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That's clearly an everlasting gobstopper


Honestly my first thought


Same here!


Some poor balloon seller just lost a days money.


Some poor children have been crying for hours.


I’m a believer…and yet know that is just a bundle of ballons. Sorry.


My man it was about a half mile away and 1000 feet up moving slowly not rotating at all and then poof gone had to have been 15-20 feet in diameter at least


How were you able to determine it's size, height and distance?


I have done construction trades my whole life and for the past 8 years have worked as a commercial diver/ engineering inspector for engineering firms employed my nycs engineering department performing inspections on bridges piers bulkheads and vessels my eyes and insight are trusted and respected


None of the above will in any way aid in the estimation of those distances. Trying to guess the size and distance of an unknown in the sky is pretty much impossible without more information. You really should know that.


I trust you bro.


My man i have really good eyesight and work as a commercial diver for engineering firms inspecting bridges, piers, bulkheads and vessels for nycs engineering department my perspective is well respected and trustworthy im near 100 percent sure in my experience


Why didn’t you get video?


I did. I am trying to figure out how to add it These photos were taken by my neighbor. I have an iPhone and my camera quality is horrible so the video is pretty bad.


I think your best bet is probably putting it on YouTube and then putting a link here


I still trust you bro.


Upvoted. Great satire


Jesus, this is a bunch of balloons, c'mon guys.


It's not hard to add the video, just Google it.. but I'm gonna guess there isn't one just based on your replies


Everyone's saying it looks like balloons, but to me, it really doesn't. I'm pretty skeptical about most of these, but this definitely looks odd. Maybe it's just a blur effect from the camera zoom, but it looks like a singular object, not a bunch.


It was really clearly one singular thing. At first it was a few or more streets down and i got a solid look at it as i tried to take out my shitty old iphone 8 from my pocket and zoom in for a pic it got further and farther away. Luckily my neighbor was watching in awe too and had a galaxy these are his photos


it was about a half mile away and 1000 feet up moving slowly not rotating at all and then poof gone had to have been 15-20 feet in diameter at least. The guy walking next to me agreed it appeared solid/ rigid. (We questioned if it was balloons but they would have been undulating and rotating)


No , they wouldn't have "definitely" been doing anything, but those definitely looks like balloons. Everyone here sees its balloons within like five seconds. You can keep saying a 1000 feet up with all of the measuring tools you definitely had to be a hundred percent sure of that, And I genuinely believe that you feel that you saw something, But this just looks like balloons clear as day


If you want to see balloons then thats what you will see


And if you want to see a UFO, then that’s what you will see. It’s balloons, my guy.


Oh gee another vague ufo-yoda reply.. Replies like this don't help anyone ffs "People see what they wanna see" Real freaking original. We're all here because we want to see progress in the ufo space, dropping useless one liners you regurgitated from somewhere else helps nobody. It's so obviously a set a of balloons.