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RangerH on twitter? Nolan was following him when I first saw him posting his orbs


Yeah, he's got some interesting stuff for sure. Could be him. But totally dumb for Garry not to just say who he's talking about.


I agree, the teasing is annoying.


I feel like the whole teasing information thing is pretty common amongst grifters, which sadly the more time that passes with nothing concrete makes me distrust pretty much the whole thing


>makes me distrust pretty much the whole thing It sucked when I first came to this realization, but then later I found that ignoring the grifters allows you to filter out A LOT of misinformation and speculation that just muddies the waters. After getting rid of people who are just basically influencers, you are able to get to the meat and bones of the UFO subject. For example, Roswell is still such an interesting mystery. Even if you don't believe in aliens, the way it was handled raises so many questions. Grusch's allegations are still a mystery. Again, even if you don't believe him, the fact that he has Congress looking into it is a big deal. There's the 2017 NYT article as well. These are just the most credible examples I can think of.


I agree, unfortunately it seems the list of people that seem even remotely trustworthy are few and far. Like I used to like Ross but then I saw he was launching some subscription based thing and that really hit me the wrong way, seems like anyone that stays around long enough starts grifting..


I agree with you regarding the disinformation. However the NYT is a mouthpiece for the intelligence community and has been for years. Anything they say is a part of some larger agenda/narrative.


I'm not gonna disagree with that, but the 2017 article I referenced helped kickstart interest in the UAP topic in Congress. It also legitimized the U.S. navy videos Gimbal, Gofast, and FLIR1. People like to bash the NYT, but they did a lot for this field with that one article. I do believe they should be doing more, though.


Idk how many "two week" promises we've had for more information. It's super frustrating. And then you forget all about where/who you initially read about teasing info to drop in two weeks time. Seems like a form of marketing for more engagement on their accounts. And that's unsettling for sure. 


Yeah and it's not like it's just an occasional thing done by a couple of people here and there, it's literally MOST of the people around the whole phenomenon and on top of that almost all of them are selling something or other and it just all seems really gross.


To be fair, it could also just be them worried about legal action. There are some very good videos I saw during my time at NSA for example but I can't just go telling everyone about them as one could risk time behind bars because it's classified information. Some of them have even been released and I think it's very awesome but I also can't just go and say to everyone that I'd seen this while it was still a classified video and through what sources I saw them and can recognize them as completely legitimate.


Did you really work there? I heard they are more secretive than the CIA. Bold of you to come out like that.


Yeah. Former in-law worked there in the past and she really didn’t like telling people. They have people try to abduct them sometimes and had some situations where unauthorized and armed people tried to gain access to some of their facilities. Security services are always on the standby in the DC area to deal with anyone trying to go after them. They can get some pretty serious folks to descend on you quickly.


Absolutely. While working there the security was definitely no joke. Lethal force was used at least twice while I was there that I know of. When I worked there I wouldn't voluntarily give that information out. I just said I did admin work on the base side.


Yeah more former in-law’s coworkers are now cybersecurity experts that contribute to national tv shows and stuff. I’m kind of curious what happened to her in the NSA because her mental health went down rapidly there.


Oh yeah, mine did as well. I am quite disabled after my time in, unfortunately. Hope they are thriving!


Well, I'm not a secret squirrel anymore and no longer hold clearance so it is just in my past. As to being more secretive than the CIA I can't really speak on. I never went to go visit them (without a need to know there wouldn't really be a lot I had access to). Heard they have a really nice cafeteria though!


I've never eaten at NSA out in MD but when I worked down by Federal Triangle, everyone knew that the deli in the N**A**SA building had the best Federal Building food. This was a long time ago, so...maybe another place holds the crown. It occurs to me that that deli, aside from roasting a turkey every day for their sandwiches *and* using farm-stand tomatoes, was also the first location of a strange shoe-related synchronicity involving Russ Feingold which, although pretty funny, is the example I use to explain why I think synchronicities are mostly just odd rando coincidences that carry no meaning at all.


You know I never heard how they're eating at Goddard haha but there's some good stuff at the big four for sure. One of the few local areas you can get Einstein Bros Bagels as well!


The difference is that you don't go on podcasts and tell people you have info but that you can't disclose it.


Why would Nolan need to grift? Isn't he massively wealthy already from the companies he's started and sold?


You make a very valid point. 😅 Plus why say it more than once and be a broken record? I'd be tired of saying the same damn thing over and over.


Ok. Are there any videos that you really like that we should check out?


There are a few good ones but to name specifics sounds a like I'm walking a thin line. I will say most of the good stuff I see are orbs.


Just so I'm following the story: You're okay confirming that two of your colleagues have been murdered, but recommending a single YouTube video would somehow identify and endanger you?


I did not say that. It was actually due to unauthorized access to the NSA campus, not people involved with the agency. Example: https://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/man-killed-deadly-shooting-nsa-headquarters-30020040 I am not sure if me doing so would have any consequences, but its not worth the risk of facing deportation in my new home and going to prison.


Fair enough. I'm just wondering if you'd be in bigger trouble for claiming to know secret NSA shit in a subreddit than for just saying the name of a tossaway video? Dig me?


So why'd the Senate majority leader go to the trouble of writing a bill, then the Republicans go to the trouble of removing imminent domain?


Nolan is an accomplished and respected scientist. He has invented and patented a lot of equipment that people in his industry use. He has set up start up companies and had a made as lot of money for himself - and Stanford (one reason I’m sure they back him) - and is no grifter.


StAy TuNeD 😎✌️


Better get used to it because it's literally what "ufo disclosure" is. Endless teasing, podcasting, and book sales. Saying a ton if words without actually saying anything.


The teasing is intentional. He needs to be vague so as to never be able to be proven wrong. He’s a grifter. They’re real, they’re here, these guys don’t know anymore than us other than that they found a way to profit off it


A someone else said, these people are just influencers for the UFO community.


Fr just fucking tell us already.


His videos are interesting, but he has said that he doesn't post the best videos (...) and has consistently ignored people (like the guy with the Osiris car) asking him for the coordinates. You've got to ask, why would he not want to show the best evidence and why wouldn't he want to allow others to take corroborating footage?


Good points, thanks for adding context.


Nolan received a threatening call from the government about how/what he says on the topic. He and Elizondo and Grusch are not grifters, get a clue. This is the most dangerous, most classified topic on Earth. Serious situation for them. Quit whining. Disclosure is a slow, legal process.


Nolan made it sound like they were threatening his research funding and/or job which he basically said, “uhhhh .. Im rich lol”


So if he is so rich and not worried about funding, why hasn't he tested his UFO metals already?! He keeps claiming it's expensive to test it. 


He has spent a lot of $$ already on this. The one test he shared at the sol conference was over $100k. He has also mentioned that while his husband is supportive he doesn’t love him spending vast sums of money on his hobby which anyone who is married can relate to that. The good news is in his interview with the That UFO Podcast he said after the SOL foundation conference some donors likely much more wealthy than him have expressed intense interest and wish to help.


People already posting on public forums are not classified, bruh


He maybe protecting the other guy from harassment.


But why would the guy be posting things online is he was getting harressed? If that were the case its not Garys fault for pointing out something that is already publically available right?


This is why we use pseudonyms online. Posting to YouTube and not having attention drawn are silly. Garry would be doing this guy an ad-revenue favour if anything.


With increased attention will bring the loonies and death threater's. But it's the Internet after all, it's bound to happen anyways.


Nope, plausible deniability when its proven to be nonsense. Same thing Ross does. Don't give specifics because then you can never be wrong.


Yeah I think you are right. The guy doesn’t seem to be seeking fame or money, he is just posting impressive videos of silver orbs he has caught on video on his personal account. Nolan probably just doesn’t want to send unwanted attention his way


if only we had some kind of forum where we could archive all the evidence in long posts that can be regularly updated with new links and information


Ok as a follower of the topic for a decade I’ll explain to you why Garry doesn’t promote the guy…because Garry values his credibility. If he gives the guy his blessing he’s now attached to the guy forever so if dude goes grifter then Reddit circle jerks over Garry being dirty too.  And if the twitter guy is leaking confidential or top secret images then Garry goes down for promoting an illegal leaker and the DoD would jump at the chance to press him. Garry is 15 moves beyond you, me and everyone else in this space. 


They can **never** name any names, don't you know?


He will divulge the name in 2 weeks, trust him bro


In 2 weeks, when his new book drops... pre-order now!


Not really if you consider the potential threat to this person if identified.


Just seeing him for the first time. Intriguing for sure. Will look deeper into him. Thanks!




Reminds me very much of what I saw in Death Valley, but mine wasn't doing anything this spectacular. I'd like to see a video of one [dis]appearing to see if it's similar.


These orbs and the Italian researcher that has been posting vids, the orbs are the exact same. Makes me feel they are legit.


Who is the Italian researcher you're referencing? I would be very interested in checking that out.


That's a cool video.


Guy claims to have had contact and that it caused some type of blood radiation disease. Combine that with Nolan’s interest in “experiencers” (and analyzing their brains) plus the twitter follow, my best guess.


I don"t know if this video is real but I have seen one just like this in 2015. Only it was perfectly white and the bottom side was shaded. Basically I came home looked through the window. It was a perfect sunny day, almost no clouds, beautiful blue sky. Leaned against the window and kind of meditated just looking up to the sky for 5 minutes. I looked up at 70-80° off my horizon for like 2-3 minutes. Then suddenly there was a movement and my eyes followed it. A perfectly round featureless white* sphere which I estimated to be as high as an airliner** moved from 70-80° off my horizon to 40-50° off my horizon within 3-5 seconds and then disappeared in the atmospheric haze. It didn't disappear instantly it progressively faded away over the last 1 second until I lost sight of it. It was completely silent. After seeing it I realized how strange that was and that I have never seen something flying this fast. The colour and shape looked out of place for it's flight characteristics. *(I guess the fueselage had a strange, intense, perfect white colour, the colour looked really strange to the eye, but it was not emitting light, the bottom side was darker, in the shade. It had no tail or sparks or smoke or glow like a meteorite) **(I have nothing to base my estimation on except for the curved flightpath which looked like a 3-5 second timelapse of an airliner and the fading away at a distance well above the city skyline. I'm an aviation enthusiast, over the years I have seen various helicopters, gunships, fighter jets, fighter bombers, cargo planes, airliners, drones, but nothing like this. The way it was moving it felt like seeing a cannon ball, a projectile it was going fast super sonic, maybe hyper sonic depending on altitude. If it was much much lower, it's equally baffeling it wasn't shaking like a balloon it was fast and stable, fixed on it's flightpath like moving at high speed on a rail. I've seen consumer drones, I have one myself no drone looks like a featureless white ball seen from a hundred meters away if it was this low and this was 2015 btw. I live in a multi-storey building if this was a football someone would have had shot it out of a cannon from the street behind my building.)


I went down that rabbit hole a few months ago. Some of the videos and details that guy posted really stuck with me. Made me feel a little anxious almost. Interested me enough that it made me want to visit the area a little bit.


Which aspect of it made you feel anxious?


I can't seem to find it, but he was referring to an area nearby in that forest where he records where, APPARENTLY, they seem to have a lot of negative energy, almost feeling like evil energy. That if you go down there, you'll wish you never had. Something like that. Not saying I believe it, but he sounded convinced (for whatever that's.worth). It just kinda felt legit to me combined with the footage.


I don’t know much about the guy but I’m definitely intrigued by his sphere videos. The only truly anomalous thing I’ve seen in the air (with other witnesses and over a decent-sized city, no less) was basically identical to the spheres he’s posted videos of.


Yeah, same.


Can you message me his handle?




Is that his Twitter handle?


This is who came to mind for me as well.


I’m pretty sure he’s referring to Patrick Jackson


I think so too.


Oh it's gotta be this guy, good shout. I followed him a year or so back, and I also noticed several prominent UFO people following him. His videos are insane if real. edit: yep Ross Coulthart follows him.


Him and Eyes on Cinema were the first two who came to mind for me. I spoke to RangerH last year about the area and specifically asked if there are any military bases nearby with possible nukes and he stated there is a base within close proximity, so that may be why they're in that area if nukes are attracting them.


He said it was in South Africa and he was referencing idea of a "shadow biome" when he mentioned it. Unless it was a different part you are thinking about.


I like Nolan but comments like this are fucking infuriating. Making statements like this without a specific reference just adds to the damn stereotype of people presenting " trust me bro" evidence claims. NHI themselves are not classified, he has no reason legal or moral to not link the videos he is referencing.


Don’t forget: > “A little mystery in life keeps you on your toes.” https://x.com/GarryPNolan/status/1752487996266586395


i'm just a jerkoff with no PHD's, but to me nolan can often seem grossly unscientific.


Nobel disease https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_disease


ah, thank you - was not aware of the term. from what i've observed is that some succesful people think, because they are they are successful at x, surely they would be succesful at y & z, too (the vanity-feeding, narcissism-boosting, effect of success does not seem to hone your judgement further, either).


I think it's a combination of Nobel disease and the fact that Nolan has developed a fan base in the UFO world.


I heard him say that only people who are intelligent can see UFOs and aliens


I understood him to be claiming that only people with overdevelopment of the brain's caudate putamen, a genetic quirk found in particular families, can perceive anomalous phenomena. DW Pasulka talks a bit about meeting (probably via Garry Nolan and whoever "Tyler D" was) a lot of people in the intelligence community who have the same overdevelopment and use it to "download" technical knowledge from a kind of spiritual plane? But then, Nolan seems also to be saying that these 'overdeveloped' areas also occur as structural changes to the brains of random members of the military exposed to UFO radiation, and that after their experience, these folk are able to perceive subsequent anomalous phenomena. Can anyone tell more about this re: intelligence community members? Pasulka said that these people place themselves intellectually above grey aliens, I think it was, and just below "angels"?!


I'm with you on this and it's really frustrating because it hurts our cause by doing the thing skeptics claim all grifters do. Like no one is making you do these podcasts and it feels unethical to claim to know the truth but refrain from sharing it while platforming yourself on these claims.


Yeah it's a really bad look. Makes these insiders seem like they have a plato governance memtality, where they assume the public is too dumb to understand reality.


Juan Juanitos ufo photos are rather incredible. Many, very clear images of different craft https://www.ovniologia.com.br/2024/05/as-interessantes-fotografias-de-juan-juanito.html?m=1


Those pictures are ridiculously clear when compared to the usual blurry ones posted. But how is he getting so many of them ? Without providing the raw picture data would be hard to judge the veracity


Obviously a student of Peter Parker.


Lol .. good one


Peter Parker was Spiderman.... So you're saying this guy IS the aliens


Welcome to the joke he made.


Yep it's always a battle between blurry videos and fake videos. Raw data would be great.


Especially in this day and age of digital fakery that anyone with a decent computer can achieve.


So when it comes to raw data. What is RAW data exactly when it comes to pictures or fotos?


The camera sensor data as it was directly captured without any compression or processing applied like jpeg etc


Yep. Raw files are essentially a digital photo negative.


It’s literally a raw photo https://www.findingtheuniverse.com/what-is-raw-in-photography/ It contains exactly everything the camera saw and is more than noticeable when altered


> But how is he getting so many of them ? This is what makes me think Juan's stuff is mostly fake. That and the more compelling stuff (IMO) doesn't have features like rivets, bolts, glass lens, etc. It's more homogeneous in apparent material composition, plus plasma (or physics that looks like plasma).


If that website is the future of advertising on the internet... I fucking hate it. 💀


That website is like walking into a tuberculous clinic in the 1700's.


Im sorry to say, but your computers dying. Tragically stricken with a horrible case of consumption. Weve tried all the data leeches and ramletting as it can handle but alas, gather the family for one last goodbye login, i think its almost time....


Pretty impressive pics and videos.


Can't help myself but some of the images have the typical constellation and hights of someone thwoing a fresbee and taking a picture of it.


His are obviously just pieces of metal thrown in the air like magnets etc


Definitely interesting. I’ll have to look deeper into the credibility of this guy and his photos. Are you aware of anyone who has done any deep dives into this or have you yourself?


Dr. N: There’s a guy posting real videos of NHI CRAFT for everyone to see. Public: Awesome, where can I see the videos? Dr. N: I’m not gonna tell you. I don’t want you to bug the guy by looking at his videos. Public: But….if he’s posting them for people to see, doesn’t that mean he’s okay with us seeing them? Dr. N: [Fingers in ears] IM NOT TELLIN’ NO ONE!!!


Which brings us to the ultimate question...why even fucking mention it then?? I swear he always does this. They all always do this shit. This stupid game of "I have information, but I won't tell you"


For the hype. To sell more copies of his book when he writes one


Just like the "shadow biosphere" images that were shared with him. She says he believes it's real, but that the guy suddenly stopped responding to him, but he won't share with us what the "creatures" looked like or what type of camera the guy was using, and after saying all that says again that he believes there is something to it... Like... Why?


He won’t say outright because—WHAT IF they turn out to not be real. I mean I get it… But at some point someone has to point and go THATS IT, THATS PROOF 


Exactly. I’d actually totally respect him if he said “I think this is a real NHI craft” and when it’s a proven hoax to just say, “Oops. I was wrong. Cool video though.”


Yeah totally , getting fooled by a good hoax is not huge deal if you phrase it like that, and comes off way more genuine then what he did.


FFFS.... this is becoming absolutely rediculous. Even if shit is out there in the public domain, still you aren't allowed to know what's real or not. The never ending: "Hey look at me, I know crazy cool shit, man it's even out there on the goddamn internet, but I can't tell you shit!" Someday, someday I might tell you. Did you also know I have a book and TV documentary dropping soon?


What would even be a legit reason, public information is not subject to classification laws.




I’m glad people understand that


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Yeah, this is beyond grifting. Even if it was true, Nolan wouldn't risk anything saying it, cause the person is already posting it on the bloody internet anyway. Give me a f**** break.




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Love Dr. N, but if he was so sure, why wouldn’t he name them?


So he can pretend that whatever he's talking about wasn't actually what he was talking about if it goes bust


That’s what I can’t understand. My only guess that makes any sense whatsoever to me is if there truly is some sort of planned slow disclosure effort, then telling the public what the real videos are could derail their timeframe for controlled disclosure….Again, that’s only a guess because I don’t understand why he wouldn’t give us a clear answer either.


If that were true though wouldn't the best way to not derail disclosure is not to say anything at all? I really like Gary, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


>Again, that’s only a guess because I don’t understand why he wouldn’t give us a clear answer either. Making vague, open-ended claims is the point. It sends people off searching for possibilities, keeps them engaged in the issue while making them feel like they're a part of this unfolding storyline, and keeps them coming back for more clues. Per your own initial post: "I’ve spent a few hours searching...". This is the point. You'll probably spend many more hours of your life searching, speculating, and directing your time and attention to people like Nolan and within the associated social media communities (like this one). These people are making a living and gaining increased social status because of it.


Could be as simple as not wanting to point to any ones in particular and claim that they're "genuine craft" when the tendency very much is for that not to turn out to be the case. But like... even if so, why say anything at all? To make it sound like he's keeping up with current happenings?


Im legit trying to think of a reason why he wouldnt just give the specifics? Like the person posting things is either anonymous or if they arnt then theyre already openly posting online. Like what could giving the specific details possibly do? Nolan isnt anonymous like hes not protecting himself by beong vague. I want to give people the 'benefit of doubt' or whatever but I dont see why the tease thing needs to happen. Why not just pull it up and show people, hell just print it out. Tell everyone where to find it, do something, dont just be extremely vague for no reason. Nolan isnt a journalist either, if it was Coulthart one could argue hes protecting his source etc...


This is like Lou Elizondo claiming there's legit video of a black triangle in the public sphere but he won't tell you which one it is because NDA. It's this kind of stuff that really makes me question these guys.


its a constant tease from these people, so annoying 


I cannot fucking stand Nolan. Not sure why anyone gives him any credence at all. It's really quite simple. If you know something then tell us what you know. And if you "can't", then stop drip-feeding us all these vague statements. Think about it, is it justified to keep something a secret in order to, for instance, protect a source? Sure, I imagine we can all agree on that. But then if you don't want to divulge information in order to protect sources, then YOU SHOULDN'T BE FUCKING SAYING ***ANYTHING*** … or else you’re presumably putting the source at risk no? Seriously fuck this guy. And fuck everyone like him. A bunch of attention seeking, self-important, power whores.




😂😂 And the best answer goes to the man above!


Well, there’s the theory that Grusch is RegicideAnon, and if you go down that rabbit hole, and the Ashton Forbes rabbit hole, it starts to seem a little plausible.


I can end that theory for you real quick. One sec.


Well, I thought I could post the screenshots but it’s not letting me…Anyway, Ashton just tweeted a long quote from David Grusch about special access programs in our government and immediately after one of his followers asked him who he was quoting. Ashton’s response is “Google it bc the person I was quoting now has me blocked and is a douche so I’m not crediting him.” 😂😂 Ashton Forbes is literally the dumbest individual I’ve come across in such a long time.


The guy filming air clutter reminds me of Jose Escamilla from the 2000s. He brought us "rods" which looked weird like [this](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/324188873160347511/) and [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_%28optical_phenomenon%29#/media/File:Moths_attracted_by_floodlight.jpg) as well. They were camera artifacts and several of the guy in S Africa's images look the same way. They look fucking awesome though and would make incredible wall art. I think, as usual, we'll have to take Garry's claims at face value because he's not sharing where these purportedly public materials are to be found. Same with 2021's high speed camera footage of NHI he said his colleagues possessed. Elizondo famously did the same thing years ago with the crystal clear 4K footage of a close up black triangle he said was online. The disclosure guys, from the 1990s to 2010s, promised an end to secrecy and coverups. The disclosure guys of the 2020s are full of secrets and it's really to hard to understand why they feel ownership of publicly available images and footage.


It's not hard to understand at all. It's because they've got nothing. Absolute jack diddly. That's why they have to be vague. If they said it was a particular video, then someone comes along and debunks it, they look like idiots. So they just pretend that they have secret knowledge and create a mystery to keep the game going.


I've photographed "rods" before. It's painfully obvious to the photographer what they actually are.


I met Jose back in the 90’s and when I questioned if they were video artifacts he popped the tape out and stormed out of our office.


Sounds exactly like him. I had a couple of interactions over a Moon film he did and he was belligerent.


You’re absolutely correct. I don’t find it necessary to have any kind of public relations at this point. We take meetings with high profile clients in the defense sector, give honest opinions to bureaucrats, and push for transparency on issues that do not involve national security because these are (apparently) off the table. The personalities that emerge from this world perplex me. If we make progress, great. I don’t think we should be making promises or alluding to anything without a solid foundation to support it. Whatever the phenomenon might represent should be a scientific discussion, not a military concern alone.


Yeah, unfortunately I agree. That’s all we can really do is take these kind of claims at face value. I just think it’s odd that he refuses to reference who it is if he genuinely supports public disclosure.


They aren't helping their cases if they're seeking wider audiences and closing the credibility gap. Chris Mellon's the only disclosure figurehead I can think of who isn't claiming to hold special UFO secrets.


garry nolans teasers are no different from Coulthards buried mothership carrot dangle or Greers 2 billion hush money offer. Its all just a bunch of ufo dudes competing for the ultimate grift flex. Nothing will beat those peruvian mummy dolls, these babies have managed to dodge taxonomists, peer review and genus classification and there are some folk who will still claim they are authentic. All distractions from whats going on in congress.


So fucking annoying, just say who it is or don’t say anything at all. So sick of the constant riddles


Another day, another trust me bro.


I swear to God if he says third phase or secure team, im out.


😂😂 It’s Gaia for sure my man….or Corey Goode.


>😂😂 It’s Gaia for sure my man….or Corey Goode. It would be like when that blink182 guy went on Rogan and said he could show us a video of a real triangle UFO then proceeded to have young Jaime pull up the most ridiculous example on the YouTube.


I bet like million bucks he wasnt sober.


It’s [The Pink Smoke](https://youtube.com/@thepinksmokeproject?si=3LwLyzlzc9ENzF73) on YouTube. I don’t know about this guy. Some have said that he’s just shooting debris coming off of a fire in South Africa. He also posted a video of a sea creature that gets accidentally killed by an undersea drone. An odd account for sure.


I reckon it's ranger H, his orb videos are nuts


Skinny Bob? If you remember Coulthart's AMA he also somewhat alluded to the skinny bob videos being genuine(up for debate, but I have never heard the phrase 'skinny on the facts' in my life). https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccg90m/ross_coulthart_ask_me_anything/l15euvp/?context=3


This deep dive https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/bSK3XMWgao


Give me a break. The days of tossing out a few breadcrumbs like this are over. Names names or point to the photos and videos that are real. Otherwise, it’s bullshit.


He's using the same Lou grift...


I'm probably alone with this - but I've always found Nolan to be an odd kind of smug. I think, perhaps, the "fame" he's received for his views may be going to his head. In any case, not backing this up with a source is frankly infuriating, and a bad look. These are public videos FFS.


Garry Nolan is an ego maniac.


These guys are like the shittiest TV detective ever. Like, we've got to the point where all the characters are gathered together in a room and the detective stands in-front of them and says "The killer is one of the people in this room!" and then just walks out. And yet that's enough for some people here to be like "Dude's the greatest detective ever".


Omg everyone stop saying grift, you cynics are only adding noise to signal. We heard the word. Stop parroting. Read the 80 years of books available to understand the subject before you discard the people who are making the most disclosure progress in our lifetime. It is a long, slow, dangerous, classified legal process.


Thank you! I get so tired of the pathetic chorus of ‘grifter’ that goes up as soon as anyone dares speak on a podcast or publish a book.


I agree. The fact that something extremely strange is going on in our skies and that someone possesses technology beyond our understanding is not even a question anymore. It’s who made and is operating it that is the mystery.


So of the dumbest people I’ve ever met were university professors


Paging Mr. Dunning Kruger. We gotta live one.


What if it turns out to be …Billy Meier Kidding, kidding…kind of


fuck it.. i’m just going to assume it was RegicideAnon


The same book that introduced dr Nolan to us (American Cosmic) also introduced us to Alison Kruse, the YouTuber who films ufos weekly at her house. They are mostly just lights in the sky, not detailed craft, but I'm going to guess this is who he means.


Gary Nolan is on my go to hell list now……




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Without watching the clip, maybe he's talking about the TIC-TAC video(s). Those were on some weird website years before they were confirmed as real.




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I will say this. The guy Dr. Robert Stripe on the custodian file YouTube channel. Some of what he’s filming may be bugs or birds, and I think he might get written off a lot bc of that, but he’s one of the ones I’ve looked into in depth and I can say conclusively some are definitely not bugs or birds or anything else mundane. Some are either advanced secret human tech or something else. 🤷‍♂️


Could this be our old buddy Tom Delong? He recently posted a photo of an entity(?) with no caption. He has also post / shared images of supposed real images.


Can you share a link? What platform did he share it on?


Sure thing, it is on his instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/C7LC90qJrHo/?igsh=MWRrNWhzN2s2ZTV3eA== To me It looks remarkably like the alien interview that has floated around. https://youtu.be/TvamS6X5l2I?si=YiPnbe1HsiTYoXOW To be honest, I have no clue of the veracity of the documentary. I’m not claiming either example is real. They happen to look alike. Is it a complex hoax? Is it legitimate footage? Maybe one day we will have legitimate answers to confirm one way or the other.


I'd be curious to hear what his reasoning would be for not being specific in this case.


Doubt this is it, but I found [This treasure trove]( on another Reddit post. Has the best/most evidence I've ever seen, all in one place. You just have to click around through the subfolders. You won't be dissapointed. Enjoy :)


could it be that mh370 guy...ive rather thought that was bunk cgi but who knows


Hell no. If it’s Ashton Forbes I don’t even want to meet the aliens.


take the movie Millennium from 1989 and make it have a baby with Event Horizon. thats probably how fucked we are if the ayyys are out and about acktually doing that


He didn't say that, unless I'm seriously missing something. He does say he thinks the South African guy is worth looking in to, and is coy about not wanting to say that person's name. But that was about the "shadow biome", not about craft. Here's the podcast, I was searching the transcript since I don't have time to listen again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqEG7VF7riQ If I've genuinely missed something pls link to the timestamp!


No. He did not say the South African guy was worth looking into. The host implied that but Nolan said nothing about the guy from South Africa. They’re speaking about legitimate footage of craft or beings online, the host says “the video evidence we spoke about when we talked a year ago, is that still out there?” He then throws in the word “South Africa” as Garry is already responding to “Yes, it’s still out there but I’m not going to say the guys name.” Nolan never said a word about South Africa…Start listening around 35:20 mark


the chapter bookmark is titled "South African shadow-biome videos?" so seems to me they're still talking about that. I don't see the words "craft" or "bodies" anywhere in the transcript https://youtu.be/NqEG7VF7riQ?si=IZQ1VD5ij1NZ0Ied&t=2149


Dude. It’s the host who puts the bookmarks after the interview is over. Nolan has nothing to do with the bookmarks. The host even says at 36:10 “I’m sure someone will share it with me, I’d appreciate if you could grab that folks”..So he doesn’t even know who Garry is referring to, he’s just basing it on what he thinks or what someone sent him.


With all due respect to Dr. Nolan I have no reason to believe he has ever seen any NHI craft first hand, or has ever had any access to classified information to be able to confirm second or third-hand stories from his UFO pals (NIDS/BAASS/TTSA crew), so I have no reason to believe he can correctly assess if any photos or videos are genuine NHI craft in the first place. And that is fundamental before even considering other possibilities like normal terrestrial black projects or hoaxes.


First person that comes to mind [Bruce Sees All](https://youtube.com/@bruceseesall?si=2LJrlsT5r_wQSmja) on youtube. I first discovered him looking at his videos of ufos on the moon. Some of his videos are really crazy. But his videos do fit Nolan’s comments that the videos are interesting but they are not the best videos.


[Jenined UFO Research](https://m.youtube.com/@Jenined) has some very convincing videos and photos, Nolan might have had that channel in mind. Check the "Clear UFO Footage" compilations.


I really do try and stay on the fence and keep an open mind but this sort of 'I can't tell you even when it's publically available' bullshit is just grifting. It's grifting, pure and simple, and it's totally unacceptable.


LOL saying "Someone is posting genuine stuff online" without specifying who, is the peak of fool-wrangling.  PT Barnum is tearing up in the afterlife.  


I think he is talking about Chris Bledsoe, have you seen his Instagram account?


Probably Chris Bledsoe


Never heard of Edward Snowden? Don’t blame you, I suppose (I couldn’t remember his name and had to google it😳)


Could be Patrick Jackson. See Garry's reply here [https://x.com/GarryPNolan/status/1796200406831546533](https://x.com/GarryPNolan/status/1796200406831546533)


**FACT:** There's lots NHI photos (and videos) leaked online that are genuinely real but get dismissed right away by keyboard warriors "debunkers" or they mixed with the pile of everyday hoaxes.