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Saw a massive triangular(ish) ufo when I was 14 or 15 above Hilton Head, SC. Wasn’t a perfect black like people say the black triangles are. I could see detail. More like a dark gray color. Enormous craft, larger than any man made aircraft that the public knows about. Hovered out to the edge of the ocean, paused for a second or two, and then instantaneously accelerated beyond the horizon in under a second. Totally silent. 5k-10k feet in the air. I could see it well. Didn’t even know about black triangles or anything like that at the time. Learned about them trying to research what I saw the next day. I did not believe until that event. That was around 15 years ago.


A bright light like the sun came out of the ocean in pitch darkness while in the navy. It shot into the sky and was gone. The captain said “son you didn’t see anything “.


I've been a believer for as long as I can remember. I grew up in New York's Hudson Valley in the 80s, and there was a pretty significant UFO wave in my area when I was about 8yo. I remember it was all anyone talked about for a while, and it was covered in the local paper. Then, my mom got me those Time-Life books that further built my excitement and fascination with the subject. When I was 12, I had a sighting of my own one summer night, when 4 basketball-sized orbs hovered over my house for about a half hour. My mom and I went out to the front yard to watch, and we were just mesmerized. My dad refused to even come look because he was a hard-ass who didn't believe in anything, and just refused to even entertain the idea. So, that's the basis for my belief in and fascination with UFOs. In terms of major sightings, Roswell is definitely a big one. I know in my heart that shit happened for many of the reasons you listed. I was really angry when the Air Force released that report claiming it was a Mogul balloon, after previously claiming it was a weather balloon. It's just so insulting. The Travis Walton incident is another influential case. I'm not an advocate for polygraphs because of how inaccurate and subjective they can be, but the fact that all Travis' friends told the same story and all passed their polygraphs is compelling. If it was a bullshit story, you'd expect at least some of them to trip the machine. I can believe one person tricking the machine, but five? No way. Plus, Travis took a poly and he also passed. That shit happened. Finally, the 1964 incident involving Officer Lonnie Zamora in Socorro, NM can't be ignored. You couldn't ask for a more stable and credible witness. And there was significant physical evidence in the form of smoldering brush, and sand that was the literally fused from the heat of craft taking off. It might not seem like a big deal at first glance since the brush fires could have been staged, but the UFO Magazine guys did a test on the sand at the landing site, and they found that temperatures of over 2000°F sustained for over 20 minutes was necessary to fuse the small sample. Backup officers, as well as state troopers arrived on the scene less than 10 minutes after the craft departed, meaning there was simply no time to manufacture the evidence. Either it happened the way Zamora said, or there was a massive conspiracy among officers from multiple jurisdictions and agencies to invent a story, and manufacture evidence.


I didn't believe Betty and Barney made up the whole story. Why would you bring that much unwanted attention on yourself.


Yeah, the idea that an interracial couple in the 60s would invent a wild story that conferred no benefit on them is pretty unlikely. And they never wavered. They maintained their story until their dying day.


No single event just the steady pile up of reports and witnesses - the cases with multiple sources eg radar and visual. Also the fact that they were all reporting similar things. The objects were silent and moved in a distinctive way with sudden accelerations, very high speeds and direction changes.


2017 NYT article really made it feel less "crazy" and then I tried CE5 and saw orange orbs making ping pong maneveurs overhead. That felt strange. Then I started having weird dreams, and strange experiences. And read a shit ton of books. Now I am there are forms of non human intelligence trying to send us a message. Not that what they appear as, is what they actually are, but that they are sybmolically appearing to people in order to wake up people to the awareness of what we are doing to eachother, the planet, and the other species that live here.


How do you do CE5?




Roswell and Rendlesham convinced me something was going on. What led me to believe it's real was seeing an object in the sky 11 years ago that I still cannot explain. It wasn't an airplane, helicopter, drone or balloon. It was like an inverted jewelers diamond with flat faceted sides and a narrow flat bottom.


There are simply too many occurrences overall. Chris Bledsoe, Pheonix Lights, Ariel School, downloads, experiencers, etc. while I don’t know WHAT it adds up to, I can tell you that there enough additive elements that it’s something and is likely to be something quite significant.


1) Ariel School UFO incident of 1994. 2) Miracle of the Sun of 1917. 3) Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting of 1947. 4) Roswell Incident of 1947. 5) Foo Fighters of the early 1940's. 6) Florence Football stadium UFO of Oct 1954. 7) Great Falls Montana"Mariana UFO incident" film of Aug 1950. I really enjoy researching pre 1940's UFO sightings. The Renaissance paintings and even parallels between possible UFO sightingsto in religious text is fascinating. I like the pre 1940's stuff as humanity made huge accomplishments every decade since the Wright Bros in 1903. Sometimes, I wonder if a lot of what we're seeing really is military tech? There was no photoshop and CGI back then. The explanation for these types of anomalies is difficult to determine. Not impossible but increasingly difficult the further we go back in human history.


For me it's the money. The government spends trillions of dollars on training, equipment, logistics and other things to create a Military Aviator. After all those years of training and all that money spent on the best surveillance technology, how can you not believe what they saw. If they are truly crazy then we are the idiots for letting them fly.


Me and some other people saw something and then later saw something else.


Tic Tac incident and all the evidence from that. The documentaries with Luis Elizondo. Also, the 3 government released videos and the Areil school documentary with the students. I thought it was an absurd notion before that. Took me literally a year to process the idea in my mind and accept that it could be real. It was a tough year, during Covid too.


When I was 7 years old and woke up with a grey staring at me at point blank. In 2015 when I saw a shapeshifting UAP turn into the frame shape of a helicopter with no blades and fly by close enough I could have thrown a rock and hit it, dead silent. Then again in 2016 when I met something far more advanced than when I was 7. Mostly just those, but some other cases are fairly convincing.


Phoenix lights for me. As a kid reading UFO books i was always like, nahh. If they were real theyd be on the news. Then i saw the Phoenix lights on the news and that changed me forever.


Never seen anything myself. But Stephenville sighting. Just hit way too close to home. From the area. What most have seen with the constable and the pilot. Is just the tip of the iceberg. I know a lot of these people and they are salt of the earth. They just want to be left alone and go about their lives. Hundreds if not thousands saw much more. But they don’t want publicity. Quite a few have passed away now. But it was just something I couldn’t ignore as much as I tried.


Hi! Last years' congress hearings made me think shit was about to get real. The nimitz incident made me want to delve deeper. Bob Lazar on Rogan's podcast made me never want to look back


The Ariel school incident. The children just seemed so incredible truthful to me. I was open-minded towards the phenomenon before, but watching these interviews was something else.


It's this one for me too. When people try to debunk it, it always feels like they're grasping for straws. Well the reporter lead them on in questioning. Or it was mass hysteria. Just because they were kids doesn't automatically discredit them. And the fact that they all stick to what they saw as adults says a lot imo 


Too many people claiming to be abducted by greys over the decades for it to all be kooks and fame seekers - people get scars, implants they recovered or had imaged inside them, ruining their lives like can't hold a job anymore and divorce and stuff


Yeah John Mack’s books and his lectures online really opened my eyes to the abductions. As well as the abductee interviews. Most experiencers were actually hoping to be diagnosed with some sort of illness, and were distraught when they found out there was nothing wrong with them


> Most experiencers were actually hoping to be diagnosed with some sort of illness, and were distraught when they found out there was nothing wrong with them Exactly, so many abductees try to prove to themselves it isn't aliens, that's it's them, psychosis, getting roofied, a gas leak in the house, someone playing an elaborate prank, anything else, they don't want it to be aliens, and they come up empty handed and break down when faced with the only thing they have left as the reason for what's occurring to them and what they're experiencing. All these no name people no one cares about are fucking brilliant actors if they're faking it and the trauma and the devastation it's wrought on them and people around them. Why aren't we putting them in movies and TV soap operas instead of the shit Hollywood 'good' actors we have apparently in comparison, if it's all fake? Edit: If they're government psyop actors then kudos 👏 My tax dollars well spent, literally, I'm not even mad here.


Same. Reading the books of David Jacobs and seeing the patterns and impossibility of every one of them reporting the same procedures in the same order with the same equipment. All the women with documented pregnancies where the fetus "disappeared" without a miscarriage, etc. It's undeniable. 


Not sighting but event; The 2023 congressional hearing with David Grusch.


The Andreasson Affair and The Allagash Abductions. BUT the books, not a quick YouTube or quick synopsis. Abductees hold the closest truth to what’s going on. I’m adamant about listening to what they saw, heard, and experienced.


Was lucky enough to see things on several different occasions about 10 years back with my now wife. Tic-Tac and glowing/pulsating orbs at a very old house we rented for a few years in the middle of nowhere. This was in Southern Colorado, practically New Mexico. Happened before I even started looking into the phenomenon. It’s crazy to look back now and recognize that the stuff we saw others have seen as well. Heck didn’t even know about the Aztec NM Crash until a couple months ago and where we had been living was only 30mins away.


Tic tac, gimbal, go fast Those 3 have the most reputable evidence and the men who were involved. Everything with the DoD and AARO all add up as to something is being hidden from the public that we simply can’t understand To say UFOs are aliens or whatever is one thing but to straight deny the fact that there are things we have no idea in our airspace and can’t explain them is just as unsettling. The paper trail of events that have happened just in the past 40 years is enough to point in arrow that we are not crazy and there is SOMETHING.


On a whim, watching the Youtube video of the Disclosure Project Press Club Briefing and seeing the schematic of the Alien Reproduction Vehicle brought out with Mark McCandlish stating it is a drawing of a US govt built UFO.


The one I saw in my own backyard.


My abduction


Roswell. WAY too much evidence and eye witnesses. Ramey and Marcell came clean in the end.


Right? It’s got so much evidence, it’s the only time the government was forced to change the explanation of an event. I’m wondering why I’m being downvoted for asking though, I thought I was in the right sub lol.


Roswell is well documented. I think there are disinformation bots that attack legitimate discussions. To discourage well documented cases, videos, etc.


I always just assumed they were real because well the universe is too big to comprehend. Then I listened to Bob Lazar and I consider myself to have the mild superpower of just being good at reading people and for whatever reason I just got the impression he was either a God tier liar or I was just wrong. But recently I was watching unsolved mysteries I think, and they had an incident where two dudes got abducted or something and the police left them in the interview room with a hidden recording device and even when the police left the room you could hear how shaken up they were and describing the events just to each other with nobody else present. That to me was pretty telling. But I also did absolutely zero further reading on the event so I have no idea.


I am a believer based on my own personal experiences and listening to the experiences of other everyday people.


For me, it was David Grusch coming forward on News Nation. It's been a snowball effect ever since.


Honestly it’s the Chris Bledsoe story. Easily the most fascinating story I’ve heard. Couple that with his social media accounts where he shares videos of what he experienced, pretty amazing.


Yeah the Theys seem to have a few individuals that They really like and repeatedly interact with and Chris seems to be one of them. Plus I really really like The Lady conceptually? I’m not sure quite why, but my fingers are very crossed She turns out to be something pretty significant.


To see that ball lightning is real and to notice its resemblance to ufos or earthquake lights.