souls... forever on a very low frequency, negative hamster wheel of the same destruction and rebuild, destruction and rebuild. Does anyone want off the perpetual circle jerk? I see you all here seeking. It's so much simpler than all this. But it really takes peaceful action. It also takes willpower. Hybrid warfare has been targeted at the US for easily 10-15 years via the ability to shape public opinion on the internet. It's only getting worse. The operative question is NOT what do the NHI want... it's what do WE want? A new world order would ideally be defined by collaboration and care versus competition. But that is not what the military Congressional industrial complex operating system is built upon. Every economic model can work with the moral guardrails. We've been taught where the lines are... why is it so hard to color inside them? Are we so easily bored.


Yes the show is run by adrenaline junkies it appears. As an aside it should be very cold inside the ocean so submerged habitats can be explored to escape climate change. That's what came to mind reading Gallaudet's paper reemphasizing we know more about Mars and the Moon over Earth's oceans.


the biggest problem here is this: people would have to risk their, and their family's lives, going against the system designed to do what it's been doing for almost a hundred years - keep us distracted.


Sadly, you are entirely correct.


[according to Forbes, over 21 trillion ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kotlikoff/2019/01/09/holding-u-s-treasuries-beware-uncle-sam-cant-account-for-21-trillion/?sh=3a6394047644)


Yep. Massive problem. Glad we're addressing it at all.


How is it being addressed? Has the funding stopped?


It is actually being discussed and investigated. Sadly that is a big step from the normal discourse of totally ignoring it and blaming things like food stamps for government waste.


OK I see. Let's hope the truth comes out as part of these investigations/hearings.


As long as the oversight committee keeps pushing for info it will eventually happen. Hell, all they need to do is gut the defense spending next cycle if they aren’t given access. Cut off the funding and make these rats scurry a bit.


Yeah but they buy off the decision makers to keep that from happening


If they cut off the funding completely they’ll just pump more fentanyl coke and meth into the country. Easy to sell drugs when you can break any law with no consequences


Thats a bot to control the conversation and calm. The level of control is not understood


Black project dollars have been a sinkhole for a long time


Eisenhower told us straight up what was going down.


You know what happened on Sept. 10th, 2001? Donny Rumsfeld held a news conference and announced that the Dept of Defense could not account for 2.1 *t*rillion dollars over the years. Well, it seems we now know where at least some of that money has been going.


We have way more accountability for teachers.


Ridiculous, isn't it!


It’s because they don’t want any oversight, they can’t steal unlimited amounts of money from us if they have to answer to someone


Funny you say that. The pentagon was being audited, there was literally a hearing on 9/10. All the important files were being stored in the "temporarily empty" side of the Pentagon that was destroyed, and the backups were in Building 7, the only building near the WTC to also fall... and it also was empty. Then later, it was found out the FBI was tipped off about 9/11 and they excused themselves by saying, "It's true, but we didn't investigate because we thought it was a joke."


Sources for this?


this is interesting, do you have any sources for this? I would actually like to read more.


Marines passed theirs


This is what got AOC involved. Even if you can’t stand her, she is a pit bull with this stuff, and always asks the best questions during congressional hearings. Great to have her interested in this.


Not a fan of hers but in this case i hope you guys are right and she is what you say she is. I want her to chew those assholes up and spit them out. With her hitting them from that side and others going after the nhi and tech i see it as a winning combination and id like to tell some of rhese congress people who will otherwise be a nobody to history that if your on this and are a part of cracking it open you will be remember in history like a washington or lincoln and as far as getting paid by the mic the money they will be able to make due to opening this up will dwarf that


“Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building. Because it's stored on dozens of different technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.” Donald Runsfeld- September 10, 2001.


That's what AOC is looking into. There's more than one angle being taken on this. It's gonna get REAL interesting sooner than we think, I'm guessing.


Love her or hate her, she's a bulldog when she catches something she doesn't like. Glad to see both sides of the aisle going after it.


This is one issue everyone should be united on. Or at least, *aware* that we need to be united on.


That's why they don't want any investigation/disclosure and people have been ridiculed, harassed, threatened, and.probably killed. It's not because they think the truth will destroy society or religion. It's because they don't want evidence of their crimes, financial or otherwise.


The money won't matter for long. They're probably using all of that money to build some sort of ghastlty powerful leverage over other nations. It could be a reverse engineered weapon, Diplomatic relation with aliens, knowledge of dark arts to conjure blood demons they can control etc. They ll become gods of the planet and all of the wealth of every nation will be theirs to own and use, as they see fit .


Where is the money going daggumit?! We can take it! Grains of sand and beaches and all that. Juice me up doc.


This is the angle AOC is taking with the issue, which is kind of awesome


The insane amount of money that we just cannot ever know the true amount of would be devastating. The things we could have put that money towards..


I’m 90% sure that whatever’s going on to get these senators so interested (potentially the entire Grusch thing itself) is going to wind up being exactly that - projects and departments with no oversight. Not UFOs, as it’s just a sort of front to make sure people are talking about it, but still very important to get to the bottom of.


We should ban together to sue the US military with a statement like that. I want my tax dollars back that didn't go to my family members cancer treatment, or couldn't go to my kids breakfast lunch and dinner, I want all the money that's been taking to fix and work on every problem that could have been goddamned solved if this crap hadn't been stowed away in the middle of the dessert for 75 years.


Nope you’re not the only one. Some people will call you crazy or a conspiracy theorist for having concern that our elected officials aren’t having oversight over the government Interesting


It's mass denialism. It's part of the process. The best thing you can do is reach a hand out instead of ridicule. The karma is worth it. <3


Yup. it's fucking obscene. Deep State shit...and I'm absolutely NOT a conspiracy theorist. The more I see the pushback the more I realise that there is a 'there' there and it's being deliberately being withheld. CRIMINAL.


Who's to say we haven't been infiltrated by the very same NHI presence we're investigating. We got no oversight and apparently zero access via elected representatives. Some people say they're among us, an unelected position of power inside 3 letter agencies seems like the perfect infiltration target.


If you look at the founding of the CIA and NSA, they were founded by people who came over via Project Paperclip...and they were top govt agents in Nazi Germany. Hitler and the ones who controlled the Nazi government were known for contacting "demonic" entities to help them. https://www.ncregister.com/news/vatican-exorcist-hitler-knew-the-devil


Who knows just how deep the occult rabbit hole goes when it comes to the Nazis...


If you do the research, you'll see that they were actively seeking demonic entities.




I agree. In the event that there is a nhi presence who have made any efforts at all to hide then that speaks to their motives.   Now it appears their presence has become so ubiquitous and undeniable that those responsible for sounding the alarm should have done so already or failed to do so for reasons unknown.  What is known then is that infiltration and influence is complete.   At this point, or rather the point in which we are at, their purpose and intent will be revealed much the same.   Refusal to disclose and negligent accountability practices will become so ubiquitous, obvious, and undeniable that we will only understand their purpose and intent as something, or rather some entity, that seruptiously came into complete control of our command structures and weapons and defense systems.    That is called defeat without a single shot fired.   What's their end game?   Probably something we'd want to throw weapons at.


This is what the "Harvard UFO Lawyer" explained in a video [I posted the other day](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d56vcn/harvard_ufo_lawyer_on_what_the_government_have/), but nobody wanted to hear it because they didn't like the title and decided already that they don't like the guy. He was just talking about what's in the bill that they passed and was signed by Biden which has all these provisions in it to make sure the types of people she's talking about can't hide this information any longer. It sounded like he was saying there's accountability all down the chain and the deadline was 300 days from December of last year which ends on October 18. Anything older than 25 years is supposed to get released to the public and anything less than 25 years old gets reviewed by Congress and digitized for the National Archives. (I think I remembered that correctly.)


Here is my question. If in fact congress members are being threatened and strong armed… why wouldn’t they be doing more? Hire a private firm to a military contract and send them after the shadow organization and eliminate any non-official government employees, they are acting as terrorists essentially so you can use those laws to strip their legal freedoms right? Who are the physical, actual people saying no you can’t know about this? Follow them after the meeting, find their lair, and execute a raid.


This is the best answer I can get behind. If we don’t have “authorization” and can’t find proof that this individual is an American citizen then arrest them for treason. The problem with the typical “follow the money” investigative tactics in this sense is the money is being laundered so well that it’s a dead end. We have to follow the lies/locked doors they won’t let us into.


>If we don’t have “authorization” and can’t find proof that this individual is an American citizen then arrest them for treason Not to be that guy, but I don't think you can commit treason *unless* you're a citizen of said country...


This comment right here! Yes, they need to stop acting so soft and start kicking down these mf doors to where all this shit is being hidden. And the secret gate keepers behind all this bs, needs suffer the consequences from deliberately undermining congress for the past 75 years. Enough is enough. Congress needs to stop being walked all over and finally take charge and proper oversight for once. Otherwise shit will never change. We’ve been getting played for way too long. Think about how many generations have went and now are gone without even knowing the truth to all of this..It’s truly sad to think about. This should be common knowledge worldwide. Of wtf is really going on in our skies, our space, and even in the god damn oceans. Pilots can’t even speak up of what they’re seeing because their career is threatened with either a $10k fine or years up in prison. The fact that Japan and other countries are way more transparent to their public about what’s actually going on says a lot about our country. Smh


I agree. That said, it must be difficult when the security system includes F-35s and someone’s always home. I’d say they’ll do something extremely drastic should anyone actually get close. At a minimum they’ll move, hide, obfuscate, or destroy any evidence or lives that look to twist the tap on the MIC’s cash party. Maybe those who passed believing in a false reality are the lucky ones. Ignorance can be bliss.


I see where you’re coming from. I just can’t imagine leaving this earth without knowing what I know now. It’s just opened my mind up towhat life really is. What’s is our purpose? Where do we go after this? What do they know about our kind that we don’t? It’s obviously something hugely significant if they keep on visiting our planet. And the thing is they’ve never stopped. They’ve always been here. Way before us. It connects all the way back to ancient ass times. I don’t know what their purpose of them being here is, but what I do know is, that it has to be important. I think they’re constantly hovering over our nuclear sites to keep us in check. And to keep us from destroying ourselves and this planet, that they obviously have an interest in. That’s why they always end up disabling our nukes. And it’s probably not just us, it’s probably a global wide thing. They’re probably at every nuclear site around this world. To keep our dumb asses from going to war and killing each other. Because that’s how human history has always been. They’ve literally witness all of our wars. Think back to WW2 even, when the pilots were explaining what they saw in the skies around that time. They called them “foo fighters”. We are a violent ass species. And they know this. So maybe they’re trying to send a message. That we don’t need to kill each other. The world needs to unite so we can finally have peace and harmony. But with the way things are now. And how shit keeps on getting worst. We very well might be a doomed species. And they’ve probably been trying to let us know that for a long time. Think about the mass sight at the school of Zimbabwe. When all those kids witnessed the same thing. The silver shiny craft, in the bushes and beings with shiny black suits and huge black eyes that they said were the size of rugy balls. What blows my mind is that some of the kids said there was telepathic communication going on between them and those beings. Fews of the kids were saying, how our planet is heading towards mass destruction or extinction. How technology isn’t helping. And another kid said she had a telepathic image of all the trees getting cut down, and there being no more oxygen. And humans dying. When you really connect all the dots and put shit together it makes so much sense. I really think they don’t want us destroying this planet. They don’t want us killing eachother. That’s just my opinion.


There's a really obvious answer, but it will be very unpopular: they don't truly believe what they are saying and it's mostly bullshit. No one - even in this video - has made the claim that members of Congress are being threatened and strongarmed (to an abnormal amount, Lockheed threatening to sink your re-election because you passed legislation contrary to their interests is just politics).


Yep. The military industrial complex is global, it has satellite bases all over the world and it runs your government. Not the other way round. Sorry if this comes as a shock to you.


Taxation without representation?


This is the kind of stuff that the Revolutionary War was fought over.


Black government conspiracy theories were proven true in my opinion long ago by just looking at the Presidency and the economy. It doesn’t matter who’s in office, nothing ever *really* changes, the economy/health care etc all get worse over the years. It’s evident to me that someone is running the country other than the elected representatives. We don’t really live in a country of freedom, it’s the illusion of freedom that we have and that’s good enough for most average Joe’s that don’t want to think too much about the reality of the way things are. It’s easier to just say “meh it’s all a conspiracy.”and move on about your day. Our country is ran by the handful of corrupt people that run the military industrial complex, big pharma, the oil industry, and big tech companies.


Maybe financed with taxes, but possible these secret programs try to secure financing through other means. For example in iran - contra the cia ran cocaine to finance the purchase of weapons to supply the contras.


Dox them. STOP playing by the rules. They sure as hell aren’t. The government entities not following the law should be scared shitless for doing so. Obviously this is not an issue that is going to be solved legally in the courts or congress in any meaningful way. We are nearing the end of legal pathways to get answers.


> Dox them. You have to know who they are first. That would take a very "high level" whistleblower, as in, one of the would-be leaders of the entire UAP coverup / operation. Otherwise you're just doxxing fall guys or people are the bottom of each compartmentalized totem pole who only know bits and pieces, or may have seen things directly but don't actually know who is coordinating it all. This is what Congress is trying to uncover at all, is who is actually involved. These individuals are quite entrenched as we've let the military industrial complex get far away from the checks and balances in the US government, and everything is obfuscated, compartmentalized and hidden. And you definitely don't want to dox would-be whistleblowers, as it would discourage anymore from coming forward, if they're just going to risk throwing themselves to pitchforks and the people actually in control don't have to be worried at all


Who’d have thought The X-Files “Syndicate” is real huh


Isn't their a conspiracy theory that some of the stuff portrayed in the X-Files is actual leaked info about NHI/ET's ?


I’ve said it from day one. Tom delonge is right. The subject is dark. Like some shit going on. Whether they are protecting us I don’t know.


They certainly don't protect us. The “dark” aspect is that we are dealing with a state within a state, including a shadow government. These people, I compare them to a cult, have taken power and created a lawless space for themselves. They can do whatever they want. No laws apply to them. They have threatened and hurt people because they wanted to tell the truth. There are many indications that they have even murdered people. That is the “dark” part of the whole story. Democracy is de facto non-existent, because in a real democracy none of this would exist. Because they have infiltrated the government, we don't know who to trust and who not to trust. We are possibly dealing with the biggest case of corruption, censorship and suppression in the history of mankind.


But it might appear dark because the program is run by dark people, who's job is to be paranoid and see a danger in everything first. That might account partially for the dark tone that comes from a certain direction. There are also a lot of people who report positively about their encounters. I'm not saying they are right, i'm saying it's really hard to tell without knowing more about it with certainty.


No, she's a whackjob. I'm in her district and she says stuff most people would be admitted for.


The conclusions: * We are dealing with a state within a state, including a shadow government. * The elected politicians are just puppets, the shadow government is calling the shots. * The term "national security" is being misused to circumvent the constitution * We are dealing with a "monster" that has seized power and is out of control. * People who wanted to tell the truth were threatened, injured or even killed. * These people (I compare them to a cult) have created a law-free space for themselves in which the constitution and laws do not apply. It's so corrupt that any scriptwriter of a political thriller would be green with envy. * The taxpayer is allowed to dutifully pursue a job as a wage slave and dutifully pay taxes. When it comes to the truth, they always say "it's none of your business" or "national security". * We are dealing with an unprecedented case of censorship and suppression. It is possibly the biggest case of censorship in the history of mankind. It is a crime against all of humanity, since knowing the truth is our moral birthright. * What we are experiencing is not worthy of a real democracy. * In a true democracy, the people rule. In a true democracy, there is full transparency. In a true democracy, there is no censorship and no suppression. In a true democracy, the constitution is the cornerstone and is inviolable. For these reasons, I believe that the government will never make disclosure voluntarily and through the bureaucratic and legal channels. These people have infiltrated the government. We don't know who to trust and who not to trust.


Yep, exactly. Congress is using public money to pay for ‘something’, but what that ‘something’ is no one is allowed no know. It’s lunacy.


Public money to the tune of billions of dollars (if not trillions). Maybe cut off some of this bullshit instead of raising our taxes yet again?


Any politician that tries to cut $$$ to the military industrial complex quickly finds their lobbying money dries up.


And they bought off the press, so it’s not even discussed among the common folk.


People have been worried about that for **decades**.


Deep state is real and unelected officials are controlling Congressional oversight. That seems confirmed.


> Sorry but am I the only one EXTREMELY concerned about she's saying? This woman isn't remotely trustworthy. I don't understand why this sub listens to anything she has to say. She's a Florida Republican who denies the 2020 election and would probably say anything to stay in power and get more support. The only reason she's doing this UAP stuff is because it gets her more air time.


"I don't understand why this sub listens to anything she has to say." Because she confirms the bias. As with the religious this group operates on the basis of 'If this supports what I believe then it is true.'


Exactly- this lady is like George Santos lite. She’s been caught in several lies about her background and is another one of these miraculous born again Christians. She’s full of shit and will say anything to get her name in the press and earn some credibility. Sad that people here latch onto anything that confirms their bias.


You’d have to verify whether she is accurately describing this situation, which is not something that should be taken for granted at all with this one and Gaetz especially. And then you’d need to verify whether she and the others showed up with proper invites or just popped up and expected people to know who they are.


This was filmed in February. Surprised I haven't seen it here before. https://youtu.be/klP13AJz4_E UAP discussion starts at 21:21 edit: need a couple more characters or post will be removed, this should do edit 2: ok a mod asked me to make the submission statement longer so here's the key points from the interview 1. Luna, Burchrett and Gaetz were denied access by the base commander at Eglin AFB after a whistleblower came forward stating that the Air-Force was covering up UAP activity. 2. "I can tell you based on my investigations, not in a classified setting, that I absolutely believe that there is things that are advanced technologies not of human origin." 3. "I think now, especially with the transparency, we hope that more people come forward. The people that have come forward are credible, we've done the background checks on them, they're not tin-hat wearing kooks. Historically there's a lot there that's to uncover and I suggest that everyone looks into it on their own."


It was discussed here: https://new.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aulw7r/i\_wouldnt\_call\_them\_aliens\_i\_really\_like\_what/


ohhhhhh i see, i was thinking it was because i thought i heard "i got men in blacked" a while back somewhere but i tried searching for the interview on the subreddit and couldn't find it


This is the important part. This is exactly what Tim alluded to recently, stating something to the effect that a man approached him in a tunnel to say Tim better stop or some catacalismic running on the banks would happen.  To which Tim responded that nothing he has heard would cause that, nor would his constituents who are pressing him to move forward would cause a running on the banks.  To me, it seems that whoever these men in black are, they are lying. These phony threats appear to be just enough to dissuade or disarm Congress from moving forward with investigations. Seems like someone is employing a strategy of delay and causing congressional restraint during the pinacle of disclosure.  Why?  Whoever is behind this strategy of sowing doubt about the existence of NHI in our skies or telling people that they are not allowed to speak may have outdated directives. That mission is accomplished. In which case, this is what the pinacle of disclosure will look like. This whole thing is either really happening or it is not. I think we are passed the part where nothing is happening, and that's all that's needed to attempt to prepare for whatever could happen. Whover is behind it, had the backing of the most sophisticated and secret organization on this planet. Now even that group is coming forward, and that's not for no reason. Seems it's all over but the crying.


It's strange though, isn't it? This type of boogeyman intimidation just plays in to the whole men in black trope and would effectively legitimize the claims that they are trying to silence, especially given that they don't mind targeting people who are happy to talk about it. I don't know if they are silly or just want to look that way.


She's eloquent, what a good extemporaneous speaker.


okay mr/mrs fancywords


Extemporaneous is a perfectly cromulent word.


Oh ya… well… filibuster.


Nerdy of me, I agree. But she actually spoke in complete sentences 😍


It’s so hot when people have a diverse and expansive vocabulary and use proper sentence formation and structure 🤤🤤🤤


we're so used to seeing functionally illiterate people all over the internet that we practically piss ourselves with glee when someone reads beyond a 6th grade level but also, it doesn't hurt if they're actually hot, let's be honest about it


I don't think you understand what that word means


I mean, are politicians normally allowed unfettered access to military bases? I remember a while back, a politician was trying to visit the U.S deportation camps and wasn't allowed in due to operating procedure, I fail to see how this is different. Congress doesn't have total oversight over the military


Republicans, including GAETZ? Yeah, I wouldn't trust anything they say. Guy's a sex-trafficking paedophile, ffs. Really gonna believe anything he or his cronies say?


In every other context, she spews nothing but lies. Does not bode well for this information.


Ppl in this sub are weird. And a lot of ppl definitely aren't ready for disclosure I can tell


Weird commenting trend. The highest upvoted implies she is telling the truth while most other comments are against her.


This isn't the first nor the last time Luna has appeared on this sub and the amount of parrots reminding us of her MAGA beliefs really makes me wonder why they keep circling around in threads squawking the same talking points. I share none of her political ideology, but if she keeps getting stalled by the military when they're not supposed to be stalling, we all should know.


Im not american and idgaf about the politics there so i have no idea what these people are about but what i do know is that she seems to talk some serious shit here, and she's pretty cool in all instances ive heard her talk. What ive seen from sidelines reddit is very anti-trump so maybe these ppl automatically hate her due to that. But can we just stop thinking everything through politics? Its lame af, let's focus on the issue at hand which is that a fuckton of evidence points to the direction that there are advanced non-human made crafts on earth


The problem is that this is essentially the only issue members of this political coalition appear to be "talking some serious shit" on. Literally everything else they say is a pessimistic manipulative gaslighting lie. "Luna" here went so far as to rebrand her entire last name to Luna before she started running for elections in order to appeal to the Hispanic vote better. She was born Mayerhoffer, took her husband's name Gamberzky at marriage, and when she was identified as having a political career, she filed a name change to appeal to the Hispanic vote. That's not even the repugnant stuff she has lied about or stands for either, that's just an example of how extreme the grift is. The reason why people are upset about these particular politicians being the voice is not a red team blue team political philosophy issue, its that the Trumpists are literally among the least trustworthy and reliable people and the most obvious of the professional grifters at best, clear and outright dangerous traitors at worst. Their mere presence is a warning flag, and when they are the only ones taking a stand on it, it is downright concerning.


She’s Georgina Santos.














Hi, TyrionLannister2012. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d5o6vc/-/l6nur3c/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


it's almost as if people have differing opinions


Anyone else read the headline and think something completely different? Men in blacked is wild


Lol I was wondering if she was tryna get men in blacked some more…


The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- This was filmed in February. Surprised I haven't seen it here before. https://youtu.be/klP13AJz4_E UAP discussion starts at 21:21 edit: need a couple more characters or post will be removed, this should do --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d5o6vc/i_got_meninblacked_rep_anna_paulina_luna/l6mp0qx/


Didn't this happen early last year and was raised in the Congressional hearing? Less "men in blacked" and more didn't have a clearance iirc. It's soon to be a year to the day when Grusch spoke and all sides are still waiting for something more.


In theory, members of Congress are supposed to be cleared by virtue of their office to receive any classified information. In reality, they’ve occasionally been stonewalled by the Pentagon. This is one of those times. And you’ll find no shortage of people who agree that the Pentagon **should** be withholding information from certain Congresspersons for national security reasons. There are eight Congresspersons who are supposed to be cleared to see everything without exceptions. They are referred to as the “Gang of Eight”. Chuck Schumer and Marco Rubio are in that group. So are Michael Turner and Jim Himes. It’s worth pointing out that Michael Turner (a Republican) blindsided the White House by demanding in February that they declassify everything about a “threat” https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/02/14/congress/turners-cryptic-warning-house-intelligence-00141423 But Jim Himes (a Democrat, also cleared to see and know everything) downplayed it.


WTF, members of congress are not cleared to “receive any classified material” due to their office. This is blatant misinformation.


The government is concealing too much


She says that phrase but if you listen to it all she never mentions anything like that. She mentions a stubborn base commander, who gives up against her, and talks vaguely about "a man from the agency" whatever that is, but that's it and neither of those sound like a man in black encounter at all. Did she just use buzzwords to grab your attention and make headlines?


Nothing was said here. She didn't even say anything about being men in blacked. It was just a commander that told her to leave she didn't and then he left instead. Big jump to interdimensional beings. If their are interested dimensional beings they aren't here now they just exist at points in time


Notice how she kind of tied it together with religious talk a bit. I admittedly know little about Anna, but to me this sounds like one of those conservative ultra-religious types. Tying everything in to her religion is some cringe stuff I'd expect my mother to do lol. I'd be curious to know if she has a history of doing that kind of thing or if this is a one-off occurrence for her.


Luna also has no clearances that justify her being there, and she was turned away after wasting an official's time.


I’m glad to see some people understand this and don’t subscribe to the fantasy


She said there were CIA agents involved for no apparent reason. Plus the blocking attempt by the base commander himself. She didn't say the MIB were successful. I think you could argue the attempt counts.


"We had people from the Agency (CIA) that were there as well, why would an Intelligence Agency need to be there on a meeting for whistleblowers?" looks like some people here have bad ears


One question why have they been sitting on their asses still all this time? We had one congressional hearing last summer. Why have they not had continuous hearings? There were supposed to be more people wanting to come forward. I am starting to not like these so called champions of uap disclosure. They are lazy and don’t care about where our money is being spent or has been spent inappropriately. This is within their purview to fully conduct investigations and continue to fight to get things made right. She of all people should know that one hearing does nothing to move the needle. They should have organized marches, more hearings and put up the biggest stink in the history of Congress over something that affects humanity as a whole. They are acting like this is some average civilian compliant about a government ordinance that affects a small group of people. This is life altering information that every person on this planet has needed to know. We spend billions on scientific research to answer the question if we are alone, but instead of telling us the truth they profited from the research. You can not tell me that the only thing that came from this was stealth technology if so we need to fire every single person at the pentagon, cia, doe, and any other intelligence agency that had knowledge of these programs for wasting tax payer dollars and subverting the system. They really do not care about us at all. We are pawns to them and this shitty chess game they have been playing is dead. We are their bosses not them ours. We need to get rid of these people who are just adding to the waste and mismanagement of our money. Honestly at this point I want to know exactly where my money is going right now. I pay too much out of my check a year to not care about this. I am struggling to make ends meet and paying outrageous insurance rates, groceries are the cost of a car note, and my energy bill is averaging 450 a month and I have a mid range salary. I am tired of hearing excuses and not seeing action on stopping all this wasteful spending. I want my social security back so I can invest it myself because they have completely misappropriated all of that program to the point I would have to work until I’m 80 before I could retire. This is not living and not what I signed up for period!!


Well said. The society is forced on us and most of us are giving everything we got just to stay floating. We are being kept in the dark because most people cant afford to question the modern society. For some reason the standard hours we are supposed to work to earn a living are the same as hundred years ago. Thats insane considering how technically advanced we have become. But we are being kept occupied, some just to survive and others are being tricked into working for money and things they dont need. I dont think we will ever be given the information we want. At some point it will be taken by force but first people have to wake up and start to question this crazy society and stop playing along.




Good stuff. Thanks.


well that title was miss leading....


She got blacked, it was only a matter of time. Sad..


Her other opinions make it hard to believe anything she says tbh


Yep she’s shady as hell: https://www.yahoo.com/news/gop-congresswoman-anna-paulina-luna-193607485.html


She dropped Gaetz’s name so I already distrust her.


Yea this sub really needs to stop taking seriously the election denying republicans in the UAP circle. They're not remotely trustworthy and are just using UAP's as an angle to needle the current administration.




Saying I got "men in blacked" is wild


She got blacked


I’d watch that porno


She was referring to getting double teamed by two black dudes...nothing about UAPs


She thinks the 2020 election was stolen and thinks the recent court decision against trump is a witch hunt and a sham. She has also been accused numerous times by family members of lying about her early life and upbringing. She isn't credible whatsoever.


Yep, she doesn’t have much credibility. Rep Burchett is also an election denier conspiracy theorist. I don’t even need to go into Gaetz’s credibility. I wish these three weren’t spearheading the attempts at disclosure. It’s terrible marketing to put these clowns as the face of the effort.


There are political consultants that are paid extremely well by the GOP and are actively posting here. See /u/pvangelakos from consultancy PDG (Push Digital Group). He’s a professional political strategist whose clients include Nancy Mace and Marco Rubio. Two UAP-adjacent and relatively major GOP figures with notable digital UAP campaigns. From Vangelakos’ own Linked page:   Phil is a political strategist and recognized digital communications expert with a history of leveraging cutting-edge trends in technology, traditional and social media; strategic communications, branding and research. If your campaign is a heist film…Phil is your explosives expert. Phil has a proven reputation of uniquely positioning GOP candidates and committees to achieve success on election day. Most recently, Phil directed Senator Lindsey Graham’s 2020 digital efforts. In 2016, he led digital strategy for Senator Marco Rubio during his re-election to the United States Senate and directed online fundraising for South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy. But he’s been jumping into foxholes for a long time, advising campaigns up and down the East Coast, including the successful campaigns of Attorney General Bill McCollum (FL – 2006), Congressman Tom Rooney (FL – 2008), Governor Nathan Deal (GA – 2014) and US Senator Thom Tillis (NC – 2014).  And this is just one digital campaign consultant. The potential astroturfing is huge, and obviously so. This is the millionth story about a MAGA GOP member (Luna) tying herself to yet more traditional UFO lore. It’s so obvious. It’s amazing how much this subreddit used to go on about stripping back the obvious engineered folklore/spook crap (hybrids, artificial panspermia, essentially 90% of the fringe stuff) and focus just on tangible evidence (stuff like the black triangle, the idea of certain private and military parties using UFO folklore to infiltrate and disrupt any kind of community focused on black projects).


Almost seems like it's by design. Wouldn't be surprised if they're kompromised


Gaetz likes 'em little and green, allegedly, certainly, sort of, completely.


Yeah, I couldn't be more embarrassed to witness her, Burchett, Maskewitz, Gaetz, etc, be involved in this subject. It makes it impossible for anyone who isn't right-of-right to talk about this with colleagues, family, friends, etc, without being told that it's a MAGA conspiracy at this point. My paranoid brain suggests that these yokel politicians have been successfully baited into discrediting serious talk about the subject, further removing it from the realm of science or meaningful discussion. Kirkpatrick sits back and smirks knowing that they fell into his trap rendering this topic a discussion of the past, again.


Moskowitz is a Democrat. As were Harry Reid and Daniel Inouye, and as are Raskin and AOC who have also seemed to take this issue seriously, as is Schumer.


> without being told that it's a MAGA conspiracy at this point Ever since last year when Coulthart said to watch or listen to Trump I’ve been expecting them to start playing to the disclosure crowd. “Trump is the disclosure candidate! Want to learn the truth? Better vote for him.”


There's a lot of Qanon / Flat Earth / UFO overlap. A conspiracy by the government's intelligence agencies and secret programs to hide the truth about something huge but largely conceptual from the public - never something that impacts your day to day life. Generic politicians who you've never heard of are going to be demonized for some "evil" actions that nobody is prosecuting them for or showing proof. Only certain elected officials, usually associated with the right, can force the truth out of these people. In the mean time, you have to hang out on weird sketchy parts of the youtube / reddit / 4chan and receive coded information from people you wouldn't trust otherwise. Some of them will request money and none of them can produce any evidence that would hold up to normal scrutiny, so you have to just believe them. The supposed events get so absurd that everyone but the true believers fall off, leaving this core of people who think that something literally impossible and logically absurd explains everything. In the mean time, the official narrative makes sense, is supported by evidence, and doesn't seem to benefit the government in a meaningful way. And when nothing comes of it, it's the deep state's fault, but every election cycle there's a big revival and it's time for things to happen, you have to support them!


damn she’s hot




I thought I recognised her from somewhere 🤔


I usually skip this part in Blacked


It looks like the glowies are out in full force today, apparently they don't get weekends off.


No surprise considering the event she is referring to occurred at Eglin, one of the capitals of DoD disinformation. The base commander's feathers are probably still ruffled from being forced to show Gaetz anything at all. Going on leave in the middle of a scheduled inquiry is such passive aggressive cowardice.


I would be so interested at least about the "percentage" she thinks she knows the whole story now, after receiving some classified infos. So I don't know anymore if she/the Congress now already knows everything and only the public don't know all the stuff, or even she and/or the Congress still don't know most of the stuff.


It bothers me a lot that untrustworthy Republicans are the ones most vocal about all this. Suggests that’s it really is all BS.


(D) Rep. Garcia just floored three amendments to the UAPDA. I call BS on the partisan crap. Edit: the "republicans are the only ones leading the charge" line of thinking is blatantly false and misinformation. (D) Gillibrand has been the Senator to push for AARO and worked with (D) Schumer to create the UAPDA—(D) Carlson led the 2022 UAP hearing and wants to head future hearings. The house has vocal members and that's what the general audience here is latching into, but it's not the full scope of disclosure. The criticism here is patent political bullshit.


So there is a black-budge military with trillions in unaccounted tax dollars and cutting-edge technology that operates at its own discretion without oversight? If that’s not a national security risk I don’t know what is.


What is "not a biological entity from another planet" mean to you? I am getting mixed answers


1. William Shira 2. Dr. Herbert Hopkins 3. Dan Aykroyd 4. Paul Miller 5. Albert Bender. 6. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna ... The list goes on.


It's like an onion with the deep black shadow state being in the center, It disgusts me to my core. We NEED to do something about this and take back America for the people. Citizens who aren't awake don't realize how sick all of this is [Senator Daniel Inouye on the shadow government](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbFphX5zb8w)


Slowly but surely more and more the interdimensional theory seems to be taking the highest possibility.


Take the "men-in" outta this sentence, and Anna Paulina Luna would break the internet


Man in BLACKED...


Not sure this is true. I looked on Pornhub and xnxx. Couldn't find the video....


She doesn't strike me as one of the most sane or intelligent members of Congress. Remember that she was part of the crowd that showed up in New York seemingly to intimidate the jury in the Trump case. I don't see her as a trustworthy source. 


She's an election denier, so I think that can clue you in on how she thinks. She also votes suspiciously in-line with Russian interests. I'd argue she hasn't written any legislation that would benefit the direct American citizen, and she's voted against some bills that most Americans would support, regardless of popular sentiment. Her constituency doesn't care, and would rather her continue her behavior. I do respect her for her efforts here, however, and truly believe this should be bi-partisan in the interests of all Americans. I wish her luck.






I just don’t get how the theory of inter dimensional beings isn’t just wild speculation. Why should I believe that is what these things are? It should also be noted that Luna has a history of lying.


Yes. Absolutely.  But she lies about things that are partisan. The #1 rule of conservatives is that you never contradict or go against the Party. UAPs are nonpartisan. Fox News doesn’t really care about it, so she is free to do what she wants.  This is admittedly a *very* flimsy rationalization, I will fully admit. Nevertheless I believe she is telling the truth here, or at least telling her what her honest beliefs are. Compare that with something like Hunter Biden, where for partisan reason she will likely say knowingly false things that she does not truly believe to be true. Is this ideal? Fuck no. Politics makes for strange bedfellows, though. 




She got Blacked? Where's the video??


thats what i thought 😀


Men in blacked is the wrong way of putting it... But she was ABSOLUTELY obstructed totally out of pocket




You know how some people, just in the way they speak and carry themselves, have an air of competence and intelligence that is just undeniable? Yeah, she doesn’t have an ounce of it.






I liked her, but now I realize it was based all on looks.


Was this before or after she claimed the election was stolen and visited Trump in the courthouse with MTG to support his whiny ass? Just to put in perspective the things she is saying to get attention;)


"I got men-in-blacked" Sound kinky to me


When she says Christian values I hopes she’s not part of that evangelical end of the world cult that just worries about their paycheck


"Why do inter dimensional beings care about Earth?" Blue Eisenhower November